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khaana - A Source of Interest[Amaranta, Khaana] - Page 3 Empty Re: A Source of Interest[Amaranta, Khaana]

Fri Nov 18, 2022 4:17 pm
khaana - A Source of Interest[Amaranta, Khaana] - Page 3 CB6zaHa


Like an apex predator who seized their prey, the leonine woman held no intention of letting up on Khaana. Of course, as she successfully pounced on the woman, Amaranta's aim was to subdue her with her attacks on the ground, striking with enough force that she wouldn't dare to stand up. It truly felt like the most simplistic strategy, and she was so entirely confident that any pain she felt during the collision was ignored simply by sheer will. If she could move that spear out of the way, victory would be assured. She didn't have a definitive example of durability, but judging by the way she flew into that wall in the alleyway earlier, it couldn't be much. Perhaps it may have been the result of immense hubris, but the beastly arrancar could practically envision her victory unfolding right before her eyes. However, she discovered, almost a second too late...

That something wasn't right here.

In an instant, the spear that she attempted to rip away from Khaana seemed to take on a life of its own as several spikes sprouted forth, ripping and tearing cleanly through the palm of her hand. What followed was a spike in the woman's spiritual energy that rendered the woman dumbfounded. Shaking her head ferociously, Amaranta tried to use her one free hand to punch forward, lunging her fist toward her. However, that, too, would prove to be, as all the other acts that led up to this point, a poor lapse in judgment. Multiple wings erupted around every part of her body. Thick and sharp as they were, Amaranta could just aim to punch and rip these excruciatingly annoying things away! She could still win this. Of course, Khaana's strategy became crystal clear the moment they went airborne. With these wings spearing her tall frame, the leonine woman was effectively set within this woman's well-laid trap.

Dammit, this fucking bitch tricked me! That's why she wanted me to rush her down!


During her airborne rise beneath the woman, Amaranta struggled to pull off of her, grabbing onto the wings with ferocity, growling like a lion who found themselves on the opposite end of the hunt. However, what grew into a dire situation at the current moment, only seemed to escalate as her pesquisa was compromised and her senses were thrown off in a jarring shift. Subsequently, a barrier formed between the two of them. Hapless though it may have appeared, Amaranta clawed at the barrier, in an attempt to force herself off of the woman and create distance. Yet, this too, proved ineffective.

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

Indeed, Khaana's gambit had proved successful as the barrier exploded outward. hurtling Amaranta fifty meters through the rocks and foliage that surrounded them, plowing right into the ground. If she had her proper wits about her, perhaps she would've used her reflexes to break her landing. Her body had been pushed off by the barrier with such overwhelming force that she could only accept the ground's embrace, smashed in by a solid ten inches of dirt. One point had been successfully acquired.


Covered in debris, blood spurting from the riddled holes Khaana's wings created in her body, Amaranta's expression, once proud and haughty, was now twisted within an annoyed grin. The type of grin that a person felt when they knew they'd been played. Fuck, she got her good. So good that the leonine woman felt like an idiot for charging in without getting a feel for her abilities. Much as she might of desired to burst with rage, the woman she so mockingly continued to call princess was quite the strategist.

Rising from the ground, she took a moment to assess her wounds and the form Khaana currently occupied. Towering at a full ten meters, the lioness was slightly annoyed by this turn of events. Even so, she was far from deterred. She got one. There would not be a second. She'd have her damned money and food... and maybe even a house! The woman showed her hand. Amaranta couldn't make a guess, but perhaps the shift in size would compromise her speed. Priding herself on speed and strength, Amaranta could easily lay into her with a series of strikes. However, that train of thought was only applicable if she could reach her. The blue barrier, beyond Khaana herself, proved to be her greatest foe at the moment. If she rushed in again, what would stop her from repeating what she did before and winning the challenge? She actually had to think this time. Tch... tricky bitch. Admirable, though. She certainly wasn't a pushover.

"Fucking hell... you're crafty, Princess. I'll give you that."

