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Joined : 2017-03-31
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Age : 23
Location : Wandering The Wastes

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[Spirit Class 4] Liltotto Lamperd Left_bar_bleue42100/16000[Spirit Class 4] Liltotto Lamperd Empty_bar_bleue  (42100/16000)

[Spirit Class 4] Liltotto Lamperd Empty [Spirit Class 4] Liltotto Lamperd

Fri Apr 05, 2024 10:12 pm
[Spirit Class 4] Liltotto Lamperd 3LBRzuF


Basic Information

○ Name: Liltotto Lamperd
○ Other Names: Lil
○ Actual Age: Unknown; Active for 1100~ years.
○ Apparent Age: Late Twenties
○ Birthday: February 17th
○ Gender: Female
○ Race: ---
○ Affiliation: Vandenreich

○ Height: 5'7
○ Weight: Healthy
○ Hair Colour: Yellow
○ Eye Colour: Amber

○ Likes: Sweets, Peace & Quiet, Hanging Out, Food, Reading, Gaming
○ Dislikes: The Scent & Taste of Pork, Hollow Meat, Annoyances, Impediments, Being talked down to/patronized, Loneliness
○ Hates: Swimming

[Spirit Class 4] Liltotto Lamperd TosUkas

Psychological Analysis

Despite appearing as a calm and modest lady, Liltotto is not as she appears. Under her youthful exterior is a woman who has gone through many trials and tribulations throughout her several lifetimes worth of life, and thus was shaped by them. To those who are unfamiliar with her, Liltotto can sound rather mean and sharp-tongued, typically using very strong or foul language in her day to day. While she typically is rather tame on the sarcasm and rudeness with anyone who clearly doesn't deserve it, she can be downright nasty and spiteful to those who catch her ire. While she can have the occasional irritated or angry retort to something she earnestly found stupid or highly disagreeable, it takes quite a lot for her to actually hold a grudge or treat someone differently.

Though in moments where she isn't spitting poisonous language at someone she deemed deserving of it, where she's just living her life and being around others, other qualities come to shine. She tones down the swearing, and is actually quite well spoken and knowledgeable. She's had plenty of time to learn about many subjects and pick up a myriad of skills, having clear interests in accumulating pretty much anything, not just food. She is rather tactful and considerate of others in conversation, and operates with plenty of grace in more professional or serious settings, showing she always has clear awareness of her situation and adapts to it, as well as being noted to make calm observations and take in whatever she's learned.

In terms of forming bonds, Liltotto does not feel herself capable of holding lasting friendships. She watched everyone she ever cared about be killed in battle, and has outgrown most everyone she's ever met. As she's grown, she's had no choice but to realize and accept that others had mortality that she did not, and due to this realization, she got used to not trying as hard to form or maintain friendships with others. Even so, there is still a yearning ache in her heart to connect with people, despite it being enclosed by depressive walls. Liltotto's relationship with death is not a kind one, knowing far too well that for most people, she will never see them again, afterlife or not.

Even though she has lost many in her life, said life having fallen apart several times, and having to restart from scratch or even live through dangerous situations, Liltotto has persevered. Even though she was faced with many opportunities to perish, even all the way back serving the original Vandenreich's war, she instead decided to take paths to survive. Though her typical attitude doesn't reflect it, Liltotto has a strong, innate desire to live and persist.


The earliest memories were the vestiges of an old life long forgotten, swallowed by the cold sea and put to rest for years incalculable. Generations were born and perished countless times, thousands of sunrises and moonfalls until that resting place was finally disturbed, consciousness reforming with the spilling of blood and spiritual energy unto it’s stony form laid to rest, curved around a beach. It’s current form was little more than a legend at this point, rumored to hold the power to grant one’s wish, and thus was why a party of two Quincies were sent to investigate it to collect it’s power for their Majesty.

Between the two, a couple, the woman’s wishes betrayed that of their mission’s, though by some stroke of fortune her desires aligned with that of the slumbering figure’s - she wished for a child, and the being who had taken her offering had longed for humanity of it’s own, stone cracking and groaning until finally growing silent, having shrunken down into a new form crying and wailing within it’s shell to be broken out, the cold and painful feeling of birth welcoming the new form into the world.

Retrieved from the stone shell, thus was the beginning of Liltotto’s life, a tiny yet resilient infant brought back with the reporting that the rumor was but a falsehood, but this would not save the new parents from the watchful eye of the kingdom they served.

