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Taking Out The Trash (Yushio, Ashaiya) - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue0/0Taking Out The Trash (Yushio, Ashaiya) - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Taking Out The Trash (Yushio, Ashaiya) - Page 2 Empty Re: Taking Out The Trash (Yushio, Ashaiya)

Mon Sep 09, 2024 7:14 am
Taking Out The Trash (Yushio, Ashaiya) - Page 2 Haru-Romance-Header-Image-Cropped.jpg?q=50&fit=crop&w=1100&h=618&dpr=1

The concept wasn’t the easiest so Ashaiya didn’t blame Shio at all if she struggled a little with it. Honestly, it had taken the brunette time as well to truly get to grips with the idea but once she did? Her skills grew rapidly, a situation that she hoped her friend would find herself in as well quite soon. Letting the box drop to the ground softly, she’d take a seat on it, before lifting a far smaller piece of wood and using her abilities to take it in hand.

“Take this piece of wood for example. It was originally a tree, cut down and then worked upon to take on the shape it is today. By understanding this, a Fullbringer can come to understand its history, its soul and in learning that, we can manipulate it to our will.” She explained, attempting to explain what was in some ways a rather difficult subject.

Tossing the piece over to Shio, she’d then say. “I want you to try and open your mind to that piece of wood. It has surely experienced a lot in its time and what you need to do is try and access those memories. You’ve heard of the idea of telepathy, no? You can consider it like that if you like. Reach out with your spiritual pressure and surround the wood with it. With any luck, you may just forge a connection and that is the point where you’ll be able to start manipulating it as I do. Once you get the hang of this, it’ll be far easier going forward. Trust me.”


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