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Hollow Shores[Kenichi, Sabre, Priscilla]  Empty Hollow Shores[Kenichi, Sabre, Priscilla]

Wed May 15, 2024 11:56 am


Normally, even Kenichi himself wouldn't have advised himself to go back to the resort after confessing his feelings to Sabre, but he figured he had already been bold enough to follow through on that, so it was only right to address the elephant in the room - his engagement with Priscilla. Avoiding it wasn't going to help, after all. Stepping through a Garganta, holding onto Sabre's hand, Kenichi texted a message to Priscilla to meet him at a quiet area on the resort. Placing the phone back in his pocket, he turned back to Sabre with a pleasant smile, admiring her expression as he gathered his thoughts. In his mind, this could either go very or well or end horribly. He prayed for the former, naturally.


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Hollow Shores[Kenichi, Sabre, Priscilla]  Empty Re: Hollow Shores[Kenichi, Sabre, Priscilla]

Wed May 15, 2024 12:24 pm
Hollow Shores[Kenichi, Sabre, Priscilla]  G4z9cxmgmm7

Sabre was just as surprised that Kenichi had insisted that they return to the resort. Watching him as he played with his phone, she paused to consider her own device. But she hadn't used it in a got minute. IT was mostly just used to keep in touch with Amaranta, and occasionally Klein. And once upon a time... Curry. Huh, she wondered what he was up to these days. She'd have to check in on him at some point. Time had gotten away from her.

All the same, seeing Kenichi smile back up at her caused her to reach down and gently tousle his head. "You seem like you're in a good mood. This friend of yours." Yes, he had been reading over hiss houlder. Hard not to when she was so tall. "Is she friendly?" She ventured. Certainly, there had been some...characters she'd met in Brazil. Some perhaps she wasn't sure how to feel about. But she was all the more intrigued by what sort of person Kenichi would have met up with. She would have guessed someone nice. But one never knew. He'd associated with HER when she was a hollow, after all.
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Hollow Shores[Kenichi, Sabre, Priscilla]  Empty Re: Hollow Shores[Kenichi, Sabre, Priscilla]

Wed May 15, 2024 3:37 pm
Hollow Shores[Kenichi, Sabre, Priscilla]  CzhaocQ


Though she had met some unique and interesting characters at the resort and in Hueco Mundo lately, all of whom were now her friends, Priscilla was glad to hear from Kenichi. He had texted her asking to meet up, which she excitedly responded by sending back an affirmative OK!

When the time came, Priscilla wasted no time in eagerly making her way to their meetup spot. She was excited to see Kenichi and to tell him all about the friends she'd made recently in Amaranta and Klein, and wanted to hear about his latest fun adventures too. That word, 'fun', was the most important word in her vocabulary; nothing else came close in importance to her. Priscilla wanted to have a good time, and to help her friends have a good time in any way she can.

Upon seeing her fiance Priscilla ran up and threw her arms around him while planting a gentle peck on his lips, greeting him as she'd seen so many do in movies. Once separated, she suddenly noticed the giant woman standing at his side and threw her arms around Sabre in a tight hug too, though her head didn't reach any higher than the other Arrancar's chest "Any friend of Kenny's is a friend of mine! I'm Priscilla!" she said assuredly. After a couple seconds she split away and turned her sparkling cerulean eyes back to Kenichi "So Kenny, why'd you want to meet here?"

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Hollow Shores[Kenichi, Sabre, Priscilla]  Empty Re: Hollow Shores[Kenichi, Sabre, Priscilla]

Thu May 16, 2024 9:12 am


"She's definitely the most upbeat girl I know on the beach. It's a little cliche, but she has the sort of energy that can light up a room."

Chortling softly at his hair being tussled, he observed his surroundings until his wandering gaze recognized the exuberant arrancar running toward him. Of course, he naturally returned the woman's embrace as she greeted him with a gentle peck to his lips, eliciting a sheepish smile accompanied by a small hint of red. As expected, her energy was as radiant as ever. Though he possessed no intention at hiding anything, any attempt to do so would have likely been crushed to dust right then and there.

He was happy to see Priscilla welcome Sabre into her embrace, any tension eased by her easygoing aura. Right. Now that she was here, he had to explain himself. His thoughts sort of played out a scenario of possible consequences for his actions. Upset expressions, frowns, the possibility of well... anything going wrong. But he was here now, and he had to be determined. Exhaling softly, he stepped between the two as he took a moment to gather himself.

"Well, she actually is much more than my friend, Priscilla. She's my girlfriend - Sabre. I recently confessed how much I loved her and well... we shared a really great kiss. And..."

He turned to Sabre, maintaining that sheepish smile as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Sabre... this is my... fiance. Priscilla. I got a little too trigger happy on the alcohol and ended up engaged. Don't ask how. I don't know myself, but well... you know... I couldn't find it in myself to turn her away and she's really fun to be around once you get to know her."

Collecting a breath of air, his gaze went between the both of them as he tried to think of the best way to convey his thoughts. In truth, he wasn't so foolish to assume he could have them both, and he was wholly prepared for dissappointed expressions in advance.

