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Reminiscence (Hisana, Momo) Empty Reminiscence (Hisana, Momo)

Wed May 15, 2024 11:47 am
Reminiscence (Hisana, Momo) 364726804_675643814603378_1241045697266803871_n.jpg?_nc_cat=100&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=6diBsGJBXkoQ7kNvgG52Bks&_nc_ht=scontent.ffab1-1

There was no doubt that she was becoming more popular just lately and as Momo set about getting the tea ready for her latest guest, the dark haired woman would gently hum. Her experiences just recently had gone rather well and the Ex Lieutenant smiled as she recalled her visitors. Whether it be for training or advice, she’d been sure not to let them out of her sight until they’d learned something. It was rather stimulating work although Momo had to admit that she worried over Bambietta. The woman was very much like her in some ways, her lack of confidence a mirror of what Momo’s had once been.

Her success with her students aside though, Momo still had a slight amount of concern regarding her visitor today. The request had been rather more formal than usual, which naturally triggered the dark haired woman’s guard just a touch. Had the Gotei become frustrated by her desire to teach others in a way that wasn’t strictly by the book? It was a long shot but made Momo wary nonetheless. The trust simply wasn’t there any longer and considering the state of the organisation, who knew what the head honchos were thinking?

Ah, she should be above all of this by now but some grudges were simply too painful to overcome, scars that ran far too deep. Over a century had passed and despite all the progress she’d made in bringing herself back from the brink, she simply could not forgive and forget. Still, for the sake of her son, she was willing to be civil at least, even if at times she wanted to walk straight up to their headquarters and fire a fireball straight through the head office.

There was no need to take out any of that frustration on her guest though and so after placing the refreshments on a small table beside her, Momo would sit and begin to sketch in the meantime, her mind briefly consumed by it as she drew out yet another spell idea.


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Wed May 15, 2024 1:23 pm
Reminiscence (Hisana, Momo) Myd5cmenv54

Uncertainty had been.... firmly planted in her. Things with the Gotei had become much more tense in the most recent months. With tensions mounting and suspicions being cast as a result of untoward occurrences. The bombing had been a hefty blow, not to mention in the midst of a crisis with Africa. But even more than that, there were now Murders that had been going on. And though she had acquaintances and coworkers who offered support, she couldn't help but feel the looks of suspicion she got more recently.

She didnt' know what was going to happen, and some part of her had slowly become more guarded. Bracing herself for the time where her welcome in the Gotei would be worn out. Work was a welcome distraction. The Deployment fo the World of the living had done wonders to keep her occupied, as Shiro......ahem. Helped out her sister. But even so, she found herself feeling somewhat caged. And so someone in her division had suggested she try to make some new connections outside of the gotei. The World of the Living was out of the question, travel was restricted outside of deployment. And so... here she was.

She was nervous as she stood outside of the estate and sighed softly. She'd included in her communication that she was an Arrancar. The last thing she needed was them being surprised by that fact. But even so, she felt nerves buidling up as she gently knocked on the door.
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Reminiscence (Hisana, Momo) Empty Re: Reminiscence (Hisana, Momo)

Wed May 15, 2024 2:27 pm
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She’d become somewhat lost in her sketching, causing the knock on the door to make Momo jump a little in surprise. With a shake of the head, she’d place her sketchbook aside and head towards the door, feeling a tad nervous herself. The communication hadn’t appeared as though it was a sign that something unpleasant was about to occur which helped her a touch and the curious admission that the visitor was of a race other than a Shinigami actually did as well. Yes, Momo had fought the Arrancar in the war but she held no grudge. They’d been manipulated like everyone else, to be used like puppets by that bastard of a man.

Opening the door once she reached it, Momo would find herself looking at a woman who reminded her so vividly of another. There was a brief look of surprise that crossed her features but beyond that, there was nothing in the way of a negative reaction from the Ex Lieutenant. The purple haired woman didn’t appear to be threatening by her body language and if Momo could read anything from her features, it was that perhaps she was similarly nervous. That, more than anything, helped Momo relax.

“Hi there.” She’d say with a kind smile, motioning for the woman to come in. “It’s Hisana, right? Come on in and make yourself at home. Help yourself to tea if you’d like a cup.”

The feel of the woman’s spiritual energy couldn’t help but remind Momo of the past but she wasn’t going to allow that to cause her to be anything other than hospitable. In truth, she was rather curious as to what the Arrancar wished to discuss. The fact that an Arrancar was in the Gotei at all had somewhat taken Momo by surprise. Had the Gotei finally begun to adapt to the times?


