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Welcome home(Stella/Carla(Her mother)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome home(Stella/Carla(Her mother)

Sun May 26, 2024 10:27 pm
Stella's always been rather gifted when it comes to blut. At the very least she was naturally talented with it. She had never really struggled using it at all, but the one that did confuse her a little was trying to use both at the same time and switching them quickly. So, she still had a bit of work that she had to do left.

"Speaking of training. do you have a sanrei glove that I could begin my training with? Solomon had said something about it, and I think im ready to up my training."

Remembering back to her conversation with ichigo just a couple hours ago. He had told her to keep striving, and to keep viewing him as a hero. That means she wants to continue her goal of reaching him. Stella's mom is probably fully aware of Stella's view on ichigo as well. From the time Stella had learned about the story she had looked up to the man.

"I want to get as strong as possible. I think my next step should be trying to get through the glove training."

As she would begin to sip on her tea. She wasn't sure how her mother would respond, but she did enjoy the time they were having together. Who knows maybe if she does have a glove then maybe she'll even have a letz stil by the next time she's in town to see her mother. She wasn't entirely sure about that prospect though.

"Oh....I think I need to be honest with you. I....actually met Ichigo."

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Welcome home(Stella/Carla(Her mother)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome home(Stella/Carla(Her mother)

Tue May 28, 2024 4:26 am
Welcome home(Stella/Carla(Her mother)  - Page 2 JClx4Uc


"Stella, you...."

Carla found herself dumbfounded by her daughter's revelation, to such a degree that she almost ignored her daughter's request for a Sanrei glove by accident. The fact she had met Arrancar was already staggering enough on its own, but Ichigo Kurosaki?

Had he not been a traitor who apparently - if the news reports were anything to go by - nearly destroyed the City of Lights? An exasperated sigh accompanied her voice as she rubbed at her temples. On second thought, perhaps a visit was due sooner than she first thought.

Maintaining her composure, she posed a level-headed question, curious to know what the encounter entailed. Since she didn't appear to sport any visible wounds or bruises, Carla's base assumption amounted to two possible answers - he either ignored her or chose not to attack her.

"Before we talk about Leiden Hants, I'd like to know what this conversation was like, Stella. What happened between you two...?"


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Tue May 28, 2024 7:46 am
Stella would flinch a little bit at her mother's words as she could feel her heart rate go up. She hoped with all of her being that her mother wasn't upset with her. She hadn't gone out of her way looking for Ichigo, but when she managed to just bump into him? She thought why not try to talk him back over to the good side. He was there once, so why wouldn't he be able to do it again. Her voice would shrink slightly before she would speak.

"W...well I didn't go out of my way looking for him or anything. I....just think there's still some good left in him. He saved the world once, so he can't be all bad to his core. I did tell him that he was given a very difficult hand at a really young age. I....mean I felt guilty for looking up to him when he talked about why he was doing this."

As she would look down the flow of the conversation was coming back to her. She was beginning to remember why she felt so bad for him. It really wasn't fair that he had the weight of the world on him at 15 years old.

"I mean mama, when I was 15 the only struggles I had to worry about was my battle with acne. Ichigo was expected to save the world at that age. Is that fair? I... did ask him to stop doing what he was doing, and he seemed regretful of his actions. I...don't think I broke through to him completely though."
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Welcome home(Stella/Carla(Her mother)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome home(Stella/Carla(Her mother)

Tue May 28, 2024 8:33 am
Welcome home(Stella/Carla(Her mother)  - Page 2 JClx4Uc


"He nearly wiped the city you live in off the map, Stella. Anyone willing to eliminate a city full of civilians is dangerous and should not be trusted. Be that as it may, he didn't lay a finger on you..."

Carla sighed softly as she quietly observed her daughter's expression during her explanation. She was thankful that she hadn't approached him directly, that their meeting was closer to a coincidence than it was something Stella planned ahead of time. There were only so many revelations she could handle at once.

Arrancar and the former hero Ichigo. It was far from easy to digest as a mother. Knowing that her child could've suffered at the hands of others bothered her, to an overwhelming degree. Even so, this was a reunion. At worst, all Carla could offer her was cautionary words and wisdom from the past.

