Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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The Gotei 13 Advocate
Joined : 2012-05-29
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Whiskey, Laughter, and Fate [Ryoichi/Amelia] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue1570/100Whiskey, Laughter, and Fate [Ryoichi/Amelia] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

Whiskey, Laughter, and Fate [Ryoichi/Amelia] - Page 3 Empty Re: Whiskey, Laughter, and Fate [Ryoichi/Amelia]

Today at 8:39 pm
Whiskey, Laughter, and Fate [Ryoichi/Amelia] - Page 3 Amelia_Header4
Enter: Amelia Brenner | It’s The Weekend

Amelia’s first instinct was to freeze, her eyes widening in pure terror. Her trembling hands shot up to cover her mouth as she watched the scene unfold, body shaking uncontrollably. ‘Not again…’ The thought clawed at her mind. Mr. Ackermann was always a cruel man when drunk, but he was still the father of one of her former students. Now, that student had lost their father to something far worse than alcohol—a monster. A monster that still lingered, hungry for more.

“Ryoichi…” Amelia whispered, her voice cracking under the pressure.

The hollow was indeed blasted up, but its reflexes were such that it just flipped backwards and landed on its own two feet. With one pair of arms crossed along its chest, the other two spread out like ‘come and get me,’ as it walked to them both. It’s tail whipped around, the snaps and cracks of its armored exterior creating a heavy popping sound as the tail hit the street, creating lines of destroyed road.

"Entertain me, and I'll let the pretty one live."

End Post
Joined : 2016-01-20
Posts : 4922
Age : 24

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Whiskey, Laughter, and Fate [Ryoichi/Amelia] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue419100/999999Whiskey, Laughter, and Fate [Ryoichi/Amelia] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

Whiskey, Laughter, and Fate [Ryoichi/Amelia] - Page 3 Empty Re: Whiskey, Laughter, and Fate [Ryoichi/Amelia]

Today at 10:54 pm
Whiskey, Laughter, and Fate [Ryoichi/Amelia] - Page 3 MzSNPlb


Ryoichi, for the most part, kept his eyes on the Hollow. He didn't want to risk it taking advantage of him looking away. He heard Amelia whisper his name, but he kept his focus forward. He'd hoped that the thing would be incapacitated enough to give him extra time for his sword to get there, but, seemed like he had to improvise. Hearing the tail smack the street, he saw chunks of rubble spew across the now-ruined street.

While it was slower, Ryoichi instead chose to reach out with just his mind, quietly picking up those chunks of asphalt and concrete and lifting them up above the creature, eventually letting them hover next to its head. It was humanoid, but, given it's armor, this would be a difficult one to deal with, especially if the research he had done on Hollows before he started hunting them was correct. The more humanoid, the more powerful they were.

But, that hadn't stopped him before, and it certainly wouldn't stop him now. He turned to Amelia briefly, giving her a smile.

"It'll be okay. I won't let it hurt you."

All of a sudden, the two chunks of concrete converged, intent on crushing the creature's head. Right as he did, he could hear the sound of something cutting through the air, and he held his hand out, just in time for the handle of his sword to fly into it. Gripping it with both hands, Ryoichi prepared himself -- he had a sinking feeling that the fight wasn't over yet.

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