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[Spirit Class 4] Yugiri Shihōin Left_bar_bleue999999/999999[Spirit Class 4] Yugiri Shihōin Empty_bar_bleue  (999999/999999)

[Spirit Class 4] Yugiri Shihōin Empty [Spirit Class 4] Yugiri Shihōin

Mon Dec 05, 2022 11:06 pm
[Spirit Class 4] Yugiri Shihōin Header-app

Basic Information
» Name: Yugiri Shihōin.
» Alias':
▕ Yugirin.
▕ Nihana Shunshin.
» Age: 90s.
» Birthday: October 8.
» Gender: Female.
» Race: Shinigami [Vizard].

» Affiliation: Independent. Exiled.
Formerly a lady of the Shihōin Clan.

» Alignment: Chaotic Neutral.
» Nationality: Soul Society.
» Martial Status: Taken.
» Sexuality: Heterosexual.
» Ideal Mate: Manly Apex: Bishōnen.
» Special Skill: Never ever trips.

» Height: 5'0"
» Build: Athletic.
» Hair Colour: Silvery Blonde.
» Eye Colour: Metallic Red.

[Spirit Class 4] Yugiri Shihōin Header

Psychological Analysis
» Freespirited: A very nonchalant individual, while once very naive and sheltered she has grown to enjoy the world at large quite a bit. She enjoys the freedom that she has upon being banished and while one could wonder if there is any vestiges of loyalty in her towards the place she called home there's frankly not that much. As she sees it, the nobility - her family - and the Gotei turned its back on her. Since getting to experience the living world and seeing what it, its denizens and cultures had to offer she has very little attachment to the place she'd called home for almost a century.

Being able to shed that facade of nobility let her see the possibilities of what she could be and that has resulted in quite a bit of growth and maturity that she would've once thought she had but didn't. She behaves a lot more casually and is humbled from the arrogant girl that she was, she's even got a bit of a wild flair to her since becoming an exile.

» Chuuni: A trait that becomes apparent very quickly. Whether it's her habit to declare her moves in the middle of a fight and then eagerly explain them if given a chance or it's her habit of writing her name different to make it "sound cooler". She even wears glasses despite the fact that she doesn't need them since it gives her an opportunity to take them off as a way of telling someone she's getting serious or to say something cool as she does it. While some things change about her, Yugiri's dedication to her chuuni attitude is certain to stay for a long time.

» Sensitive: She'll pretend that she's all tough and always has everything under control but there's certainly times where she feels that is not the case. As a person that was riddled with insecurity and uncertainty for so much of her life that doesn't just disappear. Yugiri behaves more insensitive and brash in an attempt to obsfucate her own insecurities as a result and believes that she's awful at dealing with other peoples issues due to her own worries.

» Noble: While she certainly doesn't behave like one as much as she used to, Yugiri cannot reject her heritage and upbringing. She might have once been an arrogant, haughty girl back in the day but there are still vestiges of that character in her. In particularly serious situations or ones that she is not enjoying these mannerisms are sure to slip out where she will subtely imply something snide or insult someone under the guise of a compliment. Overall in a particularly unsatisfying situation Yugiri tends to default to behaving like she used to as a stern and unapprochable person until she can escape the unpleasant situation.


» Ira Holyfield: While they'll fight over Ira's situation with their sex, Yugiri does value this not-so-little anymore little girl. She treats her more like a daughter but refuses to accept that their relationship is anything more than Ira just being a little sister to her. There is a fondness and pride for her though and anyone that attempted to hurt Ira will die where they stand.

» Erchanhardt Burgstaller: Her best friend. He was the first person that really connected with her after her exile and got her out of her depressed slump while enlightening her to what the living world had in it. It's nothing short really to say he saved her life since she'd probably have just died pathetically otherwise.

» Masaru Otonashi: You'll figure out who this guy is.

» Shaoling: A woman that trained her when she was younger and more involved with the Shihoin. Yugiri would've been quite happy to serve in the Onmitsukido underneath her before it was disbanded. The difference between Sui-Feng and Shaoling is still being reconciled.

