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Dual Point of View [ Tento | Rei ] - Page 2 Empty Re: Dual Point of View [ Tento | Rei ]

Wed May 15, 2024 10:36 pm
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Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

Tento was not someone who he would call a health critic freak. He was not one to count his exact carbs, protein, or fat. Check to make sure all his vitamin and mineral intake for the day was one hundred percent met. However, he was not one to eat junk food all day, or eat an unbalanced lunch very often. He had a generic ‘fit guy’ meal plan that tried to give a bit of everything while leaving space to give himself treats too. He was a healthy eater aiming for a healthy body, aiming to use it all for fuel to work out harder and train! Muscccccccles, and use were the name of the game in his program. He had a soft spot for brownies…and icecream. And boy could he dig into different types of rices with sauces.

“Hey, I would say that's making do with what you got and making it pretty good. Got greens and meat with carbs”, Tento said with a lackadaisical wave of his hand. It may not be seen as the best thing to eat due to the high carbs, it would normally result in sugar crashes sure. But it still could be a killer of a post workout meal depending on what you put in.

It has been a long time since I had ramen actually, mind making me a bowl of ya specialty then?”. He spoke with a smile waiting to see if she liked the sound of it. He did crave chicken so hopefully she put that in it. Maybe one inside and one outside with sauce? Dipping or coated though, hmmmm. He was curious about how she cook it, he was starting to get into a real good mood. Fresh food made by a lady who was genuine about it was always the best!

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Dual Point of View [ Tento | Rei ] - Page 2 Tentos10
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Dual Point of View [ Tento | Rei ] - Page 2 Empty Re: Dual Point of View [ Tento | Rei ]

Thu May 16, 2024 2:59 pm
Rei would think about it as she would flash step into the barracks. Going to her bunk grabbing her portable cooking stuff she got from the world of the living before they became stuck in the SS. She would flash back into the room carrying a bag as she would gesture to outside. She figured why not cook out somewhere. Maybe offer some to other squad mates, but she would look to tento.

"Alright, we just gotta find somewhere I can put my stuff down and I'll get started. I grabbed what I needed so we just need to find a good place to eat."

As she didn't think it would be good to Have so close to the training area. She didn't want anyone to get distracted by her cooking. Many people in squad 8 have had it before as she does genuinely love to cook whenever she gets the chance.
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Dual Point of View [ Tento | Rei ] - Page 2 Empty Re: Dual Point of View [ Tento | Rei ]

Sun May 19, 2024 3:17 pm
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Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

Wait a second, now that Tento thought of it. Where…were they even going to eat? Back at Rei’s place? That would be right in the barracks, and that would be a bit thoughtless if there were others in there. Not a lot of room to cook. He doubted she had a private room. Wait, was this a soft date? Hmmmm. “Hey Rei”, just as he was about to voice this. He would feel Rei move away, his eyes catching her as she flashed stepped into one of the barracks. Being gone for a bit of time before she would appear again with portable cooking tools. A mass of a bag contained them.

“Oh, you got a bit of good stuff from the other side”, Tento said with a bit of interest. Trying to peak ever so slightly into the bag before stopping as she gestured back outside. It was going to be out in the open it seemed, a good idea given the fresh air.

Tento would then walk out and look around. Somewhat familiar with the structure of the division and where's where of things a little bit, but nowhere near as much as a member from its division with enough time living there. With a bit of time the two of them went out looking for a spot to eat. Friendly banter, with maybe one very very lightly flirtatious compliment, coming from Tento along the way before he spotted something in the distance.

A bit of space that seemed to not be part of the training ground or the barracks. Nestled under a few trees with a bench or two. He lifted a finger and pointed out. “How about over there?”.

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Dual Point of View [ Tento | Rei ] - Page 2 Tentos10
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Dual Point of View [ Tento | Rei ] - Page 2 Empty Re: Dual Point of View [ Tento | Rei ]

Mon May 20, 2024 9:14 pm
Rei would look to where the man was pointing as she would nod. She didn't really have an idea in mind when she grabbed all of the stuff. So she would would look over towards the spot with the trees as she'd smile. She'd nod before she would flash step over there to get there faster as she wanted to get started cooking asap. Once than man would get over to her shed speak.

