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This Ain't A Fight Night [Liltotto/Elyss] - Page 3 Empty Re: This Ain't A Fight Night [Liltotto/Elyss]

Tue May 02, 2023 9:29 am
This Ain't A Fight Night [Liltotto/Elyss] - Page 3 QVNBW7y

Liltotto Lamperd

She saw the woman's scrunched expression, something she couldn't entirely read - was she annoyed with her? Disgusted? Was she disappointed that the little Quincy that called her out for a challenge wasn't up to snuff? It just made Liltotto's tired expression more apparent for a moment, before she realized the redhead hadn't let go of her hand, in fact her fingers were held fast by a much stronger grip.

"Wha?" Liltotto would suddenly breathe in response, a brush of shock and confusion painting her features, only to begin being pulled away, her feet nearly giving out under her as she'd try to pull her hand away, but realize such a thing was futile.

"Look dude, I know you guys live a long time and all, but i'm a grown woman for human standards. I can manage myself, seriously." As if she herself hadn't been alive for centuries, but that wasn't something she was up to talk about with someone who was actively giving her goosebumps, trying to keep her tone composed as she spoke to Elyss, "This is really, really.. Not necessary..!"

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This Ain't A Fight Night [Liltotto/Elyss] - Page 3 Empty Re: This Ain't A Fight Night [Liltotto/Elyss]

Sat May 06, 2023 1:45 pm
This Ain't A Fight Night [Liltotto/Elyss] - Page 3 Zhtk5n8

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

"What's the point of living so long if everyday is miserable?" Elyss asked, shaking her head.

"I haven't even been a Shinigami that long. I used to be a human. Maybe if I was more open to getting help back then, I wouldn't have ended up dead, but here we are. I could have seen myself becoming a Quincy if things had went a little differently, so whether it seems unnecessary or not, I'd rather not look back on today and wonder if I could have helped a bit more. If, ya know, life would have been better if I showed a little more care than required."

It's always been something that's tormented her. Is she doing enough? She's been given responsibility after responsibility, and she's run herself somewhat ragged. Liltotto's helped her breathe a bit better today, but a brief interlude does nothing in the face of mountains of strenuous work to come. Maybe this is an excuse to not have to return to work. Maybe it's to help herself just as much as Liltotto. Elyss doesn't know. She's just doing the first thing that came to her mind.

"I'm sorry, though. I'm always sticking my next out too far sometimes. If you're really fine, then we can head elsewhere. Maybe some tea or something."

Her grip on Liltotto had lessened considerably, the Quincy able to escape whenever they wished.

"I hear there's a nice smoothie shop around here."

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Sun May 14, 2023 9:35 pm
This Ain't A Fight Night [Liltotto/Elyss] - Page 3 QVNBW7y

Liltotto Lamperd

Any struggling from her immediately stopped with Elyss' open question, amber eyes placed on the red head with mild confusion and wondering, quieting down to hear her out. Confusion changed to something she couldn't quite describe, perhaps sympathy, perhaps uncertainty, but there definitely was an air of better understanding of where she was coming from. It was definitely an impulsive and uncomfortable expression of not wanting to look back on this day with regret, to want to wrestle some control and make some difference, but Liltotto understood well enough to calm down.

Her posture would ease, standing clearly next to Elyss with no intention of letting go of her hand right away. Despite her instincts telling her to jump out of her skin and run, she'd push those old impulses aside in a real attempt to be personable,

"Yeah, I know where you're talking about. They are pretty good, just don't order any protein ones, they have weird aftertaste." She'd point in the direction of the place, nodding her head to motion she intended to lead them, beginning to walk once the message was across.

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This Ain't A Fight Night [Liltotto/Elyss] - Page 3 Empty Re: This Ain't A Fight Night [Liltotto/Elyss]

Sun May 21, 2023 9:33 am
This Ain't A Fight Night [Liltotto/Elyss] - Page 3 Zhtk5n8

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

It may seem small, but one thing leads to another, and then another. Liltotto's hiccup today could lead to a bigger hiccup tomorrow, and all of a sudden, her life's flipped upside because that's how life works. Though, Elyss isn't privy to the fact that the fake Quincy's already been through enough as is. It doesn't take much to form a connection however.

"Oh. Cool."

Well, even with all of this, Elyss couldn't just drop her somber expression, her eyes rather distant from the now. Thankfully, Liltotto's leading the way. It's a bit weird that her brutish nature turned so meek with just a few moments of honest conversation, but Elyss has always been conscious about how she carried herself when the situation demanded for something beyond brashness.

"...Do you think the Gotei and Vandenreich will ever not be so... cut throat?"

Adding to the weird atmosphere, Elyss couldn't help but ask the question while looking around the bright city. At night, the place still shone aggressively, but the normally blinding gleam's more somber and relaxing. It's like being in Vegas but lacking that prey predator feel you get from the gambling life and whatnot.

