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Ye Olde Guarde
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Rebirth the Edge, Part I [Tsubine/Kaminari] - Page 2 Empty Re: Rebirth the Edge, Part I [Tsubine/Kaminari]

Mon Aug 19, 2024 2:17 am

Tsubine let Kaminari take her steps back. This time, he drew his Zanpakutō. He held it in front of him in a neutral striking pose. Once again, he began chanting... But this was a very different Kidō than before. This one was one he knew fairly well, and the way he spoke it signified it. There was a bit more ease in his voice and posture. As he finished casting, he called out the spell's name. "Hadō Eleven: Tsuzuri Raiden!" A yellow, jagged-edged flash appeared around his blade briefly. He turned to Kaminari after the immediate effect died. "That one I can do without much issue, but it's not as... flashy as my using Reiryoku to throw a rock. It lasts for just a moment and is more like me turning my sword into a stun prod."

What Kaminari would have sensed would be something fairly interesting. The Reiryoku easily flowed from Tsubine into his Zanpakutō—far easier than most other Shinigami, in fact. It was almost as if there was no barrier between the two, unlike him and empty air. The Kidō was channeled perfectly for someone of his level, which perhaps made the strange disconnect his Reiryoku had all the more odd. "Did that help at all?"

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Mon Aug 19, 2024 2:43 am
Rebirth the Edge, Part I [Tsubine/Kaminari] - Page 2 Kaminari_KidoTraining

Kaminari gave her version of “stank face” when she watched what happened with Tsuzuri Raiden. Yeah, okay, so he could use his blade as a medium, but not his own body? Wouldn’t the sword add a layer of difficulty? Apparently, not for this man.


"Yes, sorta... I... Hm... Do it again," Kaminari watched very, very carefully this time. As he completed the kido again, she chuckled. "Wow, okay... So, you must really love the sword. It's acting as a medium, like the sword is a natural extension of your body, which to be fair, is something I heard swordsman say... Normally, this would be much more difficult, and I don't recommend practicing like that because a backfire could effect more than just you, but your zanpakuto..."

Kaminari plopped down onto the grass and crossed her legs, tapping the ground across from her. "Come, come. Let's try a thing." Once he sat down, Kaminari held out her hand and formed a still, vibrant ball with her reiryoku. The thing was solid, stable, and radiated with power. "I want you to simply try to exert your reiryoku from your hand and into the air in front of your palm. Follow the same steps you do with Tsuzuri Raiden, but you're not extending through your sword. Just into the air."

Ye Olde Guarde
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Rebirth the Edge, Part I [Tsubine/Kaminari] - Page 2 Empty Re: Rebirth the Edge, Part I [Tsubine/Kaminari]

Mon Aug 19, 2024 3:01 am

Tsubine had always had an innate understanding with Kōgin Reimei. From the time he grabbed her to now, they had a connection that few others could even comprehend. Of course, it didn't help that his Zanpakutō was the most jealous woman he'd met—even beyond Kanna. Perhaps she was part of the reason Tsubine had issues with Kidō. He had relied solely on her for so long that perhaps he no longer had the connections that other Kidō pracitioners could use.

In the end, Kaminari's explanation made sense to him. Kōgin Reimei was an extension of himself. It was the part of him that desired to be the jack-of-all-trades, the protector of all, and the one who could do all. He felt his Zanpakutō roll her eyes. He couldn't quite tell if it was a "Yeah, right" or a "Duh" eyeroll. That was a conversation for another day. Today was a day for magic.

Sheathing his Zanpakutō, Tsubine followed Kaminari's instructions and sat down. He closed his eyes and began channeling his Reiryoku into his upturned palm. It took much more effort than Kaminari needed, but eventually, his Reiryoku became visible to the naked eye. It wasn't forming a sphere. Instead, it was more like tiny spears of light the size of toothpicks were coming out of his hand and fading away as they reached a certain point. They were tilted towards where a sphere might be. If Tsubine was doing the same with his other hand, a sphere would be seen in the negative space between his Reiryoku.

