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[Spirit Class 9] Ryo Kishimoto Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 9] Ryo Kishimoto Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 9] Ryo Kishimoto Empty [Spirit Class 9] Ryo Kishimoto

Sat Jul 15, 2023 1:27 pm
[Spirit Class 9] Ryo Kishimoto XKMzD6p


Basic Information

○ Name: Ryo Kishimoto
○ Alias:
○ Age: 18
○ Gender: Female
○ Race: Fullbringer

○ Affiliation: -

○ Alignment: Chaotic Good
○ Marital Status: -
○ Nationality: Japanese/Italian
○ Sexual Orientation: -

○ Height: 164.592 cm/5.4 ft.
○ Weight: -
○ Hair Colour: Red
○ Eye Colour: Red

Psychological Analysis
The shadow of her older sister, Ryo has always carried herself bombastically almost out of necessity. Elyss’ tendency to get into trouble had always put the younger sister on the back foot of their parent’s minds. Call it the normal way of things, but Ryo couldn’t help but develop a jealousy for those who are in the limelight. That jealousy had become a drive for the young woman that exists today. Dedication to being the best and being known as the best drives her to act in selfish and cocky ways to push her own self importance in any situation.

However, her narcissism isn’t that overbearing that she’s ignorant to the qualms of others. Maybe as a result of her own lack of self, she’s become adept at recognizing issues that others have. A savior complex at best, Ryo buts into people’s business in an attempt to alleviate their problem and prove just how great she is.

Though, that leads into a severe issue with her character. Family begets family. One thing the two sisters have in common is their lack of compassion for bothersome people and their willingness to speak directly, either with harsh language or heavy hands. Despite the minute efforts of keeping Ryo from being like Elyss, the older sister’s knack for sticking up for herself and others was impossible to not have affected the younger sister. There were plenty of times where Elyss and Ryo had to stick up for one another, and this had them develop similar idealisms.

Ryo doesn’t take crap from anyone she sees as inferior, and with her complex, almost everything is inferior. Being scolded, told no, or pushed against is a quick way to push her into a tantrum. It may not be as violent as her sisters, but unlike Elyss, Ryo loses all willingness to comply and becomes a tyrannical mongoloid, consumed by what she wants to do and nothing else.

But to give the bad a bit of good, her stoicness in her own ways makes her a very strong ally who’s deathly protective of her friends and family. She never wants to lose someone like she lost her sister and will go to mountains of length to do what she must to ensure the things she cares for are safe. Her obsessive nature with being the best means that she has to be reliable to those around her. She has to be the bestest of friends, the strongest of allies, the smartest of geniuses. It’s that or the highway, and Ryo’s not keen on walking a route of endless lost and suffering.


Karakura City

Karakura is Ryo's home. Even if she has no sway in the area whatsoever, she's known around her neighborhood as a helpful individual. If she has nowhere else to go, there's always home. You can always rely on your family in dire times.


The second daughter of a loving family who lived a pretty normal life, Ryo was always the shadow of her sister. Like a parasite, she’d follow her big sis around, always fascinated with how her sis carried herself. However, when that sister started growing disorderly and violent, a decision was made to separate the two. Almost like watching someone you know lose themselves to drugs, Ryo was forced to witness the degradation of her sister into a violent monster. She was no longer allowed to join her sis in fighting classes or allowed outside at times. Her parents became obsessed with watching over the older sibling, dealing with her transgressive acts. Slowly, Ryo became more of an afterthought, and slowly, a budding resentment grew.

That’s when Ryo started to act out. Since no one watched over her as they should, Ryo was able to slip out under the guise of hanging out with friends. She resumed learning how to fight herself, piggybacking off of a friend. Making sure to stay low by keeping good grades in school and never starting any problems, it became far too easy to do whatever she wanted. Lies upon lies built up as she joined numerous clubs to perfect her skills. There’s one thing on her mind, and that thing is to prove that she’s better than her big sister. She’ll not lose herself to ego or anything like her stupid sis.

However, that’s exactly what happened. It was just one argument, but one thing led to another, and Ryo’s forever haunted by it all. Years had gone by and her big sis had somehow got through high school and left for college. Ryo no longer had a blanket to keep her affairs a secret, and her parents saw that she had become something similar to her big sis. A big fight broke out and Ryo found herself running away from home, straight to her big sis. Another fight broke out, this time Ryo blaming her big sis for tearing their family apart, yelling that’s better than her, that she’s not someone maniac who enjoys fighting and will actually use her fists to help people rather than terrorize them. That’s when actual fists flew and two sisters left each other with nothing but bitter resentment.