"Alright, you have a good eye for places. Well set up here and I'll make some extra just incase anyone wants some. Ya know?"

She'd talk to him as she would sit her bag down. Pulling out a few gadgets that she could use for remote cooking. As she would She'd try to keep the conversation going. She liked having friends around when she was cooking, but sometimes she would get too focused on the process and forget she's with someone.

"Do you bring anything back with ya from the world of the living, Tento?"
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Dual Point of View [ Tento | Rei ] - Page 2 Empty Re: Dual Point of View [ Tento | Rei ]

Wed May 22, 2024 1:12 pm
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Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

He was glad that she seemed to like his assessment. She was very eager to get to cooking, it was a bit nice. He wanted to point some light banter her. “My my, practicing your flash step like you breathe eh?”, Tento said with a friendly smile on his face with his normal deep voice. With how much she was doing her flash step since they saw each other today, he was going to think she was a dedicated hoho specialist. From what some people told him, people who aimed towards that played games using that or tried to use it at any available time to build up experience. A respectable thing that he wished he had someone to do that with. But for all intention and purposes, he was happy in how he trained his skill and physical body as of right now. Strength, speed, and endruaaaaance.

Given her rush though, Tento was moving with a lot more of a casual slowed approach than her. Instead of flashing stepping to the tree like she had down, Tento had walked over. Not moving slow but not in a speedy approach either. “Thank you, thank you. Yea far too kind. But it is a bit of luck sometimes. If you want to check out any other beautiful places we can try some other time”. Tento said in a soft bit of chatter. “Sounds good!”, Tento said with a thumbs up before moving to help her set things up. Utensils, some cups, plates and bowls if she had those too. “I have a big appetite though, so I’m sorry if I take a bit of your food to go if I like your cooking, Rei”.

Company. A well, he would have preferred to having a pretty ladies company by himself but it was what it was. Perhaps he was getting a weeee big of a head thinking he could get that lucky of a situation. Continuing so, the two would talk as she put her bag down and set out a few gadgets. Many catching his eye from his memory of being alive in the world of the living. A couple smiles happened on his face as not that long ago memories came with each item that he knew. “Hmmm?”, Tento sounded when he first heard her question. “Well actually, yeah, I brought a few things with me a long time ago. I have some music players and albums of music. Mix of stuff like jazz, blues, and rock. I was hoping to find some rap music too, but there was not any that was catching my interest”. Tento said with a bit of a smile talking about music.

Rei was really a nice person from what he could tell. A hard worker and friendly lady, the sort of type that made him wonder if he should just enjoy her company as a friend or…well be Tento if she was interested in stress relief. Either way, he liked the fact that he had gotten the chance to meet her. “What about you? Do you have anything else besides these stuff”.

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Dual Point of View [ Tento | Rei ] - Page 2 Tentos10
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Dual Point of View [ Tento | Rei ] - Page 2 Empty Re: Dual Point of View [ Tento | Rei ]

Sat May 25, 2024 6:06 am
Listening to the man ramble made her happy. She really did think cooking was more fun when you're doing it for more than just yourself. She would listen to him speak quietly before she heard him talk about the music stuff from the world of the living. When she would remember her first trip back. The world wasn't a pretty sight or anything, but she did buy a few things.

"Well, I kinda wandered in the rukongai for a long time after I died. If I hadn't become a shinigami so much after I died I probably would have went and got some stuff to l remember my life. I still remember a bit, but it's starting to get a little faded.

As the woman tried to remember her brow would furrow. She did remember big stuff and some of her close friends and family members. However, the minute details were completely gone. She would remember being in college at the time she died though.