Thankful that the bread finished baking, she temporarily rose from her chair to grab a pair of oven mitts and pull the bread from the oven. Allowing it to cool down, she removed the mitts, grabbed a knife, and slowly cut the bread into Stella's favorite portions. Left to her devices, Carla knew Stella could probably develop the whole loaf if she offered. Rummaging through the fridge for jam and butter, Carla resumed her thoughts on the matter.

"Of all my children, you have a heart of gold, Stella. Always helpful, always caring, you try to find the good in almost anyone. It's a lovely trait, and one that has its time and place, but some people, some actions, cannot be forgiven so easily - let alone excused. Perhaps he was dealt an unfair hand, but was it worth jeopardizing the lives of others? Not everyone can change their ways. Once they cross a line, there is no going back for them."

Returning with bread, jam, and butter, she plated everything and sat back at the table. Reaching over to ruffle her hair, Carla offered a warm smile as she shook her head. She understood that her daughter came from a genuine place of love and care, but the harsh truth was that few deserved such affection.

"Sorry, I don't mean to seem so harsh, but the idea you were near someone who could've hurt you is a little unsettling. All I ask is that you be careful next time, even if you didn't intend on running into him..."


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Welcome home(Stella/Carla(Her mother)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome home(Stella/Carla(Her mother)

Tue May 28, 2024 11:16 pm
Stella would flinch slightly. She had only heard her mother get this tone a few times through her life when she messed up pretty bad. She could feel a slight lump in her throat as she would let out the faintest hitched breath that she could. She didn't mean to make her mother worry like that and what she said made sense.

"I....I just think there's some good deep down in him somewhere. I'm not condoning his actions or even saying he should be forgiven. I just think there could be a peaceful bloodless resolution to what's happening."

As she would try to explain her point further. She just thought if there is a peaceful route then it should absolutely be taken. She just felt like maybe someone other than her could break him as well. They needed to play off the guilt she knows that he's feeling. He would have such a more peaceful existence if he were to accept the past is the past.

"I truly believe that we can resolve this peacefully and it feels like most people just assume it can't. So instead of even attempting they just jump straight to violence. its kind of scary to be completely honest."

She would take some bread and begin to much on it thoughtfully. Clearly alot happening in the red heads mind, and her brow was furrowed. She was determined to make this world a better place to live, but she just wasn't sure how to yet.
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Welcome home(Stella/Carla(Her mother)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome home(Stella/Carla(Her mother)

Thu May 30, 2024 10:08 am
Welcome home(Stella/Carla(Her mother)  - Page 2 JClx4Uc


"As much as I would like a peaceful resolution, exercising caution should be your first priority. Since he didn't hurt you, perhaps he isn't all that bad as all the reports have led me to believe on television. I can only hope his peaceful actions with you pour over to the City."

There were a myriad of thoughts on the matter. In truth, she didn't exactly know how to feel now. On one hand, she was extremely worried about her daughter's wellbeing. On the other, she appeared relatively unharmed. If she had hosted a conversation with him, and talked to him directly, and he listened to her... then perhaps there was some humanity that still remained in his spirit. Or, perhaps, her daughter was simply that convicing. Chuckling softly, she reached over with one hand as she sipped her tea, ruffling her daughter's hair.

"Well, Stella, think about it from their perspective. This man entered their city, nearly wiped it off the map, and disappeared without a trace. It's perfectly natural for them to be on edge as a result."

Setting her tea down, she leaned against the chair, biting into a piece of bread as she posed another question.

"Did he express regret for what he did?"


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Welcome home(Stella/Carla(Her mother)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome home(Stella/Carla(Her mother)

Thu May 30, 2024 9:42 pm
Stella still eating her bread would nod. She fully understood the cities perspective on Ichigo, but if they were able to stop him then she figured they would have stopped him then. She's just accepted he's too strong for the City of Lights for the time being, but she had faith that the quincies were going to close the gap soon.

