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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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[Spirit Class 4] Jiyan Xiaoyang Left_bar_bleue1570/100[Spirit Class 4] Jiyan Xiaoyang Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

[Spirit Class 4] Jiyan Xiaoyang Empty [Spirit Class 4] Jiyan Xiaoyang

Sat Jul 20, 2024 11:16 pm
[Spirit Class 4] Jiyan Xiaoyang Jiyan_AppHeader

I. Basic Information

» Name: Jiyan Xiaoyang
» Alias: Ao Guang
» Age: 31
» Appears: A bit younger than his age.
» Birthday: October 15th, 2093
» Gender: Male
» Height: 6’7”
» Weight: ~250

» Appearance Written:
Due to his height, physique, and firm gaze, Jiyan naturally comes off imposing to the general population. Even though his hair was once naturally black, over time it lightened to its current teal color, likely due to the constant usage of his powers. Like his hair, his eyes are also a change from when he was young, having shifted from their natural blue color to gold.

» Alignment: Lawful Neutral
» Association: The Dragon’s Claw [Former]
» Rank/Position: Mercenary [Former]
» Specialty: Mediumship, Augmentation, Control, Swordsmanship, and Pole-arm fighting.

» Sexual Orientation: Bisexual, leans female
» Relationship Status: Single
» Attraction: Probably just not ugly. Now, what he considers ugly is up to debate.

Text Color: af9f19

Theme Song: This Quiet Violence [Opens to Youtube]

Synopsis: Jiyan is a socially awkward man who holds an imposing demeanor due to his size and blank expression, but in reality he is just out of touch with societal norms. While some may find his behaviors endearing, others will find him idiotic or creepy. He has a strong protective instinct and a moral code that he keeps to, though he is also making some of it up as he goes. Jiyan is currently wandering the world, finding work doing odd jobs in order to fund his trips, all in order to find his family. Unfortunately, besides a badly damaged picture of his baby brother, years of separation and torture has turned their memory into little more than a whisper.

I. Personality

» Personality:

Jiyan is a man who holds genuine concern for the welfare of people and the world he lives in. Despite his tortured past, his true desire is to protect what he sees as good in the world, which are things like life, family, children, nature, and joy. His experiences have instilled in him a strong sense of morality that coincides with these desires, which also stem from his strong need to make amends for his past mistakes. He regrets so much of his past actions, having taken the lives of many innocent people under the control of the selfish and evil. Now a free man, he has no intention of allowing this to happen again, or to anyone else.

Determined to find redemption, though he understands it will be a long and arduous path, Jiyan has accepted that he may sometimes have to make hard, unpopular decisions for the greater good. His practical and realistic nature ensures that he remains grounded, always assessing situations from a pragmatic perspective and considering the broader implications of his actions. Jiyan is a man who will look at the overall picture in order to plan his next steps. He is the type to play the long game, not adhering to the ‘instant gratification’ that many prefer to experience. Jiyan is the type to think about consequences and rewards down the road.

Protective by nature, Jiyan is one who fiercely guards the people he cares for, especially those he considers family. He is a reliable ally and a loyal friend, always putting the safety and well-being of his loves ones above his own. At times, his protective instincts may also cause him to seem paranoid, or at least over cautious. His keen senses make him a valuable asset in any situation, often letting him sense danger more quickly than another can, but there are times these senses can be off. His difficulty trusting people, due to the lies of his past, can lead him to making quick and impulsive decisions about those who remind him of those people.

Jiyan has a difficult time understanding many social cues. He can often confuse another person’s emotions or not understand their reactions based off of them. Jiyan lacks a sense of humor and sarcasm is difficult for him to identify. There have been many times he has been slapped, or almost slapped, due to an offensive remark that was said only due to his honest nature and assumptions that people would prefer the truth over lies. “Do you think I’m ugly?” “Yes.”

» Likes: The quiet moments… Traditional Chinese music, dragons and stories about them, the ocean or sea, cute things, food that isn’t sour or slimy, and movies.