She proved to be an odd child with an incurable appetite, but she was loved and cared for either way, thankful to finally have a child of their own regardless of the odd circumstance. Though, it wouldn’t be long before the new family was paid a visit by their lord - a dark man atop a horse with his entourage at his side, a shocking visit to behold with their tiny child in her father’s arms. His Majesty looked upon her, and would demand the two give up the child, a demand in which they couldn’t agree to, even for a revered figure such as he. After a pause, just as shockingly, he would leave the two with the child, leaving with an ominous warning that they would soon come to wish they had surrendered.

Foolishly, they thought escaping from the lands of their lord would be enough to spare them any ill fate and their child’s safety, but tragedy unforeseen would strike: a small grouping of hollows were attracted to their dwelling, and would wreak havoc. Strangely unhurt but terrified, the toddler was in her injured father’s arms, her mother long been torn from her body and devoured as the two would then be cornered. They hadn’t the aid of a community to chase off the beasts, they were alone, they were going to die, her father giving into his wounds as the glowing sulfuric eyes burned from the dark woods.

Faced with ill fate, any normal child would have been killed alongside their parents, but that deepest instinct to survive, to devour, took the child. No recollection followed, but when consciousness returned to her, she was alone, and ill, her stomach filled with pain. With uncanny timing, another had approached her: Giselle Gewelle, the person she would look to as her parent for years, whom she had discerned as a threat and attempted to eat, though her shaken state and illness only left her with biting the woman’s arm off, only to spit it out from the additional bad taste in her mouth.

Taken back, she was set to train under and serve the Lichtreich, with Giselle as the least risky option for a caretaker, but it wouldn’t come without problems or strife. Even from a young age, Liltotto was treated more like a demon or curse to be shunned by various adults in her life, thoroughly treated like an outcast by most for both her strange habits and for her association with the already demonized blood witch, made only more troublesome with being mute.

Despite this, she did have peers and teachers who weren’t so keen on shunning her off of superstitions, being specks of light in an otherwise troublesome upbringing outside of her mother’s watch. Though lacking in Quincy abilities, she grew to be a skilled soldier, even if she had noticeably stopped aging and remained small, the young woman going through the motions of her life and duty.

And then, was the call to invade Soul Society, the only time she would have seen that plane for herself, only for it to be a host of traumatic failure. Friends and teachers alike, fighting for a cause they believed in, struck down for that cause, fire and blood all around her as the call to retreat was loosed; His Majesty had been slain in the attack.

Going home wasn’t the end of it. Home was destroyed, her life was destroyed, and all she could do was run. Run, and hide, unknowing to the greater despair of the situation until months later.

From her home, to her town, to her mother, to anything she held dear, it was crushed by the might of the Shinigami, a punishment. Lesser beings would have succumbed to the first or second shock, but the call to cease didn’t hit the little woman until she had made a grave for herself, any other attempts to alleviate or end her pain being despicably out of reach: intoxication wouldn’t come, blades couldn’t pierce her, and she hadn’t even a quarter a mind to surrender her life to hollow nor shinigami, and thus she decided to lie in a grave, close her eyes, and hope starvation took her.

But rather than starvation, she merely fell into a deep stasis, hundreds of years passing her by until an unlucky hollow picking around her supposed grave was snatched by her jaws. Liltotto was effectively revived, sickened by the hollow reiatsu temporarily, but alive. After such a long rest, she took this as an opportunity to form a new life.

Thus, she reintegrated into a different world from the one she had ‘died’ in the past. Most of her activity was placed in learning about the world and fitting in, picking up whatever work she could and eventually going on to put most of her focus into schooling, effectively homeless but a dutiful student and worker. It was her only way of figuring out how to fit in.

But… She couldn’t. If anything, it was worse than being shunned. She hadn’t a clue what happened to the Quincy, and living amongst humans only set her apart all the more obviously. It would come to a head when the world was plunged into conflict wrought by the spiritual becoming abundant in the living realm, deciding her place wasn’t among humans, going off into the wastelands as a hermit, the dangers it posed pressuring her to develop her abilities a little further.

But even then, the isolation was no better.