» Kokoro Shihōin: She's like a little sister to her. Which is why the confession of romantic love was really awkward and she's pretty homophobic as a result having been put in that situation.

» Rio Shihōin: She's the older sister that Chidori couldn't be. She was a role model for many of her younger years and always doting on her.

» Chidori Shihōin: Bitch.

» Abalia Kyoraku: Also Bitch, is what she'd have said but they have since reconciled and Yugiri is quietly glad that things happened the way they did. Abalia showed her everything that she aspired to be and it disgusted her that she wanted to be like her... she also ruined her life but you know, water under the bridge.


Yugiri was born as the daughter of the Head of the Shihōin Family's sister and cousin of Chidori Shihōin who was the heiress of the family. Despite her birth she never got a chance to meet her mother or father and was instead abandoned to her uncle to be raised by him.

The world was only more cruel to her with her by letting her be born with an ailment that made her unable to use her legs and possess a very fragile composition that would plague her for most of her younger years.

She was required to reside in a wheelchair, alone except for attendents for the most part and the odd time her family would visit her, despite their best intentions Yugiri only ever felt their pity for her situation and her envy for their's which made her bitter towards people and isolate herself. Growing depressed she grew up with stories of their most famous person from the clan who had earnt the moniker of Flash Goddess.

How could the girl that not move idolise the woman that could go the fastest? She spent her days trying to utilise kidō and her spiritual energy, eager to still be a shinigami despite her degenerative disorder. With kidō being the only thing she could do she became highly refined in the usage of her spiritual energy before she even officially dipped into learning actual kidō itself but the system was much simpler to adapt to with these stepping stones.

After eight years of study into kidō, Yugiri was approached by a member of the Research and Development Division. The offer that was made to the twenty year old woman was simple; in exchange for her support to become a seated officer he would provide the means for her to be able to walk. Unable to comprehend the offer she was torn between accepting the help or accepting her fate, a choice only made harder by the requirement involving hollowification and becoming a vizard.

She bit the bullet though and Yugiri couldn't resist her greatest dream when it was within her grasp. Without consulting her family she underwent the process, something some relatives never forgave her for when she told her family. Whereas some supported her, other's hated her for it. Some of them just showed her that same emotion she had seen as a child, pity.

It frustrated her, it irritated her. She hated it. She began a regime of training that tested her body and constantly pushed it to the limits. Many times would a servant find her passed out in a training room somewhere in the estate only to take her to bed and many times her body bled and wanted to break from the exertion. She didn't let it go though. She used her new found mobility to dive into the fields of hohō and Hakuda without any kind of consideration for the pain she would feel from it.

Yugiri wanted few things, the return of her family to is proper status as it dipped following Yoruichi's defection and the loss of the Onmitsukidō as well as the Second Division. For her Yugiri wanted to restore her family's seat of power and in doing so also make achievements that left Yoruichi's achievements shadowed in her own and all of this was necessary in her mind so that she never had to see their pity again.

Her lifestyle choices were a double edged sword though, Yugiri grew up with a sense of naivety to her, an arrogance as well. She was like a little sister to the heiress Chidori but she always loathed her cousin's attitude and slacking ways. She didn't act like a noble yet she was the crown jewel. With her decision to become a vizard as well only fanning the flames of their broken their relationship even more to the point of being unreconcilable.

Following her attempts to reestablish the Onmitsukidō and reel the Gotei United back under its position as the military organisation of the Soul Society's government rather than what the group which had resisted the aristocracy's authority since Ibiki Suika, Yugiri found much of her life upturned and her naivety resulted in her banishment from the Shihoin and rather than live in the Soul Society she exiled herself to the living realm like a sick dog looking for somewhere to crawl into and pass away in shame.

While that would've been fine, it was not to be when Erchanhardt came into her life and gave her work. Fed her and housed her while becoming a close friend of her's in the process. She did not think much about the Living World when she was growing up since it was their duty to defend them, not mingle with and become friends with the humans. It was a change of perspective and since then she's travelled quite a bit, gaining new experiences and meeting people that have enlightened her to the veil of ignorance that she lived under for her whole life.