» Dislikes: Being lied to or manipulated, physical torture of any form, taking an innocent person’s freedom away, hot and dry days or places, people who talk too fast, people who come off too aggressive, and the taste of alcohol.

I. History

» History: Jiyan’s life began happily, starting off with his mother, father, and baby brother. Jiyan idolized his father, so when his father’s adventurous spirit came calling, Jiyan jumped at the opportunity to follow him. At the age of five, Jiyan and his father left his mother and two-year-old brother alone with promises to return as the hero he aspired to be. During their travels, it became very clear that Jiyan had an affinity for water. Mixing this with his love of Chinese legends about dragons, Jiyan’s powers began taking shape through the control of the element itself.

Around the age of eight, Jiyan displayed impressive prodigy levels of control over water. Since his Father had abilities of his own, the two of them trained as much as they could, and even utilized their skills to help those in need. One of the first abilities that Jiyan got down was the control of waters temperature, being able to both heat and freeze it in small amounts. This let them provide clean drinking water to those struck by disaster. By the time Jiyan was ten, he was using his control over water to fight criminals, rescue people, and even provide some cooling comforts.

A couple of years later, Jiyan found out about the birth of his half-sister, the result of his father being unfaithful to his mother. Enraged at this utter betrayal, Jiyan threw a ball of ice at his father’s head, knocked him out, and ran away. His intention was to somehow make it back home to his mother and brother, but he did not know the way. It had been so long since Jiyan had seen them that he wasn’t even sure what they looked like. He realized he couldn’t remember anything but a single smile from his baby brother, and that came from a picture that he kept in his pocket.

Lost out in North America, with no way home and even unable to find his way back to his Father, Jiyan ended up cornered in an alley with a few thugs that thought to take whatever he might have. Fortune was not in their favor since the rain from the night before gave Jiyan an advantage and he was able to fight them all off. However, this caught the attention of their boss, who offered him a job. This man noticed Jiyan’s hatred of his father, desire to protect people, and the wish to become a hero and chose to manipulate Jiyan into fighting for him for years.

Jiyan’s powers developed significantly through intense training and battle over his teenager years. He ignored all other forms of education and focused on his combat capabilities only. This included the creation of his sword, spear, and the honing of his water control. Over time, his main form of combat took on the shape of a water dragon, something that came natural to him. Jiyan learned to use the strength behind the push and pull of water to control the battlefield in unique ways. He also developed an ability to pull water from air, making it appear like he is creating it.

The group that Jiyan worked with for so long was called “The Dragon’s Claw.” He went on countless missions, dealing with hollow, Arrancar, and even the demons that were taking over. Over time, his brutality and efficiency branded him “Ao Guang.” However, Jiyan’s loyalty was shaken on one of his later missions, when he was assigned to kill a man that was just trying to leave the group. Jiyan was told the man knew too much and was planning on betraying them, but the man claimed he was just trying to ‘go straight’ because his wife was pregnant. With Jiyan’s hesitation, his partner at the time, Talon, took it upon himself to finish Jiyan’s job.

It did not take long for Jiyan’s superiors to find out about his hesitation. They scolded him, called him a failure, and claimed he would never be better than his father if he couldn’t follow the code of the Dragon’s Claw. This type of treatment worked on the seventeen year old boy, and it immensely increased his determination to prove himself loyal to the organization and the cause. Seeing this as easy to manipulate, Jiyan was sent out on harder missions, often returning with more injuries than he ever had before. When Jiyan turned twenty-one, he was chosen for a very specific mission, a procedure that would increase his strength.

The procedure took days, the recovery was around eight months, and when he was ready to battle again, Jiyan felt like a very different person. However, nothing about his abilities or his strength had been increased. Instead, he found a device had been placed near the top of his spine that allowed his leaders to electrocute him when he behaved out of line. His was introduced to a new regimen, where the training was more like torture and any time he spoke out or showed anything like fear, anger, sadness, or anything else they saw as weakness, Jiyan would be electrocuted, and sometimes the shocks lasted until he was close to death.