"Which is to say... I brought you both here to see how you felt about all this. I would've felt terrible hiding this from either of you, but I know how I feel... and I just wanted to be honest before moving forward!"

Well, there were two ways this ended. Exceedingly well or terrifiyingly horrific. Deep breathes, Kenny. Deep breathes.


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Hollow Shores[Kenichi, Sabre, Priscilla]  Empty Re: Hollow Shores[Kenichi, Sabre, Priscilla]

Thu May 16, 2024 10:48 pm
Hollow Shores[Kenichi, Sabre, Priscilla]  G4z9cxmgmm7


Sabre was caught a bit off guard for a moment as she watched Priscilla promptly close in and latch onto her after kissing Kenichi on the lips. Her head canting to the side as her eyes widened ever so slightly. Wait, weren't humans very particular about that sort of thing? That was the thought that occurred to her as Priscilla clung to her frame. Her attention then shifted back to kenichi as he began the introductions. His.... fiance? She furrowed her brows for just a moment as she began to pause. She would be the first to admit that she knew very little about Human culture, however even she had picked up a few bits and pieces about Human practices. And she couldn't help but sigh softly, an earnest little smile forming on her lips as she offered the young man a rueful smile.

"Your Fiance. So you've already gotten a woman." Sabre noted very quietly. She supposed that was to be expected, the young man was cute, but more than that he was very strong and energetic. Just the sort of traits that a woman would be attracted to, particularly an arrancar, from what she'd seen of others of her species. But even so, there was a tinge of regret in her voice.

"Kenichi. You're still such a naive young man. I don't have much experience with humans, but I do know something very important." she stated, before shaking her finger.

"Only a woman and a man can get married. I wish you'd told me you were engaged. Humans are very particular about their customs. If you and her were to be married, that would mean she would also be effectively marrying me. And Women cannot marry eachother. Your Human elders won't allow it. If we want to avoid you being excommunicated, you'll have to call off your wedding." She noted with a sagacious nod of her head. No anger, or even really any type of upset. But rather instructive. And this poor pretty thing, having been roped into such a practice without fully being made aware of the culture behind it.

They were both incredibly lucky that Sabre paid attention to such things.
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Hollow Shores[Kenichi, Sabre, Priscilla]  Empty Re: Hollow Shores[Kenichi, Sabre, Priscilla]

Fri May 17, 2024 9:16 am
Hollow Shores[Kenichi, Sabre, Priscilla]  CzhaocQ


Priscilla's face wrinkled in confusion, her head tilted as she listened to this unlikely duo in front of her talk back and forth. 'Girlfriend'? Does that make her my girlfriend too? Not wanting to interrupt either of them, Priscilla stayed silent and kept her thoughts to herself for now. Her look of confusion was quickly replaced by one of elation as Kenichi complimented her to Sabre, she was glad he thought so highly of her.

One thing she wasn't sure about was what he meant when he asked what they think about things. Isn't it obvious? Priscilla was thrilled! Not only did she have a girlfriend now, but also one that would be happy with Kenichi. But then a spanner was thrown in the works as Sabre explained they couldn't all be married together because the humans would be mad. As quick as she'd gone from confused to happy, Priscilla now changed to sullen and downtrodden as she realized this meant things wouldn't work out...

...but wait! "Sabey, I've seen women and men propose to other women and men at the resort and in the moving pictures! And they were all human! I think. Maybe. But I think that means we can get married Sabey!" she said with a self-satisfied grin, thrilled to be able to reassure the giantess Arrancar.

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Hollow Shores[Kenichi, Sabre, Priscilla]  Empty Re: Hollow Shores[Kenichi, Sabre, Priscilla]

Tue May 21, 2024 10:46 pm



Blinking to such a degree that any observer would've thought him cartoonish, Kenichi's gaze shifted between Sabre and Priscilla as they spoke. It was only now that it dawned on him, with resounding clarity, that he had found himself in a situation that felt truly surreal. That moment in a man's life, where he recognized, with absolute distinction, that he would never be the same again. One was talking about how same-sex marriage was looked down upon shamefully. The other reminded her of how that was looked upon fondly in this modern age.

Actually, when did Sabre learn about any human customs!? What was going on here!? He could watch and observe as this train went off the rail, but that was precisely why he found himself in his current predicament, to begin with. Allowing them to speak amongst themselves seemed like a recipe for disaster. Clearing his throat, he clapped his hands together, exhaling softly to speak again.

"Sabre... my "human elders" as you call them, wouldn't excommunicate me. Those are outdated views of the past, and as Priscilla said, we have plenty of same-sex couples nowadays. On the other hand... I don't know how many... er... uh... thruples exist. Then again, if harems exist in other cultures, I guess it isn't so bad? A-anyway! I'm getting off subject!"

Kenichi regained his focus, his gaze determined. Focus.

