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khaana - A Source of Interest[Amaranta, Khaana] Empty A Source of Interest[Amaranta, Khaana]

Mon Nov 14, 2022 11:01 pm
khaana - A Source of Interest[Amaranta, Khaana] CB6zaHa


Though she rarely ventured, the earth realm held a significant source of curiosity in the Amaranta's unpredictable mind. Humans. So many humans. Small or large, she wondered about their potential,, wondered if there was some strong enough to provide her with a source of entertainment. After all, spending every day in an endless expanse of sand could get tedious after a while. There wasn't always entertainment to be found there. If anything, why not open her options and see what type of chaos she could start? Employing descorrer, Amaranta would step through the black void of the Garganta.

Stroking her chin for a moment, the lioness wondered where she ought to go specifically. She wasn't entirely familiar with earth realm locations. Land somewhere in public? Play the hunting game and scope someone out that sparked her interest? Ah, what the hell. She wasn't a fan of thinking too deeply on this. "Might as well go with the flow," she supposed. Creating footholds of reishi, Amaranta would step away from her comfortable throne in the makeshift arena she built, travelling through the portal towards the realm of the human world. She heard some hollows talking about how they hunted around in Tokyo, and decided that would be a location of interest. If it didn't garner any interest, she'd simply walk around in search of some. That was her motto. If tedium sets in, raise hell and kick it the fuck away.

Landing along a tall building overlooking a city filled with activity, Amaranta scaled the building to land down on one of the sidewalks, startling some of the civilians as she appeared seemingly out of nowhere. Turning toward them, Amaranta waved her hand.

"Relax, I don't fuck around with like... humans who can't hurt me. Not even worth my time."

Amaranta would turn away, using her otherworldly sense of smell to snoop around for some action. A cool spiritual human, maybe? A Shinigami? No, that'd probably only happen if she caused some chaos and incited the right attention, which seemed like a fun option at the moment, but she'd play the slow game. Hm... she was already smelling something. Was that hollow? Hm... curious. It wasn't a familiar smell, and it was kind of faint, but she'd track the source, moving through the city, tall and imposing, inviting the occasional source of attention now and again.


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khaana - A Source of Interest[Amaranta, Khaana] Empty Re: A Source of Interest[Amaranta, Khaana]

Mon Nov 14, 2022 11:39 pm
khaana - A Source of Interest[Amaranta, Khaana] HEADER_sample-238683fc701de8fb51d3c9e3c43ae576

"We on? Awesome. What's the lighting like? I think we got a good spot.... Alright, everyone all set?." Khaana smiled from ear to ear as she adjusted her spot a little, the city skyline in the distance as Khaana adjusted the angle on her phone, the little light blinked on, streaming as she kept the lense pointed squarely at hertself, as well as capturing the city behind her.

"Hope ya'll enjoyed the Weekend! After a BRIEF little break, I'm going to be back on streaming this afternoon! In, you guessed it: Tokyo! There will be a surprise guest appearance for tonight's stream. So make sure you show up, or tune in later to check it out!" She spoke to the device, having decided to stream a little impromptu announcement. In truth, she'd been hinting at this little stream for a good week now, as well as some candidates on who the "hypothetical' guest streamer would be that would be joining her. The actuality of the matter was that her and the other had planned this whole thing ahead of time.With a playful little peace sign, she promptly tapped the button that ended the stream, and then shut off her phone with a satisfied little smirk to herself.

