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You Figure? [Emil/Ulquiorra] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue42100/16000You Figure? [Emil/Ulquiorra] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (42100/16000)

You Figure? [Emil/Ulquiorra] - Page 2 Empty Re: You Figure? [Emil/Ulquiorra]

Tue Jul 11, 2023 11:55 am
You Figure? [Emil/Ulquiorra] - Page 2 KU5cCqX

Emil "Holsen" Grey

He'd taken to begin savoring his food as he heard the previous Espada out, seeming quite content in his meal - it was a good, light breakfast-styled sandwich, after all. His eyes watched her carefully either way, finally catching that lacking answer to his binary question. Letting out a 'hmm' to signal he was in thought for a moment, before sighing softly and melding back into a smile, "I suppose that was rather targeting of a question, mm? My apologies. I haven't quite experienced the ride you certainly have. My beliefs do lie in finding your path, as well as the requirements of success in my profession being nudging others into a position they can figure things out in. I'd be quite the horrible therapist if I left my patients kicking about in a void, you know?"

Emil's demeanor remained pleasant and unshaken, appearing more like he mistakenly lapsed into that particular persona than simply allowing a poor slip of intent. Though, he did surmise that she may have felt put off or unwilling in this respect, and so he decided to go for a more direct question, "I suppose, I should be more upfront - Do you want help? Do you feel having help would push you closer to what you would like to achieve?"

Our Play Starts | END
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Tue Jul 11, 2023 12:22 pm
You Figure? [Emil/Ulquiorra] - Page 2 HEADER_0271-006

She took another bite of her salad as she allowed him a moment to backpedal ever so slightly, the apology was noted as she continued to enjoy her food. She was not particularly concerned with the framing. It, like everything else about this interaction, had simply been noted and observed. He was a strange man, and certainly she was rather curious about the affects and dressings he surrounded himself and his words with. But she didn't hold any particular concern.

"Do you consider me a patient?" A simple question.

Even more, as the man then went on to ask if she wanted his assistance, she paused her eating to give him a full glance. So he was thinking of that? She supposed it wasn't something to be surprised about. Given her situation, she didn't imagine it was far off from the truth. And it was interesting that his inclination was to establish that particular sort of relationship rather than the more natural alternative. She took another bite of her salad, this time with a bit more chicken, taking a moment to enjoy the food before setting her fork aside and gently dabbing her mouth with a napkin before she gave a response.

"I appreciate the offer. But I will have to decline. While I am certain that such assistance would prove valuable. I have been told that it is far more important that I navigate such explorations on my own terms, and with the assistance of friends." Which, surprising as it was, she did have. At least a few in the form of Nel and Alex, perhaps even the young ones. It was, if nothing else, a start.
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You Figure? [Emil/Ulquiorra] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue42100/16000You Figure? [Emil/Ulquiorra] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (42100/16000)

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Tue Jul 11, 2023 1:30 pm
You Figure? [Emil/Ulquiorra] - Page 2 KU5cCqX

Emil "Holsen" Grey

Hands clasped together below his chin, he'd tilt his head and gently laugh in response to that question, as if he found it humorous in a way, "No no, my patients are constrained to the minutes within a scheduled session initiated by them, not plucked from the streets. You're a fine young woman with a pleasant attitude, and we are sharing time together as mutuals."

Though he was unaware of how her interaction with the Grandmaster went down precisely, he assumed there was something there that didn't have to be present here. He wasn't a rude man, nor a loud-mouthed one; he was of the prideful sort until strangely recently when something robbed him of power. It could have been his attitude, it could have been the atmosphere, it could have been what was said.. It was difficult to determine exactly what the cause of the woman suddenly walking out could have been..

Until she gave him the answer: Friends. Friendship? As strange and unwilling to express intent in a way that could be conventionally understood, that basic desire was perfectly coherent to the thoughtful man. Friendship would be a path she hadn't explored prior, as she was consigned to the ranks of the Espada in the past after all. Though he didn't think it impossible for Arrancar to form friendships in such an environment, he could see it to be restrictive to carving one's way, especially one such as Ulquiorra, or the version of them that breathes before him.

That told him far more of how to operate here than any second or third hand record ever could.

"Ah, I may have sorely misunderstood you. I apologize for pacing so quick to a judgement," His fond smile dropped to a more neutral, perhaps a bit of shame for himself, "I'm rather quick to care for and attempt to accommodate those in my company. It is why I became interested in therapy, after all."

Slowly, his smile returned, an eyebrow lifted, "By the by, are you enjoying your meal?"