She caught rumor that an organization called the Vandenreich had surfaced from the ashes of history, but she was reluctant to engage until she had come across the one whom she thought had died during her travels: Her mother. The array of emotions she felt couldn’t be described - she had changed, and Giselle had as well, for the better thankfully, her having presented interest in being a part of the organization.

The two parted for a while, Liltotto allowing herself time to think about it, but ultimately deciding to join, the safety and lack of interest in throwing their lives away on a fruitless genocide proving to be appealing, serving up until today as personnel of the Sternritter.


Lifetimes of Experience
Given her consistent involvement in the ever-changing modern world for hundreds of years, Liltotto naturally picked up many skills and education in order to keep up and survive by herself. Acquired from working in a variety of jobs, hobbies, learning, or simply needing to adapt to something on her own, there is a great many things that Liltotto knows how to do or is generally knowledgeable on, even pertaining to spiritual phenomena and of course some more general knowledges of the Quincy.

Mortal Vessel
The human incarnation of the Stomach of the Soul King, borne of a wish for a child and a great power’s desire for humanity - the remnants of her previous life’s ego lying in as a personification of this inherited power within her soul as a spirit, not much unlike that of a Zanpakuto.

Such a potentially catastrophic power could only be contained within a body capable of handling it without being torn apart, Liltotto’s body actually acting as a powerful seal forged by that sacrifice’s conditions.

Because of this, her true power cannot be casually unleashed - it is like she is operating with a constant seal until such a thing is broken, the ability to do so granted by the newly forged bond she made with that spirit within her. She cannot gain any further increases to her Spirit Class in her basic state or false release state - such increases left only to her true release.

Hardy Mind & Physique
Liltotto is an incredibly resilient person, most notable for being able to survive highly damaging attacks with barely any apparent harm to her incredibly durable form, possessing the energy and will to fight even a long and difficult battle. She is capable of moving at high speeds for long distances purely on her naturally high energy to make up for her inability to use speed-enhancing techniques. Though her lower strength ends in her being knocked down far more often than other spiritual beings at her level, she always gets back up and back into action.

Acute Sense of Smell
Liltotto's ability to smell greatly exceeds that of normal human boundaries, extending into the spiritual as well. Normal smells are several times more powerful to her than a normal human's nose, being able to catch even minute scents in her day to day. However, her sense of smell applies to reishi as well, being able to tell races and even distinct people apart merely by traces. With enough exposure, she can even put a name to particular scents.

Immortal Entity
Though her appearance is that of a young human woman, Liltotto is an unidentifiable being who is incapable of waning or aging to the tests of time, rather growing stronger over the years. She doesn’t appear to be capable of any form of aging, even the slowed kind that Shinigami exhibit, nor does she particularly read as any specific race to those possessing keener senses, her spiritual pressure inherently strange to the observant, although in possession of abilities resembling that of more familiar races.

Dissolutive Coating
Liltotto’s body possesses a natural protective coating not much unlike that of an Arrancar’s Hierro, except rather than being a spiritual hardening of defenses it is a deconstructive barrier. Rather than acting as a barrier, it is sort of a natural immune system for her, specifically targeting the spiritual in order to negate it via her body passively consuming the harmful force - Things like a hollow’s Acid Touch, malicious ambient field effects, sprayed toxins, etc. are hardly a bother to her normally.

It behaves protectively in proper altercations as well, scaling with Spiritual Adaptation vs the opponent’s respective attack skill; if they are evenly matched, it will reduce the damage dealt by 25%. If it succeeds her skill, the reduction is only 15%. If it is inferior to her skill, the reduction is 50%.

Child Soldier
Having been raised in the Lichtreich as an “outsider”, Liltotto’s previous incapability of forming Quincy weapons had been met with ruthlessness in her training, and by extension a need to adapt. In her younger years, she primarily learned to fight with evasiveness and the studying of her opponent, as she was forced to fight her more capable peers unarmed. Where she lacked in physical strength she made up for with smarts and terrain advantages, using whatever resources she could to defeat her opponents rather than raw strength or power. This was training she was engaged in her entire life in preparation for the invasion, so it was quite cutthroat and lacking in mercy or excuse.

Upon growing older, she was able to train with arms typical of a thousand years ago, catching on quickly and being able to competently use anything she got her hands on and got a feel for wielding, proving herself to be an unconventionally threatening combatant to the spiritual back then and even into the present with tools or resources at her disposal. She also is a prolific hunter, being quite skilled in the use of tools both antiquated and new.

