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Not Welcome Anymore [Yuri, Shura] - Page 2 Empty Re: Not Welcome Anymore [Yuri, Shura]

Fri May 24, 2024 1:46 pm
Not Welcome Anymore [Yuri, Shura] - Page 2 6yxkcozvxa7

Oh my.

Yuri's brows raised ever so slightly as her pace slowed, their trek through the rukongai becoming more of an idle meander now as she turned and put a more focused attention on the woman walking beside her. "The way you make it sound it almost seems like you were disowned. Can't say I know the feeling, but that sounds pretty rough." she noted with furrowed brows and audible concern in her voice as she stopped her walk and turned to face Shura at that point.

"No wonder you're out here with an expression like that. You didn't wander out here to go picking fights or anything did you?" She asked with a slight tilt of her head before promptly redirecting the path the two were taking, seemingly with a new destination in mind. "I suppose asking you what happened would be rather Nosey. Still, I can't go letting you wander around like this. Did you have something to eat today?"
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Not Welcome Anymore [Yuri, Shura] - Page 2 Empty Re: Not Welcome Anymore [Yuri, Shura]

Wed Jun 05, 2024 5:08 am

TAGS; - here NOTES; - here WORDS; - here MUSE; - Easy's Never Been This Hard

Disowned... If only it were that simple. Alas it wasn't anything even close to such a thing, although it certainly felt like it was an unspoken thing. When Yuri had stopped, it took Shura a step or two before she stopped as well and turned back towards her. Though despite the somewhat somber air around them, Shura managed out a slight snort before waving her hand in the air and shaking her head "No, picking a fight with anyone in the Rukongai could only result in negative repercussions, regardless of the actual outcome of such a thing."

Not that Shura was worried of losing to someone in the Rukongai, but even so she knew that given the situation surrounding her within the Gotei, having a fight out here, especially unprovoked, would probably result in what she could only imagine would be a severe punishment... at best. However to her next sentence she once again shook her head "Don't worry about it, My family hasn't been the one responsible for ensuring I have food for a long time. If anything it has just given me a lot to think about and such things merely take time to sort through nothing more."

made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!
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Not Welcome Anymore [Yuri, Shura] - Page 2 Empty Re: Not Welcome Anymore [Yuri, Shura]

Wed Jun 05, 2024 8:45 pm
Not Welcome Anymore [Yuri, Shura] - Page 2 6yxkcozvxa7

Yuri raised a brow ever so slightly at that before a slow, calm smile spread across her features as she watched the woman with a level expression. How easily she could see the rough edges and defensiveness kicking in, and so halting their walk entirely, she reached out and promptly set her hand on the woman's shoulder. A brief touch intended to bring the woman for a moment out of that cloistered headspace.

"I'm not particularly interested in your family or whatever situation is going on there. I'm simply interested in someone who looks a bit lost and getting them something to eat." She assured the woman before gesturing down the path to their left. "We'll be going this way. I think that a bit of food will do you nicely, but also a bit of peace and quiet." She stated, before starting down the path, simply expecting that Shura would follow her as she did so. Pushing things a bit, perhaps. But she felt being a bit more direct would be beneficial to her. After all, a Teacher had a good sense when they came across someone in need of teaching.
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Not Welcome Anymore [Yuri, Shura] - Page 2 Empty Re: Not Welcome Anymore [Yuri, Shura]

Sat Jun 08, 2024 1:20 pm

TAGS; - here NOTES; - here WORDS; - here MUSE; - Easy's Never Been This Hard

The hand did achieve its intended purpose, eliciting a raised eyebrow of her own. Perhaps it was the persistence, or perhaps it was the contact between them... Or maybe it was something else, whatever the case was the third time she said those same exact words something inside of Shura ticked over. Could she just.... be looking too deep into this?

For a few moments as Yuri motioned to their next destination and began to walk away, Shura just stood there staring at her. But why? It felt like an eternity before she began to move, though in truth it had only been a few seconds. Though it wasn't because Shura was doing it, rather her legs just... kinda began moving on their own. It was... so strange. She couldn't think of what had ticked inside her, and yet at the same time she felt like she knew exactly what the cause was.

made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!
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Not Welcome Anymore [Yuri, Shura] - Page 2 Empty Re: Not Welcome Anymore [Yuri, Shura]

Tue Jul 02, 2024 2:09 pm
Not Welcome Anymore [Yuri, Shura] - Page 2 6yxkcozvxa7

It didn't take very long for them to arrive at the spot. A few minutes sure, but it was a smooth transition to the streets of the rukongai to the cool shade of trees. The streets and buildings slowly thinning out to grassland, and eventually to the edge of a forest. Naturally the rukongai proper could still be seen off in the distance, a nice clear grassy expanse between the forest and the more developed area. And Yuri eventually came to a stop along more or less the center of that grassy border.