If only Ryo knew what's to come next. Like a waterfall of bad news, she ended up grounded. Then, her big sis went a whole week without contacting home. Then, they saw they received a phone call. Her big sis was murdered, stabbed in an alley. They said the body had to have been a week old by the time it was found, and all that Ryo could remember is her fight with her sis. It was impossible to not blame herself for what had happened. Her family life spiraled then. Almost in an attempt to apologize to her big sis, Ryo became obsessed with doing everything in her power to be a good person. She helped people here and there with small, medium, and large tasks. Almost like she felt as if others couldn’t handle it without her, she worked herself to death to do what her big sis had failed to do.

However, sticking your nose into things can sometimes lead to trouble. That’s how she ended up almost being killed by a Hollow when she tried to help a mother find their lost child. She found him, but he was out in the woods of Karakura, lured there by the Hollow. It was an unwinnable fight, but this Hollow, sadistic in nature, was amused by Ryo’s determination to save the child. Ryo never returned with the child, taking as a prisoner with the kid, the Hollow tortured her. Breaking her like a toy before sewing her back together with its cancerous energy, the Hollow used the child as a means of mocking Ryo’s righteous nature. Days went by of this treatment before the child gave up and died from the abuse. At this point, Ryo had become spiritually away because of the Hollow’s antics. She could see the child’s ghost, haunting her and reminding her of her failure. She was left to wonder if this was what had happened to her sister, a ghost forced to stare at its lifeless body, waiting for eternity to go by.

Broken mentally and physically, Ryo had begun to give up and let her life slip away too, but she found herself suddenly freed from her shackles. The dead child’s ghost had saved her while the Hollow was away. A chance at life, Ryo did the only thing she could do: run. She ran and ran, hoping to make it back to Karakura. Her body, aching with every step, continued forward, an insane determination in her mind. She didn't think about the dead kid, his ghost, or her failing body. She could only see her sister. She only worried about whether her sister’s ghost is still there, if she could see it and say she’s sorry, to make up for the fight that possibly led to her death. Like a crying baby unable to be silenced by its parents, she ran.

The howl of the Hollow soon shook the forest, and it eventually caught up to her, but at that point, Ryo had nothing left. Falling to the ground, she could only crawl with one hand until the monster had found her. Life flashed before her eyes again, and she could only wonder if she’d see Elyss in Heaven before everything went dark.

Her eyes opened then, her body someplace entirely from the forest. She could hear the beeping everywhere around her, but then she heard crying and voices, so many voices. Weeks went by. Apparently, she had somehow made it close enough to Karakura that a patrol came by and saved her before the Hollow had killed her. Her body, however, had been beaten so badly that they were almost unable to save her. Strangely enough, once she had become stable, her body began to heal a bit naturally. It was one of the reasons none of her limbs had to be cut off, but any sign of that unnatural healing had long since left.

Sitting in the hospital, weeks after gaining consciousness, Ryo was visited by a man. This man explained everything about her condition to her. The Hollow had imbued enough energy into her that residue remained, forever changing her. It was why she healed when she should have died, but something like that’s not happening again for a long time. She’s now a fullbringer, and he’s here to help her learn what that means. There was something that had kept her from dying to all that energy inside of her, and Ryo could only sit there remembering her thoughts about her sister.

Eitherway, Ryo’s training had begun after she left the hospital. Her parents watched her closely, but Ryo still found a way to escape from them and meet the man who said he’d train her. This is where she learned of the spiritual world and began to develop her infant powers. She never wants to end up so totally defeated again, so it was only natural for her to dive into this new pool with vigor. Training was hard, but she soon developed a fullbringer. What she held dear to herself wasn’t any particular item, but the ideals her sister had left behind. Those ideals took the shape of a scabbard that’d always hold whatever Ryo needs to protect what she holds dear.

Ryo’s training was cut short though as the world began to go haywire. News of Vastime falling, Hollow running rampant, and the sight of a redheaded woman brought Ryo out of Karakura as she turned 18. Against her parent’s wishes, she didn’t want to go to school to live a normal life. She wanted to travel and help people, and people are in need of a hero right now. Why can’t that hero be her? There’s a lot out there for a girl like her, and she couldn’t stand to lie to her parents anymore about her powers. There’s something she has to see and confirm, and Hell’s going to go cold before she lets this opportunity pass her by.



Ryo takes up odd jobs to make money while she's out exploring, but her parents do send her something every month. Ryo is appreciative of their support despite how she went to do her own thing against their chagrin. A family's love is strong, and money is one way to showcase that strong bond.

The Souls Body

One Beast Style

Ryo practiced martial arts just like her sister. She isn't as much of a genius, but she's got a knack for it. Inspiration begets growth, so it only makes sense that she's better than normal people simply because she wanted it more. However, that's why her fighting style is somewhat similar to her sister's. It's a loose form that allows for adaptation on the battlefield, but unlike how her sister likes to read opponents, Ryo wants nothing more than to be as overbearing as possible. She's the star here, so her opponent shouldn't even be allowed to breathe in her presence.