"Moving past the fact that my human elders are very open-minded people, how do we resolve this? I love Sabre, but I don't want to hurt you, either, Priscilla. Is marrying you two the resolution you'd want out of this?"

He asked plainly, dumbfounded as though he still expected to get thrashed or thrown across the beach, ignoring the fact he could defend himself against at least one of them, but well... his mind was a whirlwind right now. A mess in the truest sense.


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Hollow Shores[Kenichi, Sabre, Priscilla]  Empty Re: Hollow Shores[Kenichi, Sabre, Priscilla]

Tue May 21, 2024 11:26 pm
Hollow Shores[Kenichi, Sabre, Priscilla]  CzhaocQ


Upon Kenichi clapping, Priscilla was brought back to Earth and stood at attention. She was focused on her and Sabre's mutual boyfriend as he addressed them both, first the taller woman and then her. Everything he said made total sense to her, then again he could say anything and she would likely just nod along happily; anything to keep him happy. She wasn't sure what a 'thruple' or 'harem' was, but did her best to follow along as he spoke, her eyes filled with fascination.

One thing she understood is Kenichi was in agreement that her marrying Sabre would be fine in his culture, which drew a breath of relief from her lips. She gave some thought to his questions, but didn't really need to consider much. She knew exactly what she wanted, which was to make her two friends standing aside her as happy as possible. Priscilla may have only known this Sabre woman for a couple minutes, but she was willing to do whatever either of them asked of her, and made as such known to them both.

"Wellllll Kenny, I'll do whatever you want. I just want to make you happy, so if you aren't happy with me around then I'll leave but if you want me around I'll stay. I don't know how to get divorced though. And Sabey I would be happy being your wife if it makes you happy too!"

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Hollow Shores[Kenichi, Sabre, Priscilla]  Empty Re: Hollow Shores[Kenichi, Sabre, Priscilla]

Wed May 22, 2024 10:09 pm
Hollow Shores[Kenichi, Sabre, Priscilla]  G4z9cxmgmm7

Sabre furrowed her brows just a little. Was her information out of date already? then again, she was in a Gillian state, its possible her memories might have been compromised. Terrifying. Still, she would have to defer to Priscilla and Kenichi in regards to this whole....situation.

and ultimately it really was a question of did they feel about this?

Kenichi seemed to care for both of them. And she wondered..... if she had been a human, what would she feel about this? The truth of the mater was she wasn't sure what difference it made. And she could not help but feel a bit .... alone? Looking at Kenichi, and Priscilla. They had such powerful emotions about .... all of this. She found herself gently folding her arms and hunching her shoulders, making herself a bit smaller as she ...struggled.

The two seemed quite happy. Could she keep up with them? And some part of her wondered if perhaps she might be a burden. But guilt and uncertainty were temporary musings. She had no heart to be weighed down with this uncertainty. All she knew was that she wanted to be a part of Kenichi's life. Her mind wandered back to brazil, and the alternatives of pursuing her feelings. She allowed her gaze to shift back to the man this was all about. She was, in a way, happy he'd found someone, even if it wasn't her. IF something happened to her, at least surely, Priscilla would be here for him. As his wife, she would admonish other connections for his sake. She would not have to worry about Priscilla abandoning him for someone else. IT was ... a comforting assurance, that someone else was similarly devoted to Kenichi.

"Kenichi. Is having both of us as your wives what you truly want?"
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Hollow Shores[Kenichi, Sabre, Priscilla]  Empty Re: Hollow Shores[Kenichi, Sabre, Priscilla]

Sun May 26, 2024 1:54 am



Hazel eyes observed the women as they stated their intentions and posed their respective questions. Huh, so the ball really was in his court, huh? Sheesh... on one hand, he couldn't help but imagine that this was what the average hormonal man would dream of. Two gorgeous women to call his wives. He genuinely loved Sabre. There was no doubt about that. Regardless of what happened, he didn't want to leave this island without being able to call her his.

Turning to Priscilla, he recognized that even if she was all too happy to follow along with what he desired, that didn't mean he should take advantage of her kindness. Though he had distanced himself during what little time they shared at this resort, she had only ever tried to make him happy and bring a smile to his face. By all accounts, she was a lovely woman with the sort of energy that could light up a room. And so, he had a decision to make. In a world where he called both of them wives, he wanted to avoid one thing.

"I know I'd love to also call you my wife, Sabre. I can't deny that. In truth, I think both of you would look absolutely stunning in a wedding dress."

Ruffling his hair, he chuckled sheepishly as he paced back and forth. Settling in one spot, turning to face them both he laid out his intentions.

"As long as I can show you both that I love you equally and without bias, I don't think I have any issue with the idea. After all, it'd be foolish to turn down the prospect of sharing my days with two women who care about my well-being and happiness, right?"

Moving towards them both, he wrapped his hand around their own to observe their reaction to all of this.

"Of course, I don't want to throw you into anything that makes you feel uncomfortable, Sabre. If you have any objections, you're free to state or voice your thoughts. You, too, Priscilla. I'm only going ahead with this if I can make you both happy."


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