Over time, Jiyan’s ability to express any real emotion or feel it became compromised. He began undergoing mental and physical conditioning that would turn him into a warrior like none had ever seen. He displayed a control over water that was unprecedented, and the way the environment reacted to his power was startling. Instead of just water, Jiyan began showing control over lightning, wind, and anything else having to deal with storms. During a training exorcise, he discovered his ability to take flight and practically move the ocean with a couple of waves of his hand. Seeing this, the Dragon’s Claw decided to take things further.

After being moved to a facility (mansion) on an island far from shore, Jiyan was given the freedom to train, fight, and enhance his powers even further. They provided him with whatever he needed, including people to actually train him. This facility was where Jiyan finally mastered the use of swords, axes, pole-arms, guns, and even the bow, but he found himself more attuned to using a staff and a sword. Now, he just need his own weapon. When attempting to create a weapon that fit him, those who kept him on a leash became frustrated with the weapons breaking. The materials they were using could not keep up with the combination of his strength and speed, causing Jiyan to have a weapon created to his own standards, a sword he calls Hēi Zhǎo, The Black Claw, a name meant to be a call out toward the organization he had been working for and thoroughly hated.

Jiyan’s training ended about five years ago, when he was twenty-six and he had to be released early during the time of World War Four. The Dragon’s Claw were desperate to keep their hold on everything they owned and Jiyan noticed it. When he refused to fight while a demon was threatening their territory, they thought to electrocute him again, but one smart-thinker stopped them. If he is electrocuted, he can’t fight, so they thought to bribe him. The only thing that Jiyan wanted was his freedom. He demanded they take out the device, and they quickly agreed, and like man with hope still living within him, Jiyan unfortunately believed them.

Jiyan reached the battlefield with Rúyì Jīngū Bàng in hand. While he fought, it began to rain, giving him an advantage against the fire user he was against. However, the sheer power of the demon surprised him and pushed Jiyan to his limits. Determined to keep The Dragon’s Claw safe and get his freedom, Jiyan released his energy to such a degree that the water around him began to flow backwards, as if being pushed up and away from him. Jiyan’s power could be felt for miles as he fought to the absolute maximum of his ability. The battle lasted for hours and he was greatly injured, but he finally brought the demon down.

Since Jiyan collapsed on the battlefield, he was not sure where he was when he woke up. He was in a new room, his body was healed, and he wasn’t restrained, so he got up and began wandering around. He realized soon that he was back on the island, but on a part of the compound he hadn’t yet been allowed to see. One of his superiors found him and seemed happy that he was okay. He even held out the remote that was normally used to shock him. As the button was pushed, Jiyan flinched, but nothing happened. The man claimed to have kept his side of the deal, and for a moment Jiyan was reminded of what joy was, but when a second, upgraded remote made its appearance, a stronger current was sent through him.

Jiyan fell to his knees in pain, his anger welling up inside him for every second he had to endure of his torture. It hurt, but he soon realized that it wasn’t debilitating like it had been. He could move. Taking a breath, he summoned a sword in hand, similar to his spear, and cut off the man’s arm. Jiyan caught the remote in hand and turned it off before destroying it. Realizing they had made a huge mistake, his old bosses began to scatter, begging for their lives. Enraged, Jiyan moved through the mansion and killed every single person who had been holding him hostage. The only ones spared were the innocent women, who were also prisoners in their own way, and the children they had bore. Jiyan had a soft spot for kids.

After finally returning to the mainland for more than just a battle, Jiyan had freedom for the first time in his life. He truly could go anywhere in the world, but there was only one place he hoped he could find again. He pulled out that old, burnt, ripped picture of his baby brother, reminding himself for the one millionth time what he looked like. Jiyan just wanted to finally find his mother and brother. He would even settle for finding his Dad at this point. He just had to figure out where to start…

I. Natural Abilities

» Natural Abilities:

Polearm Fighting: The mastery of the polearm is Jiyan’s highest achievement. Jiyan can use his polearm to extend his reach, focusing on rapid thrusting attacks that are difficult to dodge. He can also focus on utilizing both ends of the staff, bringing the weapon in for quicker attacks that come from multiple angles, using intense force behind his swings to manipulate his opponents movements by way of displacement or even tripping. A polearm is Jiyan’s preferred way of fighting, especially when he needs his weapon to allow for more control and prevent death. He uses the polearm since it can more easily be used for blunt damage.

