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Light Up My Night [Emil/Candice] Empty Light Up My Night [Emil/Candice]

Tue Jun 27, 2023 9:10 am
Light Up My Night [Emil/Candice] W2aIvOk

Emil "Holsen" Grey

The night surrounding the pale man was a rather lively one, having attended a celebration of some sorts for an anniversary of a subsidiary food-related company of whom his family had a hand in managing, him to a certain extent as well, a cousin or uncle of his who were far more involved floating about the excitement, likely eating nice foods or downing expensive alcohols. Though it hadn’t become anywhere near rabid or wild, there was an air of folks letting loose and having fun. Unfortunately, the party hadn’t been going on long enough for others to make fools of themselves.

He had been amidst a conversation between three associates from adjacent companies who knew the owner well, smiling and lightly sipping at his glass until the conversation would disperse, the well dressed man having made himself out to be a rather social presence amongst the crowd, polite and put together despite the general energy level being quite a ways higher than his own.

Soon he was standing in front of a large window that overlooked the rest of the city from the heights, his energy demure. If there had been a balcony, he’d have taken a smoke break…
He was quite bored from the lack of foolery to experience. These sorts of functions always took an unbearable amount of time to get interesting.

A Mask For Thee | END

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Light Up My Night [Emil/Candice] Empty Re: Light Up My Night [Emil/Candice]

Wed Jun 28, 2023 9:02 pm

Light Up My Night [Emil/Candice] WVemPJw
Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

Candice had lost count of the number of these events she had attended in the past few years. It was one of the main reasons that she had ever ended up in the City of Light in the first place, and she had hosted more than a few of her own on behalf of the Catnipp family, but at least then she was the centre of attention by design. When the cameras were rolling but she wasn't in focus, Candice found it easier to tune it all out than kick up a scene when she inevitably stole the show.

Loitering on the edge of several different circles, listening in casually to see if any conversation sparked a particular interest of hers, she soon found herself gazing out of the same window as another outsider. There were always plenty of them, some - like Candi - fluttered between groups for the majority of the night and bounced from conversation to conversation with the same electric energy, but most were there because they had little interest in all that was going on in the middle. The boring folk, who were here for the actual business function and then felt obligated to stay and have a quiet drink or two. Seemed to her like this one was another one of those, but she didn't mind breaking the ice.

"I would ask if it is your first time in the city, but you're not sightseeing are you?"

She asked with a playful smirk, casting a lopsided glance at the stranger as she looked him up and down. Not a regular that she was familiar with, but most of those were insiders anyway.

"Haven't seen you at one of these before, and you have a pretty distinctive look, so are you always the brooding type or are you going to buy me a drink?"

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Light Up My Night [Emil/Candice] Empty Re: Light Up My Night [Emil/Candice]

Thu Jun 29, 2023 12:27 pm
Light Up My Night [Emil/Candice] W2aIvOk

Emil "Holsen" Grey

Gingerly swirling the dainty glass between gloved fingers, he'd hum to himself, his mind between roughly ten different subjects and wonderings until the sound of a voice in his direction called his attention, neatly ending his thoughts off on a cliffhanger to track back to later on whenever his boredom kicked in again, pale blue eyes looking kindly upon the flash of yellow before him - a young lady he recognized quite well from all manner of sources: Candice Catnipp. Quite the mind and personality on this one; perhaps this was an opportunity to liven things up a bit.

"Certainly not, I am a proud occupant of the city through and through," His words danced in a calm waltz despite the flurry of voices surrounding them, clear and pronounced as he smiled at her, "I tend to remain at the borders of the excitement, you may have missed me. I'm not one to engage in too much high energy, after all; my presence is entirely supportive."

He wasn't even lying; typically at these functions he was one of the few to ensure the party was going smoothly and safely, not that he was performing the job out of any sense of duty but rather that it was a convenient role for him to play, "Though that's quite the interesting way to ask for a drink. Haven't you at least a 'please' in you? You are a lady, after all."

