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This Ain't A Fight Night [Liltotto/Elyss] - Page 2 Empty Re: This Ain't A Fight Night [Liltotto/Elyss]

Sat Mar 11, 2023 4:34 pm
This Ain't A Fight Night [Liltotto/Elyss] - Page 2 6HzNIJB

Liltotto Lamperd

An unexpected move would occur as Elyss moved to kick her, the sword in Liltotto’s grasp suddenly dispelling as she’d do several moves within an instant, her eyes on her real target - Elyss’ still grounded foot; Firstly, reishi collected into a small bow in her grasp barely after the sword dissipated. Second, she’d very suddenly sidestep away from Elyss’ foot as she formed the weapon, having moved to the woman’s side and quickly gaining distance. Third and finally, her weapon would launch a chain toward Elyss’ feet, coiling quickly around whatever it would grasp, and with her momentum she would grab the chain in one hand and yanked.

She was uninterested in allowing a Shinigami to underestimate her; that easy to telegraph kick just told her the Captain likely saw nothing but an ant at her boot, nothing to sweat at, nothing of interest. The mere idea left a poisonous taste in her mouth and ran spite through her veins, but her focus on the fight did not falter, gathering small balls of Reiryoku in her hands and smoothly dispersing them into the general area she stood at with the quick swipe of a hand across the sand, their locations invisible to the naked gaze. Even if the trip up didn’t work out, approaching her would have teeth traps lying in wait.


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Mon Mar 13, 2023 8:44 pm
This Ain't A Fight Night [Liltotto/Elyss] - Page 2 Zhtk5n8

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

Mmm! Nice reactions. Elyss found it rather spectacular that Liltotto was able to move so efficiently. Not knowing much about Quincy combat, Elyss wasn't sure if Liltotto had any impressive close combat skills. Though, of course it all fell back into that marksmanship that she's read about. This is more of what she expected, but her opponent didn't fire any arrows at her. A chain of Reishi? Wanting to experience that ranged expertise of the race, Elyss' eye twitched, feeling her leg grabbed.

A chain around her ankle, Elyss didn't put up much resistance as she felt her footing dislodged from underneath her. Falling back, she let her hands catch her, bending her elbows until her head resting atop the sand. Her fingers aren't really capable of getting much purchase with sand slipping between them, but one must make do with what they have. That's why she yanked her leg, hoping to shatter the energy around it, flipping herself fully.

"You're rather technical," Elyss mused, straightening herself. "I wasn't expecting a brawl, but I figured I'd be more of a target dummy than playing Russian Roulette."

Making light of the booby-trapped battlefield, Elyss reached to her side, grabbing hold of her Zanpakuto.

"How about we kick things up a notch."

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Sun Mar 19, 2023 7:36 am
This Ain't A Fight Night [Liltotto/Elyss] - Page 2 QVNBW7y

Liltotto Lamperd

Forming her spirit weapon, a rather simple looking bow, she'd shrug her shoulders,

"I'm a part of the Sternritter; if I wanted a training dummy I would've stayed at the center I was teaching at," She'd call back to Elyss, readying her bow, "And i'm a bit too much for the typical member. Underestimation's a mistake here."

Finally the Shinigami seemed to be taking her seriously; if she couldn't even get the captain to draw her sword, then that'd just feel like a mockery of her efforts. Of course she was intentionally using non-fatal moves; she recognized in her training she had a severe disparity between tame attacks and deadly ones, that she should push herself to find a middle ground in the event deadly force isn't favorable, and this was that such scenario regardless of how much he senses were screaming flight responses through her body from the woman's scent.

As her sentence had drawn to an end, she'd suddenly kick the sand in front of her as opposed to firing her bow, the traps activating mid-air as spiked shots of energy flew at Elyss from the thinly veiling cloud of sand, and within the confusing cover she would begin firing arrows. She would try to push Elyss to take her seriously; she didn't want a half-assed fight.


Last edited by Lillian on Sun Apr 23, 2023 8:55 am; edited 2 times in total
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This Ain't A Fight Night [Liltotto/Elyss] - Page 2 Empty Re: This Ain't A Fight Night [Liltotto/Elyss]

Mon Mar 20, 2023 10:07 pm
This Ain't A Fight Night [Liltotto/Elyss] - Page 2 Zhtk5n8

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

Elyss rose a brow, pondering Liltotto's words as the scene before her was forcibly changed. With miniscule movements, she weaved between the flagrant energy that tried to pierce her. The traps were easy to read in terms of how they moved. Energy isn't something so easily adjusted after being molded, and it is that principle that allowed Elyss to raise her Zanpakuto and deflect the flying arrow. More came after it, and once again, Elyss found herself having to weave her way between shots, her eyes focused on nothing in particular thanks to the sand.

