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[Spirit Class 6] Orion Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 6] Orion Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 6] Orion Empty [Spirit Class 6] Orion

Thu Apr 20, 2023 1:38 pm
[Spirit Class 6] Orion R76R2hT


Basic Information

○ Name: Deryk Freishutz
○ Aliases:
▕ Orion
○ Age: Physically late 20's
○ Birthday: April 19th
○ Gender: Male
○ Race: Quincy

○ Affiliation: Vandenreich

○ Alignment: Lawful Good
○ Marital Status: Single
○ Ideal Mate: -
○ Special Skill: -
○ Nationality: German American
○ Sexual Orientation: -

○ Height: 5'11"
○ Hair Color: Black
○ Eye Color: Dark Grey

Psychological Analysis

Somewhat still an infant when it comes to social interaction, Orion isn’t keen on grouping himself with others. He’s a man who’s found some enjoyment in life, but he also understands his own estrangement to it. Maybe the walls between him and normalcy are something of his own machination, but he finds it hard to ever fit in with anyone. People being happy for another feels foreign to him. Sadness comes off as weak. Voicing your discomfort is nothing but a nuisance. However, despite his initial opinions, he finds himself incapable of denying his mind it's time to feel. Almost as if always battling against his training and his freedom, Orion comes off as conflicted most of the time.

However, that conflict ends when he’s assigned to do something. A soldier not by choice, he’s capable of turning off all emotion when he must. He seems only capable of this much when out in the field, some things impossible to simply be rid of. Still, with the focus of a grizzled predator, his assignments are done with utmost respect. Some may find it awkward, especially when he’s asked to do something simple that doesn’t require him to enter into that sort of tranced train of thought, but he finds all requests from his superiors something that must be carried out.


○ Project: Legionnaire

Orion is the result of numerous attempts at perfecting the balance of the natural body and Reishi that makes up the world. Multiple children and adults were chosen for experimentation, the scattered remnants of the Vandenreich after World War 3. Some were taken against their will. Some came willingly looking for a new purpose. They all suffered. Rigid tests of imbuing them with Reishi and their capabilities of utilizing large bodies of it were done, resulting in grotesque disfigurements and permanent loss of Reishi manipulating abilities. Many died, but the few that survived the tests with adequate results were kept and fine tuned. Orion, the name he was assigned by his caretakers, was one of the few to survive these gruesome tests and become more than an average Quincy.

○ Legion

Legion was the name of the base that the Vandenreich discovered during their operation against the Demon occupancy of The United States. The reports of the incident indicated the lack of Demons within the base, instead revealing a rogue gallery of Quincy that had allied with the Demons in an attempt to create super soldiers capable of overthrowing the current Vandenreich faction. Despite the difficult battle that ensued, the Vandenreich was successful in their assault and apprehension of the rogue Quincy, detaining the data they had collected through their horrific experimentation of Quincy they had acquired. Many of the captured Quincy had, unfortunately, perished due to the brainwashing that had turned them on their apparent assaulters. A few were even killed off by the rogue Quincy that knew that their plans had gone up in smoke. However, one remained, a lone survivor of the Legion’s desire.

○ Deryk Freishutz

Orion, Deryk Freishutz II, through records was discovered to have been a young male whose parents had been members of the Vandenreich prior to his kidnapping. His mother was Caucasian and his father, German. However, the Vandenreich files determined that he should be no older than 13. However, the man they now had in custody proved to have a physical body of at least middle 20’s. That was when the records Legion had kept of him were brought into question. A quick run through revealed the use of demon technology to accelerate a body’s growth rate to assist in furthering their ability to manipulate Reishi. Of course, it being demon technology, not every human could handle such strain. This left Orion with an immature brain that only understood how to follow orders given to him by his caretakers.

Further research led the Vandenreich into the depths of the physical and mental torment that Orion was forced through. Day in and out, Orion was tested on to perfect his abilities while being forced to upkeep a strenuous schedule to become the perfect killing machine. His main training involved manifesting a spirit weapon for ranged combat. Videos of tests were viewed, detailing the detrimental environments he was forced to train in, his skills used for the assassination of targets throughout America. His latest testing before Legion was discovered by the Vandenreich was an attempt to force him into utilizing a powerful Vollstandig, but before he could master one, the Vandenreich had begun their takeover of America. This left him with no choice to make use of an incomplete power boost known as Letz Stil that left him powerless afterwards, which was the reason he was captured alive.

○ Four Years: Beginning

Reaccumulating to normalcy proved difficult for Orion. He barely recognized his own name and only knew what he was taught by his caretakers. His programming was buried deep in his brain, but with the help of the Vandenreich, he slowly began changing. His first year of rehabilitation involved schooling. As it stood, his mental age was that of his actual age, but Orion proved a quick learner. Scientists believe the tests done by Legion had somewhat given him a small superlative adequacy for learning. Becoming readjusted with history, math, science, and literature, Orion became a quick learner. Reading became a favored pastime for him.

