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[Spirit Class 5] Sigurd Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 5] Sigurd Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 5] Sigurd Empty [Spirit Class 5] Sigurd

Sat Oct 14, 2023 1:37 pm
[Spirit Class 5] Sigurd 0f95wl4

Basic Information

○ Name: Sigurd (BB)
○ Alias: Unknown
○ Age: 30
○ Gender: Male
○ Race: Fullbringer

○ Affiliation: Himself

○ Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
○ Marital Status: Single
○ Nationality: German/American
○ Sexual Orientation: Dragons

○ Height: 180 cm / 5.9 ft
○ Weight: 82kg / 180.78 lbs
○ Hair Colour: Brunette
○ Eye Colour: Honey Brown

Psychological Analysis
Sigurd, a man who understands the world he lives in, works for himself. Jobs, tasks, missions, charity: one way or another, they’re all done to benefit his life. Money does a lot for a man, and Sigurd’s always ready to cash in. Though, despite his grindlike nature, Sigurd seems to have a rather complex moral standing. He doesn’t go out of his way to ruin the lives of others. Despite always thinking about himself, there are always seams sewn into his actions that others are able to use. Whether he purposely leaves a door unlocked or causes ruckus for no apparent reason, Sigurd has a way of being helpful to those he doesn’t wish ill of.

However, one shouldn’t expect much out of him when he’s working. He’s a stoic man when on duty, and he doesn’t usually partake in pointless banter. Sometimes, though, he finds something particularly interesting to point out or humor others with, but if he ever starts joking, it’s usually a sign that he’s grown a bit peeved. A dry laugh or a dark joke is his way of expressing his displeasure without letting his anger get the best of him.

Outside of work, Sigurd proves a more relaxed individual. He has no reason to dismiss people unless they push his buttons, and he’s always open for conversation. Not one for being loud, he normally would like loud noises to stay from around his person. He has his favored types of people, but he wouldn’t outright react to something annoying with rudeness. He lives by a rule to do unto others as he would have done to himself, with a few edits of course. If he’s on an assignment, he wouldn’t be mad if someone got in his way so they could complete their own assignment. That’s just business. However, he wouldn’t treat his targets as he would himself. He would treat them as if they were the worst of himself. A neat thing about Sigurd is that he rarely goes after good people. Meddling with the Gotei or Vandenreich, disturbing the peace a bit, stepping into a situation to receive an item: he’s okay with things like that, but actually trying to harm people who’ve done no wrong disturbs him. So, with that in mind, Sigurd finds himself a man who is far from evil but isn’t afraid to get a little dirty to pay the bills.


The Duvalier:
An especial contact that has used his expertise on more than one occasion. They get his help because they're not afraid to pay him what he's worth. Though, he has no especial interests in what goes on behind their closed doors. That extends to who is asking him for help too. As long as one of them can pay, Sigurd has no personal reason to decline any of the sisters or their mother. It's just business after all.

His Clients:
Sigurd has an assortment of clients, some bad, some good. Though, some rely on him more than others, his list of available contractors and the sort goes on and on. He is a dangerous man by himself, but he also boists the ability to call in favors for one thing or another, and that makes him unpredictable beyond measure.


Sigurd’s youth wasn't spectacular. In fact, it was normal to the point of being boring. The only thing outstanding about his childhood was the fact that he had no parents. It took one car crash to leave him an orphan, but, thankfully, he was adopted by his grandmother. That’s where he spent his whole life. His grandmother taught him many things in life, but there were things she could not help him learn. He gained his knowledge of the real world through others: his friends, the town bullies, a horrid school system, and with the local dealers. If any were to ask, Sigurd would say he lived a life that none would ever take record of.

The only notable thing to happen was when he was 18. His grandma had developed cancer. Normally, with the advancements of technology, cancer would be something a bit trivial to deal with. That is, if it is caught early. For his grandmother, it turned out that she has had it for a while now and simply didn’t bother getting treatment due to finances. Most of her money was used to raise Sigurd, and that fact filled him with guilt. It was why he decided to sign up for the military in hopes of being able to leverage getting his grandmother some medical attention. At her age, getting help would require a lot more than if she were as young as him.

