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Liltotto - A New Morning [Liltotto, Ehefra] Empty A New Morning [Liltotto, Ehefra]

Sat Nov 18, 2023 12:05 am
Liltotto - A New Morning [Liltotto, Ehefra] 44WVoI3

Liltotto Lamperd

The sensation of banging reverberating in her ears was what her returning consciousness first caught, a tired groan cracking from her dry throat. Her body felt heavy, and the sensation of her body begging for food weren't great motivators to get up, but it sounded like she had only a few more knocks before... Ehefra? Knocked the door down.

Feeling like a puppet on strings, she'd roll herself onto the floor, bloodied couch stuffing sticking to her body as she raised herself to her feet with the aid of surrounding furniture, half open eyes and shuffling feet leading her to unlock and properly answer the door, calmly avoiding any limbs that might have been flying to hit the door again.

"What's up..?" She'd mumble through cold, numb lips, rubbing one of her eyes with a bloodied hand. The sight she didn't immediately realize she gave was that of her hair, a mess caked with blood, whatever remnants of night clothes she had on were hanging in tatters off her bloody body. Despite her looking as if she had a violent murder attempt performed on her, there wasn't a scratch on her body.

"I'm fuckin' hungry, so let's make it quick..."

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Liltotto - A New Morning [Liltotto, Ehefra] Empty Re: A New Morning [Liltotto, Ehefra]

Sat Nov 18, 2023 7:11 am
Liltotto - A New Morning [Liltotto, Ehefra] HEADER_F8J_sNpasAAXTBA

YEa it was a little alarming when the readings had come in. When Liltotto's monitoring device had suddenly started to shit itself, followed by an integrity alert that had informed her that her monitoring device was in the process of being destroyed. Naturally, Ehefra had rushed her way toward Liltotto's place of residence, banging on the door, only to have a bloodied mess of a woman answer the door. A look of incredulity and annoyance painted across her features before she all but shouted at the woman.

"Are you fucking DENSE?! What the hell happened?! You look like you got thrown in a blender! What happened to your HOUSE?!" She hissed, promptly stepping in and looking Liltotto over. Beeps floating in to scan the Sternritter as Ehefra frowned. Not to be unexpected, Lilttoto was, thankfully, unharmed. And a sigh of relief escaped her as she reached up and rubbed at her eyelids. Oh....yep, now thats blood on her face. Ghh...

"Then go fucking, EAT, idiot, or did you destroy your kitchen too?" She murmured, her voice less angry now and more worried as she glanced over liltotto's shoulder to check to see if that kitchen was still intact or if she'd have to take Lil to her own place to put some food in her.
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Liltotto - A New Morning [Liltotto, Ehefra] Empty Re: A New Morning [Liltotto, Ehefra]

Sat Nov 18, 2023 8:19 am
Liltotto - A New Morning [Liltotto, Ehefra] 44WVoI3

Liltotto Lamperd

She didn't even realize the pounding headache until she attempted to actually understand what Ehefra was saying, brows knitting with a slightly pained expression as her very clearly weak and exhausted self leaned against the doorframe, processing the heavy scent of blood without the need to get a proper look; she could tell from the reaction and how strongly she stunk, yeah it was pretty bad. Even her face was pretty bloody on it's own, squinted eyes squeezing just a bit tighter when the machine scanned her, scrunching her lip a little as her mind slowed by the incessant hunger tried to think of a way to respond, before giving up and just going back inside, giving Ehefra a small 'come in' gesture with an unarticulated hand; she just really needed to get something down before she was able to be a person for the day.

Her place looked perfectly in order, save for the bloody mess of dissolved pelt blankets and stuffing that was eclipsed by a shape that would tell it was once a perfectly good couch. Getting herself to the kitchen was an awkward adventure in itself, reaching for the fridge but seeming to realize that perhaps it would be a good idea to wash her hands first, thus she did so with little urgency or quickness, letting the slowly transitioning cool to warm water run over her digits. If there was an example of 'this person is not completely awake right now', she was in the dictionary for the term.


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Liltotto - A New Morning [Liltotto, Ehefra] Empty Re: A New Morning [Liltotto, Ehefra]

Mon Nov 20, 2023 2:02 pm
Liltotto - A New Morning [Liltotto, Ehefra] HEADER_F8J_sNpasAAXTBA

Ehefra couldn't believe this. A sigh escaped her slowly and she promptly strode into the kitchen. Grunting a bit to herself as she proceeded gently grasp Liltotto's shoulders and ... pause. She CONSIDERED just walking her into the shower. But no, she probably needed food first. She promptly pulled some snacks from the shelves and set them down infront of liltotto. All the whilst surveying the girl with her Reikaku as Beeps continued to scan her. This was.... worriesime to say the least. But she needed to take this one step at a time.