Mediated Power
Ever since she was little, she has had a foundation of needing to have control over her consumptive abilities, thoroughly training herself to lash out only in expected ways, having pinpoint control of her bite’s strength and empowerment as well as working herself to a point where even her hunger can’t drive her power, as her greatest worry was in lashing out to bite or eat another. She also has considerable control of what she swallows, being able to spit out undesirable substances or objects.

Between the entities she ate prior to her long sleep and after, developing new abilities to survive the wastes was of little issue. With relation to her experiences, she is able to formulate constructs and abilities from her own native reserves, with both imagination and emulation of the Quincy she witnessed growing up, able to seamlessly modify the nature of these weapons from their basic constitution and determine who or what is harmed by them. If ever pressed, she may create something new for that unfamiliar situation, and with practice to such can add something new to her arsenal.


Stomach Of The Soul King
Liltotto is an incarnation of the Soul King’s discarded stomach, created several hundred years ago, therefore having taken on the qualities of such, normally consumptive abilities. Liltotto is capable of eating anything with little issue or strain, even toxic or harmful objects or substances can be consumed unflinchingly, though she does experience a stomach ache if she consumes anything made up of hollow energy until her stomach breaks it down.

Liltotto’s teeth and jaws are shockingly strong compared to the rest of her body, capable of biting clean through anything short of significantly powerful defenses (Elite and above + equivalents), which will serve to be significantly harder for her to pierce. Her mouth is capable of growing to a disturbing size and length rapidly, lashing out speedily to bite anything within 30 feet of her.

Liltotto’s stomach is less a stomach and more a minor dimensional plain whose size is proportional to her Spirit Class' level of influence. Any unlucky to arrive here alive will be within a realm with no light or recognizable direction, the darkness itself breaking one’s existence down until nothing of them is left. Though for most escape is hopeless in such an event, if one is fast with creating and leaving through a gateway of sorts, they will survive. Anyone and anything within her stomach is no longer detectable to any in the outside world.

All that is digested by her stomach, even foreign energies and souls, are broken down into pure energy and is incorporated into her being to give herself nourishment and energy. She experiences constant, insatiable hunger symptoms that can only be alleviated with constant food or conserving energy with sleep, unable to starve to death but she will feel driven to satisfy it one way or another.

Spiritual energy and by extension spiritual entities are the most nourishing for her, such things acting as gradual energy restoration. Consuming body parts or attacks of being with notable levels of spiritual pressure will aid in restoring her energy if she were in a taxing situation, though it is a passive restore rather than an immediate one, since her stomach need to digest everything. Though hollow energy will give the same effect, it is much harder for her stomach to digest quickly.

With the consumption and assimilation of aforementioned energies, Liltotto can adapt new abilities based on what she’s eaten, such as creating hollow-like abilities from the sheer amount of hollows she’s consumed in her lifetime, her body adapting them to her advantage. However, with the consumption of a significant amount of a powerful beings’ Reiryoku, Liltotto could adapt a single, weaker version of another being’s ability, always inferior to the original’s in some way unless she were to eat their soul.

Zerstörungsblitz (Destruction Flash)[/u]
Initially resembling a Cero, this ability takes the form of condensing Reiryoku in her open palm. Upon firing however, the energy outlines with a pulsating darkness and emitting a low hiss-like noise, before the beam fires and cleanly cuts through anything in its path, absorbing anything it directly touches as opposed to the more volatile Cero’s explosive and damaging nature. The energy condensed into Zerstörungsblitz behaves like an external version of how Liltotto’s stomach breaks things down.

Anything with a Durability beneath Advanced will be immediately consumed if caught in the light, anything above needing more contact time to start being torn apart instead of immediate destruction, the size and range of the light is comparable to that of a typical Cero's, but Liltotto is capable of making it smaller if need be.

Reißen (Tear)
As Zerstörungsblitz resembles a Cero, Reißen resembles Bala, possessing the former’s potent destructive ability but at a much smaller scale and allowing Liltotto mobility while in use. While it does resemble a Bala, Liltotto has more flexibility to the use of this ability. Much like the capabilities of Bala except much smaller, she can fire multiple fast shots at a distance, or fire one medium shot with a hand gesture that bursts at an extremely close range for instance, capable of being used offensively and defensively as needed.