She looked over her shoulder at Shura and offered a light smile, pleased to see that they had followed along. "Just a little further. The Estate is a bit into the forest." She pointed out and gestured to the treeline. It was a bit hard to make out at first, but lo and behold, there really WAS a trail going into the woods, and from this distance, the sight of a roof mostly shrouded by the treeline could be seen. A large estate just within the forest.

"My family Head is a bit eccentric, much as she enjoys being ingrained in the community, she decided to have the estate relocated a good twenty years ago to somewhere a bit less noisy." She explained, continuing to guide Shura to the main gate itself. One of the guardsmen offered a friendly smile and a nod before opening it for them. The woods offered cool, patchy shade as the shadow of leaves played across most of the courtyard. A few of the staff offering nod and waves to Yuri as she guided Shura toward the kitchen.

"How do you feel about western food? I'm not too partial to it, but its Lady AIban's favorite, so we'll probably find something like it for lunch. you don't mind do you?"
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Not Welcome Anymore [Yuri, Shura] - Page 2 Empty Re: Not Welcome Anymore [Yuri, Shura]

Tue Jul 09, 2024 9:21 am

TAGS; - here NOTES; - here WORDS; - here MUSE; - Easy's Never Been This Hard

Shura had mostly followed in silence, partly because she didn't know what to talk about and partly because she didn't really want to talk about anything. When she pointed to the forest her eyes followed where she was pointing too, Shura nodded and followed after Yuri along the path. However she wasn't simply staring ahead, Shura was taking in their surroundings with the intent to both take it in and learn potential escape routes if such things were needed. It wasn't that she felt personally threatened or anything, far from it truth be told... But it was more just in case something came up that caused it to be needed.

To the guards and staff that greeted them, Shura simply nodded to them. Truth be told the location didn't bother her at all, if anything perhaps it was for the best that it was isolated like it was. However when she was asked about food she just shrugged "I've never been a particularly picky eater truth be told" She waved her hand a bit dismissively "So long as it tastes decent, that's all I really care about truth be told."

Admittedly... Shura didn't actually know what she meant by 'western food' as a result, so truth be told she could've said it was from anywhere and Shura probably would've believed it. Not for a lack of culture knowledge, but more just a disinterest in where a type of food or dish was from.

made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!
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Not Welcome Anymore [Yuri, Shura] - Page 2 Empty Re: Not Welcome Anymore [Yuri, Shura]

Wed Aug 07, 2024 1:09 pm
Not Welcome Anymore [Yuri, Shura] - Page 2 6yxkcozvxa7

Yuri smiled over her shoulder at the Third seat and offered a gentle chuckle as she promptly began to get a few things ready to cook. She had no qualms working the kitchen nor letting Shura watch as she did so. Tying her hair up into a ponytail so that there was less chance of it getting in the way. She got herself an apron and for al the world, practically looked like a housewife as she went about preparing the meal. It was ultimately nothing fancy. Seasoned fried chicken, masked potatoes and gavy, as well as some string beans. Simple and filling. She of course was capable of more fancy meals, but this was just something to feed the woman.

"You know. It certainly feels like you've been through a rough patch. I can hardly read minds. But you've got the look on your face that says you've got a lot on your mind." She noted as she prepared the food, stealing a glance over her shoulder at Shura as they'd get to either watch the process or look around the kitchen.

"But more than that. You've got a look I see quite often in the academy. You look rather lost. Like you're not quite certain what you should be doing with yourself." Her expression softened at that. A bit warmer, almost motherly.

"Of course, I'm no expert. Maybe I'm just imagining things. But either way. There are some things I've been wanting to do. Me ANd my family, actually. Things in the rukongai are nice...quiet. But every now and then, something rather disturbing pops up. The incident at the hospital was something that really spoke to the sort of things going on underneath all that quiet." She set a timer and promptly turned to Shur as things finished cooking, making her way over to the woman and folding her hands infront of her waist.

"Recently, I had to shift quite a bit of focus. In Sixth division I could work directly to handle those problems. But well. Now I'm shifting to Eigth Division. For personal reasons. But well... now I can't quite devote the same attention to the things I used to focus on. You could say I've felt a little lost myself, even though I knew perfectly well what would happen and that I would need to adapt.." She noted, taking a seat beside Shura and canting her head to the side. "But, change isn't so rough when you have someone to distract you from all the chaos. I know we don't know one another, but I wouldn't mind inviting you to lunch more often. A little something to distract me from my worries." she offered with a calm smile.

