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Dance of the Shifting Shadows [ Tento | Noharu ] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue0/0Dance of the Shifting Shadows [ Tento | Noharu ] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Dance of the Shifting Shadows [ Tento | Noharu ] - Page 2 Empty Re: Dance of the Shifting Shadows [ Tento | Noharu ]

Tue May 28, 2024 4:31 pm
Dance of the Shifting Shadows [ Tento | Noharu ] - Page 2 Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

Tento was both playful, very playful and serious by nature. But be as it may Tento did think he did his best to be a considerate man. When it came to sides of a topic, he liked to look at the facts on both sides, and the feelings from which they were told. He was flexible in doing that, but that did not mean he was not a man of conviction. When he made his mind up about something and he had good reason, he was a stubborn horse headstrong. AS he saw it, there were many things that a Shinigami needed to be good at to do their job. There were many roles everyone had to play, and if some specialized in that to fill that need, it was to be respected, not mocked. Some duties prioritized some aspects more than others, and that was not wrong. The job of the 8th division to be extra men and women for needs was one that was a needed resource to their whole organization. Simple as that.

With a sharp contrast Tento’s eyes quickly went from the open space scanning for available people to back down towards Noharu. That calm voice that was filled with a subtle tired judgmental observational energy just a bit ago went away to a calmness. One that held a quiet authority that made him immediately act. “Yes third seat Asahi?”, returning the formal professional manner that she called out to him.

Following her gesture, Tento found it a nice place to sit and chat. A bit of shade and perhaps a good view of the area while being isolated. “Sure miss, I do not mind. What do you have on your mind?”, Tento asked in a query interested in the shift of things and as to why. Seeing that this was something was more of a formal act, he would wait for Noharu to move to the area first. Letting his superior move, Tento would follow in tow before taking a seat. He wanted to be social but he was starting to get the feeling that may move a bit differently than he thought.

Light in the Dark | End Post

Dance of the Shifting Shadows [ Tento | Noharu ] - Page 2 Tentos10
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