A Mask For Thee | END
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Light Up My Night [Emil/Candice] Empty Re: Light Up My Night [Emil/Candice]

Thu Jun 29, 2023 5:32 pm

Light Up My Night [Emil/Candice] WVemPJw
Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

His initial response was met with a shrugging of the shoulders from Candice, he seemed to enjoy his place on the outside and she knew far too many guys that were into that kind of thing for her to consider it particularly odd. She would judge him for it quietly but that was hardly something worth kicking up a fuss over. Then, for some inane reason, he took umbrage to her attempt at initiating conversation. Calling out her manners like she was some common harlot whilst he was looking down at her from his high chair with a stick firmly lodged up his ass.

There was a click as she pivoted in place, her heels connecting firmly with the floorboards as - for a brief moment - he had her focus entirely. Emerald green eyes flashed with energy, the tiniest pulse of static bubbling away behind those irises, as she let him enjoy his witty remark for a few moments more. Flashing him a much sharper and entirely less genuine smile, she huffed and turned up her nose.

“And a gentleman would know when to just politely decline, but clearly neither of us is living up to expectations.”

Turning her back on him, she took a clear and wide step away and returned her gaze to the window. Clearly it was going to be one of those nights, and she was not drunk enough for that.

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Light Up My Night [Emil/Candice] Empty Re: Light Up My Night [Emil/Candice]

Thu Jun 29, 2023 10:16 pm
Light Up My Night [Emil/Candice] W2aIvOk

Emil "Holsen" Grey

His slightly widening grin may have appeared to have been out of some form of satisfaction of his comment as the moment hung, but in reality it was in having grabbed her attention fully - women such as she certainly hated throws to their ego, he simply wished to see what level of effect his prodding comment would have. Lo and behold, she was offended, rather pouty about it as well, even some attempt at guilting him with that back turn and intentional distance. Was she attempting to make him claw after her in apology for his transgression? Lick her feet? Beg for her forgiveness?

How adorable.

"I suppose so," His smooth tone would once again speak to the electric woman, composure intact and seemingly unbothered by her behavior, that kindness never leaving his features, "Though I don't recall giving any indication of a no, simply some light teasing. Quite a bold young woman to have the confidence and poise to be so up front, i'd say. Rather beautiful, on top of that; a gaze that striking would fell the fragile hearted in an instant."

His look would become more intent, his interest clear, "What would you like?"

He'd found his fun for the evening, it seemed.

A Mask For Thee | END
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Light Up My Night [Emil/Candice] Empty Re: Light Up My Night [Emil/Candice]

Fri Jun 30, 2023 9:14 am

Light Up My Night [Emil/Candice] WVemPJw
Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

She had contemplated simply storming off, that would have gotten him out of her hair, but it was a last resort move so instead she waited to see if he would leave or apologise. To her surprise, it seemed that he was choosing the latter. In a roundabout way, at least, and taking no small effort to continue to hold the reins. His smarmy tone and thin smile might have warded off most people, but at an event like this it was hardly unusual.

Of course, Candi did not want to seem like she was so easily won back over, but his compliments did serve to pamper that fractured ego. She still knew it was not likely that he had a sudden change of heart, which meant his reason for doing so was at best self serving, but that was something she could understand. With an all too exaggerated rolling of her eyes, reflected in the window so that he just might catch a glimpse of it, she turned back to look at him over one shoulder.

“Go on. If you’re going to keep singing my praises then I suppose I can tolerate one misstep.” Batting her eyelids, she sighed softly to indicate the magnitude of the clemency she was offering.

“Vodka Martini. Dry and on the rocks. Please and thank you.” See, she could be a ‘proper lady’ too.

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Light Up My Night [Emil/Candice] Empty Re: Light Up My Night [Emil/Candice]

Sun Jul 02, 2023 11:51 pm
Light Up My Night [Emil/Candice] W2aIvOk

Emil "Holsen" Grey

Though he certainly had his know-how on the young woman, her quick turn around with just a little buttering up was both amusing and affirming to him - it took very little to sway such an in-the-moment, self-absorbed individual, far more if they were a woman. Though, his face conveyed none of his poisonous, methodical thoughts, rather having the look of a kindly man looking upon a beautiful woman, willing to adhere to her intentionally rather polite request, "As you wish, my dear. Give me but a moment."

