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Joined : 2024-05-13
Posts : 20

[Spirit Class 7] Patel Kuzunoha Empty [Spirit Class 7] Patel Kuzunoha

Wed May 15, 2024 10:17 pm

I. Basic Information

» Name: Patel Kuzunoha [adopted surname]
» Alias: Pat
» Age: 184
» Gender: Male

» Association: Gotei United - 3rd Division, Unseated

» Appearance Written:

Patel is a lanky 5’6” young-looking man, with jet black hair down to about his jawline. His build is just barely toned enough to be called athletic, and would look emaciated if he lost any more weight. Patel wears a sleeveless variation of the regular Shinigami uniform and usually doesn’t wear socks or the standard issue sandals, preferring a pair of leather-bound sandals with straps that go just above his ankles. He is rarely seen without a pair of plain black vambraces woven from the same cloth as his gi.

At risk of looking strange, Patel likes to wear a small amount of red eyeshadow, especially when his eyelids would otherwise be darkened with fatigue. He also paints all of his nails black regularly, rarely permitting a single chip in their coat. His hygiene and complexion are usually impeccable—even moreso when he is stressed; Patel likes to stand-out without being gaudy.

» Appearance Image:

[Spirit Class 7] Patel Kuzunoha BOyRSb6

I. Personality

» Personality:

Patel thinks very poorly of himself. He has no upbringing, spent most of his life cleaning in a brothel, isn't well educated, he's short, and for reasons described in his history, Patel feels like he is a sorry excuse of a man—that he is already ruined. He remembers almost every sin he has ever committed and hates his own misdeeds.

Despite his low self-esteem, Patel is beyond self-pity and understands his life serves a purpose in the bigger picture, and that offing himself would only hurt his adoptive mother as well as anyone who might depend on him in the future. Patel believes in fate rather than determinism, and that there is a higher law of morality that governs the world, but he couldn't tell you where it comes from or who's really in charge. He has a simple, immature kind of faith.

Patel motivates himself by feeling obligated to his opportunities. If he has potential, it is his duty to realize it. He has a strong work ethic, but becomes obsessive in the details: he is meticulously clean, and deliberately possesses little, because he compulsively maintains all that he has.

Despite coming from poverty, Patel dislikes material wealth, believing that the love of money and power has ruined Soul Society. He thinks of the Central 46 and the 5 Noble Families as overgrown tumors that have stolen Rukongai's livelihood. As rare as attacks on Soul Society are, Patel questions whether the Shinigami are necessary in their present state, but Patel does not dare speak out against the status quo. Paradoxically—he lusts for status and position, albeit for him it is still for the fear of poverty rather than the love of money.

Patel is disciplined, and can even be determined, but he struggles with cowardice. He is inherently flighty, like a timid rabbit. It is very difficult for Patel to actually find the will to fight, and when he can compel himself to engage in combat, he is excessively desperate to end a fight as soon as possible. Patel's anxious mind greatly magnifies any challenge he is facing and he cannot rest while troubled.

» Likes:
* Black Coffee
* Vegetarian meals
* Baths
* Fish scale patterns
* Minimalist architecture

» Dislikes:
* Loud people
* Meat, especially beef & pork
* Rich people, mainly Central 46 and noble families
* Gold and gaudy things
* Unhygienic comrades

I. History

» Human History:

Patel was born in 1930 as Imran, a dalit in the rural farmlands of Tamil Nandu in southern India. Within India’s caste society, dalits are the lowest class of people, considered to be “untouchables.” Imran’s parents were sharecroppers who had inherited an unpayable debt stretching back several generations, but their bloodline was without surname, and around the age of ten Patel realized he might be able to escape his debt amidst the other dalits by running away from home and pretending to be an orphan worker on another farm. Although his parents searched for him as much as they could, Imran fled too far to be found and never looked back.

He walked into another farm at night, curled up to sleep in a dilapidated shed, and when the workers started at sunrise Patel joined them in their duties imitating his fellow dalits. There were some who asked him questions—who are you, where did you come from, what is your name—but Imran employed a strategy of just saying “I don’t know” to anything he was asked, and then continued to work on the farm and join in on communal meals. No one stopped him, and workers were always dying, so there were plenty of places to fill and Imran slipped right in.