Waiting until Liltotto either ate some snacks or just kinda made her feed them to her, she'd eventually clear her throat. "Alright. Earth to Lil. I'm gonna need your attention here kid. This is Ehefra, your friend and coworker. Do you know what happened?" She asked firmly. Not exactly cross but just trying to get her question through whatever mental god the girl was experiencing.
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Liltotto - A New Morning [Liltotto, Ehefra] Empty Re: A New Morning [Liltotto, Ehefra]

Mon Nov 20, 2023 2:19 pm
Liltotto - A New Morning [Liltotto, Ehefra] 44WVoI3

Liltotto Lamperd

Her sleepy self's intent was to get the oven going and throw several leftover containers in to heat up on warm so she could get some actual food in her aching miserable body, but with hearing the hasty placement of crinkling plastic, she went with the more convenient thing, least until she had enough going to open her eyes properly. She seemed more awake after chomping into and downing several bags within a few minutes; it'd been quite a while since she felt that achingly hungry, but with what happened...

"Don't call me kid, missy," Her still lagging tone softly bit back, using a paper towel to wipe at least some of the blood off her face as she addressed Ehefra, "Yeah I know who you are, no need to remind me, I knew it was you before you almost broke my door down tryna get in... As far as 'what happened', uh.. Well i'm still trying to process that myself-"

Her sentence stopped short when she caught sight of the bloody, foam mess of fabric that was once her couch and blanket, "...Goddamn it, I liked that couch..." A defeated sigh later, she'd continue, "All I can tell you for certain was, I was sleeping, talked to God, talked to myself, lots of horrible and confusing shit happened, and now i'm awake. And... Peaceful, I guess?"


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Liltotto - A New Morning [Liltotto, Ehefra] Empty Re: A New Morning [Liltotto, Ehefra]

Mon Nov 20, 2023 2:26 pm
Liltotto - A New Morning [Liltotto, Ehefra] HEADER_F8J_sNpasAAXTBA

She was gonna call her Kid all she fucking wanted, but now wasn't the time to argue. She made sure that Lil chomped down some food, handing over a few fresh fruit as well, and having Beeps draw out some water from the sink before watching Liltotto closely as she seemed to become more aware of her surroundings. Not a lot more information at that, and more than that, she grew concerned about the whole god thing. Was this like a religious awakening or was this more soul king stuff? Hmmm.

Still, she tapped her fingers and waved a hand. "Don't worry about the couch we can get you a new one. Right now, you're a mess. And as rad a look as this is, I think we should get you a bit of food and drink. Have you take a good shower, and then we can see about sorting all this out." She sighed, closing her eyes and rubbing her brows. She could probably have the Blackbox data transmitted by the sensor all decrypted by the time Liltotto was showered and ready to go to the lab. IF she wanted to go to the lab. She supposed worst case scenario she could just upload the data to Beeps. Hmm.
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Liltotto - A New Morning [Liltotto, Ehefra] Empty Re: A New Morning [Liltotto, Ehefra]

Wed Nov 22, 2023 7:19 pm
Liltotto - A New Morning [Liltotto, Ehefra] 44WVoI3

Liltotto Lamperd

Rather tragic that with how good she felt just before waking up, she was now going through a pretty cruddy morning. Well, you couldn't appreciate the good stuff if you didn't go through the shitter, so she wasn't terribly shaken up. She was mostly bummed about the blanket; she got all that material and stitched it together herself forever ago, none of that artificial crap felt nice to sleep in. Whatever, just meant she had to do a few hunts and make another one...

"Yeah yeah... Do me a favor; turn the oven on, and when it's warm enough just go in the fridge and toss in like... Seven of the food tins in. I'm..." She looked down at her body, blood caking and clothing hanging limp and useless on her features, "...Gonna freshen up."

Going off to the bathroom, she made extra sure she had the stuff for cleaning blood on standby, and soon the shower would be running. What a mess.

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Liltotto - A New Morning [Liltotto, Ehefra] Empty Re: A New Morning [Liltotto, Ehefra]

Tue Nov 28, 2023 9:48 pm
Liltotto - A New Morning [Liltotto, Ehefra] HEADER_F8J_sNpasAAXTBA

ehefra made an annoyed sigh at Liltotto's blasé response. She almost decided to raise her voice, but Liltotto still seemed to be so damn out of it. She decided to just shake her head in compliance. "Older women are scary." She grumbled under her breath. Promptly following the instructions as Bloody Mary went off to wash herself up. She stared a little at the instructions and promptly heated up the Oven as instructed before setting in the Tins. Adjusting the temperature to make sure none of them would go undercooked.