She'd been looking forward to pairing up with this particular individual for quite a while now. She'd seen a lot of their videos, a lot of fun stuff! That was what was on her mind as she started walking, a big, pleased smile on her face as she ...walked RIGHT into the arrancar that had been bee-lining right for her. Her eyes WIDE for just a brief moment as she collided with the woman. A woman that FELT more like a fucking brick WALL! Immediately Khaana hissed, wincing as she felt her shoulder bruise ever so slightly! "Ow, Hey! Watch it!" She responded sharply as she rubbed at the shoulder and staggered back, immediately frowning at the ....strange...woman? What the heck? She paused, briefly thrown off by the ....exotic attire adorning the woman she'd run into.
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khaana - A Source of Interest[Amaranta, Khaana] Empty Re: A Source of Interest[Amaranta, Khaana]

Tue Nov 15, 2022 12:05 am
khaana - A Source of Interest[Amaranta, Khaana] CB6zaHa


After bumping into the source of her curiosity, Amaranta would turn toward the voice of the woman she'd knocked over in her pursuit. Tilting her head, the tall woman would lean over and observe the woman with suspicious blue eyes. Eh? What the hell was this? The lioness expected to find an arrancar or even a hollow. She looked entirely human. To be fair, there were plenty of humanoid arrancars. Some were pretty well at hiding it, too, but there were at least discernible factors to single them out. A mask fragment, a hollow hole, and even their spiritual signature. Was she some type of arrancar or somethin'? Poking at her cheek as though touching an object, Amaranta tilted her head, wondering what this seemingly human woman's deal was.

"You smell.... hollow-y. You some kind of arrancar or something? I don't see a mask' fragment' anywhere. But I wonder if there's a hollow hole you're hiding somewhere.

Judging by the way she started to approach Khaana, it was certainly clear what her intent was. It was equally clear that the concept of personal space was nonexistent to the arrancar. She found a source of interest among these dumb fleshy humans. Why not look into it?


Last edited by Iori on Wed Nov 16, 2022 7:31 pm; edited 2 times in total
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khaana - A Source of Interest[Amaranta, Khaana] Empty Re: A Source of Interest[Amaranta, Khaana]

Tue Nov 15, 2022 11:38 am
khaana - A Source of Interest[Amaranta, Khaana] HEADER_sample-238683fc701de8fb51d3c9e3c43ae576

Khaana's eyes widened and she froze slightly as she heard that accusation. And immediately she felt a sudden vicious urge to get rid of this woman. She hid her spiritual pressure well enough. She kept her own pressure as muted as possible. But ..... she also had noticed it. That Hollows. And especially Arrancar with their fancy...what was it....sorako? Peska? Some stupid spanish word, that let them sniff out souls even through her disguise. And for just a moment, she was VERY aware of the few passerby's that were looking toward the pair. And that accusation that Khaana was a hollow.

She twitched... before promptly WINCING as that hand reached up and prodded her face, and in an instant, Khaanas hand SNAPPED up, attempting to catch the arrancar by the wrist and CLAMP down. Enough to snap a normal human's wrist, and enough to injure and send pain through a fairly strong hollow! She;d run into them before. And she'd been able to do some fair damage. Surely, if this woman was as weak as she hoped, or at least recognize how serious she was! Unaware of just how phenominally stronger this arrancar was in comparison to her.

"I don't know what you're talking about, but you need to shut your trap and beat it, lady." She hissed venmously at the woman, briefly forgetting to keep up appearances. She didn't care about acting nice, she needed this bitch OFF her ass! What if one of her fans overheard this?! Either way, Khaana put on a very CLEAR show of aggression in both her grip and her words. Clearly ready to start a fight. Unaware of how outmatched she was.
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khaana - A Source of Interest[Amaranta, Khaana] Empty Re: A Source of Interest[Amaranta, Khaana]

Tue Nov 15, 2022 6:48 pm
khaana - A Source of Interest[Amaranta, Khaana] CB6zaHa


Amaranta observed the woman with a modicum of interest as she seized her wrist at once and attempted to apply a measure of force against it. Seeking to break her wrist, perhaps? The attempt was honestly so adorable that the Lioness wanted to reach in with her other hand and pet the tiny lady on her head. She wasn't giving her any answers, though, which made it difficult to remain "cordial" - not that she cared for that concept, really. It was simply something her "companions" in Hueco Mundo told her would make the transition easier. Her gaze wandered around to some of the civilians looking on with watchful eyes, but paid them little heed.

