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Regardless of Warnings [Verdada, Sabriel] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue0/0Regardless of Warnings [Verdada, Sabriel] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Regardless of Warnings [Verdada, Sabriel] - Page 2 Empty Re: Regardless of Warnings [Verdada, Sabriel]

Fri May 10, 2024 11:39 pm
Regardless of Warnings [Verdada, Sabriel] - Page 2 6yxkcobdmo7

Verdada smiled all the wider at that and chuckled. So the woman more or less confirmed her thesis on what type of arrancar she was. Good, that made things simpler. One didn't develop this kind of mindset without having an example to go off of. That simply made her smile all the wider at the notion of what this woman's powers might be. Fuck, she really was just a spawn of THAT woman wasn't she?

That smile of hers widened and she relaxed her grip on the woman's wrist, lightly running her fingers up and down the length of their forearm as she gave a soft little chuckle. "Oh my little Sable." She sighed, closing her eyes as she took a moment to let her thoughts settle. "I'm.....broken, ya see~" She smiled just a bit more shakily. "The whole damn reason I'm here, is because I need to ...Fix myself~ I was born with ....very extreme physical capabilities. But outside of that? I'm rather unremarkable. I could...take that head of yours and squeeze it until it popped. But ....throw a Cero at me that I can't dodge? I'd be cooked." She chuckled softly, sighing.

"I would like to propose a long term study. But we can hash that all out later." She chimed, lightly releasing Sabriel's wrist and pausing, eyeing the woman to see if they'd try to run away again, she didn't imagine they would, and so ultimately she would turn her attention toward the nearby town. "A human. A spiritual being could...resist, and that would mess up my study of your powers effects. But I already have a few....'volunteers' set up nearby." She murmured as she reached into her coat and pulled out a worn book. Running her fingers over the surface as she allowed the rough texture of the volume remind her of everything she'd put it through. Utterly useless as it was as reading content. It was something of an ...inspiration for her.

"So. you want your payment up front? Or after the study?"
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Regardless of Warnings [Verdada, Sabriel] - Page 2 Empty Re: Regardless of Warnings [Verdada, Sabriel]

Sat May 11, 2024 10:49 am
Regardless of Warnings [Verdada, Sabriel] - Page 2 SsMLBbB


Despite the fact that Verdada had resorted to using such a painful method of showing off her physical prowess, Sabriel could not help but feel some form of sympathy for the woman’s plight. To be left in such a state was clearly unpleasant for her and while the dark haired Arrancar was uncertain if showing off her powers would in any way aid the woman in fixing herself, she found herself willing to go along with the situation. Her own curiosity was clearly piqued and while it might not have been an appropriate time to ask, her intrigue was just too great. “Broken? You sound almost as though you are an inanimate object rather than a being. Why is it that you are…missing parts of yourself?”

When Verdada moved on to speak about her volunteers, Sabriel would nod her head. “Very well. I imagine that I will be more than capable of toying with these beings of yours in order to give a glimpse of what I can do. The majority of my abilities do not require me to release so there should not be any need for that. Unless of course you are curious about seeing me in my true form. Believe me, it is one that is rather eye catching, even if I confess that I am not all that fond of how it looks.”

The Arrancar’s last words caught Sabriel rather by surprise, expecting that Verdada would be insistent on any reward being kept until afterwards. Still, she was a prudent woman, on occasion and so a laugh escaped her before she replied, returning the favour by stepping in close. “How about a third option? You show me a taste of my reward now to whet my appetite and you can give me the rest later. How does that sound?”


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Regardless of Warnings [Verdada, Sabriel] - Page 2 Empty Re: Regardless of Warnings [Verdada, Sabriel]

Sat May 11, 2024 11:27 am
Regardless of Warnings [Verdada, Sabriel] - Page 2 6yxkcobdmo7

”Yep. Was created to be a storage device. A little hidden memory to keep a grave sin in the dark~ I didn’t even have a zanpakuto at first, I was so poorly put together.” Verdada noted with a growing smile. Not the slightest hesitation to mention it. Why be ashamed? Its not like it was hard to tell she was all fucked up. And lying wouldn’t make her any more whole.

