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Sun Sep 29, 2024 11:25 am
To Create, One Must Destroy [Ranma, Shura] DyxMvAe


… Crap. The next amount of time forward would be a very stressful time for Ranma, though he couldn’t predict at all how nerve-wrecking it’d be. His hasty steps carried him through the Rukongai, a certain place in mind… so let’s recollect our memories.

He joined the Gotei about… how many years had it been? Less than 10, but more than… uh, somewhere around that number. He went through the Shin’o Academy, and life was easy. He felt like an integrated member of Soul Society at last, not just a bum doomed to die by his own hands or the hands of violent cretins with nothing better to do with their lives in the outskirts of the Rukongai. He felt so fucking privileged when he wore the Shin’o Academy uniform. He felt so at peace…

But the duty of a Shinigami was tough on his shoulders, and his careless nature was stripped down piece by piece. He couldn’t just fool around all the time… especially since he now shared his heart, body, and soul with someone else. Expectations kept building up on his shoulders overtime, and for a moment or two, he felt that he was in the midst of fulfilling them with pride. He got a Seat, a Shikai, and his Kidō was neat!

And then shit actually happened, and he wasn’t even able to annihilate one Arrancar. Way to curb his ego.

That was why he could easily be found scurrying across the landscape. Towards a certain house… but little did he know – fate had other plans for him.


Kanji Man
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To Create, One Must Destroy [Ranma, Shura] Empty Re: To Create, One Must Destroy [Ranma, Shura]

Sun Sep 29, 2024 3:48 pm

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The Gotei United hadn't just failed, it had failed on such a fundamental level that the resolve of its soldiers wavered, it had failed on such a fundamental level that it became plainly obvious to seasoned soldiers why it had failed... At least that was how Shura saw it. They were so resoundly defeated that it wasn't just the lower seated officers or unseated that had failed in their task, members from every level of this organization had failed, to the point even some of their most elite Captain's had failed.

But this was not going to last, Shura was going to ensure that beyond all else that no matter who invaded next... They would surely regret not just invading, but ever contemplating such things. To this end recruitment was necessary, but those chosen needed to be handpicked in her opinion. Perhaps this was another example of her stepping on toes that she shouldn't, perhaps Kanae or some other person would think themselves the arbiter of what did and didn't need to be done. But in truth? Shura Kurata no longer cared about such base opinions. This defeat resounded on a level that would make the 11th Division balk and laugh at the current state of the Gotei.

It was an unacceptable defeat, one that shouldn't have even been possible given their numbers and the strength that the newest generation of Shinigami were now at. It was for this reason Shura had traveled to the Rukongai, not because she'd been ordered too... But because she was looking for very specific individuals, individuals with skills that she deemed necessary. Bankai was the pinnacle of Shinigami Strength, and she would prove it.

Landing with a surprising amount of grace and finesse in front of one particular Shinigami, Shura's form was far from what it'd most commonly been seen as. An arm missing, half of her Shihakasho gone, and bandages wrapped entirely around her Torso and as she landed and slowly began to stand to her full height she spoke.

"Ranma Gekiretsu, Last time we saw each other I told you we were not ready for the threats that faced us. Now I have been proven correct. Ranma Gekiretsu, it is time you stop sitting on the sidelines, and experience the training that brought me to where I am."

made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!
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To Create, One Must Destroy [Ranma, Shura] Empty Re: To Create, One Must Destroy [Ranma, Shura]

Mon Sep 30, 2024 7:43 am
To Create, One Must Destroy [Ranma, Shura] DyxMvAe



Holy shit, she had seen better days. And she’d lost an arm too… Ranma’s eyes widened in shock at the view. It genuinely threw him aback seeing her like this, especially since she’d been able to tank hits even from the likes of Noharu. That, combined with her intent-filled words, made things dire, clear, and urgent – apparently, he wasn’t meant to go to Hinamori-sensei and expand his arsenal of Hadō and Bakudō.

”…” Okay, listen, in his head, he sort of attempted to boil the situation down… Shura had lost a lot. It was evident on her form and face… and she had fucking Bankai. Wouldn’t it be more reasonable to find a way to further improve her Bankai in some way? Y’know, maybe find some level beyond that? Who the fuck knows???

Hinamori-sensei was likely a district away by now, but…

“Your training… wait, I did get an invitation to train with your Squad before… arrrrrghh, ALRIGHT ALRIGHT! Just tell me what sort of training you have in mind.”