She continued on, shrugging her shoulders as a fearsome grin marked her lips. Lifting her arm up in the woman's grip, likely carrying her along with it unless she chose to let go, Amaranta noted her gaze. Oh... she welcomed the ferocity. That gaze told a thousand stories. Was she looking to scrap? Over a measly question? What was she, ashamed of being an arrancar? Weird. She hated her hollow years up until she learned to decide her own destiny, so she could relate to self-disdain on some level. Well, not anymore. She sincerely thought she was a gift to any realm or city she frequented now. Ego may as well be her middle name.

"Nah. I'm not leaving until you answer my question, princess. I smell hollow all over you. But I don't see a mask fragment, and more than that I don't see a hollow hole. If you're an arrancar, you're doing one hell of a job at hiding it. Heh, ashamed of your existence something? I can understand, I use to fucking despise myself for a time, but not anymore. Anyway, the sooner you answer, the sooner I can sate my curiosity. So, spill it. Time is of the essence, and all that jazz."

It was almost like a command. She could grow quite impatient. Khaana had two options. Speak or fight. Either one suited Amaranta just fine, to be certain.


Last edited by Iori on Tue Nov 15, 2022 8:12 pm; edited 2 times in total
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khaana - A Source of Interest[Amaranta, Khaana] Empty Re: A Source of Interest[Amaranta, Khaana]

Tue Nov 15, 2022 7:34 pm
khaana - A Source of Interest[Amaranta, Khaana] HEADER__souryuu_asuka_langley_neon_genesis_evangelion_drawn_by_youling_keke__sample-7333d29e3534088bd9a600d75c24fdbb

Immdiately, Khaana sensed that something wasn't right. Not only did the woman not even flinch from that grip, but the sudden strength with which they raised her off the ground startled her. There wasn't a slight start before a heft. The woman didn't even seem to use any leverage or shift her body to accommodate. No... By simple sheer effortless strength. She was lifted off the ground, even with her struggling, as if she were nothing, and she quickly released the woman's arm to drop and stare with slightly wide eyes. Now thoroughly aware that this was no ordinary opponent.

She stared for several seconds and tensed as the woman seemed to insist on her question. Shit, more people were starting to stare. IF nothing else, she had to move this conversation.

"I'm not answering that HERE. You fucking....urggh." She grabbed the woman's hand again and TUGGEd them toward the side. If they allowed themself to be pulled? Fine. If not, she'd just march off without them. Intent on hurrying out of the view of the crowd and to a nearby alleyway. Hurrying to try and avoid any suspicious gazes from the surrounding people. All the same, she intended to try and get the woman out of the general public before rounding on them.

"You are MAKING a scene! Don't you know anything about blending in with humans?! Are you fucking STUPID? Look, I know I SMELL like a hollow. But I'm NOT one." Well, alright technically that was a lie. She ....well actually she wasn't even sure what to call herself. Tch. "I'm an artificial soul MADE from hollows. I don't go putting on a mask or eating people. I don't have any zanpaku'to. Or any fancy arrancar powers. I'm just a very sophisticated, modified hollow if you wanna get super technical." She hissed through her teeth."[/color] Trying her best to remain somewhat cordial. But she was already on edge, and this woman really grated on her nerves.
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khaana - A Source of Interest[Amaranta, Khaana] Empty Re: A Source of Interest[Amaranta, Khaana]

Wed Nov 16, 2022 1:36 am
khaana - A Source of Interest[Amaranta, Khaana] CB6zaHa


Amaranta liked temper in a person, reveling in stoking the flames of discontent if it brought out a certain level of fury. As such, she regarded the woman with the same curiosity she had maintained since she crashed into her. Allowing herself to be pulled along into the nearby alleyway, Amaranta quietly listened to the woman's scathing response. Which, to be fair, it probably was justified. She appeared out of nowhere and invited the attention of curious eyes. From her momentary series of observations, Khaana had appeared to be setting something up before she so casually interrupted her day.