Of course, the smile on her face was welcoming and calm, but it was clear she had a feeling that Shura could use company. But she didn't phrase it that way. Rather, she made it sound like it was Shura who was doing her the favor.
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Not Welcome Anymore [Yuri, Shura] - Page 2 Empty Re: Not Welcome Anymore [Yuri, Shura]

Fri Aug 09, 2024 1:25 pm

TAGS; - here NOTES; - here WORDS; - here MUSE; - Easy's Never Been This Hard

Shura sat herself down when Yuri went to begin preparing something to eat, mostly quiet as she stared out the window. There was once a time where such observations made by Yuri, would've been considered impossible. Not for any kind of mask she wore, but because going through a 'rough patch' wasn't, broadly speaking, something that was considered possible for her.

Truth be told nobody knew the true extent of what happened or why she was shaken, but that was kept intentionally hidden by Shura. Few in Soul Society knew first hand what betrayal felt like, and fewer still were alive to speak of it. These thoughts were interrupted however when she realized that Yuri was talking, though for how long she didn't know.

"...The Academy..." She murmured softly, mostly to herself as if trying to recall something. Shura continued to listen whilst staring out the window, images flashing through her mind of times long gone... of moments shared. But the more she listened to Yuri speak, the more she felt something gnawing at her mind... something she once knew... yet now struggled to remember. Her fingers rapped again and again against the table at a ever-so-steadily increasing rhythm as the frustration grew.

At this point however she figured she'd let Yuri finished speaking entirely before she'd speak herself "As above, so below." She mused softly "I won't say no to another lunch..." She began "Distractions are nice, but that... is all they are, distractions. Something I've become all too aware and familiar with lately. That isn't to say however, that they can't be beneficial. You've reminded me of.... something. I can't place it or think of what it might be... but I know it's there. Perhaps another lunch might reveal something else... or perhaps these are just flights of fancy that I'm having... Looking for answers to questions that have none..."

made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!
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Not Welcome Anymore [Yuri, Shura] - Page 2 Empty Re: Not Welcome Anymore [Yuri, Shura]

Tue Aug 13, 2024 10:17 am
Not Welcome Anymore [Yuri, Shura] - Page 2 6yxkcozvxa7

If this were anyone else Yuri might have been annoyed. But she had kept up with rumors and the like about Shura. And this only affirmed her suspicion. Something was IMMEASURABLY off about the woman. IN all of her descriptions shed gotten from the woman, spacing out in the middle of the conversation was absolutely not something that had ever been even implied. She had been described as an intense, focused woman. To a fault even. And seeing this woman space out and lose track of her thoughts only made it all the more clear that there was something going on.

"That so? Well I can't say I know if I'm particularly rousing to one's memories. But whatever floats your boat. It'll be nice to practice my cooking some more." Not that she needed it. Her cooking was DIVINE~ But she could probably try out a few new recipes or something. Still, a glance at the stove and she knew things would be almost done. She turned back to the Third seat and let her head cant a bit to the side.

"So. Miss Kurata. I;m sure someone like you can appreciate a bit of bluntness, so I'll go ahead and ask. What exactly WERE you out and wandering about the Rukongai for?"
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Not Welcome Anymore [Yuri, Shura] - Page 2 Empty Re: Not Welcome Anymore [Yuri, Shura]

Fri Aug 16, 2024 11:07 pm

TAGS; - here NOTES; - here WORDS; - here MUSE; - Easy's Never Been This Hard

Truth be told it might not've been Yuri specifically that stirred her thoughts, but in truth it mattered little to Shura. Her eyes turning to look at Yuri as she spoke of being blunt, an eyebrow raised when she actually asked her question. To which she chuckled a bit before responding "I think I was searching for something from the past. A lot has happened recently, both on an individual level and on a grander stage like Africa. I realized within the course of those events I'd forgotten a part of me a long time ago, and I've been searching for it ever since. The problem is I have no idea what part of me it is I forgot, let alone where I'd even begin searching."

She gave a slight shrug before giving another chuckle "So when I have the free time I wander, a bit aimlessly sure but given I have no leads, then the best thing I can do is simply wander and hope to find some kind of lead... Then again perhaps I've just taken one too many to the head and am hallucinating." She chuckled a third time though it was mostly a hollow chuckle this time.

made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!
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