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Hollow Shores[Kenichi, Sabre, Priscilla]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Hollow Shores[Kenichi, Sabre, Priscilla]

Tue May 28, 2024 10:49 pm
Hollow Shores[Kenichi, Sabre, Priscilla]  - Page 2 CzhaocQ


The path forward for Priscilla was simple enough. All she wanted was friends, and if that meant getting married or doing whatever other human ritual, she would gladly follow along with nary a complaint. At the end of the day, life wasn't any more complicated than that for this crimson-haired Arrancar. Complicated was boring, and often led to disastrous consequences. Humans might look at this trio and call their relationship complicated, but in Priscilla's eyes it was as simple as anything else. All they had to do was be happy.

When Kenichi grew closer and grasped one of her hands, Priscilla's mind was still wandering, thinking about wedding dresses. As far as she knew they were usually white and grandiose, but they didn't look particularly comfortable. Her cerulean eyes looked down at her own current beach-appropriate attire, an outfit she made herself and had worn in Hueco Mundo too. Can I get married in this? she asked herself before being brought back to reality by Kenichi's speech.

Tilting her head, Priscilla looked at Kenichi like he had said something confusing. Hadn't she already answered this? "So long as you two are happy, I'll be happy." Not quite understanding the seriousness of what Kenichi was asking, or the situation they were in, Priscilla just stood waiting for the others to decide for her.

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Hollow Shores[Kenichi, Sabre, Priscilla]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Hollow Shores[Kenichi, Sabre, Priscilla]

Tue May 28, 2024 11:30 pm
Hollow Shores[Kenichi, Sabre, Priscilla]  - Page 2 G4z9cxmgmm7

Sabre was..... troubled.

As sure as the words from his mouth were, Kenichi seemed trobuled. He was truggling to handle all of this. The young man was, perhaps, no longer a boy to her. But she could not help but see the inexperience working against him. He was beyond his depth, and it showed in his lack of decisiveness. Her mind shifted back to Hueco Mundo, and how his own indecisiveness had burdened him. A decisiont hat had also been of her own making. And some shard of guilt splintered inside of her.

IN much the same way as she had posed to him what he wanted to do with the arrancar in her path, and had simply....allowed him to barrel into that decision, could she too let him step into this? Her attention was sharp, and she was more than aware of the way that Priscilla's attention wavered. She didn't know anything about this woman, and they seemed somewhat detached from the conversation, thinking of perhaps something entirely different. And a portion of her was suspicious, and pondered if she would be a hazard to Kenichi.

She offered nothing. She did not state aversion, she didn't seem overly fixed. Moments ago, she had been chomping at the notion of them getting married, but as soon as Sabre had cast things into doubt, she had backed down. It hadn't been intentional, but she had, coincidentally, identified the ... looseness with which Priscilla handled this.

It would seem that they were, perhaps, just as blind to the cultural significance of MArriage as she was, at least in the contemporary sense. Or perhaps it simply didn't matter to her. She didn't know quite yet. But turning to look to Kenichi, she could see very much that he too, was not vowed to the idea. That simple expression of his was all too easy to read. He wanted everyone involved to be happy.


"I don't know much about MArriage, it would seem. and it doesn't seem as if either of you is dead set on the notion." She noted, before gently kneeling down to their level. Looking between the two of them. She wished she could say she had a better grasp of it than either of them, but she didn't.

"I don't think that rushing into a ritual we aren't familiar with will be beneficial. Kenichi, I have.... stated your importance to me." A hint of bashfulness, being indirect. True, she had confessed to him already, but it wasn't something she seemed.... willing to talk casually about. Despite how practical she usually was.

"Priscilla. I'm afriad I don't know you very well. And I confess, I'm concerned about what hazard you might present. I've come to learn, that I can't always trust myself. I'll need to learn if I can trust you as well. You've treated Kenichi well so far. So at the very least, I'd like to know more about you. Kenichi.... in much the same way... you and I don't quite know one another... do we?" She asked, turning to look at the man more directly.

"We're in no rush. Kenichi is young. And Priscilla and I have all the time in the world. So...we shall start simple. With dating. And ...research on human culture. You may be familiar with it Kenichi, but you admittedly, don't strike me as a thorough teacher. So, we'll have to learn as we go." She paused and ... made a bit of a face, rubbing the back of her neck.

"So. What say you? Are you open to the Dating?"
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Hollow Shores[Kenichi, Sabre, Priscilla]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Hollow Shores[Kenichi, Sabre, Priscilla]

Wed May 29, 2024 11:41 pm


"I don't know..."