"I was a college student when I died. I was just about to turn 21. When I got the chance I went back and brought some alcohol back with me. Some of the cheap stuff that I didn't get to experience during my life. Outside of that I'll occasionally get some.clothes I like or some music. Technology is good to seeing as how we're still.
... well you see the rukongai."
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Dual Point of View [ Tento | Rei ] - Page 2 Empty Re: Dual Point of View [ Tento | Rei ]

Sun May 26, 2024 9:48 pm
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Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

As Tento let his social butterfly shine a little but as he rambled out responses to Rei’s question. Smile on his face, happy to answer her question and give her something to think about. Talking while cooking made the time fly by faster, at least in Tento’s experience. However, due to…mistakes in the past due to being distracted. It was something he was weary of doing too much. He hoped he wouldn’t distract Rei that much! “And what kinda things do you think that would have been, if you weren’t a shinigami? Concert t-shirt? Stuffed animals, classic games and consoles”, Tento said in a bit of a reminiscence. “Or more booze ehehe”.

Tento was happy to have Rei give a healthy back and forth with him. Her taking time out of her day to relax with him was nice and appreciated, even if it was related to a bet they had made. As Rei began to talk about her initial actions after reaching the spiritual realm, Tento titled his head. Rei had pieces of memory? That…was amazing! A great big wide smile came to his face as he heard it only to quickly remove it remembering the topic she was bringing to the table about it.

“You have your memories?”, he said in quiet excitement. “That is amazing. Usually people don't come with anything when they come over to this side…”. He felt a bit closer now! It was the first time he met anyone who told him they had even SOME memories of when they were alive. “I, have all my memories. But before today I hadn’t heard of anyone else. I, am sorry it's starting to fade. But hey!”, Tento said snapping his fingers in an ‘aha!’ manner. “What about writing them in a journal? It can give you something to always look back and smile as you reminisce while making new memories”.

Tento nodded his head. A bit of a dip of his brows. That…was such a shame. She was still so young, blank. She had time to find a career, explore hobbies. Fine love or choose a life through only friendship. “Oh…”, he said showing a bit of his immediate motion through his voice and words. “Man that sucks. Well, at least you got something to pick it up. I’m assuming you drinked with friends in celebration like a birthday party then??”.

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Dual Point of View [ Tento | Rei ] - Page 2 Tentos10
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Dual Point of View [ Tento | Rei ] - Page 2 Empty Re: Dual Point of View [ Tento | Rei ]

Sun May 26, 2024 10:53 pm
Rei would contemplate the question. She actually wasn't entirely sure, but she does know she favors work out clothes from the world of the living vs wearing the shinigami uniform all of the time. However, that was neither here nor there. As she would continue cooking. She found it relaxing having someone else to talk to while she's cooking.

"Well, first I want to get more work out clothes from over there. The stuff they have is so much more comfortable than these baggy things."

As she would pause for just a moment gesturing towards the shuhakusho. She wasn't a massive fan of the uniform, but she could hardly do anything about that. More stuff that she wanted to get from over there included a TV and some video games she thought. However, the problem extends from there being no sockets anywhere even if she were to get them.

"Outside of that I would like to eventually get like a TV and some video games or something. Just there's no where to hook them up that I know of. So maybe like a phone so I can talk to my friends over there or soemthing. Not entirely sure how signal.would work over here either. Kinda stuck just getting old fantasy book series that I missed over my time wandering. Stuff like uh that one thing with the dragons."

Rei would speak feeling a little self conscious about her choice of sharing. She sounded pretty nerdy in her mind, so she hoped the more athletic man didn't mind that little side of her. Not that she entirely cared, but it was still a mild concern in her mind.

"Well, before I crossed over I did spend some time as a plus. I guess I just remember it from that, and I don't really mind sharing my old memories. It sucks I didn't get to experience my life, but now in this position I can potentially prevent others suffering the same fate that I had. and yeah drinking is pretty fun. I try not to do it as much now, but I still do with friends from time to time.'
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Dual Point of View [ Tento | Rei ] - Page 2 Empty Re: Dual Point of View [ Tento | Rei ]

Wed May 29, 2024 2:02 pm
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Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

As Rei answered his question, he would continue to nod his head as he moved to sit down and listen. He would help Rei cook if she asked for him to but given that this was a gesture done for him he figured he would sit out and wait. With a soft look he gave a thought about Rei in workout clothes. It was not like she did not look good in her Shinigami uniform, but she had a style about her in her workout clothes that was appreciated. “Fair enough. A good set of clothes is good to have. Can’t really get as comfortable doing different workouts in restricting gear”.