The arrancar’s willingness came as no surprise. Hollows seldom put much thought into toying with human lives. Sure, they had been selected with Versada’s own sense of morality on mind, but she imagined that didn’t matter to Sabriel. And just as well.

However, as Sabriel stated her terms, she canted her head a bit to the side. A kiss probably, or something to that effect. Fine by her. However, Verdada stood back up to her full height and gave the woman a dull stare. ”That right? Well sorry but I aint used to this thing. A shy, innocent maiden, if you can believe that. So if you want your taste, you’ll have to come and get it yourself.” Last thing she needed was to fumble the deal with an awkward move.
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Regardless of Warnings [Verdada, Sabriel] - Page 2 Empty Re: Regardless of Warnings [Verdada, Sabriel]

Sat May 11, 2024 1:26 pm
Regardless of Warnings [Verdada, Sabriel] - Page 2 SsMLBbB


An eyebrow rose as Verdada spoke casually about her own creation. She was awfully cavalier about the whole affair and Sabriel could not help but muse that maybe the woman was broken, as she claimed to be, not just in terms of power but perhaps there was something else missing as well. Still, if the woman was comfortable with who she was then who was Sabriel to question that? She was hardly a typical specimen of an Arrancar herself, her methods so different to others of her kin. In a way, Verdada’s manner was rather stimulating for the lavender eyed Desire devourer.

“My curious mind cannot help but ask just who it was who created you but by all means, tell me to mind my own business if you would rather not divulge.” It did not seem to be an unfair question, given how honest Verdada had been so far but Sabriel would respect her wishes either way.

It appeared that Verdada had cottoned on to just what form of reward that the dark haired woman desired and in a way, she was amused by the fact that the researcher was willing to indulge her. How different from the first time they had met. Still, Sabriel was not going to pass up on the opportunity to make up for lost time. “An innocent maiden who likes to tear Hollows to shreds and push the limbs of Arrancar to breaking point. How fascinating.” She chuckled in return.

Sabriel would then wrap an arm around the waist of the researcher and draw her in close, her lips capturing Verdada’s as she claimed the appetiser that she longed for. She was not overly forceful and did not push any further than simply a kiss but it would last long enough for Sabriel to get a taste of the Arrancar, enough to light the fire that lay within her. She would certainly be looking forward to claiming the rest of her reward later.

Soon enough, she would pull away, a devious and confident smirk upon her face. “That will do for the time being.”


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Regardless of Warnings [Verdada, Sabriel] - Page 2 Empty Re: Regardless of Warnings [Verdada, Sabriel]

Sat May 11, 2024 5:17 pm
Regardless of Warnings [Verdada, Sabriel] - Page 2 6yxkcobdmo7

Verdada raised a brow slightly as the arrancar asked the question that...frankly she had no objections to. Honestly, it simply had never come up, and she produced a lopsided little smirk as she waved a hand dismissively. "Another arrancar. With a peculiar ability to split pieces of themselves off. They had committed something horrible, and to hide it away from their other half. To hide away the Truth. Thus, Verdada was born~" she gestured to herself theatrically.

She almost didn't even register the woman's flirtatious commentary."I wouldn't go calling me a Maiden." She noted with a snort, brishing a bit of hair behind her ear before watching the other arrancar closely as they approached. She had plenty of memories like this. How many times has Ajora been all too happy to put on airs. To things, in order to get what she wanted. And so it felt...eerily familiar as Sabriel's hand slipped around her waist and reeled her in. As a reflest, her hand raised to set on the other woman's shoulder, stuck between holding them close and keeping them at bay indecisively. But well, Sabriel didn't waste much time.