Sabre was undoubtedly correct and he found no fault in her words. Finding the clarity required in a conversation like this, Kenichi genuinely pondered his thoughts on the matter. Somewhere deep within his mind, he felt that bitter pang of regret sweeping through his mind. Sabre's current existence. The countless battles, his unbiased loyalty despite her viciousness. And then he flashed back to his time spent here and the "engagement" he ended up in after a single night of unbridled drinking in an attempt to let loose.

For a moment, he wondered. Did he know the meaning of love? In its truest sense, could he dare say he was capable of even dating two women and loving them both? Again, based on his perception, the average man would have said yes with resounding conviction, but that had no application here whatsoever, and he didn't exactly welcome the idea of treating any woman as a prize, let alone two. He had noticed, in his own words, that he didn't quite voice his thoughts with declarative force.

He came here convinced one would say they hated him, going so far as to attack him out of rage, but that wasn't the case. One damnable truth presented itself during the silence. Neither one of them was human - they were hollows that evolved into Arrancar. He was a human with overwhelming gifts of physical might and martial prowess. He understood human customs in right and wrong. Understood how severely complicated this was, how indecisive he was being... once again.

He genuinely had no idea how arrancar functioned outside of what they displayed. Having met only three, he could only evaluate them based on their actions. Sabre did her fair share of wrong apologized for it, and displayed nothing but genuine attempts to improve since then. He barely knew Priscilla outside of her bubbly personality and affectionate actions. Kenichi didn't comment on it at first, but Priscilla simply didn't give any answer he could call definitive. He didn't know how important this was to her.

He didn't catch what Sabre recognized, but her answer remained the same. Was it her default? Did she want to love them? He did not understand her. Kenichi hadn't even bothered to attempt to do so during his time here. resigning himself to a foolish habit of drinking his inner turmoil away. If he hadn't shown any commitment then, would he do so now?

If Sabre couldn't trust herself all that well, that meant she'd be burdening herself to understand another woman who, by all accounts, was a complete unknown, someone he saddled her with because he wanted to make everyone happy. On top of all that, did he want to resign her to that fate? No, of course not. He stepped back for a moment to look at both of them, his gaze defaulting to Priscilla, his intent to address her first.

"I'm no expert on every human custom and culture in the world, but I can at least discern right and wrong. The short of it is, that I didn't bother to get to know you while we were here, despite us getting engaged. I was distant and didn't bother forging a bond, and now I'm here. I don't know you all that well, Priscilla. I know that you're a pleasant woman with an upbeat spirit that matches my own, but..."

He paused, planning his next words carefully, scratching his head as he ruminated on his next words.

" But... that's just it. This is all one big mess I've created. And I can see now that you aren't upset about anything that's being said, or anything that's happened. At the same time, you haven't said much, either. It's a little unsettling. I love Sabre. I'd like to make a genuine attempt to understand and care for her properly. I don't want to be her burden, and I don't want you to be a burden to her, either. That would make me unhappy."

Turning back to the woman, again, he exhaled softly, his expression somewhat bothered by how much of a mess this was in retrospect. A mess he created, no doubt, but a mess nonetheless.

"I don't know you much, but we are engaged, and some small part of me does want to get to know you, but if I get the idea... that you aren't going to treat this seriously, I don't want to pursue this. I can't exactly bear the thought of making another mistake. I want to avoid that."

That was that. Did it hurt to come across as harshly as he was right now? Of course, it did. He was killing himself internally, but he knew what he wanted. He knew that when he came here. That was all there was to it. But, they were here now, then all he wanted was a genuine answer and action.

"If I get the same answer again, I don't want to do this. I'd be the biggest fool here. I know I'm being harsh, but I can't keep forcing others to make decisions for me. If you want to get to know us, date us, and marry us after we've learned what comes along with it, then say that."

That was all he had to say on the matter.. He hated a world where he couldn't make everyone happy and put a smile on their face, but he didn't want to make things any more complicated when he, as Sabre had alluded to, didn't know them to the degree he reasonably felt he should. To a degree where he could make Sabre happy. Priscilla seemed content either way, and... he had to admit, that bothered him a little. At the very least, her next answer would decide the matter here.


