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Moonlit Walk [Safira, Verdada] Empty Moonlit Walk [Safira, Verdada]

Sun Jul 07, 2024 12:03 pm
Moonlit Walk [Safira, Verdada] Ress-banner2

Ah, the moon, it did look all the more idyllic but of course it should shine a little more brilliant now that she was whole again. It was serendipitous that the very realm itself agreed, as far as she was concerned. All things were as she wanted, all that would need to happen was to finalise details with Ichigo Kurosaki, but she hadn't bothered with that just yet.

Rather she fancied a little walk over these pale sands. She hated this barren wasteland for its lack of entertainment but it had value. This corpse was a fertile soil for her to cultivate a crop in, a wasteland had no value but a corpse could grow the strongest of trees.

Alas, Safira did not fancy herself an impatient woman. She was content to bide her time before moving on this place. Better to engineer the situation more rather than rush things and potentially fail when there were too many powerful factors at play.

"Ah, it is all so bothersome. Better to just enjoy the scenery for now."

She mused to herself as the weaker hollows avoided her. This was proving to be a very uninteresting stroll.


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Moonlit Walk [Safira, Verdada] Empty Re: Moonlit Walk [Safira, Verdada]

Sun Jul 07, 2024 12:41 pm
Moonlit Walk [Safira, Verdada] L4necvg2jm4

The strain of muscle was so rarely audible. The steady stretch and creak of bones and ligaments as a creatures own strength tested its own durability. The haunting harmony of a feminine voice accompanying the sudden pop of a joint leaving its socket.

The subject had finally wrenched its shoulder from the arm that was pinned to the floor. Just enough so that it could lift its headz saline running down its mask as it then slammed its head back down into the bloodied sand. At long last enough force that its skull caved in, and the glow of its eyes faded.

Verdada’s lips curved into a wider smile as she stared at the results. Four of them dead. One of them as still alive. Bodies broken in so many different ways. Some had dashes their own skulls against the ground. Others had tore their own flesh with their teeth until they had bled out. And her winner: rasping on the ground.

She held her palm over the creature’s mask. And pressed until there was a loud crunch. This sadly wasn’t her base at home, there would be no follow up teste. These were disposable subjects. Still, it seemed that pitch and volume had no effect on the results. The fatality rate seemed to still be around 60% overall. Perhaps the amount of energy could be dialed back? But even more, she still wasn’t sure what was causing the reaction.

Hm. Maybe human test subjects would be necessary.

A sigh escaped her and she brought her cigarette to her lips as the distant tingle of a reiatsu was picked up by her pesquisa. An arrancar. A strong one.

But there was no hostile buzz to their reiatsu. Curious. They seemed almost similar to tier in force, and so Verdada turned to watch as they approached. She didn’t recognize them. She waited patiently, prepared to open a garganta if she was attacked. But even prepared for that, she smiled at the woman as they arrived at her test site.

”Buenos Noches, you wouldn’t happen to have any food on you? Forgot to bring myself a snack” she greeted with placid curiosity. Though fatigue hung at the very edges of her words.
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Moonlit Walk [Safira, Verdada] Empty Re: Moonlit Walk [Safira, Verdada]

Sun Jul 07, 2024 12:50 pm
Moonlit Walk [Safira, Verdada] Ress-banner2

What was this? She looked at the bloody sight briefly before her gaze returned to disinterest, the serpentine heads that stretched out of her head and got lost in her hair regarded her closer than Safira's green eye. The briefest of inquiries told her all she needed to know, this arrancar looked pitiful.

"You are a bold one."

It was all she gave for a response to this question. For another hollow to ask for something without so much as identifying herself first, let alone disregard the social order of Hueco Mundo, if the arrancar wanted to press the subject by begging she could do so on her knees rather than act like it was a dignified thing to do. So if she attempted it once more, Safira would casually increase the pressure around her to help her along.


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Moonlit Walk [Safira, Verdada] Empty Re: Moonlit Walk [Safira, Verdada]

Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:02 pm
Moonlit Walk [Safira, Verdada] L4necvg2jm4

That tired smile of hers grew sheepish as she gave slight turn to her body to face them properly. ”Bold? De Nada. Just tired, Señora. I’m not in your way am I? Or is there something I can do for you?” She ventured with a gentle tilt of her head and a gentle sweeping gesture at her wrist. Her voice a bit more hospitable now that she’d heard their voice.

No tremors. No scanning stare. No telltale signs of paranoia or ferocity. Good, so feigning weakness wouldn’t be necessary. The gait had spoke of confidence, but now she could see it was genuine and not fabricated.

But she didn’t introduce herself unprompted. Such might be construed as a gesture of self importance. And she wasn’t looking to get mauled today.
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Moonlit Walk [Safira, Verdada] Empty Re: Moonlit Walk [Safira, Verdada]

Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:08 pm
Moonlit Walk [Safira, Verdada] Ress-banner2

"Is there?"

Safira restrained herself from immediately telling this creature she was in the way. She was, but she was pragmatic enough to at least conduct an evaluation of something's usefulness before she cast judgement. It was vanity that made one act irrational but it was true pride where reason existed. So, what did this creature want to offer for blocking her way.

Let's play a game, she mused to herself with a wry smile. She would keep track of every moment this arrancar wasted and then decide whether she offered enough to cover the debt. Safira's time was precious after all and any creature that took it from her needed to make it worthwhile.


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Moonlit Walk [Safira, Verdada] Empty Re: Moonlit Walk [Safira, Verdada]

Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:34 pm
Moonlit Walk [Safira, Verdada] L4necvg2jm4

Well that was unfortunate. She probably should have just dipped when they were approaching. Not much she could do about it now.

”Hm.” she turned her attention to the bloody mess, a portion of which was indeed in the path of this Transient Husk.

Fresh and bloated too. Interesting.

She crouched down and peeled the corpae that was directly within the woman’s path before she offered a gentle smile and bowed at the waist. ”I’ve made a bit if a mess. Sand isn’t really something you can just clean. If you don’t mind me being a bit rough, I can clear a path.” she offered.
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