The military proved a challenging time, but it was where he met a nice woman. After three years of training, he met a woman with green hair. It was a rather wild experience honestly. She came into his life like a firecracker, brightening up his grim reality with her expression personality. She gave him hope in trying times and stabilized his steadily declining mind. His grandmother seemed to be doing well thanks to his efforts in the military. Things felt like they were actually going well until it all went straight to Hell.

That girl he was with vanished. He figured she would return one day soon, but she never did. To make matters worse, his grandmother’s health began to steadily decline, up until the day she died. No one came that day, nor the next day, or the next. Suddenly, as if a tornado had uprooted everything, Sigurd found himself alone. It was a troubling couple of months of him battling depression and other mental issues, but, in the end, he ended up dedicating himself to his job. There was nothing left for him to focus on anyway, and he was too much of a coward to end everything himself.

Though, he did become reckless with his life, taking on the enemies of his home with a strange thoughtlessness for his own life. That was how he ended up chasing too far and falling into a cave that seemed to fall down into a never ending abyss. Eventually, he did reach the bottom and discovered a great beast that resembled the dragons he’s read in stories when little. He did not mean to anger it, but his fall had awoken the beast, and it made short work of him, devouring him whole.

Stuck inside the beast, Sigurd thought of it as the end, his body growing weaker as time passed. However, his mind was struck with thoughts of his grandmother and the life he’s lived with her. He can remember the last words she said to him. It was those words that suddenly filled him with anger. He was angry at losing her, he was angry at being depressed, and, most of all, he was angry at this creature that had eaten him. Just like the legends of Siegfried and Sigurd, he began to claw at the beast from the inside, his dying mind taken by madness, chunks of the beast in his mouth. He cannot remember what all happened, but he does remember eventually lying on the cold ground, drenched in blood and feeling different than before with the beast dead beside him, a hole inside of it.

From that day on, he had thrown away his life in the military and left on a quest to find himself, sudden pains and aches ravaging his mind and body as he fled. The beast he had eaten had done something to him, changed him. Sigurd had become tired of fighting pointless battles and living for others. He simply wanted to live for himself now, and so, he did, taming the power that he had achieved and becoming a person who exists because he wants to. However, somedays, he finds himself reminiscing, thinking about a life different from the one he has now.


Chain of Restraint:
Sigurd's Fullbring being himself makes it impossible to simply turn off. That is why he wears a chain around his neck that restrains his Reiatsu by continuously absorbing it. This stops him from using any ability that does not directly pertain to his person and cuts off any percentage boosts he would normally have.

Dragon’s Bane:
Dragon’s Bane is a great sword created from the bones, claws, and teeth of the dragon that Sigurd killed. Forged by an adequate blacksmith and filled with Sigurd’s energy, remnants of the dragon’s soul were trapped and forced to abide by Sigurd's will within the blade, granting it special properties and a semi-conscious existence. It’s strength and durability are directly tied to the dragon’s soul within itself and Sigurd, meaning it exists independently from Sigurd. However, the blade requires Sigurd to feed it energy to act at its full potential, relying on his Fullbring Affinity to determine its power compared to others. Though, due to its special properties, it has a slight edge over those that sport the same strength of Sigurd's ability.

Scaled Armor:
The scales and hide of the dragon were sewn into armor, granting Sigurd a spiritually powerful set of gear that proves able to protect him in most scenarios. Though, with all armor, it has its weaknesses. There are joints to it that are not covered by scales to allow Sigurd to move as quickly as he can. This armor scales off of Sigurd's Fullbring Affinity in its interaction with other abilities, utilizing the boost in power that comes with Sigurd's advanced knowledge of his abilities. Though this scaling is only present when Sigurd is wearing the armor due to it being created from the dragon he killed, housing parts of that dragon's soul inside of it.

