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Wed Nov 16, 2022 11:05 pm
khaana - A Source of Interest[Amaranta, Khaana] - Page 2 CB6zaHa


Even though Khaana hit the wall like a ragdoll, Amaranta actually admired the fire in this woman's eyes. There were no tears to be found, no reeling back in pain, or even running away. She rose up off the ground and maintained that same adorable sneer from earlier. Perhaps, she'd prove to be more entertaining than she initially expected. High hopes would be confirmed when she offered a proposition. According to her, she had a stream to attend in a few hours, and Amaranta was standing in the way of that. As such, Khaana spoke in the only language the blazing lioness ever truly loved - combat.

Crossing her arms, she listened intently to the particulars of what this duel would entail. If she managed to knock her on her back twice, she'd have to get down on her hands and knees... and apologize. Well, wasn't that a fun little power play? Make a tall domineering lady get down on her knees in a submissive position? She might have the nature of a cat, but she wouldn't just simply fall to her knees for anybody. That was reserved for those she viewed as her equal! Even so, Amaranta simply could not resist the challenge. Of course, for it to be fair, Amaranta tilted her head, grinning from ear to ear as she kept her arms crossed. What might she get in return if this woman failed in her challenge?

"Heh, you've got yourself a challenge. But if you fail, what do I get out of the deal? Gonna add in a deal sweetener to lure me in? What do I get in return if you fail, hm?"

Amaranta would lean down, offering to carry the woman on her back so they could race toward their location through her Sonido. She didn't really have a guesstimate of the woman's speed, and she could certainly run on her own, but the leonine woman was excited. Of course, she kept enough to distance to hear out. Even if she couldn't come up with anything, it really didn't matter. Her mind was made up.


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Wed Nov 16, 2022 11:30 pm
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Perfect~ She could already see the look on the woman's face before she even gave her answer. She'd gotten her hook~ And she couldn't help but ROLL her eyes a little wen the woman mentioned what was in it for her. She knew that this could go either way. But if nothing else, she was fairly confident in her abilities. She could VERY much see this arrancar didn't see her as an equal. Oh yea, she had this in the bag. And so she was fairly relaxed as she held up her hands.

"I don't imagine humiliation is of much interest to you. So how about something more material? You ARE here in the human realm for whatever reason. You must have some interest in things down here. And I'm fairly wealthy. As strong as you are, you can't just go around doing whatever you want. Not unless you want people, and probably shinigami, on your ass for causing a disturbance. Money means more freedom. Let me think... the monthly salary of someone around here would be ...what. Four hundred... Five hundred tousand yen?" She ventured casually before giving a playful smile.

"If you can knock me down and keep me down. I'll give you Six Hundred Thousand Yen. Food. Clothes. Whatever human shit fits your fancy. That kind of money can make things a whole lot easier to enjoy down here." She noted with a calm smile.
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khaana - A Source of Interest[Amaranta, Khaana] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Source of Interest[Amaranta, Khaana]

Thu Nov 17, 2022 2:19 am
khaana - A Source of Interest[Amaranta, Khaana] - Page 2 CB6zaHa


Amaranta turned back to the woman with an amused grin. This realm was a significant source of interest. Her travelling companions certainly spoke about it with awe and intrigue in equal measure. Everything was quite fascinating here. The way humans reacted when she appeared menacing for humor, the bright lights, the interesting aromatic scents of food that wafted through the air. Compared to Hueco Mundo where you'd be hard pressed to find much of anything unless it found you? Khaana wasn't wrong. Amaranta hated how right she was, too.

A straight shooter if there ever was. Pushing her around in an alleyway would eventually get boring, and as much of an antagonist she was in spirit, she clearly welcomed when people fought back and showed a fire equal to her own. To some degree, Khaana had showed that by stepping up to her and issuing this challenge. Fuck it. She was sold. She'd motion woman to hop onto her back. There was no need to waste time now. The rules were set, the stipulations were clear, and Amaranta wanted to earn some free cash, clothing, and food.

"Well, damn, princess. Aren't you a sharpshooter? You're right. I ain't one to get off on humiliation unless I'm angered. And I really have been thinkin' of plantin' some roots down here at some point. Looks like we're ready to go then, yeah? Hop on my back. I'll help us get there faster. Just tell me the directions."

