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Ye Olde Guarde
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One Small Step for Man [Calliope/Ehefra] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue7380/100One Small Step for Man [Calliope/Ehefra] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (7380/100)

One Small Step for Man [Calliope/Ehefra] - Page 2 Empty Re: One Small Step for Man [Calliope/Ehefra]

Mon May 20, 2024 5:43 pm

Calliope R. Schwarzmann
Director, Albedochiffren

Calliope smirked. So, I'm not the only one who noticed. She'd put aside her data hunt from earlier to focus on that. If the Grandmaster was seeing what she had glimpsed, it'd be easier to deal with. She felt that some change might arise now that Alastair had taken over—of course that wasn't a shot directly at his predecessor. No, Calliope just thought that Alastair had a bit more usefulness than Cyrus. Although, she hadn't met Cyrus aside from a brief introduction when she took the job as Director.

"Well, I definitely don't want you to be bored of the subject before speaking to the Grandmaster." Calliope stood after Ehefra did. "I'll be sure to take a look at the reports you sent. If I have any further questions, I'll send a reply." Calliope thought fora moment of extending a hand for a shake. But that wasn't her. Ehefra was someone Calliope thought she'd enjoy working with. But trust was a little ways off. "It was a pleasure we finally met. I look forward to seeing what the Steingruft, and you in particular, will create for the preservation of our blue and pure world." Once Ehefra left the room, Calliope would sit back down. She had many things to ponder for her grasping of the cosmos.

End Transmission

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