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Reminiscence (Hisana, Momo) Empty Re: Reminiscence (Hisana, Momo)

Wed May 15, 2024 2:59 pm
Reminiscence (Hisana, Momo) Myd5cmenv54

Hisana offered a gentle smile as she saw the look on Hinamori's face, but one that surprisingly adrapted rather quickly. Before she could even speak up, Hinamori had welcomed her and gestured for her to step inside. A sheepish hint to the smile on hisana's lips as she was frankly a bit startled. She had imagined an actual Veteran of the Winter war might at least take a while to adjust. But Momo seemed to take the entire situation in stride.

"Thank you so much, yes I'm Hisana, just Hisana please. I hope I'm not coming at a bad time. But Tea sounds wonderful, thank you." She noted gently, which no doubt would carry its own surprise. No doubt Momo would be more than familiar with the spunky, energetic, trouble starter that was Rukia. And although Rukia had aged and grown calmer, no doubt the contrast would still be striking. There was a soft, gentle grace about how Hisana carried herself. Where Rukia had the grace of a blossom cast into a feirce wind, eloquent despite the energy with which they flew about. Hisana was more like a single blossom petal floating in a gentle breeze.

Once they were inside, Hisana took just a moment to look around the inside of Hinamori's abode, pausing to survey it before looking to the woman and smiling warmly. "I want to thank you again for having me over. I understand it must have been something of a surprise to you when you received my request. I'm.. very thankful. If you have any uhm...questions. Please feel free to ask, and I'll answer them as best I can."
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Reminiscence (Hisana, Momo) Empty Re: Reminiscence (Hisana, Momo)

Thu May 16, 2024 8:16 am
Reminiscence (Hisana, Momo) 364726804_675643814603378_1241045697266803871_n.jpg?_nc_cat=100&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=6diBsGJBXkoQ7kNvgG52Bks&_nc_ht=scontent.ffab1-1

There certainly was a different vibe to the woman before her than her sister and Momo couldn’t help but feel a sense of curiosity. There was obviously a story there and as hard as she tried, the dark haired woman had noticed about herself that she found it more difficult not to pry these days. Whether it be someone she’d never met or an old friend, she simply had to ask, even if sometimes it came to bite her. The truth simply brought people closer together or at least she believed so and after all the lies she’d swallowed, it was a view that she’d come to understand better than most.

Offering Hisana a seat, Momo would then walk over to the table that she’d prepared earlier, fussing about with the tea, before offering a steaming cup of it to her guest.

“Don’t mention it. I must admit that your communication did take me rather by surprise, as I haven’t been on the best of terms with the Gotei for quite some time.” Momo answered truthfully. “I wasn’t sure just what to expect from your visit although I am thankful that it seems I was worried for nothing. You don’t appear to be here to interrogate me.” The fact she was smiling would give away the fact that she was trying to be humorous, her shoulder noticeably more relaxed.

From the way Hisana spoke, it almost appeared as if the Arrancar thought that she was the one who was going to be interrogated, which somewhat surprised Momo. That was certainly not what the brown eyed Shinigami wished to do. Pondering about that for a moment, she’d ask something incredibly simple. “What brought you to my door?”


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Reminiscence (Hisana, Momo) Empty Re: Reminiscence (Hisana, Momo)

Thu May 23, 2024 9:22 pm
Reminiscence (Hisana, Momo) Myd5cmenv54

Hisana nodded softly at that and gave a sheepish smile at that. "I admit, I'm not quite coming to you as a member of the Gotei. But...rather as Rukia's sister." She confessed, gently folding her hands in front of her, taking the seat that she'd been offered and pausing to look at the tea that was offered. She blew on it gently before taking a steady sip, a brief moment to enjoy the taste before she looked back to Hinamori.

"I admit, I have been curious as to what it was like, for you to have worked with my sister. I only recently was able to find her, and well. Last I was with her was well before she ever became a shinigami. Before ... a lot of things actually." Something of a sombre tone in her voice as she glanced down to the table. No doubt Hinamori could connect the dots. Strange as it was that she had memories after such an ordeal.

"I feel as if I've missed so much. And as of late, I find myself a bit worried. With the Kurosaki incident. I don't know... even from when I first reunited with her. She's become so ...down. I suppose I was hoping you might have some insight on the matter. Are you....aware of what happened in the city of lights?" She asked softly. Curious. No doubt that name, Kurosaki, would ring a bell. But she had no idea how informed Rukongai citizens were of the world of the living issues. If Toki kept her in the loop, perhaps, or if she was the type to go seeking out such rumors and the like. But well, one never knew.
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Reminiscence (Hisana, Momo) Empty Re: Reminiscence (Hisana, Momo)

Fri May 24, 2024 9:35 am
Reminiscence (Hisana, Momo) Hinamori.Momo.full.194282

Ring a bell was quite the understatement and Momo had gone through various phases when it came to just how she felt about him. There were times where she’d despised him, cursed his name and yet as time had worn on, that had changed dramatically. Nowadays, she was thankful that the then young man had done what had been necessary during the third world war, eliminating the man that had caused so much harm to so many, with Momo probably being rather close to the top of that list in terms of damage.