Liltotto can create a variety of mouth-like traps for various purposes, be it to trip her opponents up, catch them by surprise, or track them down. She deploys these by forming her energy into what looks to be a small ball of light in her hand, touching a surface or tossing it to a spot will lay the trap of her choosing automatically, invisible to the naked eye but detectable by the spiritually observant until sprung. All of the trap’s durability and potency levels are at an equivalent of her Power Control.

Reishi Manipulation
Possessing a notable skill in the manipulation of Reishi particles due to Quincy influences and education, Liltotto can bend the spiritual matter to her will. However, she either has a limited version of, or even no capabilities in other Quincy abilities, bearing only the ability to form a simple weapon and confidently perform a generic form Hirenkyaku. The extent of capabilities of what she can do are measured by her Power Control.


False Name: 饕一 (Touitsu; Gluttonous One)

False Phrase + Action: "Nodo, Touitsu (嚥饕一; Swallow, Gluttonous One)" - Liltotto reaches into her mouth and pulls a weapon out of the darkness that juts from her throat.


Left Ajar
Upon releasing this state, for mechanical simplicity, the percentage increases resembles that of a Vollstandig’s, scaling going off of her Power Control’s skill level.

In this state, Liltotto gains the ability to open ways through a Garganta not much unlike Hollows or Arrancar by tearing the space in front of her open with her weapon. The gate’s stability is ensured all the way through, though this is limited by only being able to handle a small party of people (Less than 8). It is not practical for combat given it’s small size and inflexibility.

Though with her present defenses this may not be a typically shown ability, Liltotto gains a healing factor much like that of Hollows. Almost as if another force is knitting her flesh back together. Small, black ribbon-like structures form to pull back together and restore any wounds, however the speed and precision of the ribbon’s restorative qualities are limited, able to fix smaller damages rather quickly but more severe forms of damage such as the destruction of a limb or vital organs may not be capable of being restored within the heat of battle nor without a considerable tax on stamina and, in turn, her hunger.


Tools of Remembrance

The weapon Liltotto pulled from her throat is no simple tool, but rather a smaller fragment of her true power. The lives that have been consumed by her prior and current self’s body have left behind fragments of themselves to nourish her development, no small part of those members being of a significantly spiritual kind. This enables this weapon to change shape, to the form of a bow, sword, or spear, to be used much like in those lives used to purpose them, empowered by them. These weapons are attached to her via a black chain that snakes up her arm and onto the rest of her body.

Of The Quincy
A compiled form based off of the power Quincies hold, their pride and desire to slay the hollows terrorizing mankind, Liltotto’s own will used as a basis to unite and wield those emotions and memories into a manifested form: A bow. Although the handle of the weapon is formed from her own Reiryoku, the larger form and attacks created by this bow are of Reishi gathered from the environment, and therefore result in the destruction of the soul of those she slays with it.

Regen (Rain)
Rather than simply firing many arrows at a designated target, this technique looses hundreds of arrows into the sky within a single, large projectile, the result creating a terrible downpour of rain of teeth-like arrows with a peculiar quality; each arrow falls or rises at a random variety of speeds, turning one large rain into a lasting, tricky to predict environmental hazard. It lasts a sizable duration (3 posts), the largest area it can affect being a radius of 50 meters.

Vollkrampen (Full Claw)
The full extent of her basic bow’s power, Liltotto draws her bow tautly for a moment, before a vast array of arrows tethered to large, reinforced chains are unleashed, lunging for or bouncing off of surfaces to gun for their target. These chains stretch, latch onto, then dig into their targets, tightening their hold. Being large and numerous, they allow the capture and restraint of more unruly or larger targets with little effort. In addition, the chains possess the disintegrative properties her stomach bears, so those ensnared will also find their defenses gradually deteriorating.

Samen (Seed)
To the unsuspecting, Liltotto may appear to foolishly miss several of her arrows, these instead striking the ground, wall, or whatever surface rather than her opponent. In actuality, each of these arrows possesses a splintering of her Reiryoku, loaded with a trap she can plant anywhere the arrow falls. This is simply a more far reaching and underhanded method to fill the battlefield with her hazards.

Of the Death Gods
A compiled form based on the power Shinigami hold, their existential duty and work, Liltotto’s own will used as a basis to unite and wield those emotions and memories into a manifested form; A sword. Being killed by this have their soul consumed by her power.

