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Ye Olde Guarde
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Thu Jul 11, 2024 2:52 pm

Ah. There it was. Retsu almost felt like smiling at getting a full answer from him. For one, Byakuya was clearly driven by his "Noble Pride." He felt himself superior because of who his ancestors were. Predictable. If only other nobles kept to their principles to the degree he did. Unfortunately, nobles were people just like the Rukongai citizens they claimed to be better than. Retsu knew that both would bleed the same—there wasn't a difference in that.

Like Byakuya, Retsu was not one to move around a lot while conversing. It was as if two statues were standing across from one another. As for the rest of what Byakuya had to say... "Former Head-Captain Yamamoto would have scolded you for such talk. Compared to our time, that punishment would have been a joke." In her time, a fight would have been considered "light punishment." The number of people executed because of their disapproval of the Gotei Thirteen in its early years was far more than zero.

"You have a high opinion for an institution that let itself rot from the inside." Even Retsu once had respect for the Gotei, but she did parade it around by its laurels. "You left the Gotei Thirteen not long after I did. I imagine the failures of Former Head-Captain Crow sparked your leaving, no? But I also theorize that you had a deep-seated sense of dissatisfaction growing even then." Retsu loathed attaching the same title to Iriko Crow's name as Shigekuni Yamamoto once held. Those two did not deserve to be within the same alphabet.

"Let me pose a hypothetical for you. Say you followed the tradition we both abhor and took Iriko Crow's head. By tradition, you would have taken his position. What would you have done different? Do you think you could have saved what was already crumbling by the time we both had reached out limit?"

Hope is a Disease

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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Thu Jul 11, 2024 3:10 pm
Blood on the Vines [Retsu/Byakuya] - Page 2 Byakuya_PostingHeader5
Byakuya Kuchiki

Byakuya’s high opinion stood because the Gotei Thirteen never claimed to be anything more than balancers of the Soul Cycle. There were people who wanted them to do more, wanted them to reach the Rukongai, wanted them to govern, but that was not their job. The Gotei Thirteen did what their job was: balance. Did they do it perfectly? No. Were they always right? No. What person was? What they did not do was what this Gotei United was doing: claiming to be better, progressive, and more efficient, yet nothing beyond nobility authority has changed.

“I would have let it fade into history,” Byakuya said without hesitation. “With the passing of Former Head Captain Yamamoto, the vision of the Gotei Thirteen fell with him. No one can lead the way he could; no one has the combination of power, skill, and charisma, and that is why each following him has been a failure. Some shoes, you just cannot fill. However, you can rebuild from the ashes.”

End Post
Ye Olde Guarde
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Thu Jul 11, 2024 4:36 pm

A fraction of a fraction of a smile curled upon her lips. Byakuya Kuchiki had answered correctly. It wasn't exactly a test or a trick question. She didn't even expect him to give a good answer. She half-expected him to answer with "I could not possibly know what I would have done because I was not in that position." That sounded more like the Byakuya she remembered. He had done more maturing in less than a decade than some Shinigami do their entire lives.

"Then you and I are in agreement." Retsu un-sheathed her hands. She folded her arms that to many would seem impatient. But no, this was her exposing a small bit of "vulnerability." "The Gotei Thirteen started rotting before Head-Captain Yamamoto was killed. It was isolated back then—pockets of disease that did not spread. He was the Gotei's immune system in a sense."

"I will not disparage the genuine accomplishments of the other Head Captains. Tsubaki Koezuka did keep the Gotei from killing one another after the loss of Former Head-Captain Yamamoto. Ibiki Suika had the right idea in reforming the Gotei after the failure of Iriko Crow. Shunsui Kyoraku was... Well, I believe we both know him well enough to say that his rule was stable. Abalia Kyoraku pushed reforms that were sorely needed. And now Kagayaku-no-Murasaki is... truly, I believe she has made the best out of the situation she was dealt."

"There are two factors you did not consider. Former Head-Captain Yamamoto was someone who kept the Gotei united..." She let out a brief chuckle at the unintentional irony. "Through his reputation. He also had the will to see the job done. Each of the former Head-Captains has had most of the criteria you listed—but not one has had the entire suite. The Gotei United's problem, and, truly the Gotei Thirteen's problem was just that. No single person could hold all of those traits. Not even you, Byakuya Kuchiki."

Hope is a Disease

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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Blood on the Vines [Retsu/Byakuya] - Page 2 Empty Re: Blood on the Vines [Retsu/Byakuya]

Thu Jul 11, 2024 9:10 pm
Blood on the Vines [Retsu/Byakuya] - Page 2 Byakuya_PostingHeader5
Byakuya Kuchiki

Byakuya had harsher opinions of the Captain Commanders after Yamamoto, and her answers did not budge him, yet. To him their longevity as Captain Commanders was proof otherwise, and that the chaos of both realms added to the evidence of their weakness, or if put more realistically, their lack of being absolute perfection. Unohana was correct; even he did not possess each of these qualities. Byakuya felt himself a decent leader. He had a strong reputation and a knack for tactics, but he could not yet hold a candle to Yamamoto on the battlefield. Keyword: Yet.

“You are, of course, correct,” Byakuya said and the smallest of smirks was allowed to grace his lips. He knew someone that was close though, if not already there. A new sparring partners had that kind of pull. Maybe their partnership could extend.

“Every time we speak, Lady Unohana,” Byakuya nodded his head in place of an actual bow, but still his way of showing respect to her. “I am enriched by your wisdom. Thank you for your time. It won’t be wasted.” Unless stopped, Byakuya turned away, intending to make his way to the training area they had chosen.

End Post
Ye Olde Guarde
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Blood on the Vines [Retsu/Byakuya] - Page 2 Empty Re: Blood on the Vines [Retsu/Byakuya]

Thu Jul 11, 2024 9:33 pm

Byakuya's stern expression cracked. She hoped he had seen what she truly meant; but only time could tell. The fact was Byakuya did have most of those qualities. But he didn't have them in enough quantity. He could lead, but it would be brief. The common people would revolt, but even more than that, there would be many Shinigami that could not suffer his idea of order. Being too strict led to squeezing the life out of someone. Not blood and guts, but the actual soul of life. The part that existed like a long-forgotten raisin within her.

Retsu nodded as Byakuya turned and thanked her for her time. She did not find her time wasted. "One last piece of advice, Lord Kuchiki." She stopped him only briefly. "There is a significant difference between those that support the meaning, the name, and the function of the Gotei that we once belonged to. Tread with caution." Retsu bowed and turned away. As she left, she bade him farewell. "It was pleasant speaking with you, Byakuya Kuchiki. If you wish to speak again, my office has not moved. Do not let the clouds spoil this day." Retsu left him with a second piece of advice as there were no clouds today.

Hope is a Disease

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