Cero wouldn't do much of anything here. Amaranta was absolutely dogshit in that facet. At the same time, she didn't want to get close. At that moment, a thought struck her. A form for a form. Khaana may have had the advantage of defense and counter on her side, but the Blazing Lioness held no intention of making her victory easy, even if it meant compromising her own body. Her wounds were still regenerating, but that did little to stop her from drawing her Zanpakuto, the large claymore poised towards the air.

"Fan the Flames, Rebelión!"

Ressurecion. A golden orb of intense heat swallowed the woman's body. Within a ten meter radius of her own body, the moisture grew dry as the overwhelming heat grew in intensity. The orb finally dissipated after a moment as Amaranta stepped forward. Her hair was now swathed in a sea of golden flames, her hans were now elongated claws, composed in a similar hue of flame. Swinging her fiery tail around, Amaranta grinned toward the woman. The barrier may have protected her now, but the moment it dissipated, Khaana would experience an intense heat waved that stretched as far as forty meters as the true Abrasador Leona approached.

Grabbing a large piece of debris, Amaranta would use quickly use the dry moisture to her advantage, setting the large piece of rock ablaze as she threw the flaming boulder toward her at an explosive pace. However, that was merely a feint executed in favor of a follow-up as Amaranta used Sonido to transition her tall frame rom her current position - Point A - to a position ten meters behind Khaana - Point B. To be certain, she had no idea of how she was going to get through the barrier, let alone approach it. Part of her wanted to drive in and see if she could break it, but that might lead to her downfall. For now, this would be a battle of attrition.

With a fierce swipe of her claws, she'd swing an x-shaped fire cross towards the woman's back, looking for any chink in the woman's armor as she circled around her in the air. It was a risk, to be sure, her release state was destined to end the longer this battle went on, but perhaps she could do enough to force her to surrender before her release reached its own limit. Would her gambit prove successful or foolhardy? To whom would the scale of battle favor the most?


Last edited by Iori on Fri Nov 18, 2022 6:17 pm; edited 2 times in total
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khaana - A Source of Interest[Amaranta, Khaana] - Page 3 Empty Re: A Source of Interest[Amaranta, Khaana]

Fri Nov 18, 2022 5:11 pm
khaana - A Source of Interest[Amaranta, Khaana] - Page 3 HEADER__eva_02_eva_00_angel_and_zeruel_neon_genesis_evangelion_and_2_more_drawn_by_fuse_ryuuta__sample-162a8bf3493d6c736c6167b58e65bae1


Khaana looked everything but.
Multiple sets of eyes having formed over her face, that massive snout peeling back it's lips to show a row of sharp vicious teeth. No less the eerie wings that jutted erratically from her body, holding her aloft in the sky as Amaranta was plowed into the ground. Those glowing eyes narrowing as she leered at the arrancar down below. She'd pulled it off. But.

At what cost?

Having to take this horrid, disgusting form. This hollow Monster? She hated it. She'd done so much to cultivate a look. A prim and lovely girl. The girl next door. A successful streamer. A charming thing. But this was what she was on the inside. This twisted, unholy thing. Dripping with blood as her flesh warped slightly, those wings rearranging along her body shifting slightly as she watched the arrancar down below.

Where else but in an anime, could something like her ever have happiness?

And as the arrancar drew her blade, Khaana vanished with a powerful PUMP of those wings. In an instant, she slammed into the ground below, a good distance away from the Arrancar as she raised her arms and SHRIEKED into the air. Lines forming along their lengths before the hot sound of flesh and bone splitting open filled the air. Ripping both arms in half, showering the ground in blood.

After a moment those limbs TWITCHED and JARRED as the arrancar's resurrection finished and Khaana's thick torso began to thin. Using her Mod Root to redistribute some of that mass, Filling in the split limbs, until now, she had four arms, whose palms planted onto the ground. Black spots swelling beneath each of them as four new spears slithered up and out of the ground. Each one MUCH larger, large enough to be wielded by her new, larger form. It was at this point that Amaranta would use Sonido. Fuck! Khaana had her own exceptional high speed moves thanks to those wings of hers, but Amaranta was TREMENDOUSLY faster than her. Those rapid movements were fast so Khaana could deal with the woman ONLY if she had time to react to her. And so, when Amaranta suddenly blitzed to a position to strike at Khaana from behind. She didn't have anything to deal with it. And that cross SLAMMED into her wings. Rather than the barrier, it was those massive pale extensions that took the brunt of the attack, but that didn't stop some of the flames from spilling through and burning across Khaana's body. Embers now riddling the woman's frame.

