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The Cat Who Cried Boyfriend[Amaranta, Khaana, Vanyel]  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cat Who Cried Boyfriend[Amaranta, Khaana, Vanyel]

Thu Jul 18, 2024 5:47 pm
The Cat Who Cried Boyfriend[Amaranta, Khaana, Vanyel]  - Page 2 J7mmc8gxre7

She quirked a brow slightly at Amaranta's response to her question, though she didn't linger on it. She'd been trying to get the two to make up for ages, this seemed to be about as good as it was going to get. All the more, though. She DID raise a brow slightly at the explanation offered by Vanyel. "Doesn't really .... sound like a company that would have people doing work in africa. Given how dangerous it is over there. One of you guys could get hurt..." She murmured with a hint of concern in her voice.

Only added to more when Amaranta mentioned fighting the man's boss in Africa. She sighed and lightly reached up to rub at her eyelids. Not that she was gonna scold her. She knew that Amaranta was just beyond any semblance of shame when it came toa fight. The girl would have given Khaana cancer if she thought she could fight it.

"Sounds like Risky business. You don't really strike me as that kinda guy though. So how did you wind up getting mixed in some rich chick's heroism fantasy?"
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The Cat Who Cried Boyfriend[Amaranta, Khaana, Vanyel]  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cat Who Cried Boyfriend[Amaranta, Khaana, Vanyel]

Fri Jul 19, 2024 9:20 pm
The Cat Who Cried Boyfriend[Amaranta, Khaana, Vanyel]  - Page 2 Z2q6v3M


After hearing Amaranta's proud follow-up, it seemed like "friend" wasn't the right word for whatever the kind of relationship those two had. At least, from what he could tell in Amaranta's words, she was more than just a rival in the culinary arts, but it seemed like this Kanako was someone that Amaranta considered to be a rival in just about every aspect -- even affection and attention.

His attention shifted to Khaana as he heard her mumbling about how one of them could get hurt, only for Amaranta to suddenly mention that she had fought Rita in Africa at one point. He knew that she had gotten into a fight with Sabre before she disappeared to Hueco Mundo because of the Arrancar's idiocy. He also knew that she had gotten into a different fight, but he never would have guessed that the details would match up and for her opponent to have been Amaranta.

"Better. Another...incident happened that caused some problems for a good minute, but, she's back home now, and she's recovered fine."

Then, his attention went back to her boss, quietly taking a clump of rice mixed with the chicken into his mouth as he listened to her, now not needing to strain his hearing to listen to mumbles. Risky business was the name of his job, it wasn't unexpected as a bodyguard, especially when you were keeping an eye on the CEO of a company, not just some other, comparatively random executive.

"Not the first time I've been involved in something risky, 'sides, that's really reductive. I got 'mixed up' in this mainly due to one of my friends introducing me to her, and her helping me out with something...pretty big, for me at least. She offered me a job afterward, and the rest is basically history."

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The Cat Who Cried Boyfriend[Amaranta, Khaana, Vanyel]  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cat Who Cried Boyfriend[Amaranta, Khaana, Vanyel]

Tue Jul 30, 2024 2:09 pm
The Cat Who Cried Boyfriend[Amaranta, Khaana, Vanyel]  - Page 2 J7mmc8gxre7

Khaana's brows raised slightly at that and she furrowed her brows. Recovered? Jeez, talk about calling it. She herself had been victim to .... well perhaps not any sort of Hero fantasy. But even so, she didn't quite belong in an environment like that. .... right?

She preferred to think maybe she didn't. But still she gave a light nod. "I'm glad to hear she's okay. Hopefully her recovery isn't too rough." She noted sincerely, Still, it seemed that the situation was more than skin deep. Helped with something big? Sounded like a personal thing. She could only imagine what it could have been. Maybe the guy was set up with Amaranta because of it? Or maybe some kinda personal issue was smoothed over? She could only guess at whatever it was the woman helped him with. But whatever it wa,s he neglected to offer up the information. Which, fair enough, theyd only just met. But she still wondered.

"Interesting. And how is it that you and Amaranta wound up together?" She ventured with a slight tilt of her head. Glancing over to the feline in question. She had a guess, but there was no point in presuming. After all, she knew that Amaranta definitely had sniffed around the hole. It stood to reason that maybe they had met there.
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The Cat Who Cried Boyfriend[Amaranta, Khaana, Vanyel]  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cat Who Cried Boyfriend[Amaranta, Khaana, Vanyel]

Tue Aug 06, 2024 6:28 pm
The Cat Who Cried Boyfriend[Amaranta, Khaana, Vanyel]  - Page 2 MPftNxw


"We didn't meet in Africa if that's what you're wondering, Princess."

To be certain, their meeting occurred long before she was made aware of the pandemonium in Africa. Since it wouldn't reveal her hand, there was no need to hide how they first met. Spinning the chopsticks around, she turned her gaze in Vanyel's direction as a wide grin played across her sun-kissed features. Where did she begin?