Waiting until Liltotto returned from the shower, she laid out the little tins for her on the table over a handtowel.

"Alright Cookie Monster, come get your fix and start talking." She grunted, Beeps floating in to start circling the woman and scanning her, checking for abnormalities in comparison to older data.
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Liltotto - A New Morning [Liltotto, Ehefra] Empty Re: A New Morning [Liltotto, Ehefra]

Fri Dec 01, 2023 6:56 pm
Liltotto - A New Morning [Liltotto, Ehefra] 44WVoI3

Liltotto Lamperd

Soon, she was out of the shower, not reeking of death and bloodshed, and made her way out to meet Ehefra's gaze again. Yeah, now that she was actually awake and connected with the situation, she got that the dark haired woman was understandably concerned on top of impatient for answers. Whether she was able to give those answers... She was still trying to make sense of what she experienced and being able to put that into words an actual person could understand; it was like trying to talk about a dream that didn't make any sense.

Having pulled two stools for the two of them to sit on in tragic consideration that the only other place of seating was fully destroyed, she'd get to spelling out to the best of her ability, "Well, I guess the best place to start is to retrace on what I said... Uh, I guess, the best way to put that is... The person who told me that i'm a piece of the Soul King or whatever is the same person I spoke to, initially. I think... I'm not entirely sure if that part was a weird dream or if it actually happened... It felt real enough."

Appearing a bit melancholic thinking over the experience with the only other being, regardless of how she felt about him, who was similar to her. Real or not, she needed to catch Santa and tell her what he said, "I... Wanted to figure out what I was, I guess. I felt awful. We talked about it, and eventually I got called to a cliff. I... Always, heard some kind of call, telling me to jump into the deep, but... I didn't answer til then, I didn't know what would happen if I did that. I was... Scared i'd lose myself, I guess, get swallowed up by whatever was down there."

Hand pressed against her temple, she'd squint, "Well I fell down there, fell and fell and fell, felt like ages... Then... I fought some, things? Every time they touched me it was like I became another person, like my thoughts became theirs and I saw something from some other life. I.. It's a headache, to remember. Some momentary ego death type'a shit..."

Going through the third tin, she'd squint, as if remembering was difficult, or even hurt to do, "Then there was that thing I was scared of, that called me there. We... Fought? I think? I don't remember super clearly, I just know that I was terrified of it - of what it wanted. But it was.. Me? But also not me, but.. Ugh, i'm still trying to make sense of it. Point is, think I touched base with a part of me I kept... Turning away."

A look of guilt washed her features, as if she was fully realizing some form of wrong she committed against this 'part', "Sorry if this hasn't been super enlightening."

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Liltotto - A New Morning [Liltotto, Ehefra] Empty Re: A New Morning [Liltotto, Ehefra]

Sun Dec 03, 2023 5:14 pm
Liltotto - A New Morning [Liltotto, Ehefra] HEADER_F8J_sNpasAAXTBA

Well, at least she was all clean now. More than that, the water seemed to clear her head. She made a mental note of that as she let a hand rest on her hip and she waited impatiently for Liltotto to begin her explanation. Of course Beeps was still scanning away as she did so. But Ehefra was .....a bit scrutinous of the information provided. So that wasn't very much use to her. It sounded like a dream. And more than that, something more....souly.

It rang similar to how some shinigami described their inner world. Hmmm.

"It isn't. But it's still data. And truth be told. I admittedly wasn't expecting much of a lucid answer. You may still be reeling from whatever it is that happened. If it's alright with you. I'd like Beeps to do a scan of your apartment. To get some evidence as to uh...what exactly shredded your couch. you know. The method and such? To see if there's any residuals or anything like that." She hummed, before holding her hand out, and promptly allowing a ring to coil around her fingers, before slowly rising up. Reishi crackling along her fingertips as she promptly seemed to Print another scanner bracelet out of thin air. Before promptly offering it to the woman.

"I'd LIKE to do a more thorough scan. And perhaps a sleep study. You certainly seem to be doing better. But well...incase this isn't going to be the last time this happens..." She gestured to the shredded couch. "It may be a benefit to be somewhere a bit more...sturdy and expendable in the meantime." She offered calmly. Resisting the urge to be a bit pushy. She really wanted to know more, but she was patient. Not to mention the last thing she wanted was to freak Liltotto out.
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