Once she climbed aboard, Amaranta would leap above one of the buildings, propelling her body forward through her Sonido. Her excitement was rising. She couldn't wait to win this little game of theirs. She was practically imagining her victory already. Still, she wondered just what this little lady had up her sleeve. Ah, whatever. It was time to rumble.


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khaana - A Source of Interest[Amaranta, Khaana] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Source of Interest[Amaranta, Khaana]

Thu Nov 17, 2022 10:32 am
khaana - A Source of Interest[Amaranta, Khaana] - Page 2 HEADER__souryuu_asuka_langley_neon_genesis_evangelion_drawn_by_youling_keke__sample-7333d29e3534088bd9a600d75c24fdbb

Khaana's lip twitched ever so slightly in response to being called princess again. This woman really was just asking for it. A Villain or a rival if ever she'd seen one. Some small part of her wondered if this was even wise. But no, she couldn't have weak thoughts like that. She had to assert herself to this Arrancar one way or another.

As Amaranta offered her back. Khaana ...disliked it immediately. Honestly, given her own mindset, being carried on the back was even more disdainful than if the woman had just grabbed her. THAT at least was a more villainous way to do things. Who did this bitch think she was, supporting cast? A Main Character? She repressed the urge to roll her eyes and simply hopped on. The speed with which the woman shot off was certainly impressive. But nothing she couldn't track. Barely. The woman was better with her sonido than Khaana was fully comfortable with. That would complicate things a little when it came to surprising her. But she'd have to make do.

Khaana would make sure that Amaranta got them far enough away from the city and really ANY urban surroundings. Ugh, it was going to be a pain in her ass to get back. But she had to make sure they wouldn't be interrupted, or that they wouldn't disrupt anything. Or that there were any witnesses.

Once they had found a suitably desolate place, Khaana couldn't help but sigh in exasperation. But also a bit of relief that this woman hadn't just started beating her up in the middle of Tokyo. She made a face and would let go of the woman's back. If Khaana was just hanging off her back, all the better. But if Amanta had had the nerve to hold Khaana's thighs like a more traditional anime back ride, she'd promptly slap them off before walking a short distance and then turn to face the arrancar. Tch, if only she had her suit. Whatever. She cracked her knuckles and widened her stance slightly, leering a bit at the woman.

"Any handicaps you'd like before we start?" She ventured, a backhanded offer, naturally, as a black well crept out from her right foot, darkening a patch of the ground beside her as she used her ability. Injecting some dummy coding into the ground and causing a slim, red spear to emerge from the ground at her side, peeling it from the ground and then pointing it toward the woman with both hands, getting into a loose stance.
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Thu Nov 17, 2022 9:49 pm
khaana - A Source of Interest[Amaranta, Khaana] - Page 2 CB6zaHa


Arriving at the seemingly desolate location, Amaranta would allow Khaana to drop from her back, chuckling at the little lady slapping her hands away. Annoying her was a real treat. Truth be told, she was quite excited to see where this would go. A composition of multiple hollows certainly meant she must have had more in her arsenal than looking pretty, right? The leonine woman certainly hoped so. She would walk forward while Khaana walked towards her spot and settled into a loose stance. Amaranta would stretch her arms, flexing her arms and hips as if she were getting any kinks out of her bones.

Turning towards her entirely, Amaranta would settle into a stance of her own, waving a hand as she beckoned her to come forward, offering to let her make the first move. Her excitement rose with every passing moment, and she really didn't want to waste anymore time. To be certain, she didn't even know what techniques Khaana possessed, so the question seemed somewhat useless. She was the glorious, blazing lioness, a behemoth of a woman who danced to the beat of her own drum. Handicaps were a stain on her pride. It was either go hard or go home. Never an in-between.

"Nope. I really don't know how you fight enough to request them, and that would make this bout kinda' lame if I even humored the idea. True warriors roll with the punches. Of course, Princess, if you desire any handicaps, I'll certainly oblige," she offered, in an equally backhanded, almost mocking, manner.

"First move is yours, by the way~"


Last edited by Iori on Thu Nov 17, 2022 11:15 pm; edited 1 time in total
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khaana - A Source of Interest[Amaranta, Khaana] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Source of Interest[Amaranta, Khaana]

Thu Nov 17, 2022 10:07 pm
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Khaana snorted ever so slightly at the woman's retort. She almost rolled her eyes. True warriors? Every sentence grated her. The Inverse Main Character talk definitely agitated her significantly and she lowered her stance, raising that spear to point directly at Amaranta as the woman gave her the go ahead, and the freedom to use whatever means necessary. A slow, steady smirk crossing Khaana's lips.