Given a thought, he wondered what was Rei’s casual style for day-to-day stuff? Given that they were regularly supposed to wear their shinigami uniform, Tento never got to see clothes that his fellow Shinigami would usually wear. Not really even when they were stationed in the world of the living. Boy, what he would give to be able to be a little stylish, and see the cool outfits everyone could come up with.

Tento had to tilt his head to the side at that. “Yeah, know. It is surprising that we don't have anything like that here. If only we could power stuff like that with spiritual energy or something”, Tento said in soft contemplation. It would be nice if they just had electricity out here. Given that kids could produce such an element, why hadn't there been a change for it?? He would love to watch movies, TV shows. He did not feel like he was missing out as the quality of shows were going down in his opinion. “Maybe they do and we just haven’t found out about it. I can ask around and see if I can hook you up if ya want”.

The more they talked about the technology they had the more he was curious. The phones she was talking about was something they did have. It was one of the ways that Tento talked to his comrades while in the order of the living and vice versa after all. Could send text messages, too. But those were special phones that only worked because they were the same type. “Well we do have phones for that. Your friends would need to have the grade you have for deployment in the world of the living though. And, I don’t think there's an easy chance of that happening. Not being souls and all that jazz”.

Tento had a shift of his eye go onto Rei. A look that was not of judgment but of a soft delighted surprise. It was of the nature one would have found a pleasant surprise. It seemed Rei liked fantasy books, or at least read them out of necessity to not get bored with her current limitations. He was a reader, and there were a few things he gravitated a lot too. Sci fi books, fantasy and adventure, writing forms. He was not an avid everyday reader but it was something he enjoyed to do sometimes in his down time. “Oh you got any new releases? It has been awhile since I read a fantasy book”, Tento said in a relaxed response showing a bit of a different side of his own. A tiny bit of excited interest showed in his voice as he leaned his body over in a tilt to come a little bit closer. “Wait, which one are you talking about? The Dragon prince? Rage of the Dragon? H.P and the Dragon stone?”. Tento said in a bit of growing enthusiasm. Given the…job they all had. It was not often that he found someone to talk about books and literature with, especially the specific topics of fantasy adventure. If anything the most he got was kido books or material about the shinigami arts.

“Oohhhhhh”, said Tento upon hearing Rei’s words. When he died he quickly found himself brought over into the shinigami world. He did not get to be a plus. What was that like? Would he have enjoyed it or was it better that he did not get to be a plus soul? “It is cool that you got some. If you don't mind, I would like to hear stories whenever you have time. Past and present”.

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Dual Point of View [ Tento | Rei ] - Page 2 Tentos10
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Dual Point of View [ Tento | Rei ] - Page 2 Empty Re: Dual Point of View [ Tento | Rei ]

Thu May 30, 2024 3:31 pm
Rei would finish up cooking as she would make him a bowl of Ramen first as she would hand it over to the man with a smile. a pair of metal chopsticks sitting in the bowl as she poured herself a bowl before taking a seat. She'd raise an eyebrow at the question as she would answer it slowly. The books she had gotten had been old, and to her knowledge they never finished.

"OH it's called Game of Thrones. It was pretty popular when I was alive, but I have no idea if it's still even remembered."

As she would begin to eat her meal she would listen to him talk with a smile. When he asked about the plus stories she would shrug. She wad attached to her old family home, and it took a shinigami to have a heart to heart with her after a close encounter with a hollow. She didn't want to endanger her family so she decided that she would move on and that's how it went.

"I could probably tell you a couple of those, but they aren't very interesting. Turns out being a ghost is pretty boring when you're bound by your chain and being hunted by hollows."

She would speak as she would take another bite of her Ramen. Eating a full bite before thinking back to her time in the rukongai. She could probably share some stories from then that she thought was pretty interesting.

"I can tell ya about some of my time in the rukongai if you want me to."
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