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Hollow Shores[Kenichi, Sabre, Priscilla]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Hollow Shores[Kenichi, Sabre, Priscilla]

Thu May 30, 2024 9:27 am
Hollow Shores[Kenichi, Sabre, Priscilla]  - Page 2 CzhaocQ


Though she had actually been fine with the notion of getting married, if Sabre didn't wanted to jump into things then that was okay with Priscilla too. The kneeling woman's words were reassuring in other ways though, as she made it clear she did want them all to be together. Sabre just seemed to want them to take a small step back as her and Priscilla were still strangers, even though Priscilla didn't see it that way. To her, they're friends now, anything else didn't really matter.

Priscilla was having trouble understanding what Kenichi was saying. They "didn't forge a bond"? Aren't they friends though? What other bond is there? Isn't that good enough? Isn't she good enough? "Unsettling"? Priscilla had no clue how to respond to that. And did he think she would be a burden? Priscilla thought back to all her time spent with Kenichi so far, searching for a reason he thought these things. Hadn't they had fun together?

Confusion and sadness mixed in Priscilla's eyes as she stared back at Kenichi. Less than a minute ago they were all going to be happy together, and now it felt like he was pushing her away as if she posed some sort of threat to the two of them. Priscilla looked back and forth between Kenichi and Sabre, unsure of what to say. If she was honest he was going to kick her to the curb, and then she would be out two friends and that much closer to being alone.

"I..I want to make you both happy. Because then you'll be my friends. Is that what you want me to say? I'll say whatever you want me to Kenny. As long as we get to keep being friends. Is that good Kenny? Is that what you wanted to hear?" There was a sort of desperate hopefulness in her voice as she spoke, her eyes wide with pleading. She had lost those close to her before, and didn't want to again. Turning to Sabre, Priscilla gave a similar answer to the kneeling Arrancar. "You'll be my friend, right Sabey? If you want to date we can date! We'll do whatever you want, I'll do whatever you want. Is that what you want me to say?"

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Hollow Shores[Kenichi, Sabre, Priscilla]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Hollow Shores[Kenichi, Sabre, Priscilla]

Thu May 30, 2024 10:07 am
Hollow Shores[Kenichi, Sabre, Priscilla]  - Page 2 G4z9cxmgmm7

Perhaps a bit more than she expected. She was pleased that Kenichi seemed to be putting a bit more thought into the situation. That at least was good, though she did not expect the shift onto Priscilla. She had really no idea how well the two of them knew eachother, but based on what he was saying, he seemed to know as much about this woman as she did. The sudden assertiveness, however, gave her pause, and for just a brief instant, her expression shifted, caution. And the faintest shift in her spiritual pressure would be felt. As an intrusive thought crept into the thin cracks in her mind.

Was he going to become a problem?

But the thought was banished, and she blinked a few times, and she suddenly found herself in a bit of a cold sweat, her heart pounding in her ears as she was startled by that thought. But she kept her expression neutral, and refocused onto the conversation as Kenichi promptly put his foot down, and the effect on Priscilla was.... fairly immediate. And pronounced. It took her a moment to raise her brows as she saw the desperation that suddenly bled from the woman in exorbitant amounts. And it suddenly clicked in her head. How .... particularly worded. She recalled her encounter with Lianne back at the resort. The hollow that had shown her own frayed mindset. Admitting to exprbitant sexual activity, which she had seemed a bit ...harrowed for, in the name of attaining safety.

IN a similar way, it seemed that this Hollow too perhaps, was someone desperate for something. That was a concern. And promptly, she shifted slightly, placing herself next to Priscilla as she crouched down, and gently set her hand on the woman's shoulder, attempting to calm her down. "Priscilla. Take a deep breath, it's going to be okay. We can be friends if you like." She stated softly, giving a glance over her shoulder and holding her hand up to him. Gesturing for him to take a step back before turning her attention back to the arrancar themselves.

"Priscilla, what sort of things do your friends usually ask you to do?"
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Hollow Shores[Kenichi, Sabre, Priscilla]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Hollow Shores[Kenichi, Sabre, Priscilla]

Mon Jun 03, 2024 10:52 pm



What he wanted was assurance. Or perhaps, he wanted a promise. Anything to ensure that this would run smoothly for Sabre's sake, completely ignoring how his assertive position and harsh words might have affected Priscilla. Looking at her now, he wondered if her mind even functioned to a degree where she could truly comprehend the severity of the matter. Another horrifying reminder that he was out of his element here.

Sabre had attempted to be the voice of reason, and he resorted to pressing Priscilla for an answer he wasn't quite sure she understood. In her own words, she was willing to say anything that would allow them to remain together in one capacity or another. The pleading look in Priscilla's eyes had rendered him speechless, his mind clouded with shame, even if some small part didn't regret his words. His gaze shifted between the two of them, his eyes set on Sabre and her instruction.