Our Play Starts | END
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Fri Jul 14, 2023 11:22 pm
You Figure? [Emil/Ulquiorra] - Page 2 HEADER_0271-006

"I don't imagine that the confines of paid time or an appointment is much of a distinction." Ulquiorra's response came perhaps seemingly delayed. A response to Emil's first sentiment, after he had finished the delivery of his second.

"If you truly do instinctively take on the role of a therapist, then it would stand to reason that in some way, you view individuals as patients. If not in the literal sense, but the metaphorical sense of an individual you intend to help, to guide through 'figuring things out'." She noted, more an explanation of her means of thinking than a solid assertion. That he likened such casual behavior to the role of a therapist was simply an affirmation, though hardly confirmation, of her thoughts. While she was not, strictly, his patient. He in some way seemed to think of her, and evidently most individuals around him, as a patient in some round about way.

A generalization of course, but it helped her to understand more what it was he was wishing to get out of all of this. And indeed, he might even find her observations unnerving, particularly because they were not, strictly, expressed to him. she spoke of the topic in the same way that one might observe a squirrel in a tree. The fact that Emil could hear her, and understand what she was saying, held little consequence. At least, that was how she spoke. Something she unfortunately still had to work on.

"The food is interesting. I did not expect so much cheese. It's nice." She added, eyeing it before taking another bite.
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You Figure? [Emil/Ulquiorra] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue42100/16000You Figure? [Emil/Ulquiorra] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (42100/16000)

You Figure? [Emil/Ulquiorra] - Page 2 Empty Re: You Figure? [Emil/Ulquiorra]

Sat Jul 15, 2023 12:17 am
You Figure? [Emil/Ulquiorra] - Page 2 KU5cCqX

Emil "Holsen" Grey

Hmm, she did take quite the moment there to form a response, did she have to think about it for a moment? Or rather, the fact that he certainly wasn't the only one picking someone apart for once. Her second statement in particular did more and more to paint in the idea that she was attempting to formulate an understanding of him just as much as he was her, though being far more vocal with the sharing of her thoughts. If his current understanding was correct, it was in his best interest to approach her as if he was yearning for a friendship, a sense of camaraderie, as opposed to a heartless exchange made to accomplish something.

While he did appear to think about what she interpreted of him, his face was made to light with a small flicker of awkward happiness toward her evaluation of the food, driven to reply to that first, "Good."

Though he proved to be the more expressive and outwardly 'acceptable' of the two, he didn't seem phased by the woman's attitude or manner of speaking, rather he appeared curious and further roped in the longer the two interacted, "I suppose that's a fair assessment, though of course I naturally disregard some natural, professional etiquette expected in that room. Would be rather difficult to form bonds if I played the part of an impartial judge to one's development outside of the Vandenreich's payroll."

Finishing the last scraps of his current plate, he seemed to think for a moment, "I suppose i've held that desire to aid in the easing of one's woes since I was just a boy."

Our Play Starts | END
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You Figure? [Emil/Ulquiorra] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue0/0You Figure? [Emil/Ulquiorra] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

You Figure? [Emil/Ulquiorra] - Page 2 Empty Re: You Figure? [Emil/Ulquiorra]

Sun Aug 06, 2023 10:16 am
You Figure? [Emil/Ulquiorra] - Page 2 HEADER_0271-006

She continued to eat as he spoke. He was .... different from a fair ammount of humans she'd encountered in the city. The denizens of the city of light were varied, but seemed earnest at least. Perhaps it was the recent incident with Kurosaki that tinted her perspective, but most she encountered simply seemed intent on living their lives. That was not the impression she garnered from the man before her. There was purpose as he spoke to her, and although he maintained a calm, casual way about him. Ulquiorra was, if nothing else, perceptive.

Not once had he faltered in his responses. Which wasn't abnormal, if someone were working through a practiced task. But a casual conversation, the man seemed..... intent. Were she more driven herself, she might ave pried further. Perhaps asked him if he were under some impression that she was dealing with woes. But she wasn't. she was simply enjoying her food, and she paused as she noted that she was almost done with her own food. Hm, she did seem to finish faster than most other diners. Perhaps she should slow down and try to savor them more.

Setting her utensils down, she reached up and gently brushed her hair back over her shoulders, as she'd seen a number of human females do. A subtle gesture put her hair behind one of her ears and she then returned her focus to Emil. " While perhaps noble, I can imagine such an instinct can be exhausting. Then again, I confess my social stamina is on the lower side of things." She murmured, closing her eyes as she set her plate off to the side.
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