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The Gotei 13 Advocate
Joined : 2012-05-29
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[Spirit Class 5] Kaminari Hatakeyama Left_bar_bleue1570/100[Spirit Class 5] Kaminari Hatakeyama Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

[Spirit Class 5] Kaminari Hatakeyama Empty [Spirit Class 5] Kaminari Hatakeyama

Sun May 28, 2023 11:18 am
[Spirit Class 5] Kaminari Hatakeyama AppHeader470x250

I. Basic Information

» Name: Kaminari Hatakeyama
» Alias: None
» Age: 257
» Appears: Mid 20s
» Birthday: August 6, 1865
» Gender: Female
» Height: 5’4”
» Weight: 125

» Alignment: Neutral Good
» Association: Gotei United
» Rank/Position: Second Division, 4th Seat
» Specialty: Kido, Kaido

» Sexual Orientation: Straight
» Relationship Status: Single
» Attraction: Skill, talent, intelligence… one of these combined with ambition and love of what he does.

» Appearance Written: Kaminari has straight brown hair, striking blue eyes, and a petite figure. Though decent looking, she’s actually pretty plain. She has no tattoos or piercings, but she does have a wicked scar that she keeps hidden. The scar is on her left hip and looks like she was nearly bisected. While she normally wears the uniform, when she’s not, Kaminari dresses pretty conservatively, rarely showing of any skin.

Text Color: 1f48a1

Synopsis: Kaminari is an amnesiac who keeps all that a secret due to trust issues. Kind, insecure, and lonely, Kaminari focuses mostly on her work and healing people as a way of distracting herself from her overall mission: to get her memories back. She is the Fourth Seat of the Second Division and is currently considered one of the most talented healers in the Gotei. Kaminari gets along with most people, even if she doesn’t let them close.

I. Personality

» Personality: Kaminari is an approachable person because of her petite and non-threatening appearance. She has a kind and welcoming energy that makes her an easy target for friendship. Due to a people pleasing flaw, Kaminari is known to be too friendly at times, or may be caught working a little too hard for someone who could care less. She has a hard time telling people no, especially if she thinks her help would result in someone’s joy. Since happiness is something that she values, Kaminari takes care of others in that same regard. Why go around being angry all the time? Is there any good point to living that kind of life?

To the surprise of some, Kaminari knows how to act serious when she needs to. She takes her job as a Shinigami seriously, and has some leadership skills that she uses when the time calls for it. She takes pride in her work, and rarely makes any real mistakes. Her seriousness about her job stems from a strong hatred of hollows that most do not realize Kaminari has. When it comes to hollow-kind, Kaminari can be merciless, sometimes even brutal. She will not make friends with them, and has little respect for people who do. Kaminari sees hollow-kind as the religious would see demons. They are foul beings of corruption and need to die.

Kaminari’s amnesia causes different issues in her life. Every now and then, she comes across someone that recognizes her, and this causes her some anxiety. The Gotei is currently unaware of her amnesia, and she fakes it through normal conversations. While she wants to regain her memories and does keep trying to find out more about herself, Kaminari does not want to lose her job in the Gotei, and fears that may happen if they figure out she doesn’t know exactly who she is. She figures there are records somewhere about her past, but has not gotten the authority to obtain such information, especially if keeping it a secret.

» Goal: To get her memory back and figure out why she is the way she is.

» Likes: Casual conversation, creating new kido, and cooking or baking.

» Dislikes: Hollow-kind, feeling lost or alone, and seeing others suffer.

I. History

» History:

Life Before Death: (1865-1882)
Born at the end of the Edo Period, Kaminari’s childhood was filled with war and political changes that left her little more than a wandering urchin. Her father disappeared, leaving her with only her family name. When she was thirteen, she woke to her mother’s screams and their home on fire. She was unable to find her mother in the chaos and was pulled from the fire by a neighbor who saw the blaze. Her mother died that night, leaving Kaminari alone. For the next four years, she struggled. She relied on what little her neighbors could give to survive. When she was seventeen, she fell ill and no one had the means to help her. Though she was sheltered, medicine was hard to find. The fever killed her in her sleep.