Later on, as a sixteen year-old young man, Imran realized that although he had barely escaped the debt of his parents by becoming Nothing his future did not look very different from theirs. Working sunrise to sunset, his pay was his food and whatever else his betters provided, and there was always the fear that he might be sent to bake bricks instead of growing crops. He had seen three other dalits die; one broke his back and was left to wither, one starved because he could no longer work, another young man fell over in the sun and never got back up. Imran realized he might die like them any day now.
Imran snuck-out from the farm with stolen, unbaked dough to survive on and fled far to a steel mill owned by the Tata Iron and Steel company. He had heard rumors all his life about industrialization, mythical automobiles and how life was changing… the glow of hot metal pouring into molds seduced Imran as soon as he reached the factory. He camped outside the foreman’s office, harassed anyone who looked shaved, and was one day picked-out from a small mob after several attempts to be hired on the spot.

The other workers did not help Imran out as much as his fellows had in the farmlands. There were two men who showed him how to do his part in the chain of production- but from then on, rarely would another worker even look at him. It felt as though Imran had become an untouchable among untouchables, but as Imran continued to work, mindless labor without interaction became normal.

Although it was not much money, Imran received real pay for the first time in his life. He was joyful for several weeks, buying whatever food he wanted and pinching coins as he wildly imagined owning his own farm and growing tamarinds. However, when the then-homeless Imran then discovered the cost of housing and actually owning things other than necessities, he realized it would be decades before he could even purchase a small farm.

Imran humbled himself and accepted his lot, as the years went on. He lived frugally, but gratefully, until the day came when Tata Steel had suffered consecutive shortfalls; not all of the workers could be paid. Upheaval was among the workers, some of whom were paid and some of which were not, including Imran himself. The better liked and better connected men received a share of what pay there was to give. Then, for months on end, there was no pay at all. Workplace accidents were common, and some of the men died before they would ever receive their missed pay.

Only a third of the workers were able to leave, but Imran had to stay and toil, living on what he had saved up to purchase farmland with one day. He hated that he was dipping into his savings. The steel mill was on the same road that lead to a small mining town, so Imran skipped a few days of unpaid work to travel there and see if there was a place for him in the mines; a deadly, but steady job.

Imran found that the mines had also shut down, but while at a watering hole, he found a boastful man with several well-dressed girls near him laughing with a local merchant. He didn’t look Indian, so Imran did not like him at first because he appeared to be a wealthy foreigner profiting from the poverty that surrounded them. But after a long moment of eye contact, the man introduced himself to Imran as Abdul: a small-time commodities trader from Afghanistan.

He was remarkably friendly and immediately invited Imran to share in a meal with him. While breaking naan to dip in saag paneer, he asked Imran about his life and what brought him to the mines, and after a short exchange Abdul offered Imran an opportunity: a risky business venture, because commodities are inherently volatile. Imran had the wits to know he was probably being scammed. But, in the same moment he had that thought…

He also thought, “‘I’d like to be scammed. Then I will take revenge and take all this man has.” For a brief moment Imran focused all of his wickedness built-up over years of toil, and agreed to lend Abdul all of his savings for a ridiculous profit no one had any right to expect. Abdul was initially pleased, but found that Imran followed him everywhere he went, working odd jobs like shining shoes and sorting through trash.

Several months later, Abdul confronted Imran and thrust upon him a sum of money that was eight times greater than what Imran had given him. He was shocked and remorseful—as well as curious as to how this could be, but Abdul cheerfully insisted he was just a shrewd businessman. He also guarded his trade practices viciously, from merchandise to clientele. No one knew anything about Abdul’s business, and he traveled all over south India to seemingly invest in whatever products were popular exports there.

Even knowing it was probably too good to be true, Imran continued to reinvest all he had with Abdul, and eventually Imran himself became the face of Abdul’s business so he could deal with Indians who did not want to deal with an Afghan. Imran was not only returned eight-fold on his successive investments, but also earned a wage while assisting Abdul. It was a blissful dream—yet Imran always felt uneasy, never knowing how Abdul’s practice worked.

One day, Abdul disappeared and was gone for months. Initially terrified that the Afghan had finally cheated him for good and taken all Imran had given him, Imran scoured Tamil Nandu for any trace of the Afghan, only to stumble on him again at a farm not far from where Imran was born. It was a very quiet village far from the roads.