Not enough time! She had to work fast!
Those four dark spots on the ground suddenly SWELLED, yawning wide and spreading rapidly! Suddenly, the entire surface within forty meters of her was suddenly enveloped in a massive black circle. And from it's depths, another monster would emerge.Drudging itself up from the ground, it's own massive pair of wings spreading from it's back as it placed itself firmly between Khaana and Amaranta. Though not for long, with the Lioness rapidly circling around her. She was panting heavily at this point. She wasn't out of the fight just yet. But she'd had to expend a LARGE amount of energy, pulling out basically EVERY single ability at her disposal to deal with this feline. And that new monstrosity slooowly leaned back, until it's spine practically folded, its head tilting back jarringly, looking at Amaranta upside down. Before it's maw would twist into a toothy grin.

IT's torso spun around unnaturally, its lower body still facing away from Amaranta, but it's upper body now facing her as it SHRIEKED out and charged! It's lower body twisting mid-sprint as it's body became a blur! Those wings flaring out and pumping as it launched itself at the arrancar. This beast was just as fast as Amaranta herself, ripping up the ground as it charged toward her. It's frame blistering from the heat as it closed in on the woman! Intent on ramming into her.

But Khaana wouldn't wait for that to happen. Her body blurred through the air, speeding past the beast and aiming to reappear above the Arrancar. The air CRACKLING. But this time, there would be nothing that formed between herself an Amaranta. Instead, she vented her reiryoku outward, that barrier twisting inside out, and wrapping around the two of them. Forming a cage instead of any protection. Of course, that meant Khaana would have no protection from the heat. Much less any attacks from the Lioness herself. And that barrier began shrinking rapidly, the Seraphim charging in behind it as Khaana aimed to enclose the space. Practically turning that small space into an oven. Her whole body steaming and bubbling from the sheer heat. But those spears would suddenly glow brilliantly. A twinkling cross of energy flared in front of Amaranta, at the center of those spearpoints Normally these spears were intended to to fire ten individual beams before the spears would crumble from exhausting all their energy. But in this instance, ALL of the energy from all four spears was congealed into a single point before BLASTING out, a powerful beam of combined energy aimed at Amaranta. The blast itself contained within that cage she'd created with her SP Field.

She frankly, had no idea how effective this would even be. She was throwing out a lot of energy, but had no idea how truly durable Amaranta was. And frankly, the heat was burning her up, her wings wrapped around her body as she fired the beam, protecting her from direct radiation, but the sheer temperature would still be cooking her. Thick streams of burning flesh dripping down to the ground. Only those dense wings remained, for now, undamaged. And after it was fired, Khaana collapsed, that barrier dissolving and no longer trapping the pair of them, as well as letting that heat become MUCH less condensed. Giving Khaana at least a LITTLE relief.

khaana - A Source of Interest[Amaranta, Khaana] - Page 3 HEADERsample-c8e1883558d9ef23d51fdbd8b9851721

And that was when her Seraphim would charge in. IT's sheer strength ripping up the ground as it charged at breakneck speeds, leaping up into the air, before aiming to FIRMLY plant both of its massive lower claws into Amaranta from above. Khaana frankly figured Amaranta would be more than capable of wethering her attack. She'd be fine, a villain wouldn't go down that easy. But that's where her Seraphim would come in. Intent on STOMPING the woman into the ground and onto her back. Seemingly heedless of the searing heat, it's body also quite durable as it shrieked out, seemingly in glee. even if it was avoided. Even if Amaranta had an attack going it's way. That big, eyeless maw grinned all the same, intent on beating Amaranta into the ground to try and score that second point.
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khaana - A Source of Interest[Amaranta, Khaana] - Page 3 Empty Re: A Source of Interest[Amaranta, Khaana]

Sat Nov 19, 2022 1:29 am
khaana - A Source of Interest[Amaranta, Khaana] - Page 3 CB6zaHa


What she felt in this moment was nothing short of pure exhilarating bliss. The Blazing Lioness lived for a clash of wills, of two varying spirits waging their differences out through combat, vying for dominion over the other. To be quite honest, she didn't know what to expect when she Khaana issued this challenge. She received her slice of humble pie now, and though her hubris allowed her to believe the woman was just full of hot air and unwarranted confidence, the woman was using her nature and ability as an artificial soul to its utmost advantage. Amaranta no longer held any intention of underestimating her again.