The Dragon's Body

Dragon Reiatsu:
Comparable to that of a Hollow in ways, Sigurd's Reiatsu has a toxic sensation to it. There's an underlying corrupting feeling to his bleeding Reatsu as it crawls out of him and dominates an area. Almost like walking into something's domain or lair, Sigurd's actual presence is all consuming and heavy, bearing the weight of a tremendous beast that holds nothing for content for anything that nears it.

Dragon Stilts:
Sigurd's body is pushed to the peak of human capability, but that is because of the dragon's influence over his body. It is that same influence that makes it impossible for him to grow any stronger in terms of strength and durability. Almost like a sickness as much as a boon, the corruption in his blood constantly destroys his body as much as it enhances it, leaving him in a state of stillness in terms of physical growth.

Martial Skill:
However, unlike most of Sigurd’s natural skills, his martial skills prove deadly. Maximizing the use of his energy, to enhance his body’s movement, Sigurd is able to keep up with people who would normally prove difficult for him. Years of military training, mercenary work, and general upkeep of his skills have honed his body into a well-trained machine. He is able to wield practically any mundane weapon, and even has knowledge of weapons and techniques outside of his normal capabilities due to his work. Not only that, but he proves capable of many fighting styles, even if simply mimicking the basics which came from his years of intensive training and such. However, his proficiency with his main weapon, Dragon’s Bane, outshines everything he is capable of. His reliance on the weapon makes him an obscene threat when he is allowed to wield it fully.

Surviving being eaten is no small feat, especially in the manner that Sigurd fought out of his situation. It takes a certain amount of willpower to eat your way out of a creature and then learn to control the monstrous power that came with eating said creature. Though, even before then, the fact that Sigurd picked himself up after his girlfriend left around the same time his grandmother died and left him all alone requires an impressive amount of willpower. He could have ended it all or given up on everything, but he kept on moving forward, even if much of it was to distract himself from the harsh realities of life. He is not one to be easily broken after going through what he has.

Mental Deduction:
With the jobs he normally gets, Sigurd is no idiot, nor is he a some supersleuth. He simply knows bullshit. He doesn't have the ability to break down some masterminds 1000 IQ plan, but he does know when he's been duped or made a fool of. Simple tricks won't work on him because he's seen a lot of things in his time running around and messing with those of normally deceitful natures.

Distractions are for those who don't last long in his field of work. If you can't keep your head straight and focus on the task at hand, you'll end up losing it. Sigurd's learned the hard way to pay attention to his surroundings and keep his eyes on the prize. Multitasking is easy for him, and catching him off guard takes commitment, and, even then, it's hard to tell if his guard is down or not.


General Skills
  • Durability: Adept
  • General Speed: Adept
  • Strength: Adept
  • Martial Skill: Elite

Fullbringer Skills
  • Bringer Light: Adept
  • Manifestation: Elite
  • FullBring: Advanced
  • Hollow: Advanced

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Advanced
  • Mental Deduction: Advanced
  • Focus: Advanced

Last edited by Siegharty on Mon May 27, 2024 8:13 am; edited 1 time in total

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[Spirit Class 5] Sigurd Empty Re: [Spirit Class 5] Sigurd

Sat Oct 14, 2023 3:10 pm
[Spirit Class 5] Sigurd 2b4UybI


Dragon Heart:
Sigurd has one Fullbring, but that Fullbring is himself. This is due to his consumption of the dragon that had devoured him. Quenched and fed by its blood and flesh, Sigurd's entire body now resembles that of a dragon. Though, with dragons being a different kind of Hollow, Sigurd had basically corrupted his own soul forever. In a physical sense, Sigurd's heart is his fullbring, for it pumps this rotting blood and power through his veins, fueling his body. This does not give him any outward powers, per say, but it is the reason he has seen such exponential growth in his capabilities as a mercenary throughout his years.