There, Imran confronted Abdul, only to be surprised with half of the amount Abdul promised him—still four times what he had invested. Abdul then divulged his secrets to Imran and showed him what he was doing in a thatching house on the farm: the workers were growing poppies from Afghanistan there, processing it into opium, and then Abdul would stash it packaged alongside normal exports like sugar, tea and other commodities to select buyers across the world. Although scorned and illegal, the opium trade was still very viable, and its profits had changed Imran’s life.

Troubled but satisfied, Imran did business with Abdul for three more years before severing all ties and leaving the opium trade for good. Imran now had a small fortune, and used it to buy the steel mill he had worked in during his late teens, becoming its new owner and manager after Tata Steel had closed it. Imran knew he had committed many sins by furthering the opium trade, and while he had done so to one day acquire the tamarind farm he dreamed of, he decided to make a better version of the steel mill he knew so that desperate young men seeking the same dream as him could find a real living.

Imran opened the steel mill and many of the old workers returned, followed by a steady trickle of new ones; in the beginning everything was good. Imran demanded a six day work week of fourteen-hour shifts, which was far better compared to everywhere else, and the workers were promised a percentage of the mill’s profits as their wage. For the first six months, it worked. The workers were paid a decent amount, albeit not as much as Imran had envisioned for them, and the old workers were grateful not only that the mill was back but that they had a better lot than before.

However, about once every six months, there would be a lull in orders and a general dry spell for the steel industry in the part of India where Imran’s mill was located. The only way to raise revenue up to survivable levels was to mass-produce cheaper forms of inferior steel and sell it at a low price to Japan, as the market was saturated with quality steel for discerning buyers at that time. But producing more steel, even of inferior quality, required much more labor. Imran had to extend working hours to seven days a week, sixteen hours a day.

Workers began to die on the job. A young man fell asleep while leaning against the ropes of a catwalk, and tumbled headfirst into a huge vat of molten steel. Several old workers died of exhaustion, grateful to be paid at all and unwilling to ask for rest. Young men perished in accidents that, if they had been fed or rested, they would have avoided.

The many deaths before and during Imran’s time at the factory had filled it to the brim with Demi-Hollows full of grief and regret. Even though people could not hear them crying out for the injustice of wages they were never delivered, a shrill unease was ever-present in all of the steel mill. But crying out was not enough for these tortured spirits, and one day, while Imran was proceeding down one of the rope catwalks, the Demi-Hollow of the same man who had fallen into the vat snatched one of Imran’s ankles, succeeding after many attempts to grab him.

Imran was flung from the catwalk, tumbling in mid-air into a vat of boiling liquid steel. He died almost instantly- but as a plus among the Demi-Hollows, he was scolded and chastised for having ruined dozens of lives, and Imran truly suffered knowing he had become exactly the kind of person he hated. He failed to justify himself before his dead workers, who beat him and screamed at him until the taint of the soon-abandoned steel mill was so bad that a unit of Shinigami were sent to cleanse the Demi-Hollows before they could fully Hollowfy, and Imran himself received the Konso ritual there as well.
» Shinigami History:
NSFW Warning: Violence, Rape, Suicide, Sexual Themes:

I. Natural Abilities

» Natural Abilities:

Proficient Laborer
Patel has a strong background in the lowest kinds of work, from cleaning to hauling and generally slaving-away at menial tasks. Manual labor like cleaning the barracks takes Patel only half the time that would be required of an ordinary Shinigami.

Poor Combatant
Patel is not good at traditional means of combat and will never feel comfortable pointing a sword at someone. He will generally perform worse in real combat than when sparring, especially involving swordplay and martial arts.

Cowardly Instinct
Alike to prey animals that flee before earthquakes and storms may arrive, Patel has a strong sense of danger. He is not a good judge of character, nor can he discern lies easily, but Patel just knows when he’s in a bad situation and feels a strong desire to flee when he is.