During the fierce earful she received, Amaranta's curiosity would finally be sated. An artificial soul made from hollows, huh? It wasn't the first answer she expected, but neither did she view it as unsatisfactory. Maintaining a playful grin, she offered the woman a satisfactory nod, looming over the woman with a curious catlike gaze. She could leave and call it a day, but she found the woman's reactions quite adorable. These little moments of antagonism were truly a joy.

"Nope. I know nothing about blending in with these guys. Some arrancar in Hueco told me that's how the beat goes around here, but they didn't go into real detail for me to go off of. Blend in, avoid unnecessary attention, and vice-versa. Come to think of it, this is like my second or third visit here, actually. Anyway... Artificial soul, huh? interesting. That explains the hollow scent..."

Amaranta would stroke her chin in quiet contemplating before pointing her fingers towards the alleyway, curious about how to blend in with these humans, possibly with her assistance. If anything, Khaana was soon find out how difficult it was going to be to get rid of her. Everyone else looked boring, and she was particularly interesting. Just the way the cookie crumbles, really. The lioness certainly didn't care if it upset her. She wanted entertainment.

"So beyond me reigning on your parade out there, what's your name, princess? Mine's Amaranta Valeria, but ya can call me Amara for short. Though, I think judging by the way you look right now, you probably want to call me much worse, hm?" She inquired grinning almost teasingly, standing over her with a playful posture.


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khaana - A Source of Interest[Amaranta, Khaana] Empty Re: A Source of Interest[Amaranta, Khaana]

Wed Nov 16, 2022 1:59 am
khaana - A Source of Interest[Amaranta, Khaana] HEADER__souryuu_asuka_langley_neon_genesis_evangelion_drawn_by_youling_keke__sample-7333d29e3534088bd9a600d75c24fdbb

Khaana's eyes widened a little and she ..... felt.... unnerved. There was something about the way that this woman looked at her that she .... didn't like. It seemed....Villainous. And not the 'side character that was defeated in one arc' kinda villain. The REAL bg arch main villain kind of vibe. And that made Khaana go a bit still, tension clear in every fiber of her body. It was ... perhaps fate that in her quest for a protagonist to complete her life... that she would find this . The antagonist instead. A slow, and steady sneer crossed her face as the woman taunted her. She was just ASKING for it.

But no, she couldn't let herself be goaded. That was protag tip number one. There was no MC to save her if things went south. She had to be careful. But that was.... increasingly difficult to do as Amaranta goaded her. Calling her PRINCESS. With a sarcasm that pushed all the wrong buttons. IN a sudden twist of her hips, Khaana's hand cocked back and she FIRED A hook right into the Arrancar's face. Potentially BUSTING the fuck out of her knuckles on the woman's hierro in the process. But that was a small price to pay for potentially getting that smug fucking look off the woman's face.
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khaana - A Source of Interest[Amaranta, Khaana] Empty Re: A Source of Interest[Amaranta, Khaana]

Wed Nov 16, 2022 9:44 pm
khaana - A Source of Interest[Amaranta, Khaana] CB6zaHa


The faint sneer in Khaana's visage was absolutely delightful. The palpable sarcasm in her tone was purposeful, employed with the utmost intent to drop a match over gasoline and see the fury explode into a wildfire right before her eyes. Antagonism was her second language, and the fluency was exceedingly pristine so far. Khaana was practically entertaining her simply by virtue of lashing out and scowling at the woman as if she wanted to see her head on a pike. A precise moment occurred right within the window of opportunity for Khaana where Amaranta leaned in close enough to discern a right hook soaring in towards her face.