Swordsmanship: Jiyan is an expert blade user, his skill focusing on long-swords and great-swords, or the equivalents of. Jiyan has no formal style, excluding fundamental knowledge of kendo, but he has developed style over time. It’s a “cyclone” style that utilizes his water control with the blade. This combination of blade and water created an elegant and flowing type of sword style, where the movements match the swirling waters of a cyclone or the arching movements of ocean waves. Each swing utilizes the previous ones momentum, creating an unending barrage of attacks that work to overwhelm his opponents.

Hand-to-Hand: Due to the location of his training, Jiyan did not get very much formal hand-to-hand training. However, this does not take away from the fact that he is a very skilled martial artist. Most of his techniques come down to a little taekwondo, a lot of boxing, and some random forms of free-fighting that he picked up through experience since it was a lot of “learn on the fly” training.

Elite Speed: Very obviously considered a speedster, Jiyan’s highest skill lies here. He is able to run at speeds beyond human comprehension, allowing him to travel a few miles in under a minute and dodge the detonation of high explosives. All Jiyan has to do is rely on his own legs to get him from place to place, not any sort of vehicle. Jiyan’s dodging capabilities are wholly impressive as he maneuvers in and out of enemy attack range with flawless accuracy. Being on high alert also has enhanced his natural reflexes and reaction times, giving him a massive advantage against people who think they can get the drop on him.

Advanced Strength: Jiyan’s strength is his second most enhanced skill and he has surpassed being classified as “superhuman.” With feats that allow him to destroy worked stone and even dent, or break, hard metals, Jiyan’s strength is impressive.

Adept Durability: Jiyan’s body is conditioned to extreme environments, such as the pressures of deep diving. His years of combat, intense training, and enduring torture are also factors that have helped increase his body’s ability to reduce damage. However, in combat, Jiyan’s durability is merely adept, giving him superhuman levels of survivability, such as being fine in a car accident.

Combat Analysis: Even though Jiyan is not traditionally educated, having stopped going to school at a young age, the insane amount of experience he has gained through years of combat has allowed him to truly hone his combat analysis skills. He is able to observe someone and identify their weaknesses and strengths, while also being able to predict the movements of his opponents mid-combat.

Reiatsu Senses: Jiyan has honed his senses in similar ways to the shinigami’s reikaku. He has the capability of sensing the direction and strength of people’s energy as long as they are within the range of his Spirit Class. However, he cannot identify them by race. To Jiyan, all reiatsu feel the same, no matter the species.

I. High-Spec Powers

» Powers: Jiyan’s theming is around the concept of Eastern Dragons, so he has a lot to do with water and the phenomena that surround the element, such as rainfall. Due to his love of Eastern dragons, many of Jiyan’s abilities also take this shape.

Exertion: There are notable events that happen with water, each based off of how much energy Jiyan is exerting in battle. Firstly, at low exertion, water within the area begins to pool around him, creating random puddles as if it was all being lured to him. Secondly, at medium energy exertion, it starts to rain within the range of his Spirit Class. Lastly, at high exertion, like when he is giving the fight his all, water within his Spirit Class range begins to float upwards, as if gravity was reversed. The amount of pooling water and rain is affected by the amount of natural water around. These events are decreased significantly in dry areas, such as deserts. Each of these stages is a passive ability that activates at certain points. “Light” happens when he utilizes his reiryoku for combat means. “Medium” activates during his first stance. “High” activates during his second stance.

