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Working Hard! (Hono/Momo) Empty Working Hard! (Hono/Momo)

Fri Aug 09, 2024 2:14 am

Working Hard! (Hono/Momo) 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 140

At least she was in the first division on patrol for today. With the lockdown happening Hono's division was on their toes, taking her newly seated position Hono still tried to make time for patrolling, today she didn't go far out, staying close to the first district! As she wandered through the first, she saw a disturbance happening a verbal argument.

Two people were having a dispute right in the street and the people living nearby were trying to defuse the situation. Hono saw four people, three men, and a woman. It should be a simple enough task for Hono to solve, she'd step in, and tell them to explain what was happening. Clearing her throat the Shinigami would step in between the arguing people and clear her throat.

"Alright, Alright. Stop the yelling and tell me what's going on"

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Working Hard! (Hono/Momo) Empty Re: Working Hard! (Hono/Momo)

Fri Aug 09, 2024 8:36 am
Working Hard! (Hono/Momo) Hinamori.Momo.full.1514580

“These two men are having a dispute over some bought goods and it’s taken a rather nasty turn.” The petite woman replied, offering a small smile to the Shinigami, a slightly amused look in her eyes. “I was about to handle things myself but perhaps it’d be better if I leave it to you instead. I wouldn’t want to get into trouble for doing the Gotei’s job, after all.”

“I don’t need Aizen’s bitch getting involved. Piss off!” The taller of the two men spat, giving Momo an aggressive look. “Go back to your little hovel and stay there you b…”

The man found himself on the ground before he knew what had hit him, completely immobile and unable to move a muscle. All Momo had done was point a finger in his direction and yet it was all she’d needed to do to knock him off his feet. The smile had disappeared from her face and when she spoke to him, her tone was anything but friendly, uttering the spell after the fact. “Bakudo 1: Sai. You will not talk to me in that fashion again. Do you understand me?”

Turning to the Shinigami, she’d shake her head. “I’m sorry about that.”


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Working Hard! (Hono/Momo) Empty Re: Working Hard! (Hono/Momo)

Sat Aug 10, 2024 2:44 pm

Working Hard! (Hono/Momo) 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 180

A dispute? Well, that should be an easy thing to solve. She listened to the woman explain what was happening, this was pretty standard work for her! However, everything changed when one of the men spoke up. Aizen...? Like, the one she learned about in history class? Her train of thought was stopped by the sudden kido spell, this woman knew kido...? More than meets the eye it seemed.

Hono turned to glare at the man who was restrained by the kido, speaking up towards him. "If you speak like that again I'll kick your teeth in..." She threatened him. Pausing before turning to Momo, with a sigh, she spoke. "I prefer if you didn't use Kido..." Not that Momo didn't have a right to defend herself, but Hono didn't wanna get her in trouble or anything.

She looked at them. "So. Would you gentlemen like to leave her alone? Or am I gonna have to take you two in?" She threatened them. With a soft exhale she gave the men some options, leave Momo alone or face her wrath!

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Working Hard! (Hono/Momo) Empty Re: Working Hard! (Hono/Momo)

Sun Aug 11, 2024 7:58 am
Working Hard! (Hono/Momo) Hinamori.Momo.full.1514580

Scratching her head in an absent minded fashion, Momo replied. “Force of habit, forgive me. I’ll let him up if he promises to be good but I doubt he will be. I’ve seen this one cause problems before around here and he’s always causing trouble with the locals, myself included. I’m not sure what his problem is but it would be nice if he’d just get lost for a while.”

Judging from the language that started coming out of his mouth at that point, it didn’t seem like he’d calmed down, causing Momo to sigh.

The other man, however, seemed to know that it was time to go and with a brief nod to both women, he’d be off down the road without another word. Momo was thankful that at least one of the men had sense and sighed slightly in relief. Perhaps this could be sorted without any more violence although in the back of her mind, Momo couldn’t quite let the more angry man’s insult go. Even now, after so long, it stung to hear that horrible nickname.

Since the pinkette was the one in charge, Momo would ask her. “What should we do? It doesn’t look like he’s cooled off.”


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Working Hard! (Hono/Momo) Empty Re: Working Hard! (Hono/Momo)

Tue Aug 13, 2024 2:21 am

Working Hard! (Hono/Momo) 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 180

Hono already related to this lady, I mean Hono was just as quick to action as Momo was, so she got it, names hurt. Regardless she needed to protect the innocent! She looked at the man who was still restricted to the ground by Momo's spell. Hono folded her arm at that question. She walked over and squatted down, looking directly into the man's eyes. A slight sadistic smirk formed on Hono's face.

Slowly drawing her Zanpakuto. Hoping Momo would keep up her spell to restrain the man. Hono was hoping to scare this man straight. "Well, I'll give him one more chance. I'm sure he's smart. If he's not... I'll have to carry him to a jail cell..."

Taking her Zanpakuto and lightly pressed it against the man's shoulder. "Well. You gonna piss off or are you gonna get hurt?" She spoke in a deep, almost threatening tone.

