Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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An Empty Street After the Parade Has Gone [Vicente/Sabriel] [Open to 2] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue419100/999999An Empty Street After the Parade Has Gone [Vicente/Sabriel] [Open to 2] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

An Empty Street After the Parade Has Gone [Vicente/Sabriel] [Open to 2] - Page 3 Empty Re: An Empty Street After the Parade Has Gone [Vicente/Sabriel] [Open to 2]

Tue Sep 10, 2024 9:48 pm
An Empty Street After the Parade Has Gone [Vicente/Sabriel] [Open to 2] - Page 3 QMhJfiV


His eyes widened as the creature he knocked down suddenly stamped on his foot, only for it to suddenly land an uppercut under his chin, forcing him to stumble backward. An arm planted one of his swords into the ground, before rubbing the afflicted area curiously. a spider-web design having appeared and now was slowly fading as he looked at Alastor for a moment.

Then, he gave a wide grin, revealing a maw of razor-sharp teeth, with all six eyes wide and alert. He had underestimated this one. Even from just one hit, he could tell that there was far greater strength than he had initially realized, and that fact was both elating and infuriating. There was the potential for a challenge, yet the idea of an insect being possibly greater than himself drove him mad.

Sounds akin to clicking or crackling, a type of growl echoed from his throat, as if the sounds coming from his throat were, by nature, distorted, creating something that was akin to neither man nor beast. Taking up his sword, another loud buzzing sound erupted as Vicente rapidly surged forward to try and take Alastor by surprise again, thrusting forward with two swords, one aimed for each shoulder.

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An Empty Street After the Parade Has Gone [Vicente/Sabriel] [Open to 2] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue0/0An Empty Street After the Parade Has Gone [Vicente/Sabriel] [Open to 2] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

An Empty Street After the Parade Has Gone [Vicente/Sabriel] [Open to 2] - Page 3 Empty Re: An Empty Street After the Parade Has Gone [Vicente/Sabriel] [Open to 2]

Wed Sep 11, 2024 8:55 am
An Empty Street After the Parade Has Gone [Vicente/Sabriel] [Open to 2] - Page 3 SsMLBbB


A roll of the eyes was Sabriel’s only real response to the redheaded Shinigami’s insulting way with words. He was clearly lacking in creativity when it came to wordplay and the dark haired woman wondered if there was much of a personality at all within his frame. In truth, it was difficult to differentiate his characteristics from Vicente’s and Sabriel mused that they were the perfect combatants for each other. Maybe it was best if she just let them butcher each other and be done with it? Alas, that was not truly an option. She gave her word to Akira, after all.

With her chains having a hold on the more powerful Shinigami, Sabriel would grip hold of them and attempt to channel her spiritual energy through them, again trying to force her will upon the mind of the experienced warrior. There was only so much she could do against a hardened resolve and he was no simple minded fool but perhaps she could mess with him enough to allow her partner to score a strike of his own? It was all that Sabriel offered at that point.

Again, her attention would be diverted by the other Shinigami, who seemed to be rather intent on harming her. Her patience was wearing more thin by the moment, having given the girl more than one chance to know when to leave. She was clearly not taking the hint and so Sabriel would have no real option but avoid the spell through Sonido rather than block it, having to stop her attempt at manipulating her partner and instead focusing on the kido user herself.

Trying to get around to attack the weaker of the Shinigami, Sabriel would begin to sing, releasing a cone of her spiritual energy that would head towards the spellcaster. She was becoming rather tired of the girl and the sooner she was out of the picture, the better at this stage.


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An Empty Street After the Parade Has Gone [Vicente/Sabriel] [Open to 2] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue999999/999999An Empty Street After the Parade Has Gone [Vicente/Sabriel] [Open to 2] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (999999/999999)

An Empty Street After the Parade Has Gone [Vicente/Sabriel] [Open to 2] - Page 3 Empty Re: An Empty Street After the Parade Has Gone [Vicente/Sabriel] [Open to 2]

Fri Sep 13, 2024 4:56 am
An Empty Street After the Parade Has Gone [Vicente/Sabriel] [Open to 2] - Page 3 SzS2sKT

Damn, rushing him like that? Whatever. He was so pissed right now that his blood was on fire and the woman's wicked charms were lost to the inferno. Two swords could bury themselves into his shoulders but it just brought his opponent close enough for him to bring a leg up and kick the freak in the chest with all his strength while he had to choose between letting go of these swords or carrying them away for as far as he was kicked.

"Let's go, Shōkyakutenri!"

Flames spewed out around the chains, taking advantage of the fact Mika had drew the aggro and might make them easier to break. If that happened, this guy was getting cooked by a wave of fire to follow him into whatever wall was in his path, or maybe if she was holding onto those chains he could just throw her at him too.

He was working on instinct, will, and freestyle right now. No strategy.

Nojukubi | END POST

An Empty Street After the Parade Has Gone [Vicente/Sabriel] [Open to 2] - Page 3 Gamma_Signature
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An Empty Street After the Parade Has Gone [Vicente/Sabriel] [Open to 2] - Page 3 Empty Re: An Empty Street After the Parade Has Gone [Vicente/Sabriel] [Open to 2]

Yesterday at 12:39 am
An Empty Street After the Parade Has Gone [Vicente/Sabriel] [Open to 2] - Page 3 X5XB2Cd


The battle raged on nearby, and Mika continued to find herself further and further outclassed. The mere singing of the woman Arrancar send chills down her spine and caused her to grow dizzy, her limbs not responding as swiftly as she tried forcing them to. Though her hands were sluggish, they moved without her telling them. Mika's sword fell to the root at her feet as she pointed at her ears with both hands and shouted out "Hadō #1: Shō!"