What a strange behavior for an arrancar. The thought floated through her mind as Sabriel's mouth latched onto her own, and she was briefly distracted by the wet mesh of lips and tongue. All that shit she asked. It was almost like she cared. What a strange behavior to have among hollows. What the hell had caused such a development? Was it part of her aspect of death? She pressed into the kiss, as if she might taste the answer in Sabriel's mouth.

And then it was over, and she stared calmly ahead of herself, briefly staring through the arrancar as she reached up and wiped her mouth, briefly lost to her thoughts. "Awfully gentle for a hollow. Not that I'm complaining. Shall we meet out test subjects?" She ventured, gesturing off to the south. Not that there'd be anything that Sabriel could see. It'd hardly be a good stash if you could see it from afar.
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Regardless of Warnings [Verdada, Sabriel] - Page 2 Empty Re: Regardless of Warnings [Verdada, Sabriel]

Sun May 12, 2024 11:08 am
Regardless of Warnings [Verdada, Sabriel] - Page 2 SsMLBbB


The answer to her question did fill in some of the blanks and certainly explained just why Verdada would view herself as broken. Honestly, Sabriel thought it was rather an unfortunate state of being and not one that she herself would wish to be in. Still, Verdada’s ability to be able to find the bright side of things and live on was somewhat comforting. Naturally, one answer only led to the dark haired woman wanting to ask another question but perhaps that should wait. After all, that was not what their meeting was about, was it? That being said, she would make a mental note to continue the conversation if the opportunity presented itself.

Sabriel had been rather uncertain as to how Verdada would respond to their closer encounter but at the very least, the woman had not tried to break the dark haired woman’s arms. A chuckle left her lips then at Verdada’s comment, resulting in Sabriel replying swiftly enough. “Not everyone appreciates a rough approach and I have no idea how you were going to react. As much as I crave a little close contact now and again, I am not an animal…unless my partner wants me to be.” It was somewhat of a description as to how her aspect worked. Desire was a complicated one as she had to not only consider her own but those she met as well. It had certainly given her some headaches in the past.

“Lead on, my dear.” She would then add with a smile, ready to take part in this little experiment of Verdada’s. Honestly, it had been some time since she had last cut loose a bit and the Arrancar hated the notion that her abilities might have dulled a touch due to negligence.


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Regardless of Warnings [Verdada, Sabriel] - Page 2 Empty Re: Regardless of Warnings [Verdada, Sabriel]

Tue May 14, 2024 1:54 pm
Regardless of Warnings [Verdada, Sabriel] - Page 2 6yxkcobdmo7

Verdada snorted softly at that and let that smile of hers widen just a little at Medea's interesting capitulatory inclinations toward her partners. And here she thought the woman was some sort of Lust Hollow, but she certainly seemed a lot more considerate than most hollows. Downright romantic. "Noted~" She hummed as she began to lead the way.

The spot itself wasn't that far off to the side. Towards a few high rocks in the surrounding area, there was a slight cip in the landscape, where the ground was cracked and dry. Verdada led the arrancar to a little divot that had been eroded by some of the rocks and promptly pulled back a mat covered in dirt. Showing off a little hatch. She smiled over her shoulder to the other arrancar. No doubt they would be able to pick up with their pesquisa. Two people down there. Popping the shed itself, she gestured for them to climb down.

"Ladies first~"

The actual ladder itself took them down a good fifteen feet until it emptied out into a little cellar built into the ground. And there they were. One of them as asleep in a sleeping bag. The other was a woman leaning against the wall, fussing around with a phone. Once the both of them were downstairs, Verdada offered a smile and a wave to her little human homies.