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Rebirth the Edge, Part I [Tsubine/Kaminari] - Page 2 Empty Re: Rebirth the Edge, Part I [Tsubine/Kaminari]

Tue Aug 20, 2024 1:49 am
Rebirth the Edge, Part I [Tsubine/Kaminari] - Page 2 Kaminari_KidoTraining

Observing his energy even further made this even more difficult. He really had no ability to project his reiryoku with any force at all. Someone with this sort of block was going to need to be dedicated to a routine before they would get anywhere. “Okay.” Kaminari tapped his knee to stop him and put her hand on her chin to think. She was silent for a bit, expression distorting through different levels of frustration.

"So, what I think you're gonna have to do is... well, the same thing we all do to get stronger, practice. I'm going to write down a few exercises that you'll need to do every single day, for at least an hour. If you can handle that, I'm sure we can advance your kido in a few weeks, maybe a month or two, depending on... whatever this block is. Kido isn't something that comes quickly, so be prepared to work."

Ye Olde Guarde
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Rebirth the Edge, Part I [Tsubine/Kaminari] - Page 2 Empty Re: Rebirth the Edge, Part I [Tsubine/Kaminari]

Tue Aug 20, 2024 2:45 am

Tsubine knew that it wasn't going to be easy. This wasn't going to be like the day he picked up his Zanpakutō. His lips tightened into a brief, tight smile as he stood. He began to pace around as he listened to Kaminari's explanation. He nodded along. Everything she said made sense. But Tsubine wasn't the best student. He was an intuitive learner. If he didn't catch on immediately, he'd likely never get it. And so, he had to think outside the box.

Stopping his pacing, Tsubine turned to face Kaminari. "You know, something I've learned over the years... Well, it's that I can understand someone a bit better when I cross blades with them" He pointed at her. "Why don't you fire some Kidō at me? I'll try to... well, dodge or hit it. Maybe feeling how the energy behaves when I cross it with my Zanpakutō would help me understand how it's supposed to be flowing." Tsubine saw no flaws with this dangerous and juvenile plan.

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Rebirth the Edge, Part I [Tsubine/Kaminari] - Page 2 Empty Re: Rebirth the Edge, Part I [Tsubine/Kaminari]

Tue Aug 20, 2024 1:48 pm
Rebirth the Edge, Part I [Tsubine/Kaminari] - Page 2 Kaminari_PHS3-8

“Are you insane?”

The line just popped out of her mouth. She had no control over those words when they came out. The dropped jaw, furrowed brow, and wide eyes also made it clear that she thought this was a dumb idea… but she was also secretly wanting to throw kido at him, so win-win. She was more interested in seeing how the man normally fought, not hurting him. She still conceded, waving him to the other side of the field.

“Hadō 4, Byakurai.” The name came once he was standing and ready. She had a feeling this was part of his plan the entire time, since they could have met at his place instead of a field. So, a thin strike of blue lightning shot from the tip of her index finger, directly at Tsubine. With no incantation, it wasn’t the strongest, but Kaminari was also not putting as much force into the attack as she could…

Ye Olde Guarde
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Rebirth the Edge, Part I [Tsubine/Kaminari] - Page 2 Empty Re: Rebirth the Edge, Part I [Tsubine/Kaminari]

Tue Aug 20, 2024 4:35 pm

"Probably." Tsubine conceded with a joke. He was serious. It might be the worst idea ever, but it was an idea. If she didn't actually try to hit him, his instincts wouldn't kick in. So it had to be live-fire. He was confident in his ability to dodge or hit the Kidō himself, but he needed to understand it.

"If you hit me, you can heal me, right?" Tsubine quipped before making his way to being in front of one of the berms. He wasn't going to let the kidō just go wherever. These mounds of dirt were there to keep this from doing exactly that. Tsubine gave a thumbs up and focused his senses. He was never good at that "reikaku" stuff in a way that allowed him to detect opponents before they struck. What he did have...

Was reaction time. The lightning bolt flashed towards him, and he could feel the Reiryoku zipping along. Eyes closed, he didn't see it. His body turned to barely avoid the strike. As it passed, he tried to feel the Kidō. It moved too fast for him to really feel it, but something was distinct. "Again." Tsubine called out and readied himself for another blast.

This time, he tried to find the leading edge of the Kidō as early as possible. It was definitely Reiryoku—he could sense the buildup in front of Kaminari. It was brief because of her skill in Kidō, but it was there. He dodged again, this time slightly earlier than before. He called out for her to shoot again, as he thought he had an idea.