Her current actions seemed to indicate the intention of consoling her, and he simply did as instructed and took a step back, voicing a quiet apology as he turned his head to gaze off into the sea. Was she okay with her? Would she be alright with this? His mind, a whirlwind of questions, reflected on his current actions. What was this? Was he ill-equipped? Was he out of his element? Was he wrong? Was he right? With nothing else but his reflection, he simply created some distance between them, sitting at the sea. What a fool. Laughably so.



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Hollow Shores[Kenichi, Sabre, Priscilla]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Hollow Shores[Kenichi, Sabre, Priscilla]

Fri Jul 26, 2024 4:07 pm
Hollow Shores[Kenichi, Sabre, Priscilla]  - Page 2 CzhaocQ


At Sabre's mention of them being friends, a switch seemed to flip in Priscilla. Just like that, she was back to normal, the left of being stuck alone gone from her mind. At the same time, she was no idiot; she understood there were still problems and strains with this relationship. To Priscilla, being alone was a terrible thing; but just as bad was conflict. Conflict shears apart relationships like wool off sheep, and remaining unproblematic for those around her was her modus operandi.

After a moment of thinking carefully, reflecting back on previous friendships throughout her time in Hueco Mundo, Priscilla answered the other Arrancar's question with a cheeriness that belied the terrible content of her reply "Oh, usually they'll just hurt me or have me hurt other people, which is okay cause I have regeneration and the other people aren't my friends." To emphasize it wasn't a big deal to her, Priscilla shrugged her shoulders as she finished speaking.

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Hollow Shores[Kenichi, Sabre, Priscilla]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Hollow Shores[Kenichi, Sabre, Priscilla]

Fri Jul 26, 2024 4:32 pm
Hollow Shores[Kenichi, Sabre, Priscilla]  - Page 2 G4z9cxmgmm7

Sabre took several moments to consider the responses she got. Kenichi was put to heel easily enough. Though some part of her wondered if she had been a bit too firm. But the effect on Priscilla seemed to ease her a little. Right, she had started to panic as soon as she was put on the spot. However, once she was assured, she calmed down quite quickly, and the further answer assured Sabre that she had been right in her previous assertion to Kenichi.

As Priscilla gave her answer. A hand she had on Kenichi's elbow gently squeezed. Not hard, but an assurance of her presence, to try and keep him from overreacting to the information. And as it were, her suspicions were well founded. So this woman allowed others to hurt her, and had hurt others, for the sake of avoiding loneliness. She'd met hollows like her before, not many. But a few. She was glad she had brought Kenichi to heel. She didn't know priscilla, and the possibility that she would lash out when pressured wasn't zero. For the time being, she had managed to diffuse the situation. And she had a better understanding of things now.

"I understand. Both Kenichi and I have certainly hurt people for our friends before." She glanced over her shoulder at Kenichi. Her mind shifting to those arrancar. The phrasing would no doubt be alarming to Kenichi, but she offered a bit of contaxt to it. Twisted as it was, it was not unlike human friendships. Harming others and being harmed was intrinsic, though in generally MUCH less literal terms. But the realm of hollows was always filled with extremes. He needed to understand that. She would no doubt have to have a conversation with him later.

"So long as you never hurt Kenichi, then I'm happy to be your friend Priscilla. IF anyone were to hurt him, I'd find them." She noted with a gentle smile, but an intensity in her gaze would alow more than enough for Priscilla to infer that she meant it. A very gentle....indirect threat. Lest any of Priscilla's ....OTHER friends ever infringe upon that territory.

"I think perhaps I'd like to do a bit of research on this ...'marriage' thing. So I do apologize Kenichi, I'll have to decline your proposal from earlier. But I think that for now, we can agree on being friends. Priscilla, I hope you understand that Kenichi and I have no intention of hurting you. And I myself would very much like to know more about you. If that's alright." She noted softly, holding out her hand and offering a handshake to Priscilla herself. Her other hand, she offered to Kenichi. All the while her mind ticked away at the situation here. It was a mess. But the last thing she wanted was to wind up having to kill priscilla. Not infront of Kenichi at least. No, preferably, she would like to salvage this situation. She didn't feel pity or empathy for them. She seemed, if nothing, stupid.

But Kenichi was just as stupid. And she'd grown quite fond of his stupidity.
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