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Like My Mother Does[Natasha, Leisa ]  Empty Like My Mother Does[Natasha, Leisa ]

Thu Sep 14, 2023 5:32 pm
Like My Mother Does[Natasha, Leisa ]  GErtDg6


Even though Natasha wasn't fully recovered, she'd participated in enough physical therapy that displayed she could walk upright and move around unimpeded. She wasn't in prime condition enough to be tussling around and fighting in spars, of course, but she could travel around well enough, and that was plenty fine by her. Naturally, since it was a subject of curiosity for her, the first person that came to mind was meeting Edelo's mother.

Edelo was a good man with a good heart. Surely, the apple didn't fall too far from the tree, right? Maybe it was the optimistic thought speaking, but she had a good feeling she would be right on the mark with this one. Driving to her destination in a personalized automobile, Natasha whistled softly during her pleasant ride through the central area of the City of Lights. Once she found a suitable parking spot, she arrived at her location with ease.

Exiting her car with a gift basket in hand, Natasha took a moment to observe the house. A relatively simple affair, but that didn't much shock her at all. Her house wasn't some showstopping spectacle either. Since Edelo had been such a sweetheart with all that mac and cheese he'd given her, Natasha felt she oughta return the kind sentiment by baking an assortment of homemade sweets. There was enough here to feed the family and still have enough left over. Did she have to go that far? Probably not. But she missed cooking in her own house, and that kind of sentiment deserved its own generosity.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Now, she waits.

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Like My Mother Does[Natasha, Leisa ]  Empty Re: Like My Mother Does[Natasha, Leisa ]

Thu Sep 14, 2023 6:04 pm
Like My Mother Does[Natasha, Leisa ]  HEADER___aozaki_touko_kara_no_kyoukai_drawn_by_nw_0925__321349dcc4d545d8dce53fd2b70f4f78

"You know it usually helps if you have a key." A calm voice would sound behind Natasha. A rather tall woman was making her way toward the street, a paper bag in one arm as another gently peeled said Key from her pocket, offering a friendly smile.

She flashed a lopsided smile and nodded toward the door, and once Natasha stepped aside, she would unlock the door and promptly hold the door open, pausing midway through the door as if considering whether or not to shut the door on Natasha.

"Now, if I were a betting woman, I'd say you were... Miss Natasha Miller?" A slight tilt of her head as she waited for the answer.

Last edited by ForgottenMercy on Thu Sep 14, 2023 6:26 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Like My Mother Does[Natasha, Leisa ]  Empty Re: Like My Mother Does[Natasha, Leisa ]

Thu Sep 14, 2023 6:20 pm
Like My Mother Does[Natasha, Leisa ]  GErtDg6


"I reckon you'd be drownin' in cash if you were, but yep! That's me. Natasha Miller."

Whoa now, she was a pretty tall lady. There were many perceptions she had of the lady in mind, but not one of them matched with what she saw now. She seemed pleasant enough from the looks of it, but Natasha was no betting woman, and she wasn't going to gamble on acting too carefree around her until she gleamed more of her personality. For now, she respectfully presented the gift basket before the woman as an offering, tilting her head playfully as she smiled.

"Now, if I were a bettin' woman, I'd reckon that you're Edelo's mom, right? He did a pretty sweet favor cookin' me a fine meal for the week, and I wanted to return the favor by bringing him and his family a buncha' sweets. May I come in?"

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Like My Mother Does[Natasha, Leisa ]  Empty Re: Like My Mother Does[Natasha, Leisa ]

Thu Sep 14, 2023 6:37 pm
Like My Mother Does[Natasha, Leisa ]  HEADER___aozaki_touko_kara_no_kyoukai_drawn_by_nw_0925__321349dcc4d545d8dce53fd2b70f4f78

She was hardly as tall as her son, but she wasn't that far off. at a glance, Natasha would probably note the woman seemed about 6' maybe a little bit shorter. All the same, noticing the Basket, the woman tilted her head back and then smiled, gently nodding inside before backing up and offering enough space for Natasha to walk in. "Well thank you kindly. Eddy mentioned that you might be stopping by. Though I have to admit, when he said you were in the hospital I didn't know it'd be so soon. Here let me take that Honey." She noted softly, reaching out to take the basket and bringing it and the bag into the other room, a gesture to the left without looking over her shoulder.

"Take a seat, please, make yourself at home. I wasn't expecting company so I'm sorry about the mess, hahah." She called over her shoulder. Despite her words the place seemed rather clean. Barely a few things here and there, but it was cosy to be sure. Knitted covers decorated the couch and there was a small knitted mat on the coffee table as well. After a few minutes, the readhead emerged back from the Kitchen and reached out, offering a hand for Natasha to shake.