"After losing this battle to an Arrancar I fought and getting knocked unconscious, rowdy bastard robbed me of all my clothing. Since my senses were still questionable at best, I simply opened a Garganta in some random area in Japan - and this place just so happened to be nearby."

Collecting another clump of rice and flavorful chicken, she continued.

"Let me tell ya, I smelled one hell of an aroma from here and the smell made me pretty hungry... so I entered his home, ate his food, and... he caught me. Of course, we came to blows and he was rightfully pissed, but we found a mutual interest in the way one another's abilities worked. I thought his martial prowess and the way he employed it in battle was pretty entertaining, so I asked him about it. He was still pissed off, sure, but he explained himself a bit and got pretty in-depth with it. From there, we slowly eased out of throwing hands, and... the rest was history. Of course, he's free to fill in any blinks I may have missed. Right, babe?"


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The Cat Who Cried Boyfriend[Amaranta, Khaana, Vanyel]  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cat Who Cried Boyfriend[Amaranta, Khaana, Vanyel]

Tue Aug 06, 2024 7:29 pm
The Cat Who Cried Boyfriend[Amaranta, Khaana, Vanyel]  - Page 2 Z2q6v3M


He gave a light nod in response to Khaana's response. Rita had been recovering well as of late, thankfully, despite everything that he had gone through after being kidnapped to Hueco Mundo. His eye, however, twitched at the memory of how he first came across Amaranta. But, just as he was about to start recounting, the lioness herself surprisingly chimed in. So, as she took over, Vanyel took a clump of rice and chicken into his mouth as he listened.

To his surprise, she was actually faithful to the story of how they met, earning a surprised blink as he listened. He was honestly expecting her to make up more grandiose details about it, but instead, he was pleasantly surprised to see that she kept it...actually relatively simple. That was refreshing, really. The stern, annoyed expression of the man began to lessen.

"No, that's...pretty much it. Surprised you actually kept to it. Usually you like to make shit up. Or just be destructive in general, like leavin' out the fact that you broke my door. Twice. First time, you just broke the whole thing off its hinges, and the second you at least only broke the knob, but, still."

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The Cat Who Cried Boyfriend[Amaranta, Khaana, Vanyel]  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cat Who Cried Boyfriend[Amaranta, Khaana, Vanyel]

Tue Aug 06, 2024 10:26 pm
The Cat Who Cried Boyfriend[Amaranta, Khaana, Vanyel]  - Page 2 J7mmc8gxre7

Yea, that sounded.... about right in fact. The mental image of Amaranta staggering into some random persons house to eat food certainly was in line with how she had been when they had first met. and she couldn't help the slight smirk on her face at Vanyel's commentary about Amaranta not changing details or making anything up, eliciting a snort and a smile from the woman as she let her hand rest on her hip.

"Is that right? You must be quite the fighter for her to get curious about you." she noted as she regarded him for a few seconds. And for just a moment, she felt that familiar tingle. Disappointment, and restrained intrigue. That she couldn't quite afford to ever really indulge in herself around humans.

It was a feeling she was all too used to. And indeed, even Amaranta likely would have noticed it. Around spiritual beings, she was rough around the edges. But around humans? She kept herself in line, and practically never engaged in combat. And in this moment? She wanted to see what Vanyel could do, and while none of that showed obviously. She couldn't let it, not yet. Not until she secured her company. So she smiled and nodded.

"I really envy strong people, I'm just an entertainer myself. But I always did enjoy action and Fantasy games. MAkes me wish I could do all that fancy stuff you see on the news about shinigami."
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The Cat Who Cried Boyfriend[Amaranta, Khaana, Vanyel]  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cat Who Cried Boyfriend[Amaranta, Khaana, Vanyel]

Wed Aug 07, 2024 9:57 am
The Cat Who Cried Boyfriend[Amaranta, Khaana, Vanyel]  - Page 2 MPftNxw


"When you keep mentioning it, do you really consider it something I left out? Plus, I didn't deny it, so there's that."

Amaranta turned her gaze in Khaana's direction, noting the small shift in her expression as she spoke about her false envy. Part of her was overwhelmingly tempted to elaborate on how much of a fighter this battle-axe truly was, but since she was technically telling a white lie herself at the current moment... she refrained from doing so.

Consuming her chicken and rice with a pleasant grin, she simply decided to elaborate on what interested her so much about Vanyel. He was a pretty remarkable fighter in his own right, for one, and possessed a unique approach to battle that fascinated her to no end.

What was it called? Martial arts? Patterned combat was a foreign concept in the realm of Hueco Mundo. Here, quite a few humans seemed, with blade or fist, to refine these techniques and combine them with their spiritual abilities, enhancing their fighting capability tenfold. What else, then, could she call it, but fascinating?