» Reiryoku Control: Due to much of her early life spent in a wheelchair, Yugiri didn't have much to do in her spare time for training besides honing her spiritual power and the control over it. She's particularly adept and those early years gave her plenty of opportunities to utilise it in unorthodox ways as well as develop her kido skills quite early. Since then she has taken advantage of that knowledge and time to better incorporate it into her other skills and utilise it to help her in as many ways as possible whether it be shockwaves of force, using the reiatsu to resist oncoming damage to spare her body the strain or her usage of her reiryoku to drastically empower and manipulate her own hair to use in combat.

» Shishigami [獅髪, Lion's Mane]: A technique where Yugiri can use her energy to flow into her hair to manipulate it in a few ways, an example would be her controlling it in a prehensile manner to work as extra appendages to create a more complex fighting style when combined with her other forms of combat. She can harden and sharpen her hair to allow her to use it as a weapon although this requires a constant flow of energy into it otherwise it would simply return to it's normal properties with the exception of leaving her hair the length it was at. This manipulation only works when her hair is directly connected to her body and once it is removed or cut the control is lost in those strands.

» Cat Transformation: An art of the Shihōin allowing the user to change their shape, it is a transformation technique that allows for the family member to change their shape into that of a cat. Yugiri takes a distinct black cat with silver eyes, her voice changes to that of a young boy in this form. In this state she receives a rank-down to all General Skills.

» Tenchikidō [天地鬼道, Heaven-Earth Spirit Way]: As much as she'd like to spout her talent with kidō, Yugiri doesn't boast anywhere close to the same level as her hohō. It's true that she did start and hone this of her first skills due to being wheelchair bound but the moment that she could walk it took second place. Yugiri's usage of this is primarily to supplement her combat and she tends to display higher end uses rather than the lower end due to it being core to shunko and shikko. At the same time though she displays a good understanding of the two fields of Hadō and Bakudo allowing her to showcase an impressive repetoire of spells when required. She has created a few original spells which she chooses to refer to as Yugirido (she thinks it's cool).

» Taikyoku Senshiki [大局千式, Larger Picture of a Thousand Expressions]: Yugiri's modern hakuda style which was built when she wanted to try to develop herself rather than restrict herself to the same boundaries that she had when she started. It's about the same time that her chuuni streak began to show and many of her techniques became a lot less clinical and straightforward but she needed a theme and that was treating a fight like a game of shogi. The basis of Taikyoku Senshiki is that Yugiri need plan many moves ahead of her opponent and so every technique in her collection is named after a shogi piece and revolve around following up or being able to change tactics on a fly.

» Shihō Senshiki [四楓戦式, Four Maple Fighting Method]: One of Yugiri's styles, it is broadly an approach to combat and achieving one's goal at all necessary costs. While it is a predecessor of her modern fighting style and distinct enough, Yugiri's Shihō Senshiki is distinguished by the fact that it incorporates a lot of traditional hakuda and skills from the Onmitsukidō and Shihoin family into the style. It's not something she uses much nowadays but she values it for the sake of nostalgia.

While it can be called a fighting style that incorporates traditional shinigami arts like hohō and hakuda, Yugiri's Shihou Senshiki is tightly knit with various other aspects of her own pursuits which is why it is a hybrid style of sorts. Much of it is not purely unarmed combat or assorted killing techniques. It also incorporates many techniques which are supplementary to an assassin, methods of disguise, make-up, acting and guerilla warfare. It is a style that is predicated on doing all things necessary to achieve one's objective.

» Hitō Zekkei [一打 絶景 One Stroke: Unparalleled Scenery]: An apt combatant with her sword, though mostly only seen during her younger years before she pursued unarmed combat without the aid of her zanpakuto due to its troublesome qualities that came with its shikai. Originally the style was named Hitō Zekken and it is the style of swordsmanship that she employed and while she is quite proficient in this one particular sword style that she created little more can be said for her skill with the sword beyond it.