There was no use fighting her decision now, not out here. He felt like his hands were tied behind his back, but fuck it – if Shura was so confident in her training, then let it help him out too. Who knew? Maybe Hōkamaru would like a change of pace, eh? Not so much Kidō shit, a bit more HIGH-INTENSE PHYSICAL VIOLENCE would do the trick!


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To Create, One Must Destroy [Ranma, Shura] Empty Re: To Create, One Must Destroy [Ranma, Shura]

Mon Sep 30, 2024 9:19 am

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Good... He wasn't going to try and oppose such a decision by Shura, that was going to make this substantially easier. "Training unlike anything this weak and feeble Gotei 'United' could possible think of, the training of the Eleventh Division, training that would make Zaraki Kenpachi so eager to participate that he would join in. Training that will not stop until you have not just attained your Bankai, not just trained it to a deadly, razor sharp edge, but every single aspect of your being will be pushed to its limit and so far beyond that even the Captain's of Eld would have no choice but to show you a level of respect shown only to Captain's. Training that will bring you past even Sotaicho Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto himself."

She took a moment to let it all sink in, her face was one that was only of seriousness. Nothing she said was said in a sarcastic manner, it was clear she now saw the Gotei United itself as a weak institution on a whole. "Noharu will not approve of this, Kanae Nagoshi will not approve of this, the only one who would is Zaraki Kenpachi himself." Of course... She knew such training would be seen by anyone else as utterly laughable. To surpass one of the strongest Shinigami in history in a time span that was shorter than even half his entire life span? Preposterous some would say... But to Shura? That was just another challenge that would have to be accepted... Another argument against her that would have to be disproven.

made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!
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To Create, One Must Destroy [Ranma, Shura] Empty Re: To Create, One Must Destroy [Ranma, Shura]

Mon Sep 30, 2024 10:24 am
To Create, One Must Destroy [Ranma, Shura] DyxMvAe


Shura… wow, he didn’t expect that from her. Weak, feeble, and a sarcastic tone to that one word only in her entire dialogue- okay, so Shura’s gripes with the current state of the Gotei hadn’t changed since back when she love-tapped his shoulder with her Zanpakutō. And judging from her words, she used to be in the reputable 11th Division… just like Koga. So those two must’ve known each other.

Now, at first, Ranma was bewildered, confused, as if talking to a lunatic. But… something told him. Some random voice at the back of his head kept bugging him about just taking her up on her offer. That Shura wasn’t Armina, that Armina wasn’t Kana- FUCK!!! I mean, that Armina wasn’t Captain Nagoshi… could she read minds? No?

Okay, good.

Basically, he wanted to dismiss her as a weirdo, and it was mostly due to her history with Noharu. Hell, she even admitted right in front of him that Noharu wouldn’t want him to go through this, which only tugged even harder at his limbs…

So… like, wha? I can become as strong as a Captain, even higher? Have you looked in the mirror, lately? ran through his mind with warning signs, poked constantly by that other voice, But… she doesn’t look like she’ll take no for an answer. I could at least entertain this poor lunatic before meeting up with Hinamori-sensei later- WHO KNOWS? I mean, I was planning to come up with a few new Zanjutsus, and I got a practice target right fucking here now! No, I’m not being a piece of shit- she’s literally asking for it! Shut up, voice! No, you shut up!

“… Zaraki, huh…” Not exactly a shining role model to him. If anything, Zaraki reminded him of everything he was ashamed of – nigh animalistic tendencies, uncaring but adamant source of drive for battle, never taking no for an answer-

Wait, was Zaraki like this? He only knew faintly from classes and those huge scrolls he read when he first joined the 8th, and now there was an ex-11th in front of him. ASK, DAMN IT! “I don’t even know that much about him? I was only born, like, 9 decades ago or something – if I’m going with your crazy training plan here, then at least try and convince me that Zaraki Kenpachi wasn’t just a freak in every sense of the word. I'm from the outer Districts too. I know freaks. I've known freaks. None became a fucking Captain before that guy, so there had to be more to him than just hurr durr nothing I can't cut-”

His demand was simple. Zaraki wasn’t just a freak… what Ranma wanted to know was if there was more to him. Listen, he’d gotten a little tired of going by reputation and rumors alone to know about people, okay?! Captain Nagoshi sure had a bad rep, but he fucking met her! She was a troll with the power of a nuclear warhead who found it humorous to make him shit his pants, but what else? He survived, after all, ‘cause she was a Captain, and Captains don’t just murder Shinigamis! Duh!

