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Tue Oct 01, 2024 3:41 pm
Worn Out Ladies [Igen, Kei] Wye3c3waqz4

The toll had been enormous. A tremendous ammount of shinigami dead. Others trapped in the world of the living.

Some Missing.
Some Injured.
And more shellshocked by the whole ordeal.

Some small part of Igen wondered if he should have been on the front lines. Even weak as he was. Had he been put to the best use? He had been running operations, communicating with Second Division, and been out in the field directing rescue and recovery units to try and heal those downed and injured. They had had to try and chase those strange little hollow guys from some of the bodies. Some successfully. Too many unsuccessfully.

And now, in the wake of it all, everything was an absolute exhausted mess. Many hours beyond when they had normally ended their days, Igen trudged his way into the office of his fellow Third Seat. The peppy not-so-little femboy that usually wore a bright smile to go with that pretty backless shuhakusho of his through the division was a shell of his usual zest as he gently knocked at the door and slipped into the office with the last of today's reports from the remaining 15th seated officers.

Before this conflict, they had had three of them, now only two of them were alive. They, along with the 18th and 20th seated officers in their division had been assigned to collecting and consolidating reports from the officers as best they could. The fact that all of the divisions had been so immediately redeployed to new jobs past the initial shock of the assault meant that many shinigami had not had a chance to give a full report. These officers were tasked with going out and collecting official reports. Briefly interrupting work, but out of necessity to get a full recount of the situation.

In Igen's hand was three pieces of paper, which represented over fifty reports painstakingly consolidated and compared for accuracy. He set them down onto Kei's desk with the others. They would be getting sent to their interim Vice Captain Matsumoto for review, but well, it was entirely possible Acting Commander Masamune would scoop them up first.

"Hey." He greeted her tiredly, glancing at her desk to see if she was finishing up as well.
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Worn Out Ladies [Igen, Kei] Empty Re: Worn Out Ladies [Igen, Kei]

Wed Oct 02, 2024 2:53 am

Of all the things to survive the invasion, Kei had not expected the cuttings from the garden she kept in a vase in her office to be among them. Even days later, they were still vibrant—far more vibrant than their owner. Kei hadn't been in her office for quite some time. She made a stop there the day after the invasion, but otherwise? She had been working at the emergency command center.

With the Captain-Commander missing, she knew Erika was extra-busy—and extra-bitchy. The buck had to stop with her... and Igen. But she wasn't going to put that on Igen. He had likely actually fought. And while he was out there, she had handled what she called the "necessary tediousness" of an emergency. From maintaining communication to making sure the alarms were being sounded at constant intervals, she had overseen the little things that added up in the end. That's what Kei was good at, and that's what used to distract herself today. That and those damn flowers.

Kei didn't hear Igen knock. She was finishing the same thing Igen had been doing—a compilation of a compilation of a compilation. Whereas Igen had seemed to be working on the personnel issues, Kei was looking at infrastructure. Most of the roads were impassable. Multiple residential blocks were simply gone. Fires still burned. And there was a single ruin she had yet to visit. That's why she was staring at those flowers. They were the only remnant left.

Igen placing the papers on her desk snapped her out of her daze. She glanced at the papers. "Dammit, did I miss a meeting?" Kei sighed in frustration. But then, she saw Igen. He wasn't pale. He wasn't sickly. But there was definitely a glow missing. She sighed again and shook her head. This time, it was disappointment—disappointment in herself. "Gods, sorry. I didn't even say hello. That was rude. Just... a lot on my mind." Kei let out a one-breath chuckle and leaned back after grabbing the paperwork. "Though, I guess that's not a fair excuse. People have lost a lot more than I have."

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Wed Oct 02, 2024 10:21 am
Worn Out Ladies [Igen, Kei] Wye3c3waqz4

Igen chuckled softly and shook his head. "Uh, no. I think there's one going on right ... now? Or something. I don't know, I've been really busy." He murmured sheepishly, rubbing his eyelids, in this moment allowing his fatigue to show around someone in more or less his exact position.

Still, he raised a brow slightly at her murmur and nodded his head. "I saw the reports. I'm sorry about .... yea. What happened." He noted softly, sitting across from Kei and shaking his head a bit as he stared up at the ceiling. Ah... even just doing nothing for a few seconds felt so relaxing. "I've had personal stuff on the mind too. Though.. much less uh... dire stuff I admit. You beat me on that end." He conceded. Yea, his girl problem was sad and depressing but . He certainly hadn't lost his family.