“I’m afraid that I don’t have an awful lot of insight when it comes to the going ons in the human world. Most of what I pick up comes from the Shinigami who come to me for training and many of them are rather reluctant to speak. Toki doesn’t speak an awful lot about it either, probably because he doesn’t want to worry me too much." Momo replied honestly. “You’ll have to fill me in on the details.”

She could, however, speak about her dealing with Rukia and the dark haired woman would smile softly then. “I always enjoyed the time that I spent with your sister and we got along well whenever we came across each other. She was always a bit of a firecracker in my opinion and always made her opinion known. My experiences with nobility are fairly limited but Rukia was never one to flout that and was as down to earth as anyone I’ve met.”

The smile faded at that point. “Rukia and Ichigo have always shared a special bond since they first met or that’s what I’ve always thought anyway. It doesn’t surprise me that she’d be feeling low if something unpleasant happened to him.”


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Reminiscence (Hisana, Momo) Empty Re: Reminiscence (Hisana, Momo)

Fri May 24, 2024 9:59 am
Reminiscence (Hisana, Momo) Myd5cmenv54

Oh no.
Under normal circumstances, she would have quite enjoyed it. Hearing a recounting of what her Sister was like. even in her current state, she managed a very small, forlorn smile as Hinamori explained how her Sister was. And in truth, she'd seen at least some of that when she'd first gotten here. Before all of ... this had rolled in.

But now she was also faced with something else. That Hinamori had no idea of what had happened with the man that had once changed the course of soul society. She fell silent for a moment and ... considered. On earth it was knowledge that had spread considerably. she hadn't even considered how detached from the situation the rukongai would be.

"Kurosaki .... made an appearance in the City of Lights, a Quincy stronghold on earth, and wound up causing considerable damage. He's become an arrancar. And at present is ... at large and considered dangerous." She explained softly, folding her hands infront of her and briefly neglecting the cup of tea she'd only sipped a little bit. Her attention shifting off to the side as a trobuled look overtook her features.

"Rukia has been continuing on with her duties. You wouldn't perhaps know it just at a passing glance. But she's grown...distant ever since the reports came in. And if she truly does share a connection with Ichigo. I suppose I have more of an idea as to why." She noted quietly, worry staining her expression. "I've spoken to her, and done my best to console her. And ever time I do, she does seem to feel better. But I feel as if I'm bandaging a much deeper wound..." She noted quietly.

A pause for a moment before she glanced up and realized what she was putting at the other woman's feet.
"Ah I'm...I'm very sorry to bring you this all at once. I didn't know you were unaware of the situation."
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Reminiscence (Hisana, Momo) Empty Re: Reminiscence (Hisana, Momo)

Sat May 25, 2024 2:43 pm
Reminiscence (Hisana, Momo) 364726804_675643814603378_1241045697266803871_n.jpg?_nc_cat=100&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=7hu5Uo_hkI4Q7kNvgGIMR-i&_nc_ht=scontent.ffab1-1

It was quite a shock to put it mildly and Momo did an awfully good job just to keep her reaction to a rather deep sigh. She had no idea that the state of the human world was quite so precarious and the dark haired woman now understood precisely why no one had told her about any of it. The Momo of old would have probably broken down into hysterics at such developments, her emotions overcoming her to the point of complete instability. It wasn’t a period of her life that she looked back on if she could avoid it but she had to admit that by going through it, she had come out a much stronger woman.

“You’ve nothing to be sorry for.” She eventually said softly, trying to smile but not quite making it. How could she smile at something like that? “I asked you for the story and you told me the truth, which I am thankful for. I honestly believe that I’ve been a little too in my own world anyway for far too long. It’s about time that I start to actually experience what the real one is again, as unpleasant as it can be.”

Taking a sip of her tea, she’d go on after a short pause. “It must have been an enormous shock for Rukia and I am sympathetic to how she’s probably feeling right now. To live with such a deep wound, as you put it, continually festering and harming inside you is a foul state of being. I can only hazard a guess but I feel it could well be a case that she’s feeling rather similar to how I did when…World War 3 came to be. To have someone that you respect, admire…love, suddenly desert you does far more harm to a person than any sword or spell. You feel as though your heart has been ripped out and all that’s left behind is emptiness. I believe that is what Rukia may well be feeling…Empty.”

A second pause followed before the Ex Lieutenant added. “The longer she feels this way, the harder it will be for her to recover.”


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