Ranma’s forehead was veiny now. A lot of things had annoyed him lately, and Shura had just given him the opportunity to vent it out. "You know, I was damn close to joining the 4th back when I graduated. You know what held me back? Four words. I. AM. NOT. YOU! So go ahead, show me what you planned out. Try and make a Kenpachi out of me or whatever the hell- and the moment I become stronger than you, I'll give you the biggest fuckin' noogie you've ever gotten!"


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To Create, One Must Destroy [Ranma, Shura] Empty Re: To Create, One Must Destroy [Ranma, Shura]

Mon Sep 30, 2024 10:41 am

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Shura almost scoffed at his first statement, but he was asking, from what she could tell, a genuine point of view. So he wanted to know Zaraki better? "Everything you've ever heard about Zaraki Kenpachi? Not a single word of it is true. Zaraki was not a freak, Zaraki wasn't a mere Captain. Zaraki was a demon in the truest sense of the word, a Shinigami whose crave for violence and battle superseded everything. He demanded nothing less than the strongest of Shinigami within his Squad with his only rule being no Kido. He bred Shinigami who attained Bankai without ever becoming a Captain, Shinigami who were so strong that Bankai itself was nothing more than something that held you back. He bred Shinigami whose mere presence on the battlefield commanded respect from all those around them."

She spoke entirely from experience, she'd fought against Zaraki many times... And never once came close to victory. She knew firsthand how powerful that man was, of his desires and demands from those around him... And nobody in the Gotei United came close to matching it. However at his second statement, Shura did actually scoff, even going so far as to spit on the ground in response to it. "You're god damn fucking right you aren't me, not a single other Shinigami comes close to what I am. Not a single other fucking Shinigami comes close to what Koga is, to what Zaraki Kenpachi is, To what Kanae Nagoshi is. Make a Kenpachi out of you? Don't make me fucking laugh, such a title is meaningless in the hands of anyone except Zaraki himself."

She paused for a moment before starting to walk towards Ranma "I don't want to make you into anyone else, Ranma Gekiretsu, I want to make you into what I saw when we fought. A Shinigami whose only equal are those that sit at the very top, I've seen Shinigami with potential waste it on never trying to achieve it, I've seen Shinigami whose so-called-justice fell flat because they went out of their way to sacrifice their justice for mere power. I've seen Shinigami whose entire ideals flipped on their head because they decided to instead seek nothing. Tell me, Ranma Gekiretsu," She paused as she stopped mere inches from the other Shinigami.

"Why are you a Shinigami? Out of a sense of pride? A requirement by some family member who doesn't care for you? Or is it to gain Power? To protect something? Or are you a Shinigami because you simply felt you're required to be one?"

made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!
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To Create, One Must Destroy [Ranma, Shura] Empty Re: To Create, One Must Destroy [Ranma, Shura]

Mon Sep 30, 2024 11:09 am
To Create, One Must Destroy [Ranma, Shura] DyxMvAe


… Well shit. Ranma liked Kidō, so maybe he wouldn’t have been invited to the 11th back when it existed. At the same time… if he was the strongest in the 11th, he would’ve kept using Kidō. Why not?

Beyond that, Shura was one hell of a seller – despite her obvious problems, she held herself in the highest regard and almost pushed herself to impossible standards at all times. It turned from confusion to admiration to a little bit of pity… maybe the weight of the 11th was still driving her every move today. At the same time, damn girl, drop the ego! He was choking to it.

But she saw potential in him that even he didn’t see himself. It wasn’t about Shikai or Bankai, or Kidō, or Hakuda, or Hohō. No, the kind of training she had in mind was something that’d irreversibly transform him. Still, he could never compare himself to legends of old, though Shura made it sound easy as all hell…

“… ‘Cuz I want to,” Ranma answered her last question without a shred of doubt in his mind, “Yes, I’m proud of it, fuck… certain people (my parents), it’s thrilling, I like it a lot. I like being a Shinigami…” Even if it brought dangers to his door at all times, he sure liked being a Shinigami. Maybe he deserved all the unfortunate incidents that happened to him…

No… he wanted to like it. Now, he felt indebted to it. “It’s my choice. And I’d like to keep being one.”

“… He really just went [b]no Kidō[/i]? Good thing I wasn’t in the 11th… I would’ve used it.” Now, Ranma scoffed at the humor of it all. “Just to fuck with him, really.”