The Hitō Zekken was designed around felling with a single attack and so if the technique does not succeed in the first attack then she will not make a second one with her sword. The closest comparison is iajutsu for its basis where Yugiri will draw the sword to execute a technique before sheathing the sword upon the conclusion of the action. It's not as one dimensional as it implies for a single attack style, Yugiri has enough techniques that she can cover enough bases to meet her situation suitably. A technique to strike down a single opponent or a technique which is designed to attack a wide arc to strike down multiple opponents etcetera.

Yugiri does not comment on what prompted the name change but it was certainly called the Hitō Zekken when she was single.


» Shikikaietsu [四季界越, Four Seasons World Crossing]: Among all of Yugiri's specialties she is most versed in hohō, pursuing the art to its extremes after being born crippled and being unable to walk gave her an appreciation for the simple act of being able to move freely. She possesses a variety of different techniques that she either learned or created of her own volition. Of the ones created by her she views her unique technique shikkō as the magnum opus of her development where she fuses kidō and hohō to create a technique designed to allow her to execute shunpo and hohō techniques without the need to physically step, among other advantages it provides.

Yugiri organises her way of stepping by using a framework which distributes and categorises all techniques in her repetoire under this system. Of her style there exists four categories - and a secret fifth one - which are named after the seasons. They are Natsushiki, Akishiki, Fuyushiki, Harushiki and finally Mukishiki. Each category distinctly organises her own original techniques and while it should not be taken as the absolute limit of her abilities. When it comes to hohō, she is very proficient at adopting or understanding her opponents to the extent that she is capable of replicating a similar effect to another as long as she has enough exposure.

Fuyushiki [冬式, Winter Style]: Yugiri's Fuyushiki encompasses all of her killing moves, essentially the core of the hohō art practiced among the Onmitsukidō and her family of many millennia. The moves that exist within this category are among the same vein as the infamous "Senka" though there exists many different techniques ranging from a step technique designed to kill two people in a single strike, as opposed to Senka's two strikes to a single person. Yugiri's Fuyushiki further emphasises its nature with techniques which are designed to have a delayed effect rather than an instaneous one such as Fuyushiki: Hakuhaimi, an offensive move which strikes the target so fast that the wound only appears shortly thereafter.

Harushiki [春式, Spring Style]: A passive approach to shunpo. Yugiri's mastery of hohō is not limited to active usage of shunpo but her ability to utilise it in passive and almost invisible uses. With Harushiki's array of techniques a person can expect to see things which don't immediately align to the shinigami's shunpo. The technique from this branch that she considers to be her strongest is the Harushiki: Oborozuki which allows her to use anything as a foothold, regardless of weight or size and oftentimes physics-defying in its display. Other applications are those such as using Harushiki to silence all sound that her footsteps would make to allow for soundless movement.

Akishiki [秋式, Autumn Style]: A style which lies in deception and utilising shunpo to confuse an opponent. This can range from afterimages, techniques which follow the same vein as utsusemi or ones which make it difficult for her to sense. These are the techniques which overwhelm a target's senses or leave them looking in all the wrong places. Such examples can range from her doing a feign where she appears to take a step that she doesn't actually through the Akishiki: Kakashi or using shunpo to move before returning to the same spot and appear like she hasn't moved at all.

Natsushiki [夏式, Summer Style]: The opposite of Harushiki, Yugiri's Natsushiki is designed to showcase powerful and not very subtle usages of shunpo. Compared to its counterpart which prefers usage where the individual is left wondering if she is even using shunpo to begin with, one can expect to find it difficult to miss what is happening after she uses the techniques of Natsushiki. For example, if Yugiri were to display a technique of Natsushiki then it could be as simple as a loud and deafening sound like an explosion happening right next to someone as she passed or even for there to be a tangible force of an explosion happening from the point which she moved from.

Mūkishiki [無季式, No Season Style]: The outlier of her style, Mukishiki can mean quite a few things when it comes to Yugiri's willingness to refer to them as such. There are three primary reasons why a technique will be called under the category of Mukishiki. The first is it is too new to find a place in her primary system. These are the techniques which are experimental and risky to utilise as they are not perfected or as refined as her more traditional techniques.