I. Racial Abilities

» Racial Abilities:

Zanpakuto Meditation
Patel has a strong bond with his Zanpakuto, especially for a low-class Shinigami. It can speak to him even while sealed and it is not at all difficult for Patel to enter Yomi’s inner world. There is a problem however in that Patel has difficulty leaving the inner world of his Zanpakuto, and that he cannot silence his Zanpakuto, the spirit of which is inherently critical of him. It can even influence his emotions, typically by causing him various stages of anxiety to compel its own idea of repentance. Generally speaking: Patel will have an easier time than most doing any kind of interaction or development with his Zanpakuto, but its spirit is at most a danger to him and at least a burden.

I. Zanpakutō

» Zanpakutō Name: Yomi

» Zanpakutō Spirit: Yomi takes the form of a 7” tall woman with decayed flesh, horrible desiccated features and mutated teeth growing-up from a fissure that has encroached from her nethers to her sternum. The rags of deteriorated funeral attire cling to her body, a broken shrine gate hovers behind her back, and hanging from the gate are countless paper talismans that are blackened with mold. The individual talismans, if read, contain nearly nonsensical prose that vaguely mocks the reader’s personal traits and experiences in some way that suggests insults about their true nature.

Yomi treats Patel as a sinner and considers the proper repentance for any sin to include suffering and pain. She was born from the masochistic-ascetic desires of her original wielder, Takuan Shozo, who desired a she-demon that could punish and indulge his sinful nature at the same time. Yomi is malevolent towards sin, but also attracted to it, lusting to torture and devour evildoers—she prefers to inflict excruciating and prolonged agony rather than quick death, embodying a sadistic but principled spirit that was capable of satisfying Takuan’s true desires. It is not that Yomi desires a world that is rid of evil, but a world where she can slake her bloodthirst upon one evildoer after another.

Although ultimately supportive of her wielder, Yomi acts as if she has greater authority than Patel and only considers him a vehicle for her own designs. Because he submitted to her, she shared her name with Patel and assisted him in his time of need, but now she haunts him in his daily life. Yomi does not care for her host’s desires or well-being so much as their progress, her idea of “repentance” and ultimately corrupting Patel to true guilt so that he may become an appropriate match to her tastes.

The blood of the innocent does not interest her, but she is not above tempting a pure-hearted wielder to evil, and actively attempts to corrupt Patel. She intends to groom her host until he is appropriate to be wed to her; Yomi desires a repentant but condemned sinner worthy of death so that she, an unliving corpse, may take and consummate with him in a cursed wedding that is perilous to her wielder: joining flesh with her carcass is more than a nightmare, and could kill her own wielder even in the real world.

Yomi is ultimately a cursed, evil-minded and parasitic Zanpakuto: she wants her wielder to reach the apex of his development, and then take him for herself, and one day devour him, after which Patel would be a second undying corpse entombed in Yomi’s pagoda.

[Spirit Class 7] Patel Kuzunoha DzpehE7

» Inner World: Yomi’s underworld appears as its literal namesake: the horrific underworld of ancient Japanese mythology, populated with undying corpses and rivers of blood contrasted only by dark mountains and skeletal wastelands. A vile pagoda rises from where the river of gore is widest, joined by bridges that link to a defiled shrine in the inner world’s jagged mountaintops. Huge lumps of meat, organs and eyes float in the sky, and occasionally gore-meteors streak across the sky to pound into Yomi’s ruinous landscape as if to deliver the newly dead with as little grace as possible. There are many ruinous structures scattered throughout Yomi’s world with wrong or defaced talismans, shrine ropes and other Shinto icons, seeming to mock these symbols and invert their power.

[Spirit Class 7] Patel Kuzunoha 99DyUie

» Sealed Zanpakutō Appearance: Yomi appears as a short, rusty sword somewhere between the length of a Katana and a Wakizashi. It has an odd rectangular crossguard with engravings that would be considered elaborate, but they are so corroded they no longer resemble anything. The Zanpakuto is serviceable despite its appearance, but it has gradually rusted-over and seems to resent being a sword: it wishes to be seen as something else.

» Sealed Zanpakutō Power:

Weak Autonomy
Yomi has a limited ability to move independently of its wielder, but has only done so once to cut a wooden beam that Patel was attempting to hang himself from. It cannot use this ability to fight competently on its own nor can it do so for more than a few seconds. At times, it may vibrate and clatter in its sheathe to express disapproval.

I. Shikai

» Shikai Release Phrase: “Persecute, Yomi!”

