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Jefferson City 3: Bravo - The Knight - Page 3 Empty Re: Jefferson City 3: Bravo - The Knight

Fri Jun 21, 2024 8:46 am
Jefferson City 3: Bravo - The Knight - Page 3 TLEgUaQ

Beep. Three targets identified.

The robot's optics spun within its head casing, quickly stopping onto Natasha, Mikhail, and Jessie. Its attention seemed focus as slots opened up underneath its chest area, Reishi funneling through its vents. Then two slots on its shoulders opened, antennas sprouting as it'd attempt to follow Natasha with its rifle, firing at her as her spell fell upon it.

"Scramblers activate," The robot broadcasted as the constructs of Reishi collided with a honeycomb formation of Reishi, condensed and formed into a casing around the robot. The Reishi would then start to dissipate after a few seconds of colliding with the robot's shield, using vibration technology usurp the attack's structure. It'd then identify the seele placed on the ground around it as its sensors picked up on the other sources of energy converging towards it.

"Multiple bogeys. Deploying scatter shells."

Multiple slots opened up on its body, budding blobs of Reishi forming on its frame before the immense firing done upon it was countered by its own array of 'arrows' that fired out from its body to collide with the multiple attacks coming its way. It showed no care for what it hit, simply firing to protect itself. Though, its frame took some hits, the massive machine moving to the side in a slothful manner to escape the concurrent onslaught that isn't its own.

"Leg chassis, open. Fire." Its spider-like leg facing the jeep and Mikhael would open as it retreated, missile heads emerging as it'd then fire an attack specifically in that direction to employ the man to steer his steed away from it.

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Tue Jun 25, 2024 5:41 pm
Jefferson City 3: Bravo - The Knight - Page 3 Yp94BVK


Mikhail had decided against eluding this unidentified machine in favor of confronting it. His courage was commendable, but she didn't have time to linger on it for long. This potential calamity was unleashing every attempt to thwart their charge toward their destination. Each tactic it employed only exacerbated her disbelief. With so many attacks converging upon it, it should've been compromised in every sense of the word.

At the current moment, that was anything but the case here. Qualkreis was nullified by a honeycomb-formation shield without landing so much as a whisper of damage. Preparing a follow-up spell was the correct choice, after all. Of course, if she allowed this thing to move too far away from its current position, her next arcane art wouldn't fare any better. Directing her soldat to bind this mechanical monstrosity where it stood, Natasha set into action.

Thunderously dashing through the air, weaving forward, evading any attack that swept past their own - Natasha appeared above it, offering her reiryoku as a final catalyst to accelerate the process, hoping this would momentarily impede its path. Well-equipped as it appeared to be, she wasn't quite sure what would obstruct its path.


A pillar of reishi erupted in the sincere hope that it might envelop the mechanical beast, azure waves raging about like a storm-tossed sea. Of course, devoting all her attention toward the robot, meant Mikhail's role was accounting for the jeep. Would this spell even fare any better? Several strategies formed in her head, her focus reaching critical mass, she slapped her pistols together, manipulating her spirit weapon's shape until it resembled a veritably mobile cannon, set against her shoulder. Heavy artillery would be the next game plan. If that failed, she'd simply use her goddamn hands. Either way, she intended to see her duty fulfilled by any means necessary.


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Jefferson City 3: Bravo - The Knight - Page 3 Empty Re: Jefferson City 3: Bravo - The Knight

Thu Jun 27, 2024 7:18 am
Jefferson City 3: Bravo - The Knight - Page 3 Fw84v84

The missiles bursting outward hardly gave Mikhail any time to react, and he and his steed shot backward to try and minimize the damage he would take. At the same time, however, he could hardly think to simply allow these strikes to pass him and put their commander at risk. As he flew backward, the Knight of the Dance quickly shifted the form of his spirit weapon to its usual blade, his feet landing on the ground as he began his steps.

He thought, for a moment, to call out to Natasha, give her a recommendation, but it seemed she had already taken the very course of action he would have suggested. Perfect. As his foot moved once, the flow of reishi carried him to the side, his spirit weapon pointed forward as countless spear-like arrows formed behind him. Each one shot out to meet the missiles that were flying toward him, intent not on fighting the machine as an equal but simply on holding its attention.

"Come, machine! Let your end be brought by the Knight of the Dance!"

Every arrow, like a bolt of lightning, lit up the area and filled it with a sound like thunder. Just as well, to draw the eye of this foe.

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Jefferson City 3: Bravo - The Knight - Page 3 Empty Re: Jefferson City 3: Bravo - The Knight

Fri Jun 28, 2024 1:02 pm
Jefferson City 3: Bravo - The Knight - Page 3 I0XDklZ

"Sprenger detected. Maximize self-preservation. Shields at maximum."