Satsu (颯, Flurry)
With but one hand or extended by the chain that connects to her arm at the end of the weapon, Liltotto can loose a methodical flurry of slashes to fend off attacks or slice into her enemies, skillfully spinning the sword around herself with a blade sharpened with sizable control and will. She can also split the sword in two to double the amount of strikes, the weapons connected by a lengthy chain that wraps around her torso.

Jugeki (重撃, Heavy Strike)
With a two-handed swing, Liltotto unleashes a sudden torrent of energy in the shaped of a snapping jaw that tears through the earth toward her enemy to slice into them, the sharpness and potency of the attack being enough to slice limbs off or even split targets cleanly in two. It is enough to raze a controlled distance and direction, roughly 10 meters in a particular direction rendered to a clean gash.

Ketsu (歇, Rest)
A true strike meant to pierce her enemy’s defenses and leave considerable damage, the point of her blade radiates with energy, delivering an exact devastating stab to her opponent’s weak points, the resulting pulse bursting from the tip enough to violently yet cleanly tear apart the part it makes contact with via a torrent of reiryoku that tears into what spaces it can reach. This technique’s killing effectiveness is only ensured on weakened, near-death enemies.

Of The Living
A compiled form based off of a living individual's own will to survive, persist, and evolve with Liltotto’s own will as a basis to unite and wield those emotions and memories into a manifested form: A spear. Entirely formed of her Reiryoku, it is resemblant of a Fullbringer’s precious object amplified by their spirit. Being killed by this has their soul consumed by her power.

With an upward or downward swing, Liltotto multiplies the sharpness and strength of her weapon’s strike with a swelling crash of energy with teeth-like formations, making the edge of her blade powerful enough to slice into even particularly tough opponent’s defenses. The area size of this strike can be increased to cut even into larger opponents, at most a 2-3x increase in blade length without losing power.

With a labored swing, Liltotto can instead make her weapon incredibly blunt and capable of smashing or crushing power, the seemingly lightweight weapon crushing an opponent with a swing. If cuts do not work, this is to give her the option to smash by similar means of empowerment.

A combination of the prior two ability’s traits - with a directional stab, Liltotto can thrust her weapon forth and deliver a powerful piercing blow to gouge a hole in her opponent. Though requiring her to be grounded and stable, this strike proves powerful to create a smaller spread but equally devastating wound.


True Name: Soshu Kaiseijin (人葬主徊聖; Lord of Burial - Wandering Saint)

Invocation + Action: "Yasumaseru, Soshu Kaiseijin. (休ませる人葬主徊聖; Put them to rest, Soshu Kaiseijin)" - Liltotto stabs her belly with her weapon. She must be in her False Release in order to execute this motion, or else would require something or someone powerful enough to tear her body open, in which case it instinctively activates.


Zaitetsuo (罪餮王; Gluttonous Sin King)
Upon releasing, Liltotto gains the boost of her equivalent level in Power Control, scaling much like a Letzt Stil, however sacrificing 300% of the potency for a longer duration, circulating tremendous internal reserves from her stomach as opposed to drawing in external reishi. Upon this extended timer running out, she will fall unconscious due to using up her own reserves, and will be unavailable for the rest of the thread. (Only able to operate for a maximum of 6 posts within a combat situation).

Saijunkan (再循環, Recycle)
Being devoured by the Stomach of the Soul King is in actuality not the end for those who have been consumed. The consumptive power of the fragment is only half it’s true power, rediscovered with Liltotto’s reconnection with and acceptance of the spiritual embodiment housed within her soul.

Entities that are digested by the stomach are actually broken down into basic components - their mental constitution: personality, memories, emotions, are consumed and kept perpetually within the being as sustenance and the formation of adaptive abilities, while their other constitutions are near entirely separated from their personal makeup, later to be released. However, this is not the destruction of the soul, but rather the taking apart and reconstitution of them: newly born souls having their life’s sin and vices stolen away via a complete wipe of their ‘selves’ are then released into the cycle to start anew, what was taken of these souls to be but the burden of the saint to bear so that they may not be subject to eternal suffering in Hell.

This release does not happen automatically however, Liltotto’s body preventing the free departure of new souls, and thus only occurs upon the ending of her release in the consequence of having expelled all of the energy locked up inside of her.