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This Ain't A Fight Night [Liltotto/Elyss] - Page 3 Empty Re: This Ain't A Fight Night [Liltotto/Elyss]

Sun May 21, 2023 1:52 pm
This Ain't A Fight Night [Liltotto/Elyss] - Page 3 QVNBW7y

Liltotto Lamperd

As much as Elyss' droopy demeanor was noticed, Liltotto focused on getting the two to the smoothie place in a timely but steady fashion. She didn't know much about her to be making any sort of assumptions or what have you, she certainly made that mistake and had gotten bitten for it twice. Taking her time and hearing out another's woes when they want to disclose it made more sense, but she truly didn't expect to be on speaking terms with a Shinigami, much less a Captain. But... She had a decent idea of what was going on in that end of reality, and if what she was saying was true, which she had a gut feeling there was honesty in her words, the redhead might as well have been making the best of an otherwise poor situation living in the Rukongai. As much as the Shinigami discomforted her, it felt wrong of her to turn the girl down.

Footsteps momentarily stopped with her question, her lips tightening and feeling a sense of cringe, looking back at Elyss' sullen face. Her eyes slightly darted, searching her mind for a proper answer; she would have responded far more curtly if it were another circumstance, but she had reason to force herself to have a better outlook instead of defaulting to whatever negative shit fell out of her brain.

"..As it stands, probably not," She'd admit, "It.. Takes willingness on both sides to make that happen. And I don't think that's there right now. It... Could be, I don't know. You're a captain, yeah? You're in a better place than me to make a push for that change, if you want it. I'm just a crummy soldier."

She'd gently laugh with her self demeaning, but would nudge Elyss to keep following her, "If you want a world where the Gotei and the Vandenreich aren't at odds, push for it, I guess?"

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This Ain't A Fight Night [Liltotto/Elyss] - Page 3 Empty Re: This Ain't A Fight Night [Liltotto/Elyss]

Fri May 26, 2023 6:41 am
This Ain't A Fight Night [Liltotto/Elyss] - Page 3 Zhtk5n8

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

"A Captain..."

The very idea of having sway seemed to force Elyss back into a pensive state. The way Elyss spoke about her position could make one think she has no idea what she's doing or why she's where she is, but the redhead understands enough to know that she's here because of how she is. She's struggled day in and out to make something out of herself that's not shit. Everything that she's gained is because of her own dedication and will. Then, why does it all still feel more than what she deserves?

"I think a lot of people are getting along, but there's a fundamental difference in our jobs. You guys just want to protect Earth, right? I'm not going to look into the schematics of it, but the general idea of peace on this planet isn't a bad goal. The Gotei just wants to preserve the balance between the physical and spiritual world, in a way. I can see why the two factions would be at odds at times, but I always end up asking myself what I'd do if we had to fight. I don't want to hurt people who just want to do good."

She might as well keep following. Even if her thoughts are churning, she's not going to stop them from getting to where they need to be. A smoothie is exactly the thing to help her mind relax and handle the lack of energy in her body. Getting excited about anything, a fight or etcetera, always left her a bit winded. Thinking this much about ethics and whatnot doesn't help.

"If it came down to it, I'm not even sure I'd be able to stay in the Gotei."

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This Ain't A Fight Night [Liltotto/Elyss] - Page 3 Empty Re: This Ain't A Fight Night [Liltotto/Elyss]

Sat May 27, 2023 12:01 am
This Ain't A Fight Night [Liltotto/Elyss] - Page 3 QVNBW7y

Liltotto Lamperd

From her reaction, it gave the impression that perhaps bringing her status up probably wasn't doing much for her mood, "..Sorry," an apologetic murmur followed Elyss' comment. God she sucked at this, she could hardly keep herself motivated and comfortable at times... Her strongest suit was getting her hands dirty with accomplishing some goal, not emotional resolutions with a side of 'there there's. Last time or two she tried to do that was enough to tell her she definitely sucked at giving advice that wasn't toward actively working to something tangible, but she still felt that dumb itch to at least try.

Did she feel pity? No, that wasn't it.. Upset for her? Upset about her situation, at least from the sounds of it? Liltotto herself was experiencing a slew of uncertainty in life that she wasn't sure what would be at the end of it, and even she couldn't figure out what to do about it. Was she even in a place to give this woman any comfort or condolences, did she deserve to be in that place?

She was listening to Elyss go on about the duties of the Vandenreich and the Gotei, her head tipped down but her steps did not cease, a whole slew of thoughts running through her mind of the topic along with genuine surprise that a rather brutish-seeming person had such deep concern for others that weren't even allied to her, much less a low priority of her job as a whole. But what really shocked her into stopping was perhaps leaving the Gotei if such a scenario came to pass, silent as they weren't too far off from their destination that was in view, "You're joking," her disbelief couldn't help but express itself.