His next year, Orion was still tasked with basic tasks to help him get back in touch with reality. However, this year was the year he had his first mishap. With his growing consciousness, it was only a matter of waiting for Orion to experience his first case of PTSD. Unfortunately, his episode caused him to attack one of his teachers, a book titled: Der Freishutz, being what had set him off. It took a multitude of Quincy to detain him, and he was forced to take classes to address his repressed memories of Legion.

Slowly, Orion opened up about his time training and the tortures he witnessed. It was also thanks to the therapeutic sessions that he came to the realization that he’d never escape from his past, but he could still change his future. He asked to be a soldier for the Vandenreich. At first he was denied because of his mental state, but it was thanks to an old member of the Vandenreich taking him under his wing that he was allowed to begin his training. Taking him far from The City of Lights, Orion undertook a special regime underneath his new teacher. It was time for him to reconnect with what a Quincy actually is and leave behind the scars of his past.

○ Four Years: The End

Orion was forced to relearn the basics of a Quincy. This also meant undergoing the special process that allowed for a Quincy to regain their abilities after making use of Letz Stil. Forced to fight for his life everyday with the threat of death, Orion was nearly killed before he was struck in the chest with an arrow, his body suddenly alive with energy as his skin scarred. From that point on, his training only worsened from there with occasional breaks to enjoy the local town and relax. His training began with him having to wear a sanrei glove, focusing on gathering Reishi at all times. Along with that, he went through physical therapy to regain the skills he once had during his training with Legion. Already being apt at hand to hand, physical training was only used for refresher purposes. The real test didn’t begin until he began expanding his skills with his reformed Quincy abilities.

Orion is a special person, his body forever changed by Legion. Once he regained his ability to form a Quincy weapon and call forth the power he once had, he went through a metamorphosis. His body was always meant to manipulate Reishi with ease, so he quickly got a hold of utilizing the sanrei glove after a few months. His progress, despite being fast, was only focused on mastering the basics. It wasn’t until he had to remove his sanrei glove and learn the ultimate technique of a Quincy that his training changed drastically.

With the sudden burst of Reishi at his disposable, his years of being an experiment finally came to fruition. Unlike most Quincy who use Reishi to empower them, Orion’s body expelled the excess Reishi circulating through his veins, disfiguring him into a new never before seen form. His body had blackened, becoming one with the Reishi around him, his physical form suddenly incorporeal as it seemed the world tried to pull him here and there. His transformation wasn’t something that utilized Reishi, but allowed him to exist the same as it himself, granting an access to an invisible nebula of possibilities that transcended the physical realm for a limited time.

From here, his training focused on discovering all he’s capable of in his new form, finding himself thrown into grueling matches with his teacher in hopes of getting the most of what he’s capable of. Unfortunately, his training was cut short when a call was made for his teacher to return to the City of Lights. Soon after, hsi teacher was killed in the line of duty, gravely wounding Orion’s heart, the first man he ever felt a deep connection with gone. However, Orion kept up with his training and used his skills for the Vandenreich as an agent sent out on tasks that are less suitable for the weak of heart. His tortured past and harsh training made him a capable individual at doing what needs to be done. In fact, it was for that very reason he was absent when The City of Lights was assaulted and demolished, another error on his part that he refuses to allow any longer. Plagued with wanting to be better for himself and those around him, for the deceased and the living, Orion now stands a dangerous sniper for The Vandenreich, putting his life on the line for any task put before him.


○ Archery:

Orion sports a dubious amount of skill at archery, but his mastery is in more modern weaponry. Years of training has left him capable of picking up practically any gun and utilizing it adequately, even if he’s never seen it before. Of course, if it’s a weapon he’s never seen, he’ll have trouble making use of all its features, but if he has to kill someone, their death is assured.

○ Hand to Hand:

Being a trained killer, Orion understands the multitude of ways of approaching an opponent in physical combat. It is not his preferred method, but he is capable enough to ward off multiple enemies and find a way to gain distance to make use of his weapon’s ranged capabilities.

○ Spirit Weapon Name: Nebel

○ Spirit Weapon Appearance:
Nebel takes the form of an average musket, modeled after the Brown Bess. Its barrel is black, its breech a wooden brown with a gold trigger and detailing, and its stock is dark blue.

○ Spirit Weapon Abilities:

○ Spirit Over Matter

Nebel's primary ability is to ignore the physical realm. Things not constructed through the use of Reishi are simply ignored by the bullets naturally created by Nebel. There are no exceptions to this ruling, but that means Nebel cannot interact with anything that is not spiritual and any arrows fired from its muzzle that does not originate from it does not abide by this rule.

○ Materialistic Paint

The secondary ability of Nebel is to coat objects placed into. This ability only works on special Reishi bound ginto. All this does is allow for the ginto to gain the attribute of being able to phase through anything not primarily held together by spiritual bonds.

○ Hunter

A tertiary ability of Nebal, this one gives Orion the ability to see through anything not made up of Reishi. This is done by looking down his Spirit Weapon's sight.