Reiho (霊芳, Spiritual Scent)
In this state, Liltotto’s eyesight is weakened to such an extent she may as well be blind, but that isn’t to say she is helpless. Adopting her previous life’s method of sight, this is a sixth sense not much unlike Reikaku, however it is tied to her sense of smell instead of sight, serving largely the same purpose in the sensing of other’s energy and orientation, but with several differences:

- Reiatsu is emitted off of their owners much like a pulsating mist, and can leave visible “scent trails”. The origin of the scent is always the brightest, allowing her to easily differentiate the actual entity from tricks.

- This “mist” moves and intensifies according to the owner’s emotional state, effectively giving the ability to discern the apparent intent of an opponent. Readings may not be fully accurate, but Liltotto in this state will instinctively react accordingly to what she can pick up.

- Attacks, fields, or otherwise also give off the same “mist”, intensifying at points of expulsion and tossing traces in the anticipated point of initial touchdown. (Ex. If a Hollow were to be firing a Cero, she would detect a considerably dense collection of mist, having an extra second or two to get out of the way or react as the particles would be thrown in the direction of fire).

- Entities do not have to be within line of sight to be detected, this alternate sight allowing for 360 degree vision, but the range of which she can pick up those not in front of her falls off past 50 meters, appearing more like ghostly smudges or translucent mists that could be mistaken for weaker scents.


Shokuju (織綬; Weaving Ribbons)
Despite her appearance, upon releasing her body converts to Reishi for it’s duration, covering radiating black flesh in what can only be described as pure black pulsating spirit ribbons with the only color being hints of gold and yellow structures.

These aren’t for show or modesty; they are in fact a construct of her Reiryoku, serving the purpose of restoring her body to it’s original form (Aka her typical, healthy body.) should any harm have been dealt to her: weaving wounds shut, reattaching or reforming discarded limbs, even able to retrieve her head if that were to be lopped off. For the duration of this release, the majority of wounds one would find difficult to survive from are able to be mended, short of complete annihilation.

Though this high rate of healing does not last upon the end of this state’s run, so if Liltotto were to incur significant damage before the dispellation, it will stick.

Shukei (終警; Final Warning)
A roar unheard by the world for generations, the mere sound and sensation of this roar strikes fear into those who listen, especially beings blindly driven by instinct. Beings of lesser mind or fortitude will be struck with the horrible terror of cornered prey, causing them to flee or enter a state of confused panic, overriding their natural instincts temporarily with the need to save themselves from the coming threat: a god hungry for their sins.

Anyone possessing Adept and above in any of their Mental Skills will not be hit with the pure, blinding fear, but will feel the instinctive dread - to what amount will depend on whatever further level or the individual themselves.

Zaisei Ouyoku (罪清王翼; Sin-Cleansing King’s Wing)
The ribbons decorating her body serve another purpose - they are her wings, and her mouths. Even a mere touch of these deceptively static-looking cloth strips will tear apart and consume anything they touch with far more potency and at a far faster rate than contact with her being, an amplified version of her ability to bite through and consume most anything, able to be used as a method of movement by violently swirling or pushing against surfaces, or to be extended to directly inflict contact with a weaving of these deceptive forms.

Their movements are highly reactive and instinctive - hardly much thought or deliberation is put into where and how they are orientated, moving along with environmental stimuli to react to danger. Anytime they are broken, they are simply restored by the constant flow of energy reinforcing them. The furthest the ribbons can reach out is about 50 meters.


General Skills
  • Durability: A
  • Speed: B
  • Strength: D
  • Soul: C

Spiritual Skills
  • Power Control: Elite
  • Physical Augmentation: Adept
  • Spiritual Adaptation: Advanced
  • Mediumship: Beginner

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Adept
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Focus: Advanced


Last edited by Lillian on Wed Aug 14, 2024 8:53 am; edited 3 times in total
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Joined : 2023-10-02
Posts : 514

[Spirit Class 4] Liltotto Lamperd Empty Re: [Spirit Class 4] Liltotto Lamperd

Wed May 15, 2024 8:31 pm

Spirit Class 4.

General Skills

Durability: Elite
General Speed: Adept
Strength: Beginner
Martial Skill: Advanced

Spiritual Skills
Power Control: Elite.
Physical Augmentation: Adept
Spiritual Adaptation: Advanced
Mediumship: Beginner

Will Skills
Willpower/Determination: Adept
Mental Deduction: Adept
Focus: Advanced
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