Water Sense: Jiyan has a sixth sense that only reacts to the presence of water. Jjiyan can sense the direction and speed of flowing and still water. This sense is always naturally on, but only focuses on specifics and details when he chooses to sharpen it. It feels like the difference between taking your glasses off and putting them on when you have really bad eyesight. Once he “puts his glasses on,” he can understand more of where the water is at. As long as he can sense it, he can use it. He cannot sense the water within people, unless they are actively bleeding.
  • Rain: During times of heavy storms, Jiyan can see through the chaos of the heaviest rainfall without problem. His keen senses create very clear outline of whatever is in the rain, allowing him to see precise movements and the silhouettes of everything around him.
  • Underwater: Jiyan can see underwater as clearly as people can see on a sunny day, even if he is in areas that light doesn’t usually reach.

Water Control:
► Amount: The amount of water Jiyan can control at once varies depending on the amount of reiryoku that he decides to exert. The amount is directly connected to his Spirit Class, so at maximum exertion, he can control an amount within that range. However, this maximum effort would be met with difficulty due to the sheer weight of water. Pushing it too far would result in exhaustion or worse.

► Temperature: Jiyan has accurate control over the temperature of any water he is able to control. He can rapidly shift the water’s temperature between freezing and boiling. Notably, water under his control does not evaporate or turn to ice. Any other forms of water, such as ice or snow, immediately melt under his control.

► Manipulation: Jiyan does not have the ability to create water, but he can control it from natural sources, even down to the finest points within plants and the air. This is why Jiyan prefers watery and humid areas, such as jungles and oceans, but will avoid dry areas, like deserts. In general, Jiyan’s method of controlling water is by commanding through body movements, such as kicking, punching, jumping, etc. Jiyan’s fine control over water allows him to utilize the tiniest amounts with pinpoint accuracy. When larger amounts of water used, the water take the form of an eastern dragon flying at and crashing into his opponents.
  • Range Limitations: When manipulating water without any of his boosts, such as his mediums, Jiyan has a range limit of about fifty feet. Due to the small amount of energy needed for this “light fighting,” Jiyan can continue to fight for very long durations.
  • Nature’s Water: This refers to Jiyan’s ability to pull water out of plants, grass, the ground, and even the air. Jiyan can do this once per post and does not seem to have a limit on it, excluding the natural availability of water. Trying this in a desert is obviously a problem.

Physique: Jiyan’s body acclimates to underwater environments, without him even having to think about it. For example, Jiyan can breathe underwater for up to a few hours before needing to take a breath of air. Jiyan can also take the immense pressure that water applies at its deepest points without his lungs tightening or his body being crushed. The low temperatures of the dark water also do not affect him, so he feels it as normal. There is no difference between fresh or salt water.

Waterslick: This is Jiyan’s equivalent to the platforms that Shinigami make beneath their feet to walk around in the air. However, he utilizes the water in the air in order to do this. This ability takes no energy and there is no limit to their usage beyond the fact that it does require enough water in the air to use it. So, in places where water is scarce, it is possible for him to struggle keep them up.

The First Stance of Hēi Zhǎo

Qīnglóng Yuèyǎndāo [青龙偃月刀, Green-Dragon Crescent Blade]
► Appearance:
[Spirit Class 4] Jiyan Xiaoyang Jiyan_Sword_Summoned

This blade takes form when Jiyan infuses his reiryoku into Hēi Zhǎo and is considered “medium” exertion. Jiyan uses the transformation of his Hēi Zhǎo as a “stance.” When Jiyan utilizes this stance, he is setting aside his outward control of water and focusing more on himself. He then utilizing his reiryoku to boost his capabilities. Each boost below is lost when Qīnglóng Yuèyǎndāo is released.
    List of Boosts:
  • Speed: 300% boost.
  • Strength: 300% boost.
  • Durability: 300% boost.
  • Weapon: 300% boost to its sharpness and durability.
  • ► Water Clone Dash: This ability is Jiyan’s form of a speed technique. Combining a burst of speed with reiryoku, Jiyan utilizes this ‘shunpo-like’ technique that also leaves a single after image made of water behind. The after images only lasts for a second, and acts like a fake-out by making its own movements. The movements it makes mirror the movements Jiyan made when he left the clone.
  • ► Hyrdo-Crescent Strike: While utilizing the falling rain that occurs in this stance, Jiyan swings his blade and sends reiryoku infused water at a target, shaped like a crescent and sharpened into a thin blade, whose size follows the length of his swing. The crescent can reach up to fifty feet away before it falls back to water. Jiyan can utilize this technique once per post until the form is released.