Pfft, a sneak attack? The leonine woman almost wanted to burst with laughter at the attempt. This little lady she mockingly referred to as 'princess' was truly entertaining. Now, it was time to put on an act to fool her into thinking her cheap shot reaped whatever benefit she may have been aiming for. At the last moment, Amaranta would allow the strike to land in a clean hit, selling the shock angle as her head was turned sideways. Holding her face, feigning a fierce glare toward the woman, Amaranta's body would tremble with faux malcontent, enough to give the woman a false sense of satisfaction. Of course, she made a concerted effort not to oversell the strike.

"You little bitch... fucking cheapshotting me like that. I oughtta..."

One second, two second, three... her head would turn around with a smug, shit-eating grin, bursting with laughter. The chortle was so obnoxiously loud that anyone could hear it if they bothered to seek it out. A mere step of sonido would carry her behind the woman, cocking her fist back to return the favor, soaring in with a cheap shot poised towards the woman's lovely face. If it connected, the intent was to send her flying on her behind, all so she could walk over her, step over and remind her of the clear divide between them. Even if she dodged it, Amaranta welcomed the chase. This was too fun an opportunity to pass up. What would her reaction look like now, she wondered?

"Return the favor! God, you really are delightful! I haven't had a laugh like that in a minute. What were you trying to accomplish just then, huh? A wittle ole' cheap shot on my seemingly defenseless face?"


Last edited by Iori on Thu Nov 17, 2022 9:02 pm; edited 2 times in total
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khaana - A Source of Interest[Amaranta, Khaana] Empty Re: A Source of Interest[Amaranta, Khaana]

Wed Nov 16, 2022 11:15 pm
khaana - A Source of Interest[Amaranta, Khaana] HEADER__souryuu_asuka_langley_neon_genesis_evangelion_drawn_by_youling_keke__sample-7333d29e3534088bd9a600d75c24fdbb

The sudden burst of blood across her own knuckles was enough to make her narrow her eyes. The woman was durable but.... to her surprise, the woman actually seemed to feel the punch! Unfortunately, that seemed to be about ALL she was going to get out of this. She didn't smile, she was still fucking PISSED. And even seeing that sudden anger, she narrowed her eyes and braced herself. Infusing her body with Reiryoku to protect herself. She did, however, get startled when the woman suddenly shot behind her. Her eyes a little wide before that fist connected with her face. Ah. A hard THOK as that fist connected and her body SLAMMED into the wall at her side and caused her to tense. Even reinforcing her body... that was a damn strong punch! She crumpled after the hit, hissing and touching her face, wincing as she could feel blood dripping down from her mouth. Having cut the inside of her lips on her own teeth.

She was ANGRY. But she took a slow, hissing breath and ..... restrained herself. There was no way she could just break out and fucking attack this woman. For one, the people nearby would get involved. Not only that, but ... well. She wasn't sure she could take this bitch. Tch. But she wasn't just going to let this go.

She slowly stood upright, cracking her neck and taking a slow, shaky breath before putting on a sneering smile over her face. "Alright bitch. I earned that one. Fair enough." She curled her lip in disdain and glanced at her phone. Tch.

"I have a stream in a few hours. And we're in the middle of the fucking city. So how about we take this outside the city?" She ventured before promptly looking over her shoulder and giving a snide smirk. "A Duel. Not to the death or anything uncivilized. In fact. How about we make a bet?" She ventured and promptly folded her arms. Challenging the woman.

"If I can knock you on your back at least twice. Then YOU apologize. On your hands and knees." She knew this was a dangerous game. But as .....irritating as this arrancar was. She didn't get a murderous vibe from her. Plus the woman hit like a truck. She was strong. But that could also mean she was overconfident. The kind of overconfident woman who would hardly go all out against someone she just ragdolled against a wall.

She had ..... two tricks. Maybe three. That could knock this bitch on her ass. The first one would no doubt get her on her guard. But if she played her cards correctly. Maybe she could get to see this little villain on the ground. And that was plenty to drive her. Heh~
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