Dragon’s Bane - Hell Zone:
Sigurd’s blade has only one ability which is a callback to the manner of which he captured the dragon’s soul. Taking dominion over the energy around it, the blade is able to capture souls that it comes in contact with. This is only done by killing whatever Sigurd is fighting by using the blade. It does not simply work through contact and requires the target to be pierced long enough for their soul to be removed. Such an ability should be able to stack indefinitely if Sigurd continued killing others, but the souls within the blade are quickly consumed and dispersed as worthless Reishi after the thread they are killed in ends. The blade, by design, is not meant to contain an extremely immense number of souls within it besides the dragon’s, meaning that it can only handle a total of 50 extra souls of varying strength inside of it. Though, despite the varying degree of power a soul could have, the blade is only able to exert itself at a specific degree. For each soul, Dragon’s Bane’s affinity is buffed by an additional 2%.

Dragon’s Breath:
An external exertion of his Fullbring, Sigurd releases the dormant energy inside of his body, either in a wide arc from his sword or from any limb of his person. Because of the need to focus said energy, this move goes on a two post cooldown after each use.


Draconic Blessing:
Sigurd’s Reiatsu is different from that of a normal human. This also makes it impossible for him to hide it. Due to his spiritual energy’s abnormal existence, it is always leaking from his body and applying pressure to the world around him. However, there is a benefit to this. Due to the way his spiritual energy saturates the environment, it is also impossible to pinpoint his exact location. This saturation is the basis of Sigurd’s abilities.

Dogma’s Dominance:
The ability to fully control his environment, anything doused in Sigurd's Reiatsu is fair game for manipulation. This is because of his bleeding energy. This power only affects the physical realm, but it allows Sigurd to act basically omnipotent to anything inside his that does not resist him. It also allows him to freely change the attribute of any object's soul at will and transform them into what he desires on a whim.

Elemental Discharge:
While Dogma’s Dominance is active and actively manipulating an area, Sigurd is able to change his energy’s composition to match the natural elements of the world. This is done by using his environment as a basis which means he requires his environment to have the corresponding element to what he is trying to create. He is able to create fire from fire and water from water basically. However, the created element is charged with Sigurd's power, making it stronger than what one would naturally expect.

A basic application of physics that abuses the idea of expanding matter to create an explosion. By filling the air or an object with excess spiritual energy, it causes that particular particle to expand quickly until it is unable to hold its own growing mass, causing it to explode violently. Sigurd is able to do such and also freeze the interaction to set traps until he wishes for them to detonate. However, he can only have up to five of these detonations primed at a time.

This ability works opposite of Explosion. Instead of allowing energy to expand and explode, Sigurd destroys matter in an area, creating a pocket of nothingness for a second. Due to the need for more energy to take the place of that empty space, matter in the area forcibly moves into that area, causing for a reaction to occur. In a three-yard radius, anything not held down in that area feel full a strong pull towards the center of this absent space. This move causes no damage and is only supposed to stagger individuals.

Hollow Factor

Minor Healing:
Sigurd possesses the ability to heal himself slowly during a fight. This isn't anything obscene, but minor wounds will begin to close after a while. Major injuries, however, will only be dulled and kill him slower than normal.

Soul Eater:
An ability to rip the souls out of people, Sigurd can only use this with OOC permission or against npcs. Of course, against stronger opponents, they'd have to be weakened first, and Sigurd then has the option of eating said soul, providing him with a growth to his power similar to how a Hollow functions. However, unless stated otherwise through OOC and with staff, the benefits of eating an Npc vary case by case. An event NPC of substantial power being eating will not provide the same benefits of eating a normal person's soul, and eating a normal person's soul usually provides no benefits outside of flavor text and plot development.


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[Spirit Class 5] Sigurd Empty Re: [Spirit Class 5] Sigurd

Sat Oct 14, 2023 3:11 pm
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[Spirit Class 5] Sigurd Empty Re: [Spirit Class 5] Sigurd

Mon Oct 23, 2023 3:11 pm

Spirit Class: 5

Hazard Ratings
Power: C
Influence: D
Resources: D
Overall: D

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[Spirit Class 5] Sigurd Empty Re: [Spirit Class 5] Sigurd

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