"Hey there! Seems like Lance is asleep. Hope we're not interrupting anything Clair?~"
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Regardless of Warnings [Verdada, Sabriel] - Page 2 Empty Re: Regardless of Warnings [Verdada, Sabriel]

Tue May 14, 2024 2:58 pm
Regardless of Warnings [Verdada, Sabriel] - Page 2 SsMLBbB


This seemed awfully well planned and Sabriel could not help feel rather amused as her eyes set upon the two humans before her. The male seemed completely out of it for the moment but she could get a fair read of the woman at least. She was a sweet looking woman and naturally, the eyes of the Arrancar would rather swiftly look her over. The dark haired woman was satisfied that she would make a fine test subject, as Verdada had put it and already the Arrancar of desire was beginning to consider just what to order Clair to do once under her power. There were many things, some rather innocent and those which…were not.

Clair was not as attractive as her fellow Arrancar though and Sabriel’s gaze briefly shifted over to the researcher, briefly pondering about what to ask for as the bulk of her reward. Just how desperate was Verdada to acquire the information she sought? It was an intriguing question and Sabriel was looking forward greatly to finding out the answer later.

After offering a wave of her own to the humans, she would ask Verdada, a smirk on her face. “Where did you happen to find these two out of interest? Did they volunteer or did you bring them here by force?”


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Regardless of Warnings [Verdada, Sabriel] - Page 2 Empty Re: Regardless of Warnings [Verdada, Sabriel]

Tue May 21, 2024 3:32 pm
Regardless of Warnings [Verdada, Sabriel] - Page 2 L4necvg2jm4

"No, Lance just passed out after eating an entire pizza.... whose this?" Clair asked with furrowed brows toward the arrancar, a wary glance as Verdada gave a lopsided smile toward Sabriel.

"Don't look very forced do they? Clair and Lance here are a couple of kids I picked up off the road. Helped them out against some hollows. And Clair wanted to come with me. Lance tagged along. The two have been helping me with my research ever since." She chimed with a wink towards Clair. The blue-haired women went a bit pink in the face, but folded her arms.

"Been a while since you brought someone here with all their legs and arms attached." Clair murmured uncertainly, shifting from foot to foot.

Verdada clocked this and promptly reached out to pat the woman on the head, that smile of hers widening. "No hon, she's here for a study. Nothing rough though. I know last month was hard on you and Lance."

A brief tension would be seen in the woman, but she seemed to relax slightly after the further assurance. "Ugh... right..." She murmured, not sounding the happiest, but hardly seeming resistant.

Verdada shifted her attention to Sabriel. "Clair and Lance have been helping me for some time. I ... Trust that your abilities leave no lasting effects?" She asked with narrowed eyes.
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Regardless of Warnings [Verdada, Sabriel] - Page 2 Empty Re: Regardless of Warnings [Verdada, Sabriel]

Wed May 22, 2024 7:56 am
Regardless of Warnings [Verdada, Sabriel] - Page 2 SsMLBbB


The smirk did not fade as Sabriel watched the interaction between Verdada and Clair, somewhat amused by the relationship that the two women were displaying. It reminded the dark haired woman of her own with Lirael, her second in command although there was far more romance between herself and her, well, she supposed Fraccion would work as a description. Anyhow, she could not help but notice the similarities and the smirk became more knowing in nature.

The question posed to her was expected and after chuckling for a second, she would reply, her gaze shifting between Verdada and Clair. “No. Your friends will not be under my influence long enough to suffer from any debilitating effects. For those who spend a great deal of time in my presence, it is a different story but I promise that neither Clair nor Lance will have any problems. Well, other than maybe feeling a little more promiscuous for a bit.”

She felt it was fair to at least give a brief overview as to what she was capable of. “Crowd control is my game and for those who are caught in my abilities, they will find that my suggestions are rather more difficult to ignore. Against a weaker mind, I can have them do pretty much whatever I desire. Calling them my temporary slaves might sound a little crass but that is a fair interpretation. I strike at the mind, soul, and heart of a person, toying with them like a musician plays an instrument.”

Flicking her gaze to Clair, she would add. “Do not worry. I will not have you do anything unseemly.”


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