» Shikai Release Action: Patel turns the blade towards himself and reaches down to try and ‘open’ the katana right at the edge of its blade, which opens to reveal flesh and gore that quickly warps into the form of a twisted book.

» Shikai Appearance: Upon release, Yomi takes its desired form as a book—a horrible grimoire bound in skin, with exposed flesh and a terrifying face on its front cover.

[Spirit Class 7] Patel Kuzunoha Kr7yH5y

» Shikai Abilities:

Shi-no-Keiyaku (死の契約) - "Contract of Death"
Yomi operates by corrupting the wielder's Shinigami powers at the source—the Hakusui. It mutates the Soul Sleep as well as its associated structures to forcefully expel more reiatsu than should be possible. If we think of the Hakusui as a vent by which a Shinigami expels reiatsu, then the Death Pact of Yomi is opening cracks and fractures throughout that entire structure, and then using that damage to suck out more reiatsu than intended. Generally speaking, Zanpakuto have always been a conduit to achieve the purpose of extracting power from a Shinigami, but they usually do so without damaging their wielder's soul. Yomi, however, has simply taken her natural function to an unnatural extreme, and her powers do not function without damaging her user. Utilizing Yomi's powers shortens her wielder's lifespan, though how much exactly depends on how much Patel uses her. Generally speaking—the more Patel masters Yomi, the more damage will be done to his soul, and the damage done to his Hakusui is a long-lasting and permanent type of damage, alike to radiation poisoning for humans: there can be no cure besides death and reincarnation. While this would imply Patel becomes stronger as the damage to his Hakusui worsens, this is not completely true, because the power gained from damaging the Hakusui in forcible release of reiatsu is mostly temporary. It might last for days, it could last for years; acquiring power through rupture of the Soul Sleep is a volatile, unreliable, addictive and terminal means of generating reiatsu. Long-term injury to the Hakusui will also manifest weakness, fatigue and other health issues. If Patel never reaches greatness, he could be unaffected—but if his power grows through Yomi, his remaining lifespan will shorten drastically, likely less than a human's.
This ability does nothing on its own besides inflict long-term systemic damage on Patel, but it is necessary for using all of Yomi's other abilities.
In addition, this ability would likely render Yomi an illegal Zanpakuto for interfering with Shinigami powers in a way that is abominable—but due to the long-term nature of Yomi's mechanism for exerting power, it is very difficult to detect what it is doing to the wielder until the damage has already gone too far. A release on the level of Bankai would be necessary for Yomi's destruction of the wielder's Hakusui to become obvious.

Kegasareta Chishiki (汚された知識) - “Tainted Knowledge”
While Shikai is active, all Kido cast by Patel loses any elemental affinity it had: fire, electricity, ice—any and all Kido affinities are nullified, whether Hadō or Bakudo, and are instead replaced with Curse-type affinity. All Kido cast while Yomi is released is radically altered, replacing fireballs with orbs of shade and gore, water with tainted blood, and ice with visceral obsidian: every Kido cast is defiled with a cursed appearance, accompanied with blood and filth. This applies even to Kaido, and inhibits Patel’s usage of healing magic: healing Kido cast while Yomi is active will create temporary unlife, rather than restore life of any kind, and any restored flesh or blood will soon slough-off or rot away. Patel cannot use Kaido to heal the self-inflicted damage that Yomi causes him with its other abilities. In addition, Yomi’s corrupted Kaido cannot create a complete zombie, but it could at most temporarily reattach zombified limbs and or organs to an injured person which would quickly rot to uselessness. (Patel does not yet know Kaido, so the type of corrupted Kaido described here cannot yet appear anyway.)
Curse-type Damage: The affinity Yomi imbues in all Kido that Patel casts through it is a force of decay. There may be some physical damage caused by Patel's spells, but most of the damage comes from an inexplicable degradation of whatever his magic attacks. Flesh will rot, blood will curdle, bones will crumble and even stone will spoil and dissolve. This type of damage is similar to the same force Yomi uses to erode Patel's Hakusui. Even beyond physical damage, Yomi's cursed-affinity damage inflicts emotional suffering, anxiety and doubt, snuffing-out feelings that would otherwise brighten a soul when inflicting damage through Kido.
The amount of decay and emotional damage will always be equal to the overall damage the normal, uncorrupted version of the Kido that Patel is casting would have done.