"You can just call me Leisa, hon. Sorry for making you wait. Eddy didn't really tell me when you'd be showing up. You're one of his ....friends?" She ventured, head tilting up as she gave Natasha a scrying look. Pretty. Blonde. She was certainly curious how the woman and Edelo knew eachother. Ed had mentioned that it was a woman from work, but that was about it. And she definitely seemed intrigued.
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Thu Sep 14, 2023 7:02 pm
Like My Mother Does[Natasha, Leisa ]  GErtDg6


"Don't you worry one bit about appearances, sugar. I ain't the judgmental type one way or the other."

Permitted to enter, Natasha promptly walked through the door as Leisa pulled the bag from her hand. Honestly, the first thing that brought a smile to her face was the pleasant tone, something which definitely reminded her of Edelo, speech pattern aside. She felt like a relative lax lady by the looks of it. Now, she could operate a little bit more freely. Maybe. She wasn't going to push her luck just yet. Making herself at home on a couch, Natasha would extend her hand forward to meet Leisa's own with a leisurely smile.

"Again, don't worry yourself one bit, sweetheart. I'm a patient lass. Leisa, eh? Pretty name. Sorry if it seems like I popped outta' nowhere. They told me I'm allowed to walk around a bit, so I decided to take the opportunity and meet ya' in person."

Natasha crossed one leg over the other as she continued, maintaining a pleasant air and welcoming aura. Leisa seemed like a pretty swell gal so far. She certainly didn't wanna get ahead of herself here, but she was making a fine impression on her. Here's to hoping Leisa felt the same, though. Mothers were fickle women. Earning their trust was important, especially so when it came to their boys.

"Bingo. I'm one of Eddy's friends in the Vandenreich. We spar together a lot whenever time permits. Goes without saying, Lei, but you've raised a good man with that one. Very caring. Always wear his heart on his sleeves, too. He's half of the reason I decided to visit, though I apologize for visitin' on such short notice."

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Like My Mother Does[Natasha, Leisa ]  Empty Re: Like My Mother Does[Natasha, Leisa ]

Sun Sep 17, 2023 8:07 pm
Like My Mother Does[Natasha, Leisa ]  HEADER___aozaki_touko_kara_no_kyoukai_drawn_by_nw_0925__321349dcc4d545d8dce53fd2b70f4f78

Huh. Sugar? The older woman raised a brow slightly as she certainly seemed to take a moment to absorb the overly sweet demeanor of the woman. She pauses for just a moment and seems to stare at Natasha for a few seconds. As if seeming to make a mental note with that latest barrage of sugary words. Hm.

And then that smile returned, calm and thoughtful as she set everything down and then took a seat across from Natasha. There was a softness to the way she spoke that certainly would remind one of her Son, but there was also that familiar calm about her. A watchfulness that Natasha likely wouldn't have ever noticed directly. After all, Edelo did his best not to really look directly at Natasha, though she'd have certainly noticed that at times he'd watch something else like a hawk. But with his mother, that stare was pointed straight at her.

"I'm glad to hear he's made such a good impression. It's honestly a relief. He's never really been the social type." She sighed, closing her eyes for a moment to settle a bit in her seat before offering a sheepish smile. "He can be so focused on things he can seem a bit grumpy. Especially around Girls. But hearing that he's been able to keep up with his training is nice. When he was younger and his Father was training him, he'd hardly go a day without it. I tried to pick up the slack but.... well I suppose it isn't the same. Eddy's always been happiest when he's been able to focus on something." She paused and then chuckled sheepishly.

"But why don't you tell me a bit about yourself? I'm afraid we're both so busy these days, I don't get much chance to talk to Ed about his coworkers. You seem rather familiar with him. Are you two close?" She ventured, curiosity very clear in her gaze now. She'd certainly seemed to pick up on NAtasha referring to Edelo by his first name, and her immediate adoption of the nickname. That got Leisa curious.
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Like My Mother Does[Natasha, Leisa ]  Empty Re: Like My Mother Does[Natasha, Leisa ]

Sun Sep 17, 2023 11:00 pm
Like My Mother Does[Natasha, Leisa ]  GErtDg6


Natasha maintained a pleasantly calm expression as she held the woman's gaze. It was certainly interesting comparing the two in her mind. The apparent difference between one whose gaze wondered quite often, and one who held eye contact for more than a few seconds. What caught her attention most, though, was learning some of Edelo's background as Leisa spoke at length about his social life.

Considering what little she understood of his whole... "issue" with those eyes, she could certainly understood the struggle with women. Even then, he never struck her as the type to make the first move with a woman to begin with, anyway. It just didn't really fit his type of personality.

She supposed that was what made him an endearing individual. He never pretended to be something that he wasn't. In her eyes, Edelo was just a young man who strived to do his best. A notion she could never find fault with. Now that the subject was on her, Natasha shifted her body around the couch, tapping a finger against her chin. What to start with first?