Surviving the Rukongai: (1882-1902)
As one of the “lucky” ones to remember their life in the world of the living, the Rukongai was a disappointment. The lies promised to people about the afterlife were no less than a slap in the face. Instead, Kaminari was met with a place that was little more than the slums of Kyoto. As she traveled closer to the large white wall, the quality of life increased somewhat, but not enough to help. She was told that beyond the wall was a city of shinigami who protected the realms with powers that she could barely imagine. Becoming one was a mixture of luck and skill. The only hint she had that it was possible for her was that, unlike a lot of the soul population, she found herself in need of sustenance, a hard to find resource.

The years in the Rukongai were not kind. She had friends come and go. Some of them died, others moved on, and very few signed up for the Shinigami Academy. For a while, Kaminari was part of a gang of thieves that ran a small area in one of the outer districts. They weren’t mean, but they guiltlessly stole food from those who didn’t require it. After a while, they were caught and arrested. However, they took note of Kaminari’s energy levels and made her a deal. Instead of going to jail, she could join the Academy and become a member of the Gotei. There was little to say afterwards. The Gotei was her goal and this was an easy in. She agreed to the deal. Within the week, Kaminari was enrolled at Shinigami Academy.

The Starting Years: (1902-Early 2000s)
Six years of study and training transformed Kaminari into a different person. She was stronger, faster, and had a deeper respect for the Soul Cycle and those who protect it. She made sure to make a few friends, some of which she went on to work with. Her proudest achievement was excelling in all of her kido classes. She always end up at the top for efficiency and accuracy, and she was scouted by the Kido Corps before graduating. When she did graduate, Kaminari joined the Fifth Division as a regular member. She had little ambition beyond doing her job, so she was content to live out her days patrolling and having a better life than she previously had. She even had a since of pride that she did this herself.

The Years are a Bit Fuzzy: (2000s - ????)
Kaminari was not normally interested in gaining more status, but when things in the Gotei darkened, she started paying more attention. Betrayals, strangers, old monsters rising from the shadows, the appearance of other races that had not previously been in the spotlight all encouraged Kaminari’s training. But this is where it all gets fuzzy. It’s like her brain was pulled apart and rapidly thrown back together without much care. She remembers parts of names, pieces of events, drops of emotion. She sees quick glimpses of those she may have once even loved, but faces are blurred, voices faded, and she swears there was a damn dragon and a blade that shined like the sun. She won, or she at least thinks she did.

But this was… a long time ago…???

The Current Years: (????-Present)
After wandering the world of the living without any memory of who or what she was, Kaminari was found by a shinigami who brought her back to the Gotei after figuring out she couldn’t be exercised. Since she had no memory, she pretended that she was a normal soul without knowledge of her shinigami powers, a believable lie these days. Kaminari returned to Shino Academy, taking the time to relearn a lot of what she lost when the amnesia occurred. To others, however, she was this prodigy that dominated every class. In places muscle memory took over, she came off as gifted. After graduating earlier than most ever had, Kaminari took her place as the Fourth Seat of the Gotei’s Second Division. Probably a little too early, she applied for the Vice Captaincy, only to be rejected for the lack of experience needed for the position, but it only motivated her to work harder.

I. Natural Abilities

» Natural Abilities:

Fractured Memory: It’s happened before, it’ll likely happen again. Kaminari’s memory was wiped. Why? This time, she doesn’t know. Last time it was her own abilities, which have once again been dampened due to the loss.

Muscle Memory: A portion of Kaminari’s abilities are dictated by muscle memory. It’s going to take time for things to come back to her. She’s regaining some memory over time and through through intense training, but it’s slow going.

Keen Observer: Kaminari is an observant person. She spots things quicker than expected, and has already noticed your crush on hot guy #3. Luckily, she’s not the type to spread gossip much. Kaminari also uses this ability in combat, noticing strengths, weaknesses, and the effects of abilities quickly. She can pick up on some of the smallest details, like a shift in energy or a glance that dictates a feint.