"If you need to drink, I don't mind picking up your slack. I could have Ko fill in for you." He said, as if Erika wouldn't just storm over and shove a picker upper down Kei's throat and tell her to get back to work. Buthey maybe Kei was into that.
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Worn Out Ladies [Igen, Kei] Empty Re: Worn Out Ladies [Igen, Kei]

Wed Oct 02, 2024 1:18 pm


Kei hadn't been paying attention to the happenings of the higher-ups aside from the far-too-common game of "are they alive or dead?" The most concerning facet of that game was how many that they didn't have an answer for. That scared her. Murasaki was missing. Urahara was now the Soul Society's most wanted and had fled. Rose was half in one answer and half in the other. And those were just the big names on the list. She had no idea how many seated officers that didn't elicit the same coverage were in the same boat.

Being a noble family with two high-ranking members of the Gotei actively serving, it wasn't surprising that the Saionji manor's destruction was included in early reports. It didn't help that, initially, she wasn't seen on the frontlines. Kei even had to quickly correct an early report that listed herself as missing. Even so, Igen's short words of sympathy were warming enough. No one else had said anything similar to her.

That was why Kei wouldn't let Igen take her duties too. "Absolutely not." Kei shook her head with energy she didn't feel. "I can't put that on your shoulders. Maybe once this has calmed down, I'll take some time off and get black-out drunk, but right now I can't. Masamune-san would literally murder me if I did. And that would just put even more on your shoulders."

Kei let out another mirthless chuckle. She picked up a porcelain cup hidden behind a stack of papers. No one would see it from just walking in. "Besides, who says I'm not already?" In truth, it was a spiced black tea... mostly. There was definitely rum in it. She had used a minor Kidō to keep it warm consistently. "It's not strong. Just enough to dull some of the ache. You want some?"

"I don't like encouraging drinking on the job, but... consider it medicinal right now. If the ache isn't distracting us as much, we'll be better at our jobs, right?"

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Worn Out Ladies [Igen, Kei] Empty Re: Worn Out Ladies [Igen, Kei]

Wed Oct 02, 2024 1:41 pm
Worn Out Ladies [Igen, Kei] Wye3c3waqz4

Igen smiled, giving a light chuckle as Kei promptly produced the same concern that he had, yawning softly as he rubbed at the back of his neck and shook his head for a moment. He was, technically done for the night. All of the officers he had been tending to, the ones still on the list were..... many. But it was too late at night to go waking them. He'd have to start his rounds again in the morning. Still, he was glad Kei wasn't going to drink herself silly.

A pause when he turned his attention to the offered drink and smiled. "Ah. Can't~ I'm on medical duty. Trying to rebuild command. Theres a lot of officers currently working while wounded. Which...uh..whiel admirable. Not great. Just earlier today, I discovered our very own Interim Lieutenant was working with some very broken ribs. I had to reallign them before mending her." He sighed with a tired smile. "So uh... who knows if I'm going to wind up bringing a few to surgery for untreated internal bleeding. I'll have to pass on the drink for now. Thanks though." He noted rubbing at his eyes a bit. "Besides... I've...had an eventful night. I dont wanna know whatd come out of my mouth if I was drunk."
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Worn Out Ladies [Igen, Kei] Empty Re: Worn Out Ladies [Igen, Kei]

Sun Oct 06, 2024 2:21 pm

Kei understood his concerns. If she wasn't so rusty on her Kaidō, she'd likely be in the same situation as Igen. Instead, she was acting as the barrier between the countless nobodies and those in command. Such is the life of a middle-manager. She slipped the bottle back behind the paperwork and didn't bring it up again. "I've heard rumors that even Acting-Captain-Commander Masamune was working while wounded, but out of everyone she's the one that would surprise me the least working in that condition. I've only spoken to her beyond her giving orders once, and she was... something. She reminds me of what would have happened if J didn't have me growing up. Of course, without me, this whole Division would be far less enjoyable." Kei sprinkled in a joke to ease the heavy atmosphere. It barely worked for herself, so it likely wouldn't work for Igen.

"You say you had an eventful night... If I may be so bold; did you lose someone?" You already know my situation, so I should know yours was her thought. It was both a bonding moment between friends and a moment to share a vulnerability.