Kutsū no Kanki (苦痛の歓喜) - “The Rapture of Pain”
Upon casting a Kido spell, Patel has the option of instantaneously making a blood sacrifice of his own life force in order to empower the spell he is casting. In so doing, a Major Injury will manifest on his body, and exactly 720ml of blood will be extracted from the injury which will then be sucked-into Yomi’s pages as kanji that supplement whatever spell he is casting like an additional incantation. The Rapture of Pain cannot be safely used more than 5 times without replenishing the lost blood, and upon casting a 6th Rapture without recovery, Patel will die. The Rapture of Pain allows one of the following bonuses per major injury self-inflicted; multiple bonuses cannot be chosen at once. This ability must also be used to return Yomi to its sealed state, as it will refuse to re-seal without a blood offering.
When using this ability, Patel can choose one of the following buffs for a single use of Kido:
* 1: Increases the power of the spell Patel is casting by 200%, only for the one spell that Patel has paid blood for.
* 2: Bypass any and all effects which would silence Patel or prevent him from casting Kido, only for the one spell that he is paying blood for.
* 3: Perform the Rapture of Pain while Yomi is sealed or unavailable to Patel; this option will auto-release Yomi and teleport it through astral gore to his hands. Bypasses effects which would seal his Zanpakuto, but only for the post this Rapture was used, requires a subsequent rapture for each post an ability would otherwise seal Yomi or prevent Patel from using Shikai.
* 4: Allows Patel to return Yomi to its sealed state, doesn't require Patel to cast a spell if he is just trying to reseal his Zanpakuto.

I. Bankai

Not achieved. Achieving Bankai will require additional conditions in the spoilers below.


I. Equipment

» Equipment: N/A

I. Skill Sheet

(To Find Out about what these skills are for, please READ THIS THREAD before you try doing anything to it)

General Skills
» Durability: Adept
» Speed: Beginner
» Strength: Beginner
» Martial Skill: Beginner

Will Skills
» Willpower: Beginner
» Deduction: Beginner
» Focus: Beginner

Shinigami Skills
» Hoho: Beginner
» Kidō: Beginner
» Zanjutsu: Adept
» Hakuda: Beginner


Last edited by SilasCrowley on Tue May 21, 2024 1:08 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : Set skills to final check levels)
Starter Member
Joined : 2024-05-13
Posts : 20

[Spirit Class 7] Patel Kuzunoha Empty Re: [Spirit Class 7] Patel Kuzunoha

Thu May 16, 2024 1:05 pm
I. Role Play Sample

» Roleplay Sample:

The sliding doors of the Senkaimon gracefully open to bear an astonishing sight to the trio: the streets of Karakura town, blanketed by night yet lit by the surreal glow of ubiquitous fluorescent light. "Well, I'm only a recent graduate myself, but I can tell you it's not as hard as you think—you just have to study as much as you can." Patel advises, answering one of the two students that were with him. All three of them emerge from the gate into the world of the living before the Senkaimon's doors shut and fade into a white-gold glow of dissipating particles.

One of the students with Patel, a young woman with brown hair tied-up in a wavy ponytail, looks side-to-side dispassionately. Below them, the streets are quiet and cluttered with parked cars of many different models and colors. "It looks... disorganized." She utters, prompting an astonished look from Patel. "-really? I mean, compared to Ruko- ... nevermind." He utters, before realizing the shinigami-in-training probably came from a different part of Soul Society.

But before the young woman could respond, the other student among them—a chubby boy with rosy cheeks and short brown hair—began to flail and slowly levitate downwards. "He-help! I'm falling! I'm too big to fly!" He screamed, prompting both his classmate and Patel to hover-down and prop him up by the arms. His female classmate sported an annoyed look, whereas Patel seemed amused. "That's okay, you'll get the hang of it... easier than swimming, really..." Assures the Shinigami, while guiding the two students down onto a local rooftop.

Normally Karakura town wouldn't have been the safest place for student tours—but a fourth division patrol had just passed through, and Shinigami volunteers had been permitted to take Shin'o academy students in pairs through a tour of the real world: a battleground they might all see in the future. Patel considered it an opportunity to counsel students going through the same rigors he had been suffering not long ago.

