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Thu Sep 29, 2022 6:12 pm
hisana - Arrancan you Help? [Hisana | Urahara] HEADER_a1824d4de4224017b11f7e14049a5a02

It was curious to say the least. The Bureau of Research and Development certainly was not a place she had imagined she would walk into. All the same, she let her attention drift slightly, making note of some of the squad members which seemed to direct their attention in her direction. Her status had been very expressly circulated by now. The Arrancar, Hisana. Not only the 'Older Sister' of Captain Kuchiki, but of course a living arrancar, living amongst the soul reapers and even teaching at the academy. It was no surprise that she was drawing attention. But she paid no mind to that.

Rather, she made her way toward the offices, intent on seeing if the Captain was about. As of late, a ...few things had been on her mind. She had wondered a great many things since working with the soul reapers, and well. With one of the newest Captains, it presented the opportunity to perhaps get a few answers. A man famous for having such answers.

Kisuke Urahara.

After speaking with one of the squad members, she waited patiently as they left to see if the Captain was around. Keeping herself focused.
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Thu Sep 29, 2022 9:56 pm

hisana - Arrancan you Help? [Hisana | Urahara] UiUIw9T

Kisuke Urahara | Research Captain

People were often looking for the Captain of the 3rd Division lately. Ever since his appointment really. It was good to know that he was so well appreciated by the good people of Soul Society, he did give them fair advice and asked nothing in return. Some were more interesting than others though, those were the ones he paid attention to. This one, he wasn't sure yet.

The former Hisana Kuchiki, returned to them by some strange little wrinkle of fate. There was certainly more to that story than she would ever let on, but he was not exactly willing to pull that thread quite yet.

"I heard you were looking for me, Hisana?"

It was almost like he appeared from nowhere, seeming to just materialise into the little waiting room not long after a request had been sent for him. That was not quite the case, of course, as it would be impossible to simply travel across space, but he had certainly masked his approach to catch her a little unawares.

Saw that coming | END POST
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Thu Sep 29, 2022 10:07 pm
hisana - Arrancan you Help? [Hisana | Urahara] HEADER_a1824d4de4224017b11f7e14049a5a02

Hisana had been quite relaxed. Having not even bothered to open her pesquisa as she settled within the room she'd been asked to wait in. Though that voice caused her to perk up ever so slightly, before turning to look at the man himself. For Urahara, it might certainly be an odd sensation indeed. That sudden deja vu. The face that was so very much like Rukia's, and yet his eyes would discern those subtle differences that others didn't pick up. Height. Slight differences in build. And certainly, demeanor.

"Ah, Captain Kisuke. It's a pleasure to meet you." She offered with a prompt warm smile and a respectful bow of her head to the man. Certainly she was aware of the respect that Captains warranted. "I appreciate you meeting me on such short notice. I wasn't sure if I needed an appointment or...something." She noted with a gentle sheepish smile.

"I'm sorry to say that I'm not here simply to ask for Tea. I was hoping to see if I might ...ask you a few questions. And ...admittedly, also potentially request your assistance." She explained. Taking the moment to try and ....get a red of the man. Certainly he seemed friendly enough. There was not any particular....coldness or intensity about him that she saw in some shinigami. And he would certainly notice that she had a very curious look on her face. By simple deduction, and also the fact that he'd probably seen the exact same expression on a very similar face.
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Fri Sep 30, 2022 12:22 am

hisana - Arrancan you Help? [Hisana | Urahara] UiUIw9T

Kisuke Urahara | Research Captain

If she was looking for, or perhaps interested to see if there was, any surprise at her uncanny resemblance to Rukia, there was nothing upon Kisuke's face that suggested as such. It took only a glance to take note of her differences, her mannerisms and the way she carried herself. He could tell it was Hisana, there was no room for confusion.

"Oh it's quite alright, most people try to book but then they risk my availability changing. The life of a Gotei Captain can hardly be contained in a normal calendar."

He laughed lightly, a smile resting easy upon his lips, as he listened to her. He was not hard to read, though perhaps that was the clue that he was too easy to read - like he was putting on a facade.