The second is that they are trump cards or outliers of her system. A good example of this is Mukishiki's subcategory of Shinpo, Shikkō and Shukuchi -- all techniques that are either experimental, imperfect or trump cards that she keeps close to her chest. In the case of this second point they are usually entire styles in their own right which have grown off one particular outlier technique.

The third and final reason as to why something can end up being categorised as Mukishiki is laziness... Not really but it would be funny if it was. The actual third reason that something can be classified as Mukishiki is that she has taken it from someone in its entirety and not changed or improved it in any way. Most stolen moves can expect to be found under Mukishiki.

» Ri-Shiki [裏四季, Reverse Four Seasons]: Something she is quite proud of due to the amount of skill that a person would require to have in the art of stepping to achieve a similar result. The Reverse Four Seasons is a collection of techniques which mirror - though not as complete - her actual ability of footwork. The only difference between them is how the flash step is initiated for Yugiri when she is using this approach to hohō it is through her hands. Agile and acrobatic enough to comfortably walk on her hands without losing her balance the next appropriate step was to begin to increase the amount of points that she could use to launch herself around the battlefield and so she is able to initiate a hohō technique in an unorthodox way.


» Shunkō: While Shikkō is a more recent development of her's Yugiri had previously displayed the ability to learn shunkō with her fine control for reiatsu and great focus in hakuda. The element of which her shunkō is tied to is lightning. When used the energy builds up in her back and shoulders before expelling as a thick aura around her. A fair bit more developed than her own creation due to it being harder to master the unknown, using her shunkō she is able to coat her body in electricity and discharge it in violent bursts, greatly augment her fighting abilities.

When using shunkō she acquires a 300% boost in terms of ability and she is comfortably able to utilise in place of releasing her shikai. She cannot use shunkō in tandem with shikkō.

» Shunkō: Raijin Kamigiri [Flash War Cry: Thunder God Hair Cutter]: Using her lightning-aligned shunkō, Yugiri is able to focus it into her hair, hardening it and making it more effective of a weapon by increasing its overall attributes, being able to use her hair to fire bolts of lightning at a target, ensnare them to electrocute or to utilise as a weapon and augment her close-combat abilities. In this state her hair stands on end, floating around her in a way that defies gravity due to the amount of reiatsu that flows through it.

» Shunkō: Raijin Shōmetsu [Flash War Cry: Thunder God Wound Destruction]: A technique which was originally inspired as a means to overcome her shikkō's weakness of damaging her body, and remains even though Yugiri has overcome this weakness. Raijin Shōmetsu temporarily discards the boost in power of shunkō to begin healing her like a kaidō spell and cause rapid regeneration of her cells - painfully fast - which sacrifices the overall boost in offence and defence to recover from serious injuries. During the usage of Raijin Shōmetsu Yugiri does not have the boost of power she gains from being in shunkō.

» Shikkō: A specialised technique which fuses hohō with kidō, in a similar manner to the shunkō. Shikkō is characterised by its distinct sound that the user generates upon the activation of the technique which gives off the sound of a swarm of crickets all chirping. It has a hyper-specialised approach to enhancing the user's maneuverability rather than augment all facets of their body for the sake of unarmed combat. Upon completing the current incarnation of her Shikkō it has been able to develop an elemental alignment of wind.

When using shikkō, Yugiri sees a 600% increase to her speed and reflexes which unlike shunkō this does not increase her other capabilities.

» Shikkō: Fuushin Gaeshi [Cricket War Cry: Wind God Reversal]: An application of her shikkō which upon coming into contact with something she is able to invert the force but unlike its sister technique Hanki this does not neutralise or cancel the attack. Instead it will change direction back to the direction it came from with the exact same force that it had upon contact. This could potentially stagger someone who makes an attack by causing their punch to be forced backwards or she could redirect an energy attack. This must be done consciously and so it is unable to be used against surprise attacks.

» Shikkō: Fuushin Oroshi [Cricket War Cry: Wind God Mountain Wind]: Fuushin Oroshi is a technique that allows for Yugiri to take away the requirement of stepping in order to move. Ultimately shunpo is still restricted to the fact the user must physically initiate the step but through shikkō her body is able to mimic the Quincy's Hirenkyaku to a limited capacity by instead using the energy to force herself to move. This allows her to move in any direction and to essentially change her own vector on the fly. She is able to make sharp movements which reject the laws of physics to not lose an iota of speed and momentum in the process.