The trio made their way down into the streets, passing closed shops and empty parking lots, before stopping at one of the city's larger parks. A central fountain there connects to four waterfalls that feed an artificial river circling the park, for which there were four brick bridges to walk over for entry. "Most of the time, it'll be surprisingly quiet. But it's true what they tell you in the academy—it can go from good to bad in an instant out here." Patel explained, as both of the students were looking a little perplexed now.

The rosy-cheeked male student's brows knitted together, some question piqued by Patel's explanation. "What, you just keep your eyes peeled all the time? Don't Hollows emit a distinct spiritual pressure you could detect instead?" He asks matter-of-factly. Before answering, Patel slowly exhaled and inhaled while reflecting on some of his first patrols: they hadn't gone well. "... Yes, but not really. You'll find weak Hollows like that, but the dangerous ones will hide their presence deliberately." Patel spoke, prompting an uncomfortable look from the boy. "Then... right now, you mean, there could be a...?" He asks. Patel nodded, but then grinned. "But probably not!" He assures the corpulent student.

But then it's a little too quiet, and Patel notices why: the female student that was with them is missing. "-hey, where's your friend? Hey!" Patel calls-out, quickly rousing to full attention. The boy student looks side-to-side wildly, his otherwise squinted eyes opening wide despite that his fatty cheeks and drooping forehead tried to keep them nearly shut.

The two sprint together to the edge of a playground, where an unnaturally tall Hollow rests bent-over on its hands and knees. It almost has the posture of a giraffe, but that's where the resemblance ends: the Hollow has eerie black skin on which a shapeshifting network of maroon and red leylines constantly move back-and-forth, and the head on the end of its eerily long neck resembles that of a tribal effigy. It has only two empty eyes and a recessed circular mouth that looks like it's just a hole. Shaggy gray hair partly obscures its mask, and runs halfway down its neck.

Patel's blood chills just looking at the monster. Worse yet- at the edge of the playground, the female academy student is taking cover and giddily looking-up at the Hollow, clearly excited to see the real deal. Patel warily sneaks-up behind her and speaks in a quiet whisper... "Hey! Don't sneak off like that, we've got to go now..." He utters while she vapidly stares at the dangerous evil spirit ahead of her; the excitement in her eyes is unsettling.

The young woman is so invested in watching the Hollow that, upon Patel's touching of her shoulder, she startles in surprise. "Eeep!" She squeals-out, prompting a look of dread from Patel and a slow groan from the lumbering Hollow as it turns to face them. The fat boy student sweats profusely. A long silence passes between the four souls gathered in the park...

So much time passes in stillness that Patel wonders if the Hollow failed to notice them, or maybe even forgot. He tries to pull the female student by the arm, but she tugs free from his grasp. 'Damn, why is she so stubborn?' Patel thinks, while the lumbering Hollow slowly settles back down into its original position: motionless, on all fours, staring out into nothingness. Patel and the students look relieved, but they don't dare move.

Abruptly, the Hollow's right arm raises and then plunges-down into its own shadow. Its hand rises-up from the female student's own shadow, and pulls her through it like a gateway-! By the time Patel looks up from the spot where she vanished, the Hollow is languidly hefting her up kicking-and-screaming to its eerie mask. "No! No no no!" She screams, before the Hollow leans-in and touches the bottom hole of its mask against the girl's flank. She immediately goes limp, then spasms with tremors: a perfect circular hole is left dripping with blood, equal in size to the mouth hole on the Hollow's mask.

Patel's hands tremble while he draws Yomi from its sheathe. Ahead of him, the corpulent male student steps-up on the edge of a carousel, briefly sprinting to set it in motion spinning before using the centrifugal force to catapult himself up above the Hollow with his Asauchi drawn. "I was going to ask her to the lantern festival, you piece of shit!!" Cries-out the pudgy student, who puts his whole body-weight into a downwards aerial chop aimed at the Hollow's arm!

Unbelievably, the student cuts cleanly through the Hollow's severed arm, and lands on the ground with a loud 'thud'—the grass under his heels is completely crushed, and the dirt beneath him craters into two little divots under his sandals. The female student falls, still in the grasp of the Hollow's severed arm. The monster itself shows almost no reaction, except to gradually turn- ... and then with a speed far beyond any move it had yet made, it spins to lash the male student in the cheek with the trunk of its thick tail! He careens backwards like a soccer ball, leaving huge gouges in the grass and dirt wherever he skids against the ground.