A boom overwhelmed Mika's senses, her head suddenly feeling as if she had been plunged underwater. She had altered the strength of the spell that she struck her own ears with to not pop her skull like a grape, allowing only enough force to burst her eardrums. The result was as she hoped: No longer did that song of Sabriel's affect her. Yet as she reached down to pick up her Asauchi, Mika nearly fell from the roof as her balance was thrown off from the damage she did to herself. Despite this setback, she grasped her weapon and stood back up. Her face strained into a pained grimace and blood dripped from her ears, proving the effectiveness of her ill-advised gambit.

With her head on fire, her sense of hearing lost to her, and growing fatigue encroaching upon her extremities, Mika was unsteady on her feet. Despite all these things, she did not waver; something had been awoken inside her. In the face of insurmountable odds and pain the likes of which she had never before experienced, a fire had been lit within her very soul that had been absent for as long as she could remember. The young Morikawa prodigy wanted to win, to fulfill the destiny her family had set for her.

Seeing the chains connecting Sabriel to Alastor, Mika leaped into action by suddenly breaking the paradigm that had been established so far for this fight and Flash Stepped from the roof to directly in front of the woman Arrancar. Then, with all her might, she swung her Asauchi with both hands from Sabriel's shoulder to hip.

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An Empty Street After the Parade Has Gone [Vicente/Sabriel] [Open to 2] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue419100/999999An Empty Street After the Parade Has Gone [Vicente/Sabriel] [Open to 2] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

An Empty Street After the Parade Has Gone [Vicente/Sabriel] [Open to 2] - Page 3 Empty Re: An Empty Street After the Parade Has Gone [Vicente/Sabriel] [Open to 2]

Yesterday at 8:39 pm
An Empty Street After the Parade Has Gone [Vicente/Sabriel] [Open to 2] - Page 3 QMhJfiV


The spider-web pattern manifested at where the creature kicked him. Even from a simple action, it made Vicente feel like his Hierro was physical armor in conjunction with his Hierro thread-woven clothes, his body shaking and at the result of such an impact. His hands released the two swords that impaled Alastor out of instinct. However, while he didn't dare employ a gambit to retrieve them, it did not mean that he was entirely helpless.

This creature was more durable and powerful than he had initially thought, as well as above all those he had slaughtered beforehand. Part of him wanted to test just by how much. Digging two of his remaining four swords into the ground to slow and stop his momentum, Vicente corrected himself, planting his feet on the ground.

That spider-web pattern coiled around his body as his Hierro responded to the following wave of heat, but, now, he was feeling the heat far more intensely on the exposed parts of his body, and his Hierro-woven clothes were beginning to melt and split, creating holes. He wanted to test to see how far this creature's durability could go, so, Vicente's thumb quickly cut open a finger, enough to draw blood as energy gathered into one of his free hands, a purple orb forming as it crackled with a sinister amount of violet lightning.

As he opened his palm wide, a blast erupted from it, a purple Gran Rey Cero tore through the air and surged toward Alastor, seeking to envelop himwith a blast strong enough to level a building. But, as he did, he heard the smaller creature shout out some kind of name and number, two of his eyes shifting to look at her just as she blew out her own eardrums to avoid the siren song of his companion.

It seemed that he was out of range, for nothing seemed to happen to him. Nevertheless, it was curious to see the smaller, inferior creature go to such lengths. Perhaps, were it not such an infuriating insect, he would have held an iota more respect. But, as it went in to try and attack Sabriel, Vicente's head turned away, more interested in seeing how the stronger one would handle an attack like that.

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An Empty Street After the Parade Has Gone [Vicente/Sabriel] [Open to 2] - Page 3 Empty Re: An Empty Street After the Parade Has Gone [Vicente/Sabriel] [Open to 2]

Today at 7:02 am
An Empty Street After the Parade Has Gone [Vicente/Sabriel] [Open to 2] - Page 3 SsMLBbB


It had to be said that while the girl appeared to be considerably weaker than Sabriel, it did not seem to stop her from giving it all. Such inner strength was admirable and left the Arrancar with a slight dilemma. The dark haired woman knew that she should try and finish the girl but it was not truly in her nature to do such a thing. When an aspect such a desire was the core of your being, it gave a rather different perspective to things. Sabriel did not desire the young woman’s death and instead was beginning to feel a different sensation towards the sweet little cherub.

All of a sudden the clearly wounded girl would appear before her and all Sabriel could do in that moment was bring the chains around in order for them to take the blow, causing the attack to slice through the bindings and causing them to disappear. An annoying state of affairs but honestly, it did not appear that her attacks were doing much to the more powerful Shinigami anyway. He seemed so single minded that no one could divert his concentration.

She was at a disadvantage with her whip when the young Shinigami was so close, resulting in Sabriel having to surround her fist instead and firing her form of bala towards the girl from close range. There was no point in holding back so the lavender eyed woman put considerably more spiritual power behind her attack. Her bala was rather effective when it came to knocking an opponent back too and should the stubborn girl not avoid it then she might receive a rather nasty blow.

Unsure if her opponent could even hear her due to the girl’s rather dangerous defence against her previous attack, Sabriel would utter. “I think I might just take you back to Hueco Mundo with me when this is all said and done. You are an intriguing little minx.”


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