"I'm not underestimating anyway. I've never been one to apply myself without due reason."

That's the truth. In every fight she's entered, she's always had a knack for feeling out of her opponent first. It's her way of figuring out if going all out is even needed, but if Liltotto wants a bit more from the redhead head, it'd only be fair to give it. One swing of her Zanpakuto upwards, and a strong gust of wind exploded foward, revering the cascading sand in Liltotto's direction. A sudden glimmer followed; a flying sword hidden by the sand thrown right at Liltotto's head.

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This Ain't A Fight Night [Liltotto/Elyss] - Page 2 Empty Re: This Ain't A Fight Night [Liltotto/Elyss]

Sun Apr 23, 2023 8:55 am
This Ain't A Fight Night [Liltotto/Elyss] - Page 2 QVNBW7y

Liltotto Lamperd

Her golden locks were whipped by the sudden gust of wind, squinting and keeping her focus through the flowing sand, before a sudden glimmer caught her eye, a rush of sensation hitting her as her body moved without a thought crossing her, head moving to the side to catch the flying sword whiz next to her. Even though being struck with the blade wouldn't have been that massive a deal, some part of her wished she could've made herself short again at will - it definitely was enough to catch her attention.

In reaction, the bow wielder would keep her distance, aiming for the feet of the shinigami with her shots, each arrow loaded with a chain as she'd seek to encircle Elyss with her speed and precision, both to make her harder to catch and harder to predict when and where a shot was coming from, loose sand being kicked up from her steps as she kept her eyes on her target.


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This Ain't A Fight Night [Liltotto/Elyss] - Page 2 Empty Re: This Ain't A Fight Night [Liltotto/Elyss]

Sun Apr 23, 2023 4:22 pm
This Ain't A Fight Night [Liltotto/Elyss] - Page 2 Zhtk5n8

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

"Nice dodge!" Elyss exclaimed, brandishing her other blade to deflect the onslaught of arrows coming her way. If she breaks the chains coming at her with raw strength, she shouldn't have to worry too much about getting entangled. However, this game of cat and mouse doesn't suit her. Eventually, she'll get caught, and she'd like to avoid that if it leaves no room for countering.

"But trying to corral me ain't gonna work! Hadō Number 1: Sho!"

Aiming behind her, Elyss fired off a strong pulse of kinetic force, flinging herself forward. "Sho! Sho!" Repeating the spell, she shot herself at Liltotto with frightening speed by combining her large reserves of Reiryoku with the simple spell to catch her opponent off guard. Her Zanpakuto already primed to strike, she followed up with a heavy swing down into the ground, sprinkling sand everywhere with a loud explosion, hoping her opponent was either caught in the middle of it or escaped just in time.

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This Ain't A Fight Night [Liltotto/Elyss] - Page 2 Empty Re: This Ain't A Fight Night [Liltotto/Elyss]

Mon Apr 24, 2023 8:27 pm
This Ain't A Fight Night [Liltotto/Elyss] - Page 2 QVNBW7y

Liltotto Lamperd

Her hopes were to overwhelm the woman with chains to the point she'd struggle to move, however the surprise of kido spells punched a massive hole in her plan, the chains rupturing one by one with the woman's strength and explosive advance toward her. The sand beneath her made sudden direction changes difficult without falling from the lack of friction, her heart sinking as the blade swung for her, legs giving out as the weight of the blade’s strike fell upon her and knocked her into the sand, her body as well as the blade’s swing kicking up an incredible spray of sand.

That kind of attack taken head on would have most definitely at least left some wounds upon a Quincy with even a modestly dense Blut, but the sword would have felt more like it struck a solid object than soft flesh, the clearing of sand revealing Liltotto on the ground, wide eyed, the sword pressed against her forearm as her body had crumpled to the ground from the sheer force of the attack, but she was entirely unharmed, not even a nick on her body. Her eyes told a different story, however.