There was no need to hold back anymore. Although her first attack connected, Amaranta didn't particularly feel as if she was any more closer to making progress in taking this ten meter behemoth down. Worse yet, another combatant entered the battlefield. A... large monstrosity with a wide maw - its expression twisted in the shape of a menacing grin - staring her down as it launched toward her. The leonine woman cocked her first back as she witnessed that Seraphim racing toward her at an explosive pace, soaring in for what seemed to be an attack... No---

If anything, it proved to be more of a distraction! A decoy employed for a follow-up. In the next instant, Amara witnessed Khaana outpace her own minion, streaking past it in an explosive burst of speed that exceeded her battlefield companion. Redirecting her body to deal with the woman instead, Amaranta once again found herself wrapped within the Khaana's flow. Whereas her initial intent was to shatter the barrier and strike at her with a decisive hit, what Khaana did in the next moment was felt so reckless that it left the beastly woman confused. The blue barrier was transmogrified into a cage. To be certain, that betrayed her expectation to a considerable degree.

Barrier Manipulation...!

Enclosing the barrier, huh? If she wanted to enter her territory and withstand the heat? So be it! She was in an ideal range for the woman to soar in and strike at her. Perhaps the mighty lion's strategy would have proved successful if Khaana's intent was to engage her directly. No, the artificial soul proved to be a woman full of surprises as the high-powered beam fired towards her, the cage closing in around the two of them, limiting the fiery woman's ability to move unhindered. Tch...!

There wasn't going to be any time to do much but defend herself, and that seemed to be little more than wishful thinking at best. She brought every fiber of her flame to bear just to create a shield large enough to lessen the impact of the blast. It would still crash against her, but at the very least she could maintain her balance and not be sent flying on her back like before. If this were a true battle, one held with no promise of a prize, Amaranta would've covered her body in fire and pushed through the beam in pursuit of the woman.

Her mighty frame was being bent towards the cage as her durability was being tested in every way possible. She had to maintain her position and keep this fire shield up. She had to hold on! Too much was on the line to go out like this! Even if she lessened the damage, the combination of being pressed between the beam and the shrinking cage at her back was enough to force her to focus on maintaining her balance as her legs bent at an awkward angle. Where in the hell was that minions of hers in all of this!? To say she was being overwhelmed would be an understatement of the century, truth be told.

Then... the barrier dissipated, allowing her a moment of reprieve. In spite of the immense damage she received from receiving even a brunt of that potent blast, she still stood defiantly. Her flaming visage turned towards Khaana who seemed to collapse from the heat of her Ressurecion. They'd both suffered their fair share of damage, and Amaranta had to commend the woman on testing her so much. Even so, she wondered just how much she had left in the tank. Prepared to leap forward, all she'd needed to do was leap in and land a fierce decisive blow, but first... where the hell was that battlefield companion of hers----


Above!? Like a bat out of hell that ten meter monstrosity roared towards her in an explosive burst. Slamming. Slamming. Slamming against her with its claws. What made matters worse is that whereas Khaana seemed to bend at the sensation of her withering heat, this seraphim appeared entirely unfazed! Trick after trick! It was already a hassle to deal with Khaana and those energy beams! Perhaps, if she could move her fists the way she wanted to, she could punch this thing and set off a small explosion or two against its skin. At the moment, however, the scales did not favor her in the slightest. It seemed to tilt in the favor of Khaana.