It was almost as if the Reiryoku was dough—and the words were kneading it into a specific shape. Or was it the intent behind the words? That was more for a scholar like Kei to figure out. He was fine with his dough analogy. That part was fascinating to see, but he'd need a new test to his theory. "Okay, now do a different one!" If this worked, he'd have a different test to try...

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Rebirth the Edge, Part I [Tsubine/Kaminari] - Page 2 Empty Re: Rebirth the Edge, Part I [Tsubine/Kaminari]

Wed Aug 21, 2024 12:20 am
Rebirth the Edge, Part I [Tsubine/Kaminari] - Page 2 Kaminari_PH26

Kaminari was not going full force unless he asked her too. She would also keep to lower level kido, just in case. Yeah, she could heal him, but pain was still a thing… Oh well! This is what the big guy wanted… After he dodged the first one, she did as asked and fired a second one at the same level of power. During which, she observed him closely and utilized her reikaku in order to understand his flow of energy when he’s more in his own element. Maybe then she could help him further…

‘If Mayumi gets mad a me…’

Kaminari shook her head, sighed, and formed a red ball in her hand. Maneuvering it forward and facing her palm toward Tsubine, she fired off a shakkaho without even saying the name. She could form it easily, but the more she put into it, the bigger the explosion would be, so why the hell would she fire that at him?

“What exactly are you testing here?”

Ye Olde Guarde
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Rebirth the Edge, Part I [Tsubine/Kaminari] - Page 2 Empty Re: Rebirth the Edge, Part I [Tsubine/Kaminari]

Thu Aug 22, 2024 4:37 pm

Tsubine closed his eyes once more. As Kaminari welled up the Kidō, it formed just like before. The ball was being kneaded with what was likely her intent. This meant that the words were more like a channel for the intent to flow into the spell. Or something like that. Kaminari was skilled enough to not need the channel. As it began to rocket forward, Tsubine opened his eyes to see which spell was coming at him. Oh, that's that red-exploding-ball one. Tsubine had forgotten that one's name. It was his least practiced because he wasn't able to escape the explosive radius of the spell.

This time, Tsubine did something different. He drew his sword and threw his Reiryoku into it. He blocked the spell—but it still exploded. However, his blade was far enough away from his body that only his upper arms got singed. He came away smiling as the smoke cleared. "Kaminari, I think I'm onto something here." Tsubine didn't sheathe his Zanpakutō as he walked closer.

"I can kind-of feel the Reiryoku forming as you say the spell. It's like... dough. You then knead it with your words, the incantation thing, and the next thing you know, it's sent off like an exploding cake. I just need to figure out two steps. The first one, which is I guess the mixing of the dough, and the third one—how it gets 'sent.' I want you to hit me with a variety of Kidō. Don't worry about hurting me too much." Tsubine turned and stepped away—the blade of his Zanpakutō becoming more reflective and melting away. Globules of mercury-like liquid formed where the blade might have once been. "I've got a guardian angel on my side."

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Rebirth the Edge, Part I [Tsubine/Kaminari] - Page 2 Empty Re: Rebirth the Edge, Part I [Tsubine/Kaminari]

Mon Aug 26, 2024 12:30 am
Rebirth the Edge, Part I [Tsubine/Kaminari] - Page 2 KaminariHeaderSeries5-01

"Well, alright then!"

If this was how the man learned, good for him. It was brave asking someone with her talent in kido to shoot it at you, so Kaminari was just impressed. This would also give her an opportunity to try out the multi-shot techniques she had been wor-... No, she instantly decided against that. If he was learning through experience, the addition of a very advanced technique could only hinder his progress.

"Hadō Sixty Three, Raikōhō!" Kaminari sent a blast of yellow lightning at Tsubine, only putting a mild amount of force into it. Once that hit and he was ready, she continued on to another. "Hadō Thirty Three, Sokatsui," she called out, sending a moderately powered wave of blue energy at Tsubine. And finally, "Hadō One, SHO!" An invisible force of energy fired toward Tsubine, this time with much more power behind it. She was childishly pointing a fingergun at him too. "Sho! Sho! Sho!"

Pew, pew, pew...

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