» Shikkō: Fuushin Kamaitachi [Cricket War Cry: Wind God Sickle Weasel]: Using Shikkō, Yugiri is able to harness afterimages in ways that make them particularly bothersome. Due to flooding her body with kidō and combining it with her hohō it makes something like the Utsusemi trivial in comparison. There is no need to infuse kidō into cloth to leave behind due to her body already being charged which allows for Yugiri to make up to three other life-like afterimages which are tangible briefly before they disappear. They are able to bleed and appear to be harmed which makes it very difficult to discern which Yugiri is the real one whilst they pepper an opponent with attacks. Her speed clones do only a small fraction of the damage that she is capable of doing ie. a blow that would blow a target's body apart from Yugiri would only bruise slightly if one of her speed clones did it.

Though it is possible that Yugiri could be in either Shunkō or Shikkō and utilise her zanpakuto or vizard mask, she can only gain the percentile boost from one release state at a time.


» Zanpakuto Name: Konpaku [金縛, Metal-Bound] // Yokkatsuen [四楓院, Four Maple Temple].

» Spirit Summary: Yokkatsuen is the name that Yugiri's zanpakuto uses in preference of its proper name, a peculiar zanpakuto spirit that displays proficiency in quite a few things which a hollow would not normally showcase due to its hollow qualities which grants Yokkatsuen the ability to fuse these two attributes together and further empower herself.

Yokkatsuen views herself as the superior form of Yugiri which is not riddled with weakness or insecurity, stating that her special connection of fusing with Konpaku and her shinigami powers is more than enough prove that. She is tempermental and confident, always willing to take the opportunity to try and show-up Yugiri if she loses control in the midst of a fight or to ensure her survival. While she is amicable sometimes, Yokkatsuen would happily swap their roles to show her master the foolishness of her past decisions.

» Inner World: Yugiri's inner world is one of stillness. When she is in a state of despair the grey environment can become pitch black to the point that nothing is visible to her at all. Water does not flow and there is no breeze. It is like the place is frozen in time and the senses cannot smell anything. It appears as a small island amidst an endless grey ocean with some pockets of trees but mostly meadows.

» Zanpakuto Appearance: Her zanpakuto takes the form of a katana which she will wear on her hip, back or just carry it about with her casually. It is a dull grey colour with a plain silver tsuba stylised into the shape of a rectangle with a chain imprinted in it. The handle is wrapped in a dark purple cloth.

» Sealed Power: As a hybrid zanpakuto, Konpaku's sealed ability manifests as the hollow qualities of the zanpakuto moreso than the ability of the sword itself. Yokkatsuen is capable of granting her master the powers of a vizard - the mask she forms is a direct result of this and is reflected as her zanpakuto's sealed power. It is with its complications though, by manifesting this power her spirit has the ability to more easily seize control of her host. Yugiri's vizard mask appears like so: Link.

» Vizard Abilities:

» Cero: Yugiri is able to utilise the signature technique of the hollows and fire cero while wearing her mask. She can only fire them from her hand, if her hollow has taken control of her then Yokkatsuen demonstrates the ability to fire them from her mouth, chest and hands while the cero are remarkably more powerful and more adaptable when her inner-hollow has control.

» High-Speed Regeneration: Upon donning her mask, she is able to display High-Speed Regeneration up to the level of her Power Augmentation. Due to the nature of its limited time Yugiri is unlikely to heal all of her wounds though in the timespan if these injuries affect her organs or the damage is extensive though which makes it only partly effective like a band-aid.

» Sonido: When her inner-hollow is in control, Yugiri's shunpo is treated as a sonido. If Yugiri is donning her mask and in control this attribute does not apply but it can be quite jarring for an opponent to be struck by the sudden difference of movement technique if she is taken over midfight.