Impressive Dex: Agile, flexible, swift, and graceful. These are all things Kaminari has trained her body to be. She can bend like a gymnast and has the reflexes of a frightened fly. These skills let her dodge in unpredictable ways.

Heightened Senses: (Reikaku) Kaminari’s extrasensory abilities are off the charts. She can sense some of the smallest stuff using her reikaku, identify small changes in energy, and even use it as an overly accurate gps. So, she can use it like it is expected to be used, but it’s range and clarity is multiplied by ten.

I. Racial Abilities

» Racial Abilities:

Reiatsu Color: Blue

Kido Master:
Once a true master of kido, Kaminari has begun regaining the memories she once lost. Through training, patrols, and missions, fragments of memories return, allowing her kido to regain the strength and power they had in her lost life. She also can use two-fold and spoke-after incantations. The skill Kaminari has in kido makes it her primary combat focus, but Kaminari also focuses her skill in kido on supporting her team. She’s the one sitting in the background, using her kido to enhance and heal her teammates. Her ability with kaido is excellent, allowing her to rapidly heal even the most severe injuries. Kaminari has created multiple kido for combat effectiveness and recovery.

Kaminari’s Custom Kido and Kaido:

Setsubariki: (摂馬力; Influx of Vigour)
  • Type: Bakudo
  • Level: 45-ish
  • Incantation: In wake of blood and flesh, grow and empower. Striking force. Raging stream, rising will of strength.
  • Effect: A spell that increases a person’s strength by 75%. To affect another person, Kaminari must make physical contact. She can affect two people at once; her and one other, or two other people. The spell lasts for 3 posts at her current level.

Setsukasoku: (摂加速; Influx of Acceleration)
  • Type: Bakudo
  • Level: 45-ish
  • Incantation: All shattered limits of the open sky. Accelerate and strike. Ascend upon the wind in power.
  • Effect: A spell that increases a person’s speed by 75%. To affect another person, Kaminari must make physical contact. She can affect two people at once, her and one other, or two other people. The spell lasts for 3 posts at her current level.s

Seibomyōga: (聖母冥加; Divine Mother's Grace)
  • Type: Bakudo
  • Level: 25-ish
  • Incantation: Cover. Ever guarding against despair, rising swiftly from the sky. Come forth and envelop within glory.
  • Effect: A spell that provides a light amount of protection for a target, allowing them to take 15% less damage than normal. To affect another person, Kaminari must make physical contact. She can affect two people at once; her and one other, or two other people. The spell lasts for 3 posts at her current level.

Tenpufunzen: (天父奮然; Heavenly Father's Resoluteness)
  • Type: Bakudo
  • Level: 40-ish
  • Incantation: In sight of victory, surrounded by light. The guardian rises to protect the weak. A vow of pure resolve.
  • Effect: A spell that provides a large amount of protection for a target, allowing them to take 45% less damage than normal. Unlike the lighter version of this, the stronger infusion of her own energy will slow the target down by 25%. To affect another person, Kaminari must make physical contact. She can affect two people at once, her and one other; or two other people. The spell lasts for 3 posts at her current level.

Gyakkō Sadōryū: (逆行砂土; Inverse Sand Flow) Regeneration
  • Type: Kaido
  • Level: 60-ish
  • Incantation: Crawling from the edge, restore all blood and flesh. Reconstruct the wall and follow through to sanctuary.
  • Effect: A spell that accelerates the healing of the caster by 250% or another person by 150%. To affect another person, Kaminari must make physical contact. She can affect herself or up to two other people with one cast. The spell lasts for 3 posts at her current level.

Reishintsugi: (霊身継ぎ; Spiritual Body Joinery)
  • Type: Kaido
  • Level: 80-ish
  • Incantation: Golden dust reforming a shattered soul and broken body. Feel insde my heart, dance within my mind. Graceful, yet complex. Making whole, crossing over a line of loss.
  • Effect: A powerful kaido that rapidly restores the entirety of a lost limb, destroyed organ, broken bones, or even multiple of these at once. It does this by reforming what was lost, using the person’s living body part as a catalyst for reconstruction. The kido cannot be performed in combat. Depending on the size and severity of the wound, it could take a few minutes, to a few hours, to a few days. It’s mostly meant to be a narrative kido.