The machine seemed to know Natasha's attack, stopping completely before its bulk slammed into the ground, its body transforming to form a rectangular casing around itself as the spell exploded around it. As the spell ended, the area around the robot had been cooked, but it had seemed relatively unharmed. However, as steam started firing from its openings, it didn't seem to be moving much.

"Hull at 80%. Cooling down in process," It would state, making it known that it required time before it could move as it had before. It would then open a small hatch on its back though, depositing what appeared to be an egg-shaped object. This egg-shaped object began to change, legs appearing from its body as it stood up and revealed one red eye. A sharp blade then sprouted from its left as its right formed a shield.

"Deploying unit: Knight."

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Jefferson City 3: Bravo - The Knight - Page 3 Empty Re: Jefferson City 3: Bravo - The Knight

Fri Jun 28, 2024 4:35 pm
Jefferson City 3: Bravo - The Knight - Page 3 Yp94BVK


"...What the hell?"

Genuine disbelief painted her expression as she heard the impenetrable machine announce those words as if its entire configuration was ideally suited to a Quincy's arsenal. Of course, she had partially recognized that already as the battle progressed, but hearing it was another matter altogether.

Furthermore, it could be assumed that since it was equipped to defend against their arcane arts, its defenses likewise followed a similar principle. Indomitable machinery was built specifically for fighting against Quincy.

Unsettled though far from unnerved, the cannon poised above her shoulder, Natasha's hawklike gaze observed the egg-shaped object as it assumed a bipedal form, sword and shield in hand. Knight, huh? For a moment, Natasha wondered what her next objective ought to be here.

The main unit seemed to be experiencing a momentary compromise, but how long would that last? What would she do if she was at the head of the operation? Quite honestly, she'd seek to destroy the main operational source. That felt like the natural strategy here, but would it merit victory? Additionally, what if the newly former machinery standing before them was the main unit? She called out to Mikhail as she stepped forward.

"Don't let that knight get past us, Mikhail! Show them what a real knight is like, partner! Meantime, I'll be tryin' my damndest to destroy that main unit. Starting... now!"

There was no longer any time to waste. Act now. That would be the strategy. Dashing forward, a trail of reishi at her feet, she pulled at the trigger of her cannon. Ambient reishi were drawn toward the cannon's chamber. From where it was drawn, it returned to the atmosphere in an explosive array of innumerable bullets, akin to the ancient technique known as licht regen. Each shooting toward the main unit in its idle state.

Of course, this tactic all depended on whether or not the "knight" would impede her path. As before, she remained prepared, acting as though she had eyes in the back of her head in preparation for the possibility of a sneak attack.


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Jefferson City 3: Bravo - The Knight - Page 3 Empty Re: Jefferson City 3: Bravo - The Knight

Tue Jul 02, 2024 9:53 am
Jefferson City 3: Bravo - The Knight - Page 3 PvACwna

A real knight.

No further words needed be said. His spiritual presence, in that single moment, exploded. The sound of metal striking metal echoed through the air, the weighty clang of hammer striking anvil, as reishi beneath Mikhail's foot forged itself into a white hot path. The forge of the gods had been lit, as the Knight of the Dance entered his Letz Stil. His whole body and his blade now glowed with the searing power of a quincy's arrow, and as he stepped toward the Knight at tremendous speed, lights like stars flew from his body and floated in the air behind him.

His blade raised itself before most could even blink, and where once there had been the lighthearted joy of an adventurer, now there was only a scowl. A real knight did not seek glory or pleasure in the heat of battle; he fought for righteous cause, to protect those to whom he had sworn his blade. As Mikhail swung the sword downward, countless spear-like arrows manifested behind him, and shot downward in the same path his blade had taken.

Swift, decisive, a blade not only of virtue but of just vengeance. Such was the way of his noble lineage, that furious blood of Batraz.

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Jefferson City 3: Bravo - The Knight - Page 3 Empty Re: Jefferson City 3: Bravo - The Knight

Tue Jul 02, 2024 6:42 pm
Jefferson City 3: Bravo - The Knight - Page 3 I0XDklZ

Threat detected. Spiking energy levels.

The new robot did not have time to truly process its environment before Mikhail had descended down on it. Raising its shield, it took his attack, his sword breaking down into its mechanical body as the flying blades pierced around it, targeting its limbs. However, as Mikhail caused the machine to fly backwards, its body started to glow, Reishi gathering towards it at an expedient rate as its legs crashed down into the ground, their momentum stopping

"Energy formation, Vollstandig conditions met."

It did not match his power, but it was enough for it to stop being completely dogged, allowing it the ability to raise its bladed arm to slice it Mikhail's way. However, the machine that Natasha turned her attentions to did not seem to sport any way to defend itself, its form being bombarded by her attack that broke pieces off of it.

"Condition, nearing critical. Power supply: 50%" It voiced as it began to unfurl from its defensive position, aiming its remaining cannons Natasha's way.