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To Create, One Must Destroy [Ranma, Shura] Empty Re: To Create, One Must Destroy [Ranma, Shura]

Mon Sep 30, 2024 11:19 am

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"How would you continue being a Shinigami at your current level?" She asked him sternly "You saw what we're up against, A force of Arrancarr that devastated not just the Seireitei, but the whole of Soul Society itself. At your current state, you won't survive their next invasion. At the state all Shinigami are in, the next invasion very well could put an end to all Shinigami, to the Seireitei, to the Rukongai, to Soul Society as a whole. You want that, Ranma Gekiretsu?"

She gave him only a brief moment to think before her hand reached up to grab him by the scruff of his collar "Because I sure the fuck won't. Zaraki Kenpachi once said 'Don't just accept loss or defeat! Accept it after you're dead. If you lose without dying... it means that luck is on your side. If that happens - focus on surviving! Survive and Kill the one who couldn't kill YOU!' Guess what? You fucking survived, you focused on surviving. Those Arrancarr failed to kill you, but they want you dead. You gonna let that happen!? You gonna let them kill you the next time they show up? You think they won't be even stronger the next time? Look me in the face and tell me you'll let them kill you, Ranma Gekiretsu, because unless you get stronger that's exactly what they're going to do. Then they'll keep killing, until everyone you've ever known or cared for is butchered. Friends, Family, Colleagues, everyone."

made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!
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To Create, One Must Destroy [Ranma, Shura] Empty Re: To Create, One Must Destroy [Ranma, Shura]

Mon Sep 30, 2024 11:32 am
To Create, One Must Destroy [Ranma, Shura] DyxMvAe


”Hell no! You don’t think I didn’t want to get stronger?!” Dying was the last thing Ranma wanted to do. Dying to some fucking out-of-nowhere invasion and losing everything he’d come to care about… was one future he refused to let happen with all his might. It reminded him of Yuuto’s words… that he might’ve been a guy who feared the future, what it could entail. A sudden death, the end of everything…

But if he was stronger… then maybe, he wouldn’t have to fear the future any longer. Then maybe, he’d be able to shape the future directly! To make a brighter future for him and those around him. Or maybe the future couldn’t be changed at all, or maybe he was worrying over absolutely nothing, but if he wanted to draw out Hōkamaru’s true power, then…

“I’ll kill them. Next time, I’ll kill as many as I can. If they flee again, I’ll just kill them next time. Don’t even talk about me dying – I’m still here, so at least, I'm doing something right,” Ranma growled, “Now, can we get fucking started? You’re looking forward to it, I can tell.”

Ranma had to rid himself of doubt. Doubt bred fear in his heart, and it felt like it affected Hōkamaru too. Perhaps Shura wasn't meant to indoctrinate him, but to rid him of the last veils that separated him from Hōkamaru's true potential. Even if she herself wasn't aware of it.


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To Create, One Must Destroy [Ranma, Shura] Empty Re: To Create, One Must Destroy [Ranma, Shura]

Mon Sep 30, 2024 11:55 am

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Good... Good! This was what she wanted to see from the newest generation of Shinigami, an unwavering resolve! It... It actually put quite a large grin on her face "That's what I like to hear!" She released his collar now and took a step or two backwards to give him some space "First, we work on your Zanpakuto. Without Bankai the training will be pointless, after you've attained Bankai the rest of the training will happen only while it is active, and from there we'll work on everything else. Your speed, stamina, strength, Kido, everything. The order doesn't matter, but until you can force me into Bankai as well it will not stop. Once you can force me into Bankai then we'll have a real test of your skills, we'll put everything on the table. Kido, Hakuda, Hoho, Zanjutsu, Everything. We'll stop short only of killing each other, but otherwise we will continue until one of us cannot continue anymore. Then we'll rest, recover, and go again, and again, and again, until our very attacks make the very air and ground around us quake."

Yeah... Yeah this was going to be training unlike anything Ranma had experienced before, but it was more intense training than Shura had ever done as well. She had a titanic level of strength, but even now the ground did not quake when she swung her blade, the air did not tremble when she released her Bankai, her enemies did not cower in fear when she appeared on the battlefield... All of these things would be remedied in this training, and Ranma would be brought to the same level of prowess.

Shura would ensure that Kuchiki-dono could no longer doubt the existence of her Strength, of her Pride, She would make him bear witness to it personally when all was said and done.

made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!
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