"Of course he is. That's why I still interact with him to this day. Don't think he's heard me say this before, but his martial prowess and the way he applies it in battle is pretty impressive. I can't quite understand the full depth of it, but I can tell it's turned him into a seasoned fighter, and he has my respect for that. In the coming days, I'd like to study and put what he teaches me into practice myself..."


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The Cat Who Cried Boyfriend[Amaranta, Khaana, Vanyel]  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cat Who Cried Boyfriend[Amaranta, Khaana, Vanyel]

Tue Aug 13, 2024 12:05 am
The Cat Who Cried Boyfriend[Amaranta, Khaana, Vanyel]  - Page 2 Z2q6v3M


Vanyel rolled his eyes at Amaranta's response, not bothering to answer it and instead choosing to take another bite of chicken and rice, finishing up the bowl and setting the utensils down in front of him. At the comment on his skill as a fighter, the man suddenly went silent, looking to the side for a moment, before to the table. He was a fighter at heart, but his skill was hardly something he boasted about often, if at all.

At hearing her having envy toward the strong, Vanyel looked at her, an eyebrow raising. She was just an entertainer? That didn't seem right, from what he'd seen, the mix of white and yellow. Human, but not. Plus, the density of the aura he saw didn't reflect the idea that she was just some entertainer. Vanyel lifted a leg to cross over the other, his head canting lightly to the side.

"These days, most people could do stuff like Shinigami. I doubt that you can't."

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Tue Aug 13, 2024 9:40 am
The Cat Who Cried Boyfriend[Amaranta, Khaana, Vanyel]  - Page 2 J7mmc8gxre7

Khaana raised a brow slightly. A bit intrigued to say the least that Amaranta had such a fascination with that particular facet. Naturally, she knew that Amaranta enjoyed strength, and even beyond the more conventional meanings of it. But she would have never imagined that Amaranta would affix to such an... abstract form of strength as martial arts. Not just delving into a type of tactics, but a full art form more or less, which involved unintuitive methods to produce strong results. True, Khaana had known that Amaranta liked her own fighting style. Her own desperate and quick-thinking style was strong. But it was also simple. More along the lines of snap jusdgements and on the fly thinking rather than something so disciplined as martial arts.

Was this, perhaps, what made Vanyel so fascinating to her? The thought of it brought a light smirk to her features as she found herself further envying the man. "You're a lucky guy. I admit, I wasn't sure what to expect with Amaranta. I was a little worried that she'd find some brute that would ...exacerbate her own tendencies. I'm sure you're aware of her tendencies. Amicable as they may be." A glance toward Amaranta, offering a light smirk as she did so.

"But, shes still very reliable. I admit, I was starting to think about trying to help her hook up with someone. She's surprisingly altruistic, smarter than she can sometimes come off, and certainly can be helpful to have around in a pinch, and not just when it comes to fighting." Her voice trailed for a moment as she briefly let her thoughts shift to her own struggles. Even if Amaranta wasn't...well..helpful. Her presence was still something that got her going, and if nothing else, invoked thought and review of herself. Did Amaranta say anything that actually helped? Rarely. But the feline certainly got her thinking. And her mind, briefly, shifted to when she had been taken to the forest by her. Perhaps not the healthiest of things, but she had learned a lot about herself.

"Amaranta's certainly ... made me aware that I can do more than I think I can. But well, I don't have the time to delve into that kinda stuff. Not until I've managed to secure retirement at least." She smiled slyly at Amaranta. "Once that happens who knows, maybe I'll be able to give Amaranta a run for her money." She teased.
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The Cat Who Cried Boyfriend[Amaranta, Khaana, Vanyel]  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cat Who Cried Boyfriend[Amaranta, Khaana, Vanyel]

Thu Aug 15, 2024 6:10 pm
The Cat Who Cried Boyfriend[Amaranta, Khaana, Vanyel]  - Page 2 MPftNxw


"Huh? Where the hell is this all coming from suddenly?"

Khaana's statements were a far cry from her overall perception of the impact on this woman's life. She had rarely ever expressed or elaborated on her feelings like this to any degree she was aware of. Thus, hearing all of that out of nowhere caused her tilt to tilt her head in confusion.

What the hell was up with her? Brushing past the small shade of red that threatened to settle in, she waved her hand dismissively as she finished the rest of her meal, handing the dish off of to Vanyel as she rolled her eyes. Reflecting on it hindsight, her mind flashed back to their recent bout.

When she spoke about one day rivaling her, enough to give her a prospective run for her money, she simply grumbled as those events played through her mind. There wasn't a sound defeat this time, and she brought her closer to the precipice of her own defeat than she had in prior battles.

On one hand, she was proud of that. On another, she wondered if she was losing touch. There were flaws in her offensive that could use refinement. Of course, she felt that way in any battle that tested her mettle. Whatever the case, she simply grinned back at the woman as she settled against the chair.

"Don't count on it, Princess."


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