Kekkaikanki: (決壊喚起; Awakening Burst)
  • Type: Uncategorized
  • Level: 80-ish
  • 1st Incantation: Closing gate, calming water, preparing a second wind. Full stop.
  • 2nd Incanation: Opening gate, rushing rapids, walking the energized path. Full release.
  • Effect: At all times that Kaminari has this kido active, she looks like she has a tattoo of some sort of tribal design on her stomach. The mark acts like a seal. Upon saying the first incantation, the seal rapidly collects her reiryoku over the course of a couple hours. During this time she is exhausted and is considered two spirit classes lower than she is. This also makes her reiryoku unstable, preventing her from using kido above fifty without a chance for backfire. Upon using the second incantation, the seal releases and returns up to 45% of her reiryoku for a “second wind,” giving her a chance to continue healing or fighting. Kaminari can only use this once per thread.

Henkyousen: (片急扇; Instant Emergency Fan)
  • Type: Barrier
  • Level: 15-ish
  • Incantation: None.
  • Effect: A rapidly created shield that lasts for one post and can protect Kaminari and up to two people she makes physical contact with. The shield can withstand an amount of damage equal to Kaminari’s kido level. She can use this kido a number of times equal to her kido level. Elite: 5 times.

Heikakumon: (閉閣門; Sealed Tower Gate)
  • Type: Barrier
  • Level: 70-ish
  • Incantation: None.
  • Effect: This is a large dome shaped barrier used in advance to protect large scale areas. The durability of the barrier is based off of Kaminari's skill in kido plus 50%. This size of the barrier can be scaled up to the maximum affect range of her Spirit Class. The kido can only be used once per thread. Due to the size and strength, this kido can’t be readily used in combat because it takes 2-3 posts to complete, a third post being required if she maximizes the size.

Moukyokei: (盲響蛍; Blind Echo Firefly)
  • Type: Bakudo
  • Level: 20-ish
  • Incantation: None.
  • Effect: This kido allows Kaminari to place a quarter-sized "K" shaped mark on an object or person, temporarily connecting her reiryoku to the target. Once the mark is placed, she can track the target until the thread ends or until a narrative 24 hour mark is reached. The tracker is able to be discovered and recognized as kido by someone with at least Advanced mental deduction or kido skill, giving them the ability to remove it using reiryoku themselves. Kaminari can track the target at a range equal to her Spirit Class maximum. This kido can only be used on three separate people per thread, not allowing reapplication.

Tenjou: (天縄; Sky Rope)
  • Type: Bakudo
  • Level: 70-ish
  • Incantation: Bound by blood and bond, a ribbon to intertwine through the dark fate. Extend and connect.
  • Effect: This kido sends out a ribbon of Kaminari's reiryoku to connect to up to three other people. When this ribbon successfully connects to someone, 25% of the damage they take is transferred instantly to her body, preventing them from taking it. She can use this up to however much damage her own body can handle. The connection can be broken by negating her reiryoku in some way, when her targets go to far from her, or knocking her unconscious. The range at which this kido can reach is up to 30ft, but once they’re connected, the targets can move up to three levels below her Spirit Class' maximum range. Kaminari can dismiss this effect at any time.

Martial Elite: Kaminari’s martial skill lies in both swordsmanship and hand-to-hand. For swordsmanship, she has trained diligently in iajutsu and kendo techniques. Her main focus is iajutsu as a way of combining her swordsmanship with the power of her zanpakuto. She mainly trains on the ability to unsheathe and re-sheathe her zanpakuto within a second. She uses kendo techniques when she has chosen the blade as a way of defeating her enemy. For hand-to-hand combat, Kaminari’s skill lies in the fluid techniques of Aikido for non-lethal self-defense, and then she uses Taekwondo when she is on the offensive and needs to do her enemy in.