It had already took both will and grit to bear through surviving the beam and the enclosing cage. She weathered that attack surprisingly well, but that hardly meant anything now that she was being assaulted by a ten meter beast who was striking at her like a rabid dog! Her legs, which had already been bent at an awkward angle during the collision in the barrier, while not being overpowered entirely, were struggling to maintain balance. Sheer willpower and steady regeneration was the only thing keeping her from falling apart at the seams. To reiterate, had this been a true battle with no strings attached, perhaps Amaranta could have very well outlasted this beast pummeling against her. However, the stipulations of there deal was clear. Khaana needed only to get this woman on her back once more and victory was hers.... but Amaranta wasn't ready to let her win so easily!

As though cursing her leg's ineffectiveness at the most inopportune moment, she brought all her strength to bear, attempting to grab this thing by its legs and throw it off of her. To be certain, it wasn't as if she was being overpowered, but the accumulative damage had clearly worn on her body. If her swing had proved successful, Amaranta would try to barrel her fist forward in a follow up towards the Seraphim, swinging her first in an upward stroke to land an explosive uppercut, attempting to set fire to the the monstrous beast.

However, in doing so, regardless of whether it landed, in that same moment, her legs creaked, causing her to lose balance, and subsequently, be left at the mercy of her own imbalance. If Khaana bothered to look any closer amidst the chaos, the position the haughty woman had stumbled toward and fell into was none other than one that signified that...

Her back had reached the ground.

If there was a shit-eating grin that could tell a thousand words, even amidst the assault, this... was certainly one of them. Shit. She could already envision the crow she was about to eat. As such, she didn't even choose to rise up from the ground. Even so, was it really all that bad? Kind of. There wouldn't be free resources at her expense, but it had been quite the entertaining bout. This woman proved to be far more of a threat than she initially expected, and it was fun... but she still hated losing, especially after her overwhelming display of bravado.



Last edited by Iori on Sun Nov 20, 2022 10:33 pm; edited 1 time in total
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khaana - A Source of Interest[Amaranta, Khaana] - Page 3 Empty Re: A Source of Interest[Amaranta, Khaana]

Sat Nov 19, 2022 10:52 am
khaana - A Source of Interest[Amaranta, Khaana] - Page 3 HEADERsample-c8e1883558d9ef23d51fdbd8b9851721

The Beast was savage. Stomping relentlessly on the arrancar as Amaranta barely managed to stay upright. And even though she did, the sheer strength of those clawed feet plowing into the ground cratered it, slowly digging the woman deeper and deeper into the ground with earth-rattling strength each and every time. It wasn't until Amaranta suddenly grabbed it's feet and attempted to THROW it that the onslaught was deterred! That beast SWUNG outward, but it's massivde wings flared and SNAGGED int in the air. Instantly swerving it's trajectory and spinning about. It's entire body twisting before PLANTING onto the ground on one knee, that grinning face MUCH closer to Amaranta than she likely would have liked.

That uppercut landed clean on the beast's frame. The air igniting and exploding violently with a SURGE of energy, flames wracking up along the beast's body, chunks of it's frame burning now. But not all that intensely. Amaranta didn't have energy reserves that were quite that fantastical. And even more, her ressureccion was not mature. Those flames certainly wracked the beasts frame. But it weathered the damage with that same wicked grin, even as embers clung to it's body.

And then, Amaranta landed on her back, helped by a clawed hand which PLANTED her into the ground, the equivalent of catching what would have been a three pointer and then slam dunking it. The ground CRACKLED with the heat and the force before those wings flared and the beast .... pulled back. Grinning before spinning around and then darting back toward Khaana.

The Mod soul was on the ground, her body slowly returning to normal, thick dregs of excess mass sloughing off of her, collapsing into a mush on the ground as Khaana's own body slowly reformed properly, panting for air, the general skeleton of her true gigai had been in the core of that monstrous form. And now, it was slowly coming back together as she emerged from that fleshy bloody mess. She had been protected by the sheer mass of the body she was in. After all.

This body wasn't hers. She wasn't actually injured. At most, her gigai formed as a vehicle. And the Pill that was ACTUALLY Khaana was entirely safe, having not even been scathed by the heat. But she was exhausted. And as fine tuned as her abilities were, her manipulationg of her own physique wasn't quite up to the same snuff. Chunks of the frame were still slowly filling in as she dragged in material from what had once been her release form. Not only that but her clothes were now gonezo. Leaving her draped in nothing but blood and viscera.