Each kick is aimed to allow for another kick. Each punch leads into another. Her style is a constant berating experience that leaves no room for counterplay. That's why people call her a beast when they see her move because nothing is too out of pocket for her. Bite, throw sand, pick up a stick, or drop a building on someone; this is a fight and losing only means one thing: dying.


Ask Ryo what it is she wants, and she'll tell you the same thing as everyone else: to be something useful. Like a wanted burden, she embraces being help. Seeing the smile on a child's face, a plan come together, or just relaxing with friends; that's something to strive for. Knowing trauma, there's nothing holding Ryo down in life anymore. All that's left before her are mysteries that need solving, and there's nothing that exists that'll stop her from following her dreams. Maybe that is why her mind is able to continue working even when things are hard, or why her body won't stay down when trouble hits too hard. That's just the way she is.

Not Too Dumb

Ryo isn't stupid, but she's not the smartest woman in the world. With a Highschool degree, she has the basics of how to learn and understand a topic placed before her. Though, she does have a knack for solving puzzles since she's been following in her sister's footsteps. Reading people, the flow of a room, a person's attack or power: it's all about tact and time. Anyone'll get it right if you give them long enough, but she's still working hard on getting her brain on the same level as experienced fighters who can see so many things before anything even happens.

Infantile Crimson

Ryo's reiatsu takes on a soft crimson glow around her person, outlining her aggressive nature but also showing how spunky she is as a person. When she begins to get riled up, the energy around her starts shooting from her like electricity, zapping onto anything around her like arcing lightning. That's exactly how it feels too; a buzzing hum of energy on your skin, tingling your senses and alerting you of someone's presence.



Ryo has bare minimum control over her environment, understanding the basics that she can control objects by touching them and physically exerting herself to get it to do a certain action. Knowing that she does this by controlling the objects spirit that's obtained through its history, she's only really good at telling the object to move here or there, finding it harder to affect the attributes of said object.

Bringer Light

Ryo found Bringer Light a cool ability. It lets her travel far in short bursts without taking too much time to get from point A to B. Her favorite thing to do is jump off of tree limbs because of how the tree limb usually snaps underneath her. She's not trained on anything advanced, showing she's good at going in a straight line off of an object and nothing else.

Hollow Factor

Trauma has made Ryo fearful of anything Hollow related about her powers. She will fight a Hollow without hesitation, but becoming anything like the creature that tortured her sickens.


World's Legacy

World's Legacy takes the form of a large scabbard on Ryo's lower back that hangs horizontally from her body. This scabbard is not Ryo's actual Fullbring, but exists as an extension of it. Ryo's actual Fullbring is her sister's necklace that she's taken as her own, wrapping it around the scabbard on her back.

World's Legacy: Arms Race

The only power that Ryo's Fullbring possesses for right now. Arms Race takes the shape of a single edge falchion with a curved blade where the edge side is vastly wider than the back side and has two red ornaments on its blade ridge. The blade is also attached to both ends of the cross guard and has a knuckle bow.


General Skills
» Durability: Beginner
» Speed: Beginner
» Strength: Beginner
» Martial Skill: Adept

Will Skills
» Willpower: Adept
» Deduction: Adept
» Focus: Adept

Fullbringer Skills
» Bringer Light: Beginner
» Fullbring Affinity: Beginner
» Full Manifestation: Beginner
» Hollow Factor: Untrained

Last edited by Siegharty on Sat Aug 05, 2023 9:45 am; edited 1 time in total
God of Love
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[Spirit Class 9] Ryo Kishimoto Left_bar_bleue16000/1[Spirit Class 9] Ryo Kishimoto Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

[Spirit Class 9] Ryo Kishimoto Empty Re: [Spirit Class 9] Ryo Kishimoto

Thu Aug 03, 2023 8:52 am
World's Legacy

A purely conceptual Fullbring is a level of development much higher than Ryo herself would be capable of at this stage. My recommendation would be to make the Fullbring into some keepsake from her sister, and note that it transforms into the scabbard.[/adm]
God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
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[Spirit Class 9] Ryo Kishimoto Left_bar_bleue16000/1[Spirit Class 9] Ryo Kishimoto Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

[Spirit Class 9] Ryo Kishimoto Empty Re: [Spirit Class 9] Ryo Kishimoto

Wed Aug 09, 2023 5:49 am
Hazard Ranks
Power: E
Influence: E
Resources: F

Comments: My little girl
Spirit Class: 9
Hazard Rating: E

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