» Saving Roll: Once per thread, Yokkatsuen is able to manifest her hollow mask somewhere on Yugiri's body. It has a durability equal to her power augmentation and is on her spirit to do this, her spirit views it only as a means of self-preservation to save its own skin.

» Step Aside: If Yugiri is exhausted, weary or in a poor mental state Yokkatsuen has greater ease with taking over. While this will happen if she over-uses the zanpakuto and its vizard properties naturally, Yokkatsuen can manifest without any detriment to Yugiri's health as long as its within the mask duration of her hollow control. For example, 3 posts of mask duration per thread, Yokkatsuen takes over for 2 posts leave 1 post of duration left.


» Shikai Release: Tie Down, Konpaku.

» Shikai Appearance: Yugiri's zanpakuto takes the shape of two chakrams bound together by chain, the chakrams are bladed on the outside and require a good deal of skill to not cut oneself using them. This chain is able to extend up to a hundred metres but can shrink and extend as required by its user. When wielded at its smallest size, the weapon looks like a pair of handcuffs from afar. While Yugiri doesn't use it much, her zanpakuto spirit is incredibly skilled with wielding them to deadly effect.

» Shikai Ability: Yugiri's zanpakuto power has an almost children's game like power that only allows one person to move at a time.

Being around Yugiri imposes the law of stillness, a person cannot move if someone else is moving however when activated initially it doesn't simply make everyone stop moving, instead it leads into the actual effect by preventing people from moving once they stop if others are and this process will continue until only one person is moving.

This one person after everyone else has stopped essentially holds the baton, once they stop moving it's within the grasp of another person to take and begin moving which means Yugiri is also subject to her own power. While people must remain stationary this doesn't stop them from talking or casting so long as their feet don't move one can reasonably still use their upper body to fight, cast kido and force a person to give up the status of the person moving by catching them off guard. Overall, it is a zanpakuto that is designed to weed out the weak by depriving them of the ability to escape a predator - though rewarding to those who are smart enough to overcome its influence by disrupting the individual with the most power.

It is feasible for a person to overcome this by exerting a great deal of spiritual pressure that goes beyond Yugiri's own reserves but the act is done with great stress depending on the disparity. A person only slightly more powerful than Yugiri in spiritual power might be able to make a leap or walk with a great deal of effort whereas someone who is considerably more powerful would find it easier to move about against the influence of the zanpakuto.

» Hollow Influnece: Konpaku's release is treated as being a hollow mask. Yugiri cannot remain in the shikai state beyond the mask duration of her hollow control, she will suffer the same consequences as if she were to overexert herself with her mask.


General Attributes
» Durability: D
» Speed: S
» Strength: D
» Soul: C

Will Skills
» Willpower: Elite
» Deduction: Advanced
» Focus: Elite

Shinigami Skills
» Hohō: Master
» Kidō: Advanced
» Zanjutsu: Adept
» Hakuda: Advanced

Vizard Skills
» Power Augmentation Advanced
» Hollow Control: Beginner


- Personality updated.
- Small History update.
- Consolidation of abilities.
---> Pruned individual techniques for the sake of clutter.
- Hoho Mastery expanded on with Shikikaietsu since acquiring Master Hoho.
---> Mukishiki: Shinpo & Shukuchi mentioned but not relevant as they're to develop towards GM in threads.
- Shunko & Shikko given release scales due to hollow zanpakuto drawbacks.
---> Has never used shikai, has always used these two as her go to for combat.
--> Zanpakuto adjusted to fit new vizard system, zanpakuto suffers same issue as a wearing a hollow mask.
---> Skills unchanged and not looking for a tier upgrade. Thx.

Attribute Update.

Last edited by Gamma on Fri Aug 23, 2024 12:48 pm; edited 4 times in total

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[Spirit Class 4] Yugiri Shihōin Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 4] Yugiri Shihōin Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 4] Yugiri Shihōin Empty Re: [Spirit Class 4] Yugiri Shihōin

Sat Dec 10, 2022 2:01 am
Hazard Ranks
Power: C
Influence: A
Resources: D

Comments/Notes: Bancoran doesn't like the competition.

Tier: 2-3
Hazard Rating: C
Application Approved

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