But. She still smiled. Exhausted, but victorious. She slowly peeled herself from all the mess and staggered her way over. Standing over Amaranta and smirking down at the vanquished villain. Abundantly glad this hadn't been a real fight. even now, she could see the battering and energy shots she'd inflicted had done REAL work. But the woman was already healing?! Tch. What a monster. All the same, she put her hands up on her hips and lightly tossed her bloody hair, spattering the ground with blood and sighing in satisfaction.

"You... put up quite the fight. And you're a far better sport than expected. ...I ....h..half expected you to..... fly into ... a rage and ....just try to kill me." She noted pompously, though still somewhat shaky and out of breath. She paused.... and that smile widened. Amaranta WAS taking this oddly well. No rage, no indignation. She DID seem as if she really were going to make good on their deal. A shame that the woman clearly wasn't a main character. Not by a long run. But..... she might be supporting cast.

"Make your apology. And then I'll take you back to my place so that I can change. My stream.... still won't be for ...whew.... another couple hours. We can ...discuss your financial situation." The true test of any good anime was not wasting a good villain on simply being defeated and fading into the background.

Amaranta would make a fine Vegeta.
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khaana - A Source of Interest[Amaranta, Khaana] - Page 3 Empty Re: A Source of Interest[Amaranta, Khaana]

Sun Nov 20, 2022 11:53 pm
khaana - A Source of Interest[Amaranta, Khaana] - Page 3 CB6zaHa


Gazing up at the woman standing over her, Amaranta could only grin derisively at Khaana's victorious expression. It was likely the same grin she would've had if the roles were reversed. Obviously, the first thing she expected to hear from her mouth was a reminder of upholding their bargain. Listening to what actually left her mouth, the leonine woman cocked an eyebrow, tilting her head in confusion.

Rage? At a battle like this? Did she enjoy losing? Hell no. She wanted to occupy the position of the victor, to flaunt her victory over the other. Killing her wouldn't have really achieved anything. It isn't what she came here for, truth be told. Khanna, by and large, defied her expectations. For that, she had earned the woman's respect. Nothing more to it than that.

"Heh, I came here looking for entertainment. As far as I'm concerned, I got what I wanted and then some. I'm not that unhinged that I'd go killing someone because they beat me in a challenge. Much as I detest losing in anything, you put up one hell of a battle yourself, Princess. You used your resources when needed, ya got ambitious when it mattered, and you earned your victory. I ain't gonna throw a bitchfit over something like that."

Stretching her arms out, Amaranta slowly rose up from the ground. Here it was. The moment of truth. She had to uphold her end of the bargain, after all. However, the end of the woman's statement left her confused. Was she fucking with her? For a moment, the beastly woman very well thought Khaana might have been trying to play a prank on her. Well, regardless a deal was a deal.

Snorting softly, the woman stood directly before Khaana - slowly but surely, assuming the hand and knee position the woman requested. Stifling the obvious embarrassment in her expression, Amaranta cast her gaze toward the clothless Khaana. It was hard to read the leonine woman's expression. It could only be described as a rough grin, really. She fucking hated assuming this position for anybody unless they stroked her fancy! Gah... fuckin' hell. Luckily none of her companions back home were here to see this shit. She wouldn't hear the end of it...

"I apologize. I'm sorry for interrupting your day, punching you in the face, and antagonizing you."

Ew. She almost wanted to vomit. Fuck, she almost wished Khaana had killed her! That's how shameful this felt, but... she'd gotten her good. At the very least, that made this slightly easier to stomach. Emphasis on slightly.