Fugou Karin-ryu (風強花輪流; Windswept Flower Wheel Style):
  • As evidence of her skill, Kaminari has created a hand-to-hand style that was designed for agile and speed based fighting. The style utilizes powerful, whirlwind-like kicks with quick-stepping footwork for offense and low-stance arm-work for defense. The style was inspired by a mixture of capoeira and taekwondo, so there is a lot of leg work and powerful strikes used to do real damage.

Hoho Minimalist: Every ounce of Kaminari’s Hoho skill is focused on mastering shunpo. She doesn’t dabble in all the other pieces of this particular art. She has pushed herself to reaching the upper echelons of shunpo usage. If she forced herself at any point, she could probably mimic a poor example of some of the simpler advanced Hoho techniques, but she’d likely fail. However, her skill with shunpo is accurate and efficient, as she is with all of her other techniques.

Hakuda Novice: The art of using energy through your body to pull of powerful martial techniques! This is one aspect of Kaminari’s skill that has sort of remained lost in some page of her past. She can still pull basic moves off, but anything special or unique to herself is gone. She has no grasp of anything like shunko either, and may not be aware the technique exists yet. She’ll either have to be reintroduced or retrained in this style in order to reach her old skill.

Zanjutsu: As this is the skill that governs zanpakuto ability, Kaminari has chosen to focus a lot of her training here as well. When she first started getting her memory back, she had no shikai and could barely hear her zanpakuto spirit speak to her. Now, she has her shikai and is able to converse just fine. However, she is still learning to control and enhance her shikai to the degree she finds it effective. Because her zanpakuto spirit seems to remember more about her than she remembers about herself, there is this divide between them that causes argument.

> Furikodō: (振り子道, "Way of the Pendulum"):
The most basic of stances and forms in Zanjutsu, taking large inspiration from Kendo, so much so that the stance is one-for-one from chudan. The legs are slightly spread out, with the left foot being slightly behind the right, the left heel slightly raised. The hips are straight forward, shoulders are relaxed, and both hands grip the sword with the blade tilted downward slightly, held in front of them. As reflective of the name, the stance is meant to balance offense and defense, allowing for the user to use simple, fluid movements that seek to push an opponent off-balance and break their posture, while being able to readjust and break away, should they need to switch to defense. As a now twice-graduate from Shino Academy, Kaminari has mastered this style. She employs it in combat any time her sword must stay drawn.

> Kaishidō: (開始道, "Way of Commencement"):
A style favored by some nobles, Kaishido is elegant, yet disciplined, simple, and decisive. Inspired by the Living World's iaido, this style focuses on drawing speed. The base stance consists of being crouched slightly, the body twisted to make it quicker and more comfortable to draw the sword using the four primary movements from iaido: draw the sword, strike the opponent, shake the blood from the blade, and sheath the sword, and repeating. Examples of this are the techniques Onibi and Agitowari, utilizing an extraordinary quick thrust or cut to deal a large amount of damage at once, Despite the simplicity, it is a style that still requires a fair amount of discipline and practice to achieve a consistent smooth flow. Though not a noble, Kaminari has trained with this style as a compliment to the world of the living’s iaido/iajutsu styles. While less familiar with the zanjutsu version of it, the connection between the two allows her to more easily hone her skills with Kaishidō and use it in conjunction with the power of her zanpakuto.

I. Zanpakutō

» Zanpakutō Name: Kiyohana (白華, White Flower)

» Zanpakutō Spirit:
Kiyohana is a princess-looking young woman with short white hair, green eyes, and a timid personality. She is slender, of average height, and has the gentle demeanor of doe grazing in spring time. Her relationship with Kaminari is similar to that of sisters who have trouble keeping in contact. There is love there, and they have each other’s back, but Kaminari’s focus on things other than her zanpakuto has left a small rift. While Kiyohana doesn’t hold a grudge, she’s often lonely and depressed. However, Kaminari’s recent visits and talks has helped lessen this, as Kaminari was inspired by a new friend to be more attentive to her zanpakuto spirit.