He'd gracefully traverse the crowd to order the drink of her choice, answering a text or two from various associates, his tall figure reappearing from the merriment of the crowd with a nice glass in hand, gingerly handing it to her, "I do hope the party isn't too boring to you; as much as everyone wishes to have fun, it is a professional function after all. Some air of composure is expected, I suppose."

Looking off at the busy atmosphere for a moment, his light gaze would return to you, "So what is a vibrant young lady such as yourself doing in the City? Visiting? Simply here for the party? Tell me your story."

A Mask For Thee | END
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Light Up My Night [Emil/Candice] Empty Re: Light Up My Night [Emil/Candice]

Mon Jul 17, 2023 4:13 pm

Light Up My Night [Emil/Candice] WVemPJw
Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

Were this a seedier joint, she might have been wary of him running off to fetch her a drink all by himself but the venue was respectable enough that she felt some semblance of safety. Not that Candi ever felt particularly vulnerable, she was as tough as they came after all. Still, the thinnest veil of a smile appeared on her face as he returned with a drink that satisfied her expectations. No risks had been taken nor mistakes made, much to her pleasure.

"Too boring? Terribly so, but I did not expect anything less. But this is not my show to enjoy, we are simply witnesses to this occasion that will say that a good time was had and that the host did a fantastic job."

She spoke without a care in the world for who might hear them, though remained sure that no one of import ever word. The ones whose hearts her words might break had far more pressing matters to do than eavesdrop on the outskirts. Still, he asked a lot and offered little. Quite an unusual thing for most of the pomp here, that would lap up any excuse to heap praise upon themselves, so it was fortunate that Candi was exactly one of those.

"Miss Candice Catnipp, and I have several business interests in the city. An up-and-coming magnate like myself must always be prepared to make appearances." Taking a long sip of her drink, she let that name rest in the air like it was far more impressive than he actually supposed it was. "Sometimes I travel with the company, but I am not above launching solo campaigns for my own interests. They are quite numerous, you see. I assume you have some investment in all this too, Mister..?"

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Light Up My Night [Emil/Candice] Empty Re: Light Up My Night [Emil/Candice]

Thu Aug 03, 2023 3:42 pm
Light Up My Night [Emil/Candice] W2aIvOk

Emil "Holsen" Grey

"Holsen," A calm gift of name was given with such an implied request, pale blue eyes fixed on her as every little word was noted and secured in his mind. That certainly seemed to add up with the general overview, no foolery or deception, "Emil Holsen. I have stake in the company, a relative or two of mine that are far more involved wished to have me perform, but a few things did not quite work out. So I have been changed over to a mere watch and enjoyer. The long and short - ensuring nobody gets carried away."

Looking at the crowd they had parted from for a moment, his gaze would return to Candice, his voice dripping with sweetness, "There hasn't been even a smidge of overdoing, as you see. Quite dull, admittedly, but I suppose it's better a function goes well boringly than go poor eventfully. Though, you sound like quite the busy young lady. How do you hold up against all of that? Most your age would be off burning the candle at both ends enjoying their youthful adult years til the toil of the real world took them. It must be quite a lot."

A Mask For Thee | END
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Light Up My Night [Emil/Candice] Empty Re: Light Up My Night [Emil/Candice]

Fri Aug 11, 2023 11:07 am

Light Up My Night [Emil/Candice] WVemPJw
Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

He was a peculiar fellow, this Holsen. Not even giving her a last name or anything but also alluding to being so important without even batting an eyelid. It was aggravating in such a petty way that only Candice would be annoyed by it, and she couldn't really show it. But the impetuous masses were always finding new ways to get under her skin, so she would just keep her guard up and her game face on.

"Ensuring nobody gets carried away? So you were a performer and now you are a bouncer, that doesn't sound terribly fun. But everyone has a role to play, I suppose."

With a dismissive flick, her hair swept effortlessly from one shoulder to the other. Emerald eyes assessed Holsen with a newfound understanding, though quite far from appreciation.

"Besides, I hold up quite well, thank you very much. Making time for these little social affairs is hardly any skin off my back, leaving plenty of time to enjoy myself."

Turn Up the Volume | END POST
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