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Working Hard! (Hono/Momo) Empty Re: Working Hard! (Hono/Momo)

Tue Aug 13, 2024 6:37 am
Working Hard! (Hono/Momo) Hinamori.Momo.full.1514580

There was a raising of the brow from Momo as she watched the Shinigami work. She was awfully aggressive although that wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. Still, it gave the petite woman a moment of insight into the workings of the pink haired Shinigami and aroused her curiosity. She’d met quite a few Shinigami lately, many who’d sought her out personally and while she was comfortable in her decision to not return to the Gotei, Momo couldn’t help but try and discover just how life was in organisation now, compared to how it’d once been. Sadly, the stories she’d heard hadn’t exactly been pleasant and Momo had been startled by the sheer…lack of care in some instances.

Playing along with the pinkette, Momo would keep the man still, her spell easily keeping him down despite his attempts at resistance. There was little chance that he’d break out of any binding spells, let alone one cast by someone of Momo's calibre.

The man looked up at Hono, anger still blazing in his green eyes for a moment or two, before it seemed he finally realised the position he was in and wilted under the Shinigami’s menacing gaze. “All right! I’ll go! Just let me up!”

Momo had to hide a smile, clicking her fingers to release him from the spell. He didn’t hang around either, running off without a word, seemingly scared to death.

The brown eyes of the kido expert would turn to Hono, allowing herself to chuckle then. “You certainly have a way of dealing with troublemakers.”


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Working Hard! (Hono/Momo) Empty Re: Working Hard! (Hono/Momo)

Sun Aug 18, 2024 10:15 pm

Working Hard! (Hono/Momo) 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 117

Hono made sure to be aggressive, despite her talking like that, Hono didn't exactly like to be mean, but it did get people to step down, and rule by intimidation. Keep people from doing crimes, so she didn't need to throw them in prison. If they were warned and scared straight they likely wouldn't commit the crime.

The Shinigami watched the man scurry off. Exhaling as she sheathed her Zanpakuto, turning to face Momo, giving her a weird look, seemingly confused. "Thanks. I try to keep people straight, I scary them so that I don't have to drag them away" She sighed a little bit.

"So.... where did you learn that Kido? You're a Shinigami I'm guessing."

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Working Hard! (Hono/Momo) Empty Re: Working Hard! (Hono/Momo)

Mon Aug 19, 2024 8:31 am
Working Hard! (Hono/Momo) Hinamori.Momo.full.1514580

“I made it myself.” Momo replied with a soft smile. “I find working on Kido fun since I’ve got plenty of free time, that’s what I spend it doing. My name’s Momo Hinamori, I used to be a Lieutenant in the Gotei but sadly things didn’t go so well for me while I was a member and I ended up leaving. So, I just develop Kido by myself now and do a little teaching on the side. I don’t have a school or anything, it’s just for people who want a little private tutoring.”

Looking at the pink haired woman, she’d ask in return, chuckling again. “You’re not actually all mean and serious though, right? It’s just an act, yeah? It looked like you were going to kill him for a second there.”


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Working Hard! (Hono/Momo) Empty Re: Working Hard! (Hono/Momo)

Thu Aug 22, 2024 11:17 pm

Working Hard! (Hono/Momo) 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 191

A former Lieutenant?! That would explain a lot and clear up almost all of Hono's questions. Hearing things didn't work out with the Gotei, she raised another, but she wasn't going to pry into that yet. "Tutoring? Well..." She paused and tried to think for a moment, "Kido has always been a struggle for me. How would I go about getting some lessons?" This sounded promising for Hono, coming here to learn Kido, she was trying to become a more well-rounded Shinigami in the first place, and learning from someone different might be good for her.

"Act... Is a weird word" She sighed but giggled a little. "I wouldn't kill him, but I probably would have fucked him up badly." She turned her torso to look behind her to where the man was, seeing his bootprints in the sand. "It's not an easy job, sometimes you gotta puff your chest out and intimidate them. As bad as it sounds, I'd rather scare them then let them do something stupid." Fear is a tool to Hono, while looking all cutesy and being a kind woman, she likes to have an intimidating aura.

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Working Hard! (Hono/Momo) Empty Re: Working Hard! (Hono/Momo)

Fri Aug 23, 2024 6:46 am
Working Hard! (Hono/Momo) Hinamori.Momo.full.1514580

“You just ask.” Momo chuckled yet again in response. “More often than not, Shinigami hear about what I do and then visit me at my home. Sometimes they wish to learn new spells and other times they want to learn something more difficult like chant skipping or manipulating their Kido. I’m happy to help with whatever they need and I’ve even been known to help out the odd high ranked Seat from time to time. I teach in an informal way and it’s more about creativity than just memorising chants in your head. I kind of think of Kido as art.”

“You’re a feisty one, aren’t you?”
Momo commented after listening to the Shinigami explain herself. Her tone wasn’t dismissive or anything though, having come to appreciate the different personalities of those she met among the Gotei. “I can see how scaring them off can work even though I prefer a good old binding spell rather than bashing their brains in if things turn hairy.”


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