"I think of him as a really good friend. We usually spar whenever time permits it, and among a few of the other younger peers I know, he's definitely one whose progress I genuinely support. His martial prowess at his age? Pretty darn impressive. As far as I go, I guess that depends on how much ya wanna know, Lei. I'm a coordinator in a different division than his who joined a few years back, and I've fought in a buncha' missions and battles ever since. Whatever ya' wanna know bout me, I'm certainly willin' to answer. Oh, and if it wasn't obvious from the accent, I'm from the good ole' state of Texas."

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Like My Mother Does[Natasha, Leisa ]  Empty Re: Like My Mother Does[Natasha, Leisa ]

Thu Sep 21, 2023 8:30 am
Like My Mother Does[Natasha, Leisa ]  HEADER___aozaki_touko_kara_no_kyoukai_drawn_by_nw_0925__321349dcc4d545d8dce53fd2b70f4f78

Leisa nodded slowly as she seemed to survey the woman, who didn't seem that much younger than herself. So they were coworkers, but the woman wasn't Eddy's direct superior? She got a different sort of impression from her son, but then again he always was a bit overformal at times. That he considered Natasha a sort of superior, even if not a direct one, certainly made sense. All the same, she tapped her fingers as Natasha continued to give her explanation.

"Is that so? Well I'm certainly happy to hear that. I admit, I was a little worried about Eddy when we came to the big city. I've been around a few when I was younger, but Eddy doesn't know anything about these kinds of places. It's nice and pretty, but the people can be a little selfish. And Eddy's got a good heart, but he's not the brightest when it comes to other people. Especially women. So I admit, when I heard about someone hanging around him so often I got a little nervous." She chuckled, offering a warm, calm smile as she looked very pointedly at Natasha.

"But I'm glad to hear someone so nice and responsible is taking the time to make friendly with my Son. I can feel a bit better about not being around to keep an eye out on him and make sure no pretty faces with bad intentions go hurting him." Oh yea, there was a bit of a protective hardness to her tone. As warm and gentle as Edelo was, Natasha would no doubt pick up on something of a hard edge to Leisa.

"So! Enough about all that. The point is, I'm glad you're looking after my Son. You'll have to excuse me, I admit, as a girl who lived her whole life out in the country I confess there's a little bit of suspicion when it comes to city girls. But I'm happy to see you're not at all like that. If you're ever in the Southeast part of the City, you should check out my little Dojo." She offered with a calm smile, peeling a little business card from her breast pocket and holding it out to Natasha. It was a nice simple little thing, nothing flashy.

"I teach self defense classes during the Mornings. Ever since that whole arrancar business a lot of folks have felt afraid to go out. And well, now that Eddy isn't little and does his training at work, I figured I'd try and give a bit more self confidence to the folks around here. You should swing by sometime."
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Like My Mother Does[Natasha, Leisa ]  Empty Re: Like My Mother Does[Natasha, Leisa ]

Thu Sep 21, 2023 10:51 am
Like My Mother Does[Natasha, Leisa ]  GErtDg6


From every word that exited Leisa's lips, Natasha undoubtedly knew she valued her son's wellbeing and the people he kept company with, a facet that earned no small measure of respect from her. Beyond Natsumi and Eiji, Natasha couldn't exactly say she would understood the full scope of a mother's protection. Well, that wasn't entirely true. Her mom was pretty adamant about keeping her out of trouble, but she still somehow ended up leading herself off the bridge on that one. Part of her wondered if it was time to visit that her mother one day. Food for thought. Maintaining a listening ear, Natasha smiled warmly as she nodded her head.

"Nah, there's no need to worry about all that. I really enjoy Edelo's company, so the last thing I'd do is let a pretty face throw his game off. We sorta promised each other we'd help one another get stronger, anyway, ya know? Can't let him go slippin' up cause a cute girl has compromised his focus."

Compromising his focus? Honestly, back when she was a little reckless before, she didn't hold back in teasing him for his little eye issue, but she'd matured enough now to know there were lines better left uncrossed. He was a genuinely good guy with a goal in mind and determination. Who was she to compromised all that?

As a woman who knew about the whole city girl lifestyle herself, she couldn't exactly blame Leisa for wanting to keep her boy out of trouble. Turning her head curiously after the woman finished speaking, Natasha gazed curiously at the the business card being pulled from her breast pocket, accepting it as she gave it a good once-over or two. Self-defense classes, huh? Honestly, it made sense considering that whole incident with Ichigo Kurosaki. Hm... She wondered if that entailed martial arts, too. She needed to brush up on that in case her quincy abilities were compromised. She knew her fair share, sure, but what did it hurt to get reacquainted with a different style of combat?

"I'd be honored, Lei. I'm somethin' of a busy woman, but I could definitely swing by a few times. I've been meaning on touching up on my skills outside of the good ole' quincy arts. It'd be nice to see where some of Edelo's techniques came from. Kid's a pretty good martial artist, I tell ya. I'll probably pay ya a visit sooner than you think."

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