"Psh. As you wish." She snorted, before energy FIRED from that spear! A sudden beam of energy RIPPED from it's point at blistering speed. It was an attack on the level of a bala, but witha CONSIDERABLE punch to them. Normally, these spears of hers could fire ten, but Khaana decided to cram THREE of them into a single, high-speed blast aimed to slam into the woman's chest at a speed WELL beyond anything Khaana herself could achieve. An opening shot intended to catch the woman off guard.

Immediately following the attack, Khaana burst in, a sudden crackle of energy through her legs as she shot toward the woman and SWEPT that spear vertically, that pointed tip ripping upward. She had no idea how durable the arrancar was. But that spear was a part of her power, and if NOTHING else. The use of her powers was a specialy of Khaana. Evan as she swept that spear upward, she recognized how carefully she'd have to pay attention. Regardless of the potency of her weapons, she was, for all intents and purposes, special kind of glass cannon. She had to keep this woman on her toes.
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Fri Nov 18, 2022 12:03 am
khaana - A Source of Interest[Amaranta, Khaana] - Page 2 CB6zaHa


Khaana's sneak attack strategy would prove successful as the three high-speed beams slammed directly into her chest, sending her off balance. Holy shit. Maybe she should've actually chosen to prepare herself a little better. In that, she did underestimate the initial strike. Tch. Whatever. They packed an unexpectedly painful punch, evident by the tall woman's light teeth grit, but Amaranta wasn't going to let this woman have her way that easily. Better to dodge them next time. Her regeneration was enough to at least keep any wound from debilitating her entirely. For now, at least. Stumbling backward, she quickly shifted her hips to regain balance as the woman came soaring in with a follow-up sweep of her spear, aimed in an upward trajectory.

Using her natural speed, Amaranta would quickly sidestep the upward spear strike, shifting in downward slope to sweep at the woman's legs with a withering roundhouse kick. If she evaded it, Amaranta would simply pursue her by leaping off of her feet like the fierce animal she embodied, aiming to grab her in a swipe and slam her towards the ground. Letting her get too far out of her range might actually work against her with spear blasts like the ones that smashed against her chest. Better to keep the princess from straying too far. There was a bet on the line, after all.


Last edited by Iori on Fri Nov 18, 2022 1:00 am; edited 2 times in total
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khaana - A Source of Interest[Amaranta, Khaana] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Source of Interest[Amaranta, Khaana]

Fri Nov 18, 2022 12:49 am
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The arrancar, unfortunately, was quicker to recover than she'd hoped. After nailing the woman with that sudden flash of reiryoku, the Feline promptly dodged that sudden slash, and in an instant, Khaana's eyes WIDENED as her legs were swept?! Her eyes struggling to keep up, and managing to twist the lance just in time to FIRE off a singular blast at the woman's chest just before they leapt in and DUNKED her into the ground! The impact RATTLED her, and the sheer force was enough to make her bones creak! Not that she cared about her damn bones, She still hissed from the sheer strength with which she was being wailed into the ground. Dammit. She couldn't even think about keeping up like this! She'd been hoping to just tough this out. But already she was having trouble. Shit.

Khaana panted, wincing on her back where Amaranta had promptly slammed her, and narrowing her eyes as she slowly peeled herself up off the ground. Vulnerable to any follow ups from the arrancar as her spiritual pressure WELLED within her. Those eyes narrowing a little as a sneer crossed her lips. "Alright. You're fast. I'll give you that. But lets see just how much punishment you can take." She grinned, and that spear in her hand suddenly GLOWED a brilliant red in her hands, slowly dragging her nails along it's length as it did.

"Come on, gimme your best shot." She taunted the arrancar. Her outfit already frankly scuffed. But she didn't pay it any mind.
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Fri Nov 18, 2022 1:23 am
khaana - A Source of Interest[Amaranta, Khaana] - Page 2 CB6zaHa


The roundhouse sweep accompanied by a leaping lunge and subsequent slam had reaped a bit of benefit for the beastly woman, but much to her surprise - and perhaps, even her amusement - Khaana was far from deterred. There was a significant degree of fire in those eyes. Hers was an expression of confidence, a sincere belief that she could win this battle. Crouched on all fours after the assault, Amaranta bore her fangs in glee, prowling around the woman like a lion crowding their prey. Hit her with her best shot, eh? Fine by her.