All the while, a panicked Patel rotates his Zanpakuto in his grip to point its blade towards himself. "Persecute him, Yomi!" Putting his right thumbnail into the edge of the blade, he opens the katana as if it were a book: the metal slowly begins to liquefy, while its insides gush-out in a horrid plume of weightless gore. Filthy red shapes congeal within the sanguine spew, alike to the form of a fungus morphing into a fruiting stalk, but the layers of red shapes then collapse into the pages of a book bound in human skin. A monstrous face and many small red eyes jut-up through the front cover, protruding with malicious life.

Patel hurriedly flips to Yomi's thirty-first page, and then points his right arm at the injured Hollow. "Ye lord! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Inferno and pandemonium, the sea barrier surges, march on to the south! Shakkaho!!" Patel shouts, but it is no red fireball that blasts from his hand: a black clump of solidified blood, dripping with tar and bulging with squirming eyeballs on its surface, blasts-forward to pelt the Hollow directly in its mask.

The Hollow recoils backwards slightly, its head thrown back—but then it steadily lowers its head toward its original position. However, it is unaware of the damage truly done: the flesh of the Hollow's neck nearest to its now-stained and discolored mask begins to rapidly rot, desiccating and crumbling like wet paper. A sickly 'snap' is heard before its head falls to the ground, and on impact, its mask breaks. Black particles begin to emanate from the Hollow's severed head and trembling body as it slowly dies.

Reeling from the blow he'd taken, the male student hobbles-up in a stupor and stumbles toward the female student, who Patel also rushes toward. He takes-off his gi and tears a strip from it to tie around the female student's whole midsection where the Hollow had bit off a chunk of her. In one hand, he produces a flip-phone, and hurriedly dials a number before tucking the device between his head and shoulder. "We've been attacked by a Hollow! One student is injured, enemy is neutralized. Please send medical assistance immediately to Kiganshi park..." Patel hurriedly requests, while tying a makeshift pressure bandage salvaged from his torn gi around the girl's wound.
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[Spirit Class 7] Patel Kuzunoha Empty Re: [Spirit Class 7] Patel Kuzunoha

Thu May 16, 2024 8:11 pm

Welcome to the site. Solid first character, history was very interesting and the level of detail and care in constructing it was nice to read. Before going into an in-depth grading though there's a few general things I'd like to raise.

Initial Check:
Final Check:

Last edited by Gamma on Tue May 21, 2024 3:55 am; edited 2 times in total

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[Spirit Class 7] Patel Kuzunoha Empty Re: [Spirit Class 7] Patel Kuzunoha

Thu May 16, 2024 11:51 pm
I've revised per your feedback to remove all +/- effects modifying skills. The only skill changing object I did not remove was that if Patel were to achieve Bankai, his Durability & Strength skills could not go any higher than Beginner.

In addition, I have partially redone Yomi, with the following changes:
* No longer does a + skill buff, instead operates by a percentage buff (as suggested on Discord)
* Speed buff / incantation skip options removed
* Removed the ability to copy kido or cast beyond the kido range permitted by Patel's Kido skill
* "Rapture of Pain" now only allows Patel to take only one buff and one injury at a time, once per casting
* I explained Yomi's core mechanics under the "Contract of Death" in Shikai abilities, which also explains how the Zanpakuto is damaging Patel and for what reasons Yomi might be considered an illegal Zanpakuto in Soul Society (albeit, it will be hard to detect the mechanics it would be illegal for until the damage is already done to Patel)
* I also added a subsection under "Tainted Knowledge" that explains what exactly the curse-type affinity of Yomi is and what it does (all curse-type damage is still going to be equal to what the same spell would have done as normal kido, just without the elemental affinity)

Lastly, in regards to this being my first character—Patel is not my first character. Seven years ago, I (barely) played this Kuchiki:

However, I understand my lack of activity on that character probably doesn't get me full credit. Still, I would like to request some leniency wherever Patel being my "first" character is a problem.
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[Spirit Class 7] Patel Kuzunoha Empty Re: [Spirit Class 7] Patel Kuzunoha

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