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Worn Out Ladies [Igen, Kei] Empty Re: Worn Out Ladies [Igen, Kei]

Tue Oct 08, 2024 7:31 pm
Worn Out Ladies [Igen, Kei] Wye3c3waqz4

Igen chuckled softly at the very idea of Erika being anything but the workaholic that she was. And as he settled himself down and lightly rubbed the stiffness out of his shoulders, he couldn't help but wonder what it was that put her to that. It wasn't like she was obsessed with the job... she never went on about like...pride in the gotei, or behaved like some of the zealots that were around. No, she was so ... angry that it almost seemed like work was a distraction. A battier to wrap around herself. Or maybe something to keep her mind off other things. Truth be told, he didn't really know much of anything about the woman. And it seemed like the only one who did was Murasaki.

She really did seem to have a way with learning about people. That definitely helped make her a great leader.

Would he ever be so capable? He wondered, if it was him that was the Captain Commander. Would he have been able to fill the same shoes? Could he have garnered the roster that she had? Or maybe would it be an entirely different one? He didn't know.

"I wonder sometimes, why she is like that. But I guess it's probably not in my best interest to ask." He sighed and gave a sheepish chuckle as he rubbed at his eyes. "She kinda reminds me of the Lieutenant of the Sixth. But .... in... a different way." He looked up at the ceiling. Had he been more familiar with Erika. Would he have felt the same way he had about Makoto back then? Hm. He pulled his canteen from his waist ant took a sip of the water and sighed, rubbing at his eyelids.

Kei's question made him grow still, and for a moment, he wondered. Was it ...appropriate to talk about? At a time like this? He supposed if she wanted to know. "I... its not anything.... wild. A lot of squad members have lost a lot lately. It's nothing as bad as that. Frankly I don't...really know how to feel about it." He smiled sheepishly. "Last year, Lieutenant Rio Shihoin, well... now Acting Captain Shihoin. We started dating. And uh... today, she told me that with everything going on, that we ... shouldn't be. But that she still wanted to be friends." He tried to be careful, he knew people were sensitive about how these thigns were talked about, and he definitely didn't want Rio to sound like the bad guy or anything.

"I'm still not sure how to ..process it. Especially spending all day putting people back together. It's just...distracting I guess."
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Worn Out Ladies [Igen, Kei] Empty Re: Worn Out Ladies [Igen, Kei]

Thu Oct 10, 2024 7:53 pm


Kei just nodded along as though she understood Igen's point. She hadn't met the former Lieutenant of the Sixth. She had just heard how J got chewed out by her shortly after returning. Kei did not let her brother know that she agreed with his superior and had tried to smooth his own anger out afterwards. Probably saved his career.

Then, Igen dropped the crux of his own personal problems. Ouch. Kei couldn't quite imagine going through a breakup and an invasion. "Well, you're doing one thing right immediately. You came to see me." Kei sipped from the cup before hiding it again. "Distracting yourself is good, but don't let it be the only thing you do. You're probably going to want to cry or scream, and that's fine. I personally recommend a dense pillow made from bamboo fibers. The denser, the better it is as muffling. Don't ask how I know."

"On the other hand of this, I can't exactly blame her—except she has absolutely horrible timing. That's like breaking up with a ship's captain right before leaving port. From what you've said, I don't think it was for selfish reasons, so I'm not even going to consider that. Taking a Captaincy in itself is a big responsibility—let alone the Sixth Division whilst we have the threat of traitors, and she may have wanted to focus on that. She may have simply not wanted someone that a potential traitor could use against her. I don't know what else she has going on, nor how bad the Shihōin were hit during this. If our family's manor was destroyed in its entirety, I doubt even they came out unscathed. "

"But of course, I, more than most, know the pain of rejection and the heartbreak associated with thinking you had a 'spark' with someone and it turning out to be nothing but a glowing speck of ash." Kei reached across the desk in an attempt to grab Igen's hands. She was going to try to comfort him like she did anyone she was close to that went through a breakup—minus the selfish flirting that usually came after. "So believe me when I say that I understand what you are going through, and I am so sorry it happened. If you need anything, all you have to do is ask."