Turning to look at the redhead with wide eyes, even her ever present deadpan expression betrayed her shock, "Oh my god, you're not joking. I thought there was serious consequences for doing that? Or am I remembering something outdated..." She'd close her eyes and shake her head, "Not the point. I just... You're... You're in probably one of the best positions anybody could ever get to, living or dead. It's not even like leaving will make much of a difference for the result anyway."

There was a mix of genuine confusion and conflict as she'd speak to Elyss, averting her shocked gaze to look to the ground, "The Quincy are just ants to the Gotei - pointless, tiny, and easy to ignore unless they're doing something inconvenient. Even if you give up your position, someone else who's a lot more hungry for a rousing bout of ant crushing will probably just take it."

A bitter look was in her eyes as unpleasant memories filled her head, the scent of death she experienced many a time clear in her mind, "What good would that do then, huh? All leaving would do is spare yourself from having to look at it, it's not saving anyone or anything except your conscience."

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This Ain't A Fight Night [Liltotto/Elyss] - Page 3 Empty Re: This Ain't A Fight Night [Liltotto/Elyss]

Sat May 27, 2023 5:45 pm
This Ain't A Fight Night [Liltotto/Elyss] - Page 3 Zhtk5n8

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

"I guess you're right," Elyss grumbled, turning her head away from Liltotto with a "tch". "Murasaki'd probably let me leave if I really felt I needed to, but some asshole could take my place, huh... Then, I'd just have to kick his ass or something if he started mucking things up."

Turning her head back to Liltotto, her gaze hard. Elyss couldn't help but gaze at the blonde inquisitively, leaning in. Back to that stony expression that Liltotto witnessed when they first met, Elyss looked as if she were about to chew out the Quincy for what she said, but that's not what happened. Elyss simply sighed, shaking her head. Looking more tired than before, she leaned back and shrugged.

"Really? Insignificant ants? You know the shit I had to crawl through just to get to where I am? Ants my ass. You're fucking strong as Hell, and if you don't believe it, you've got only one option left to you."

Out of respect for Liltotto, Elyss didn't pull the woman too hard, but she did bring both her hands up, making Liltotto raise her hand. Eyes burning with fire, Elyss focused her gaze to the night sky and laughed, a charade of emotion she's not known for showing.

"You get stronger. Like Hell I'd just abandon the world just like that. If I left, I'd fight anyone and everyone to keep the place I call home safe. So, Liltotto, that's all you've gotta do. Just fight and grow until you're giants."

Elyss couldn't help herself, feeling a burst of inspiration like Ulv had decided to spit on her and fill her with that annoying righteous heat she always carried around. Feeling herself a bit, she brought her hands down, putting one on Liltotto's shoulder, and with a wide maniacal grin, she winked.

"It doesn't matter whatever position you're in. Always do what's in your heart. Maybe that'll lead us to fight one another one day. Maybe we'll end up best friends... But, for right now, we're just a couple of gals hungry for smoothies. Let's go!"

A complete turn from earlier, Elyss is now leading Liltotto to the smoothie place. It's rather easy to tell which building it which now. Besides, there are people coming out with delicious looking refreshments. They better stop wasting time and get some themselves.

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This Ain't A Fight Night [Liltotto/Elyss] - Page 3 Empty Re: This Ain't A Fight Night [Liltotto/Elyss]

Wed May 31, 2023 6:31 pm
This Ain't A Fight Night [Liltotto/Elyss] - Page 3 QVNBW7y

Liltotto Lamperd

A tiny grimace fell on her features with Elyss' thinking aloud of her words; guess she did think in terms of 'beat em up' for a solution after all. At least her usage of that as a solution was on the productive and well meaning side, but in her eyes the girl just staying where she was had been the simplest deterrent to anyone worse taking the reigns. She visibly looked a bit taken aback by the redhead's expression, unusual to any she'd pulled all evening, wondering for a moment if she was going to get her ears torn apart with a yelling fest or something, only to relax as she seemed to mellow out. God, she was hard to read, but at the same time she barely knew her, or even had much intention to earlier.

Pink tint formed on her face with Elyss' praise, her eyes looking away as if bashful or embarrassed by the compliment - it definitely was an unusual thing for her to hear from a Shinigami, but it wasn't like she spoke to many of them, and Elyss definitely was making herself out to be an unexpected exception to the typical attitude she saw amongst them. Was it because she seemed to hold closer to her human life? Though her thoughts were interrupted with the girl unexpectedly raising her hand into the sky and laughing, which was definitely more than enough to get her attention and her confusion.

As much as she didn't get where this sudden burst of energy came from, she had some kind of appreciation for it. Mindlessly going about her duties didn't bring her any happiness, not before and definitely not now, and even with what and who she was she still felt a lacking in her own abilities. Even with how she felt, she still had people looking up to her, something she was neither familiar with nor knew how to handle, but...

"Ahh! Hey hey too fast!" She was startled from her thoughts with her feet almost falling from under her, increasing her pace rather easily to keep up, "Uh... Thanks. Though. For the encouragement?"

I think I needed that... She admitted to herself.

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