The Second Stance of Hēi Zhǎo

Rúyì Jīngū Bàng [如意金箍棒, Demon-Subduing Staff]
► Appearance: Click image for larger version
[Spirit Class 4] Jiyan Xiaoyang Jiyan_Staff_Small

This staff takes form when Jiyan infuses his reiryoku into Hēi Zhǎo and is considered “high” exertion. Like the previous, Jiyan uses this form, as a “stance.” When Jiyan utilizes this stance, he is diving deeper into his control over water. His capability increases by 750%, allowing his reach over water to extend over his Spirit Class’s Maximum range and the potency of his abilities to increase as well. The list below are examples of abilities he utilizes often, but keep in mind he has a natural control over water that is only limited by his creativity and need. Any water manipulation while using the staff falls under his water control.

Hydraulic Dragon Rush: This attack is a thin rush of water with an approximate thickness of what is sprayed from a fireman’s hose. Jiyan often uses this as a minor deterrent, pushing people or items in directions that he desires.

Hydraulic Dragon Sweep: This attack is like the previously listed, but about ten times the size and used with the desire to cause much more damage while holding onto opponents. Jiyan has mastered the use of this ability to such a degree that he has been known to drag people who are stuck in the water around the battlefield and keep them “caged” until they can break free or he releases them.

Dragon’s Shield: Thick water, shaped like the face of a dragon, forms in front of Jiyan, creating a shield about three times his size to block incoming attacks. Since this is reiryoku infused water, it is not to be treated like any normal water. It is much more dense, preventing anything weaker from easily passing through it.

Slipstream: This ability gives Jiyan a 50% boost to his speed while he is near decent amounts of available water, giving him increased agility and reaction times.

World Wave: This ability allows Jiyan to create a massive wave of water that direct it somewhere, in other words, a tsunami. For as long as he has the water infused with his energy, he can control its direction. If he lets go, the water continues its movement along whatever path that he had initially put it, so this can cause problems if you’re interrupting him. The size of the wave is dependent on the amount of water that Jiyan wishes to utilize, but the absolute maximum is the amount he could control within the capacity of his Spirit Class.

I. Equipment

» Equipment:

Hēi Zhǎo [黑爪, The Black Claw]:

[Spirit Class 4] Jiyan Xiaoyang Jiyan_Weapon_Small

This blade is made of special material that can handle the usage of reiryoku and even strengthen itself based upon the reiryoku that is used on it. The blade is stronger than steel and cuts like glass. This is what Jiyan uses as his medium.

Retractable Staff: Instead of immediately using his sword, Jiyan keeps three retractable staffs hanging from his belt. Each of them is very well-crafted and made of steel. He uses these when he had no intention to kill or is helping another train.

I. Skill Sheet

General Skills
» Durability: C
» Speed: A
» Strength: C
» Soul: C

Will Skills
» Willpower: Adept
» Deduction: Beginner
» Focus: Advanced

Human Skills
» Power Control: Advanced
» Physical Augmentation: Adept
» Spiritual Adaptation: Beginner
» Mediumship: Elite


Last edited by Serenity on Sun Oct 13, 2024 11:32 pm; edited 4 times in total
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[Spirit Class 4] Jiyan Xiaoyang Empty Re: [Spirit Class 4] Jiyan Xiaoyang

Thu Aug 08, 2024 1:38 pm

Final Check:

SC: 4

General Skills
» Durability: Adept
» Speed: Advanced
» Strength: Adept
» Martial Skill: Advanced

Will Skills
» Willpower: Adept
» Deduction: Beginner
» Focus: Advanced

Human Skills
» Power Control: Advanced
» Physical Augmentation: Adept
» Spiritual Adaptation: Beginner
» Mediumship: Elite[/mod]
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Mon Aug 19, 2024 7:31 pm
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