Kei held the cup out towards Igen. Germs or whatever be damned, if he wanted some of the tea after telling that story, he'd get some. "I'm going to offer you one more time; you sure you don't want this?" After Igen declined once more; Kei sighed a bit. Expected, but it would make this so much easier. Drinking oneself into a stupor helped regrets fade into bubbly bliss. "Then I owe you one hell of a night on the town once things are less chaotic." She opened one of the drawers on her desk and pulled out a compact rolodex. " You more of a theater guy, or would you rather see some girls dance topless?"

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Worn Out Ladies [Igen, Kei] Empty Re: Worn Out Ladies [Igen, Kei]

Thu Oct 10, 2024 11:43 pm
Worn Out Ladies [Igen, Kei] Wye3c3waqz4

Igen chuckled softly and let out a sigh as he reached back and rubbed the back of his neck. "If I'm being honest, I don't really know what to feel about it. It wasn't like it was ... a bad break. It honestly feels like we're...back to being friends. And ... honestly this isn't the only time it's happened." He conceded softly, sitting back in his seat and turning to look out the window toward the moonlight night.

"I've .... kinda never had a relationship that ... didn't end like this. We get along real well, and something sparks. We get together. But somewhere along the line... I guess they feel like I'm... more of a best friend than a boyfriend." He murmured, and then glanced down at himself with a sigh and a chuckle. Looking like he did. And in the modified uniform due to his Shunko. He didn't exactly scream 'Boyfriend' did he?

But what caught him by surprise was the sudden grasp of his hands by Kei. Eyes widening a bit as she suddenly spoke of her own experiences. And he wondered....DID he want to cry? About this? HE didn't know. He was still...worried. He didn't know how Kyo was doing. Or Kasha. Or ... a lot of people he knew. HE kinda just wasn't sortof...allowed to go through his usual gambit of emotions. He had a job to do, and people to look after. Perhaps at some point he'd work his way to helping out them, or...figuring out what happened. But as it were, he couldn't just break down. And it made him a little...worried about what'd happen once he could. It was nice that Kei was trying to support him, and he gave her a light smile.

"I appreciate you doing this. Uh.... I....don't really know what either of those means. I usually spend my time going to bars, sometimes getting into fights. Uh... if that answers your question?" HE asked sheepishly. Did she just say Topless bars? Surely she was joking, or he misheard her.
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Worn Out Ladies [Igen, Kei] Empty Re: Worn Out Ladies [Igen, Kei]

Fri Oct 11, 2024 2:10 pm

"Any break you don't initiate yourself is a bad break." Kei interrupted Igen for a moment before allowing him to continue. That wasn't the whole statement—even a break one initiated themselves could be a bad one overall. But heartbreak starts in one direction, and it's always outward.

Perhaps the two of them were more alike than Kei initially thought. Kei was turned away because a surprising number of women weren't into women. Igen was rejected because he had that "friend to everyone" energy. What relationships both did have were short-lived (seemingly). Kei wouldn't doubt that he likely asked himself at least once in each relationship "So when is she going to dump me too?"

As she grabbed his hands, Kei tried to reassure him. "There is nothing wrong with that. Sometimes what people think is love is just wanting to try to deepen a friendship, but that's not what a relationship is. It's transcending a friendship into something far more passionate and beautiful..." She spoke with wistful desire—the relationship she described was something she yearned for but hadn't experienced. "You just haven't met the right person yet, just like me. Sometimes, you have to keep trying."

Kei could tell that the smile her words and offers generated was genuine. Weak, but genuine. Fighting or bar-hopping though, huh? He'd fit right in with that meathead Tsubine... She'd find one of that man's accursed business cards as a last resort. He was a bad influence on J already, and she didn't want that to spread to Igen too. "Well, one is going to see, like, a play or a comedian or something like that. I prefer the comedian route personally. Manzai, rakugo, you name it, I'll listen to it. A room full of laughter puts me in a better mood after being in a house full of J's stern dourness."

Kei looked up from the rolodex. "The other, well... is like seeing a play or a dancer, except you're there to forget your woes by staring at beautiful, well-shaped, bouncing breasts and usually-bare hips. Sometimes there's singing or an entire stage performance. But you go there to look at women, simply enough." Thinking, Kei did have one other option. But that one... Well, at most she'd just make sure to cover his shift for that night rather than join him. "If you'd prefer something more... physical and intimate, I won't join you, but I do have a place I could recommend and get you in the door at."

Kei chuckled to herself as a sad realization came in. "Of course this is under the assumption that these places still exist."

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