"Well, I do understand that. I'm not stupid I get why they would think like that, but at the same time if they were able to stop him then they would have then. If it's too much of an issue to stop him like that then maybe the next step should be trying to approach for a peaceful resolution,"

She'd speak from her mind as she felt like her mother would appreciate that. Stella wasn't the name youngin that she had been just a few months ago. It seems she's Matured quite a bit, but still had that optimistic almost naive out look on the world. She always tried to see the best in everyone, and every situation. So she wanted to try to talk her mom into thinking like that.

"I think he does regret what he's doing, but he's doing it for a friend of his. So I don't think he's going to stop..I tried to make him see it from his friends perspective if they were to be a good friend, but I don't think he cares about that at this point."

She would speak honestly as she would finish the bread before continuing to drink her tea. As she leaned back at let out a long sigh. Natasha could cook, but man was she missing her mother's home cooking. It brought her back to being a youngin.

"It feels good to be back home though Ma."
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Welcome home(Stella/Carla(Her mother)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome home(Stella/Carla(Her mother)

Mon Jun 03, 2024 10:35 pm
Welcome home(Stella/Carla(Her mother)  - Page 2 JClx4Uc


"Considering how strong and overwhelming the reports painted him, I think stopping him is easier said than done. From what I hear, their forces weren't exactly well equipped for someone of his magnitude. At the same time, if he's capable of hosting a normal conversation without displaying hostility, perhaps a peaceful resolution isn't impossible..."

Carla reflected on the conflicting reports and the flurry of information concerning the matter. In truth, she wasn't quite sure what route they ought to take, but something about her daughter's faith was reassuring. Was it somewhat misguided? Yes, but she was able to host a conversation with the man where others had failed. Surely, that meant he was capable of reflecting on his actions, if only to a lesser extent. Of course, according to Stella, he wasn't exactly keen on moving off of the path he had set for himself. When a man was determined like that, nothing could impede his path. At any rate, Stella was safe. That was all that mattered to her. Chuckling softly, lightly sipping her tea, she reached over to pat her daughter's cheek. No matter how much unease might have surfaced, simply see her back home was comforting. She was proud of how she'd grown.

"Glad to have you back home, Stella, even if it's only for a visit. Now, then, I do believe you said requested a Leiden hant, yes?"

It was time for her to take the next step.


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Welcome home(Stella/Carla(Her mother)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome home(Stella/Carla(Her mother)

Tue Jun 04, 2024 3:49 am
Stella would nod. She knew that she wanted to get stronger, and she knew that this training would take awhile so she figured getting it earlier rather than later would be beneficial to her. It also gave her access to alot of energy rather quickly, but at a pretty big cost. So worst case scenario she has a you didn't win button if she absolutely needed to expend the energy.

"Yea, I'm ready to move on for the next stage of the quincy training. I'm looking forward to doing so and having the opportunity."

She'd bow slightly as if she was thinking a dojo at a martial arts facility. A cocky smile would appear as she would look up to her mother. Thinking that the next time she comes back here maybe she'll be stronger than Ole mah. Or maybe the gap would be closer and stella would be even further along in her goal.

"Who knows, maybe when I come back I'll finally have surpassed ya Mama
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Welcome home(Stella/Carla(Her mother)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome home(Stella/Carla(Her mother)

Tue Jun 04, 2024 6:48 am
Welcome home(Stella/Carla(Her mother)  - Page 2 JClx4Uc


"Ya think so? Well, I certainly look forward to it. Half of a master's pride certainly lies in watching their student surpass them."

Carla ruffled her hair even further as she bowed before finishing the rest of her tea. Rising from the table, she stretched her arms as she motioned for Stella to follow her, leaving the kitchen to travel to the other part of her house - specifically, her room. When they reached it, Carla pressed the door open, walked toward her closet, carefully unlocking it until she revealed a large box. Dusting it off with her hand and blowing on it, she slowly set it down, unlocking it to reveal a leiden hant and her old Vandenreich uniform.

Temporarily, a sense of nostalgia swept over her as she smiled. Viewing the reishi glove between the glass and the uniform she once wore with pride, a vision of Stella inheriting that filled her mind, and she found a sense of contentment. She was absolutely fine with her daughter surpassing her one day. It would let her know that all her training was well worth the effort and cost in the end. Turning to Stella, she presented the opened box before her daughter.

"Here. Try them on."


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