“Okay, okay, alright, you win. You got me pinned.” Her voice sounded oddly out of breath and quickened for someone clearly unscathed, her fingers having taken a slight tremble, “Impressive, I guess…”

Her face recovering from her wince, she’d look up at Elyss, visibly unable to get up if the woman had still been exerting strength on her weapon, “Please get off me,” Her heart was beating out of her chest, short of breath. She couldn’t even counter that, even if she pulled her blade out she would’ve been flattened into the sand anyway from the sheer force of that attack. She didn’t want to rely on her teeth, especially in a fight with a Shinigami, but what was she even outside of her infernal hunger?


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Tue Apr 25, 2023 5:18 am
This Ain't A Fight Night [Liltotto/Elyss] - Page 2 Zhtk5n8

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

Despite the general depiction that she's a wild animal in a fight, Elyss' attitude towards it always matched her opponents. She doesn't push the issue further if her opponent doesn't want to continue. She's never forced anyone to fight her, so there's no reason to believe she would now. However, her disappointment in the altercation being over already is somewhat palpable. With what was shown, she did not expect her attack to land as it did. Though, despite that, the edge of her blade had splintered, a web of cracks lining the point of impact. Always the flimsy thing, her Zanpakuto is.

"You okay?" She then asked, noticing the blatant fear that filled Liltotto's body. Despite her youth, Elyss knows a thing or two about a person's emotional state, whether seeing it through physical or vocal cues. The Quincy's breath is quickened, her body rattled, and her need for space apparent. The only thing Elyss could do in the moment was back off and outstretch her hand.

"Ah. Here. Sorry about that. Maybe that was a bit much? I just thought you wanted me to get a little more serious. I didn't want to cause too much ruckus near the city at first, but the determination in your eyes..."

That looks gone now, but it's not really Elyss' place to pry. She's ignorant to everything that Liltotto may be experiencing right now, but her eyes did have an amount of worry in them, hoping that whatever's going on isn't something that needs immediate attention from medical.

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This Ain't A Fight Night [Liltotto/Elyss] - Page 2 Empty Re: This Ain't A Fight Night [Liltotto/Elyss]

Tue Apr 25, 2023 6:37 am
This Ain't A Fight Night [Liltotto/Elyss] - Page 2 QVNBW7y

Liltotto Lamperd

She was slowly reminding her own body that the attack didn't kill her, nor could it have, fingers twitching as she'd awkwardly shuffle to sit up, adrenaline still rushing through her as she focused on stabilizing her breathing, yellow eyes rising to meet the Captain's own in reaction to her voice, the outstretched hand becoming obvious to her. A hand slowly reached up to meet it, fingers curled back in brief hesitation, until ultimately taking it and being pulled onto her feet.

"It's fine," Though her voice was breathy, it definitely seemed a lot calmer, "Don't mind my stupid ass, I just... Got worried it was getting too heated."

Not that the move had reminded her of far too many recollections of moments she didn't want to go back to, not that the mere presence of the woman had already been putting her on edge, not that she had hunger gnawing at her that she was willfully pushing aside.

"I'm fine. I can't get hurt too easily. If that's your concern, you can toss it away. Good spar." She'd wave a hand in gesture, sidestepping the reality of the situation, not that she expected much understanding here.

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This Ain't A Fight Night [Liltotto/Elyss] - Page 2 Empty Re: This Ain't A Fight Night [Liltotto/Elyss]

Fri Apr 28, 2023 11:16 am
This Ain't A Fight Night [Liltotto/Elyss] - Page 2 Zhtk5n8

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

"Heated or not-" Elyss stopped herself. Is there a point in pushing the issue? Liltotto is a stranger that she knows nothing about besides status and name. Along with that, she's a Quincy. Elyss doesn't care about relations between the Gotei and the Vandenreich, but would Liltotto care to relate her worries? This is troublesome for reasons Elyss wish didn't exist, a barrier put between the two woman against the redhead's will. Notably, Elyss' expression scrunched up with distaste.

"Where's the hospital? If anything, I'll walk you there. I don't really care if you're alright. I can recognize a bit of mental trauma, so I'd rather leave you someplace with trustworthy people than out here alone."

Being alone makes it worse, those gnawing thoughts imposing uninterrupted. There's a reason Elyss never let Liltotto take her hand back, and without wondering if her help is wanted or not, Elyss turned and began to drag Liltotto towards the annoyingly bright city.

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