» Inner World: This is massive library with thousands of books. Each book is filled with thoughts, memories, desires, and everything else that makes Kaminari who she is. Even when her memories are lost, they can be found here among the piles of fallen shelves that have not been reorganized since the first mind wipe.

» Sealed Zanpakutō Appearance:
Kaminari’s zanpakuto is mainly white with a silver guard, black wrappings. Up the sheath is an elegant design of light and dark blue flowers outlined with silver.

» Sealed Zanpakutō Power:

Utsukorogi (虚殻衣; Void Shell Garment):
Kaminari covers her hands with a layer of her nullification reiryoku. While these gloves are active, she can use them against weak reiryoku abilities. Her hands are shielded against reiryoku that is three Spirit Classes below her own level.

I. Shikai

» Shikai Release Phrase: Neutralize.

» Shikai Release Action: Unsheathing. Auto release.

» Shikai Appearance:
[Spirit Class 5] Kaminari Hatakeyama Kaminari_Shikai

» Shikai Abilities: Kaminari’s shikai creates a blade of blue reiryoku with the ability to neutralize reiryoku, although is unable to affect reishi attacks. The reiryoku is so dense that it does feel solid and can be used as a normal sword. The reiryoku the blade is made of allows her to neutralize, or “destroy,” reiryoku upon impact. For her reiryoku to be able to overwhelm her opponents and successfully neutralize it, they must be equal to or lower than her own Spirit Class. The ability in question must also be on a level less than her zanjutsu. Depending on the attack, different effects may occur upon neutralization. For example, a cero may be cut in half and disperse a moment later. A kido as thin as Byakurai will disappear once it makes contact with the blade. A barrier, wall, or rope will be cut through and disperse as well.

Crescent Petal:
  • Effect: Kaminari can let loose a sheet of reiryoku that moves at speeds equal to her zanjutsu level. This gives her a ranged attack that can be used to neutralize reiryoku from afar. The success with this ability hinges on the same conditions described above. This can be used a number of times per thread equal to her zanjutsu skill.
  • Current Number of Times: Advanced: 3 times.

Fragmented Petal:
  • Effect: Kaminari can create a sheet of reiryoku around herself by releasing her reiryoku with the swing of her blade. It acts as a barrier, neutralizing reiryoku that comes in contact with it. The barrier deals with the same conditions previously mentioned. This can be used a number of times per thread equal to her zanjutsu skill.
  • Current Number of Times: Advanced: 3 times.

Piercing Stem:
  • Effect: Kaminari extends her blade rapidly and then disperses upon impact. The attacks acts like a spear or an arrow, disrupting the reiryoku of the person struck for one round. When their reiryoku is disrupted, they have a difficult time using any abilities that utilize reiryoku, such as kido and cero. The “arrow” deals with the same conditions previously mentioned in her shikai description. This can be used a number of times per thread equal to her zanjutsu skill.
  • Current Number of Times: Advanced: 3 times.

I. Bankai

» Bankai Name: [What is your zanpakutō's release phrase?]

» Bankai Release Action: [Does your shinigami do any physical action to release their bankai? Feel free to remove this if not.]

» Bankai Appearance: [What does your shinigami's bankai look like?]

» Bankai Abilities: [What abilities does your shinigami gain in bankai?]

I. Equipment

» Equipment:

1. Denreishinki (伝令神機, Divine Messenger Machine; Viz "Soul Pager")
2. Gigai (義骸, Faux Body)

I. Skill Sheet

General Skills
» Durability: D
» Speed: C
» Strength: D
» Soul: A

Will Skills
» Willpower: Adept
» Deduction: Adept
» Focus: Advanced

Shinigami Skills
» Hoho: Adept
» Kidō: Elite
» Zanjutsu: Advanced
» Hakuda: Adept


Last edited by Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫ on Mon Aug 19, 2024 7:23 pm; edited 8 times in total
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Thu Aug 15, 2024 3:08 am
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