○ Bellatrix

The final ability of Nebel. Bellatrix allows for Orion to explode the barrel of Nebel, creating a wall of Reishi in front of him to block an incoming attack, scaling with his Spellcraft. This wall only lasts for one post and Orion cannot attack with his Spirit Weapon in the same post he utilizes this ability.


○ Vollstandig Name: Gabriel

○ Appearance:
Orion's body erodes away as Reishi rushing towards and into him, disfiguring his body until a being whose skin has turned all black stands before his opponent. His head becomes wispy, leaking Reishi from his body as his eyes glow a menacing blue. All around him, Reishi swirls, seemingly in erratic directions, but his presence can be felt all around. Instead of the natural superior use of Reishi at a personal level, Orion's Vollstandig seems to quickly absorb it and exude it back into the environment, tainted with his Reiryoku.

○ Vollstandig Abilities:

○ Betelgeuse

This ability creates a dome of Reishi around Orion and his opponents, allowing him the use of all his other Vollstandig abilities. This dome is especially large at about the size of a small city. It is easy to dismantle for those who have stats that can manipulate Reishi at a greater level than his, and there are no restrictions when it comes to leaving it. This is also a strong move to do against him, for Orion cannot move the dome without dismantling it, putting the ability to create a new dome on a three post cooldown. Due to being an ability created from his Vollstandig, it scales off of his Spellcraft.

Betelgeuse is, however, capable of creating smaller bubbles of Reishi spheres that allow Orion to use his other techniques at smaller scales. These bubbles must be placed and allowed one post to settle before Orion is able to use them, making them better suited for setting up traps than up close fights. These bubbles last indefinitely until used, but Orion can only create up to five at a time.

○ Rigel

This is the ability for Orion to transport any shot made by Nebel. This is done by him creating a small spatial distortion in front of his Spirit Weapon, firing into it. Anywhere within his dome he is then able to open another distortion that his arrow comes out of. There are no special qualities or buffs with this ability, but being inside of Betelgeuse gives Orion an innate knowledge of where his enemies are which allows him to use these distortions appropriately.

Outside of the dome, when Orion has a bubble created, he is able to use Rigel to teleport his shots to one of these bubbles, destroying the bubbles.

○ Saiph

An ability allowing Orion to open a spatial rift and hide inside of it. This is a technique that is only useable inside of Betelgeuse. Orion is only able to hide inside this rift for two posts before he's forced to emerge, putting the ability on a two post cooldown. The true nature of this ability is that Orion is able to open smaller rifts and fire from there while still being inside of Saiph. This rift can be disrupted by powerful bursts of energy, forcing Orion out early.

○ Orion's Belt

The strongest technique in Orion's arsenal, but it is one that requires Orion to sacrifice himself. On activation, Orion's Vollstandig takes on the properties of a Letz Stil, absorbing Reishi around into his body. This disables all of his other Vollstandig abilities as he loses the percentage boost from Vollstandig, replacing it with the Letz Stil boost. For one shot, Orion transcends his manipulation of space and fires a powerful shot from his body. This move is extremely telegraphed that it is coming, but its power comes from the tremendous speed it travels at, seemingly nigh instant in reaching its target. Unfortunately, after its use, Orion is only able to use his Spirit Weapon for the remainder of the thread with his physical attributes weakened.

Orion can use this ability again, however, after three posts. He must reenter his Vollstandig, still unable to use another other ability. Then, he must collect Reishi for one whole post before being able to fire the beam. The downside of this is that he then takes penalties equal to a Letz Stil, losing all of his Quincy abilities and left crippled for the remainder of the thread, barely conscious. This downside then follows him for future threads until he has been found suitable enough to have rested long enough.


○ Ginto Bullets

Orion has created a special Ginto utilizing his Reiryoku. These bullets are used to kill humans since his Spirit Weapon is incapable of interacting with physical matter. These bullets work in similar fashion to normal bullets, utilizing a cartridge to hold his Reiryoku in them. Once the bullet is fired, the Ginto shell around his Reiryoku starts to deteriorate as his energy is excited and forms into a small bead that pierces his target. Orion always carries around ten clips with ten rounds in each. These rounds must be taken one by one to be fired however.

○ Ginto

Orion carries around a multitude of Ginto with him, utilizing a multitude of them for crafting spells.

10 Seele Schneiders in a case strapped to the small of his back horizontally.


General Skills
  • Durability: Adept
  • General Speed: Advanced
  • Strength: Adept
  • Martial Skill: Advanced

Quincy Skills
  • Blut:Adept
  • Gebet (Prayer)::Elite
  • Kreuzen (Cross):Advanced
  • Steigen (Soar): Advanced

Will Skills
  • Willpower:Advanced
  • Mental Deduction:Advanced
  • Focus:Advanced


Upgrades: - Quincy skill change.

Last edited by Siegharty on Sun Oct 01, 2023 12:29 am; edited 3 times in total
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[Spirit Class 6] Orion Empty Re: [Spirit Class 6] Orion

Tue Apr 25, 2023 11:50 am
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