"You sure about that, Princess? I don't want any excuses if things don't go your way!"

Strategically, part of her should've kept herself at a distance simply to get a better feel for this woman's techniques. However, the leonine woman held no desire but to assert her dominance to soar in and end this as quickly as possible. After all, it was Khaana who was practically asking for her best shot. Leaping off all fours in a roaring motion, Amaranta would soar in with the aim of tackling her onto the ground, her long outstretched arms whipping forward in alternate directions, one was a punch aimed at her midsection, the other aimed to grab the spear and rip it away from her hand.

If it proved successful, she certainly intended to press her against the ground and strike at her body until she conceded defeat. Sometimes, even at the cost of strategy, true domination of the opponent was too good to pass up. Hell, she quite liked the fire in this lady. Those little newfound sneers and the snappy dialogue.


Last edited by Iori on Fri Nov 18, 2022 10:04 am; edited 1 time in total
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khaana - A Source of Interest[Amaranta, Khaana] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Source of Interest[Amaranta, Khaana]

Fri Nov 18, 2022 1:50 am
The sudden pounce from the Arrancar was just as fast as she expected. Even anticipating it, Khaana only really had a moment to adjust. She was slower. MUCH slower. But, what she had planned was just a small adjustment. As Amaranta lunged at her, she simply twisted to set that pointed tip in the woman's path. Ebven as she was TACKLED to the ground and pinned, hopefully, that spear would be lodged inside of the arrancar! But well.... she was only able to do so much. Even with that stab, IF she succeeded, the arrancar would still tackle her to the ground. There was just no avoiding that. And now on the ground, that spear would be RIPPED from her hands, and the woman would start laying into her!

However, two things would happen.

First, that spear suddenly SPROUTED spikes all over the handle! Piercing clean through the woman's hand and ripping into it, that living weapon promptly rejecting this foreign user. And secondly, Khaana's own spiritual pressure spiked.

khaana - A Source of Interest[Amaranta, Khaana] - Page 2 HEADER_b396d810b9d2fd31e25ed73b6966102c

There was a ripping noise as bright, massive wings erupted from her body. Not in pairs. Not in any ...logical place. But randomly all over her frame, shooting out of her chest, her legs, her arms, her belly, aiming to PIERCE into the arrancar's body and LOCK inside of them! The wings which erupted from her body where incredibly sharp, just as sharp as the spears she'd been using. Perfect for KEEPING the woman attached to her. All whilst Khaana's body transformed. Arms and legs growing longer, her head elongating, thickening until it melded with her torso to a smooth transition into a gnarled snout. A form truly worthy of a hollow such as herself. Eyes glowing blue and green as she entered her released form. And those wings sproutng from all over her body would execute a powerful PUMP! With such force that they SHOT up into the air with the speed of a step technique!

She intended to act quickly. After all, even if those wings were hard and sharp, there was nothing keeping the arrancar from simply ripping the wings out of herself. Khaana aimed to launch the both of them up into the air, turning her body as she did so that the arrancar would be beneath her. And if she pulled it off, it would be in that instant that Amaranta's pesquisa would liekly go haywire. As a POWERFUL reiryoku field would suddenly swamp her senses, and then condense between her and Khaana.

Khaana had a pretty simple gambit. The first of her tricks to try and unleash an attack the woman couldn't handle. Even if Amaranta managed to pry free, she was more than capable of generating that barrier at range, There was a brief instant where that battier formed, as if to protect herself from an oncoming attack. But rather, that barrier would EXPLODE outward. Suddenly rocking out with terrifying force. Of course, at range, it would simply be an almighty push, aiming to ram Amaranta a full fifty meters through the surrounding rocks and foliage. But if Khaana had her way with that little jump and spin? The lioness would find herself getting Plowed straight into the ground. A full ten meters or so into it at that. A move that would almost ASSUREDLY earn her the first half of her task in getting the woman on her back for the first time.

But of course, this form came at a cost. Khaana was HUGE in this form. A full ten meters in height, and a fairly large target. The only thing compensating for her size was that force field she was able to form using her reiryoku. And even that couldn't be used endlessly. She had to secure this first down, and then start thinking about how she was going to get the second one.
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