That's when missiles fell on it, an attack from far away with a familiar energy signature that caused the machine's attempt to retaliate to fail and leave it smoldering as sparks and lubricant leaked from multiple spots on its body. However, its one red eye still glowed, indicating that some life remained still.

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Jefferson City 3: Bravo - The Knight - Page 3 Empty Re: Jefferson City 3: Bravo - The Knight

Wed Jul 03, 2024 1:16 pm
Jefferson City 3: Bravo - The Knight - Page 3 Yp94BVK


"Listen here, ya overgrown heap of junk. We're makin' it out of here alive. Go ahead and pass along, will ya!?"

Hazel eyes grew violent for a moment as she saw the recovering machinery reassuming its position. There was no longer any pleasant reaction in her countenance. No, it was the expression of an efficient murderer who intended to send this piece of junk to kingdom come. From the looks of this thing, it wasn't going to go down without a fight until nothing was left of it.

That was fine by her. She'd already resolved to go to any length to kill it. If none of her innovative techniques would do the trick, she'd smash this pesky thing until it was nothing more than a mesh of oil and parts. Before she could prepare her cannon for another strike, a volley of missiles mercilessly fell upon it, as though stuck down by lightning. In the aftermath, it appeared that this thing was down for the count, but the glowing red eye told her otherwise.

Since she was already locked in, she didn't ask where that attack came from, though she had a hunch who it was. Jessica, maybe? She could worry about it later. Compared to Mikhail who had reached Letz Stil, Natasha wanted to ensure at least one of them had enough energy to operate moving forward.

As such, she forewent activating her own, her spirit weapon vanishing as reishi fluctuated around her body. Activating Blut Arterie, her muscles pulsated, her energy rumbled, and she charged toward the beast, drawing her fist back like an arrow against a bowstring.

A burst of steigen carried her forward as a thunderous fist crashed against that eye, energy radiating out from her fist at the point of impact. With resounding force and the full extent of her physical strength behind it, she sought to end this thing with a single strike. Of course, in the event it felt bold enough to keep going, she'd simply pile on the enhanced blows. Fist after fist. Punch after punch. She would continue striking this thing until her hands bled, until any sign of life was brutally snuffed out.


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Jefferson City 3: Bravo - The Knight - Page 3 Empty Re: Jefferson City 3: Bravo - The Knight

Thu Jul 04, 2024 5:42 am
Jefferson City 3: Bravo - The Knight - Page 3 PvACwna

As the bladed arm flew toward Mikhail, his foot once more struck the ground like lightning, and he stepped past the machine as if it were the most effortless thing in the world. Once more, countless stars seemed to fly from his body, but this time he remained on the offensive, stepping not only on the ambient reishi, but upon the very reishi that the machine was absorbing into itself. Powering itself was simply bringing the Knight of the Dance exactly where he wished to be.

He had little time to continue. Another cut from his sword, this time an upward swing from below, carried with it a veritable fountain of spears, arrows manifesting from the earth as the blade itself still moved to slice through his opponent. But, at the same time, those stars Mikhail had left behind all at once burst, spiritual power intent on overwhelming the machine through sheer force.

This had to be over now. If it wasn't, then Mikhail wouldn't be able to continue any further. He could already feel the final traces of his power bleeding away with that attack, and any further effort on his behalf was going to be the end of this release.

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Jefferson City 3: Bravo - The Knight - Page 3 Empty Re: Jefferson City 3: Bravo - The Knight

Thu Jul 04, 2024 6:25 pm
Jefferson City 3: Bravo - The Knight - Page 3 I0XDklZ

Natasha moved, her energy flaring. The robot tried to move, but its body was incapable of anymore action. All it could do was muster a few rockets to fire her way, but those rockets were easily stopped by the other Soldat who all focused fire on it. Parts spiraling from its chassis, it began breaking down further when Natasha stepped on it and punched down into its eye. Her fist penetrated it, sparks flying as liquid Reishi and oil sparked out of its broken frame. It stopped all activity, its body settling onto the ground as any whirring from it ceased. The only thing remaining is the energy that Mikhael gave off against his opponent.

Spears flew upward, the bot's arms and pierced and soon disconnected from its body. Its eye fell to Mikhail, staring him down. The Quincy may feel as if the robot was studying him, trying to understand what it saw before it. A sound came from it, a jeering grinding of metal like it laughed before its lone eye shot upward as Mikhail exploded his arrows, leaving nothing but straps.

The scene would then go quiet, leaving everyone to access the damage. It seems no one was mortally wounded, but there was some damage done. The door to Jessie's jeep was kicked open as she stepped out, pressing buttons against a gauntlet on her arm as she stepped towards the robot Natasha had killed and began looking around it. She didn't even process everything around her as her arm device started beeping and she'd dive into the robot's machinery before removing a small orb like thing that thumped like a heart.

"You two go ahead. Take everyone who's still able to fight with you."

She didn't give a second glance as she headed back into her jeep and disappeared within it, shutting the door.

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