Last edited by Iori on Mon Nov 21, 2022 12:38 am; edited 1 time in total
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khaana - A Source of Interest[Amaranta, Khaana] - Page 3 Empty Re: A Source of Interest[Amaranta, Khaana]

Mon Nov 21, 2022 12:22 am
khaana - A Source of Interest[Amaranta, Khaana] - Page 3 Header_sample_b2193b82ba5fb6b7d890dad69fd18172

Khaana waved a hand dismissively at Amaranta's incredulous reply. "You would think. But I've seen humans and hollows alike get violent over far less. So I don't think there was any harm in being cautiously safe." She pointed out casually enough. Not in the slightest apologetic about her precautions. All the same, seeing the woman get up.... and then lower herself down. There was no end tot the satisfaction on her face. Smiling down at the arrancar as she bowed her head and knelt, closing her eyes and taking a slow, deep breath. Taking it all in~

What more could a Main Character like her ask for?~ She glanced back down and paused. She considered her appearance... before she stepped in and reached up, setting a bloodied hand atop the woman's head, and lightly idly running a thumb along one of those ears. Nothing sensual, just a light petting as that smile slowly widened into a shit eating grin. Taking just that one extra step of asserting herself over the woman before she removed her hand. Not even caring if it was a bit too far. She'd practically been cooked with that damn release of hers, she was going to enjoy this.

"Apology accepted. Now, this is the part where I would normally tell you to go fuck off. But well. I'm not so petty as to just ignore your situation because I won our little bet." She pointed out, pausing as she glanced down at herself. Tch. Dammit. She'd have to take a shower and shit before her stream.

A pause. She looked around, they hadn't strayed too far with all the fighting . There should be plenty of time. "I have a stream to start in a bit. I'm an entertainer by trade. I just fight as my hobby. I can't actually do anything for you immediately. But...." She smiled slyly. "You're a bit faster than I am. And I need to get back to the city to do my work. You hardly seemed to mind playing transport. Get me back to my place quickly, and without us being seen. If you make good time, then You can stick around in my place. I still have to shower and get ready. But. If you stick around for a few hours until my stream is over. I think I might be able to assuage your little monetary issues. How does that sound, Kitty?" She ventured. Yep. She was gonna go ahead and tack on a nickname as well. Ahhhh, the spoils of victory~
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khaana - A Source of Interest[Amaranta, Khaana] - Page 3 Empty Re: A Source of Interest[Amaranta, Khaana]

Mon Nov 21, 2022 1:15 am
khaana - A Source of Interest[Amaranta, Khaana] - Page 3 CB6zaHa


Son of a...did this fucking lady just pet her ear like a cat? Nevermind. She took back what she thought about finding this result easy to stomach. Her expression and the accompanying act alone nearly made the woman want to open a Garganta and return home, let a mindless hollow or two feel her wrath just to wash away the bitter taste of defeat and the shame of finding herself in a submissive bitch position like this. If it wasn't for the fact that this woman was genuinely offering her a way to adapt to the realm of the living, she would've done so in an instant. Amaranta had lost, and Khaana certainly had every right to tell her to go fuck off.

She'd be a fool not to take a good deal when it was staring her in the face. After Khaana had her fill at the woman's expense, Amaranta rose up from the ground. Listening to the particulars, Amaranta glanced in the woman's direction. It made sense if they returned to the city the same way they got here. Her sonido would get them there in no time. She was fast enough that the likelihood of them being seen was almost impossible unless a human with enhanced senses wanted to be curious. Wait... did this little bitch just call her... Kitty? Goddamit. If only she hadn't let her ego get the best of her. She'd be the one having fun at this lady's expense. Whatever. Can't change the results.

Just don't underestimate your opponent next time, dumbass.

Grumbling softly, she crossed her arms, offering her back to Khaana. Any more of this and she might lose her temper. She'd gotten her ass kicked, but the woman was being surprisingly reasonable about the results. No need to look a gift horse in the mouth.

"Yeah, yeah, Princess. I hear you loud and clear. It sounds just fine to me. Hop on my back, hold on tight, and point me to your place. With my speed, I doubt anyone'll see us unless they're really committed to bein' a peepin' tom or some shit."

The moment she climbed atop her back and settled into the woman's grip, Amaranta would allow Khaana to point her in the direction of her home as she kicked off at explosive pace, moving between the buildings, allowing her the combination of her Sonido and her natural speed to guide them towards their second destination of the night.

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