"I wouldn't have minded the tea, if I'm being honest, but I suppose I can let you pick my brains for a moment or three. And if you've come to seek me out then your problem is probably not a mundane one, so shall we head to my office or do you want to talk about it out in the open?"

Saw that coming | END POST
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Sun Oct 02, 2022 10:18 pm
hisana - Arrancan you Help? [Hisana | Urahara] HEADER_a1824d4de4224017b11f7e14049a5a02

Hisana nodded along. She supposed that made sense, certainly a number of the professors could be difficult to get ahold of. Even the ones who weren't active Captains. She gently folded her hands in front of her and sighed. "I really don't mind either way." She noted softly, her shoulders slumping for just a moment before she turned to look at the Captain. A brief.....uncertainty about her features.

"I considered a lot of ....questions to ask you. Honestly I'm not even sure what I'm allowed to know." She noted softly, closing her eyes as she found herself a seat. "I've had a bit of ....trouble. When I visit the world of the living, when I manage all the paperwork. It's been a bit ....difficult. Seeing the state of hollows. Knowing what they're going through. Naturally, I've been given what I need to call in shinigami. But it's still ...regrettable I can't help them as Shinigami can. I was actually curious if you might tell me how exactly it is that I know from the academy teachings that the zanpaku'to cleanses the sins committed as a hollow. But despite being called zanpaku'to, our blades can't do that. I admit...I'm a bit curious why they are different. But more than that, why it is that you call our swords zanpaku'to if they aren't the same.." She had pondered it quite a bit. Arrancar were, after all....hollows who attained the powers of shinigami. At least, that's how soul society taught it. And yet, why could they not perform the same rituals?

She looked to him. But there was more than just ....that there. She wasn't uncertain in this line of questioning. If nothing else, he would definitely get the sense that there was a greater reasoning behind her questions. These ponderings weren't just random musings, they were connected to something else that had been occupying her mind.
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Mon Oct 03, 2022 9:29 pm

hisana - Arrancan you Help? [Hisana | Urahara] UiUIw9T

Kisuke Urahara | Research Captain

It certainly amused him that she did not mind discussing it out here rather than in the office. It had been a bit of a joke on his part to suggest it but, instead, he found himself collapsing into a seat nearby and listening. Ah, Hollows and putting a peaceful end to their existence. Certainly a topic that many had debated over the lifespan of the Gotei and the Shinigami as a whole. Though still an unlikely one to hear from an Arrancar.

"Calling an Arrancar's weapon a zanpakuto is perhaps a simplification. It makes it easier for the masses to understand, and it is certainly not incorrect to assume that a great deal of power lies within one. Most need never know the answer to this question, for they will likely never encounter an Arrancar unless they are particularly unlucky, but there are always those few that seek to ask."

He smiled wistfully, a hand brushing errant strands of blonde hair from his face.

"I suppose you'd be the expert on the matter, but an Arrancar's zanpakuto is actually the seal for them to store their true power. Each Arrancar forms its own zanpakuto when they are created and it is a physical embodiment of their own abilities. But the weapons of the Shinigami are not made by each individual, they are gifted to them when they train at the academy and grow with them. The bond between the two is where their strength lies, not the power of the weapon itself. The two are actually fundamentally different."

Saw that coming | END POST
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Fri Oct 07, 2022 5:52 pm
hisana - Arrancan you Help? [Hisana | Urahara] HEADER_a1824d4de4224017b11f7e14049a5a02

Hisana nodded slowly as he went through his ...explanation. She maintained an attentive expression as he gave his explanation. But he would doubtlessly pick up a lack of ....relief or satisfaction in his answer. True, he was answering her question, but his words didn't quite tell her what she was wanting to know. She remained quiet for a moment and looked off to the side. "I suppose I simply am ....curious as to what exactly a Zanpaku'to is made from. It's not simple metal. And how is it that it is able to perform a konso? My instincts tell me that it would be some sort of ....spell cast on the weapon. Or is it more intrinsic than that?"

She sighed softly, and shook her head just a little, smiling sheepishly. "I of course understand if you don't know the answers to that. Or well...aren't allowed to speak on the matter. I admit, my interest is something a bit ...selfish perhaps. Having to call in shinigami is not always a very quick process. I admit, I've found myself wishing I could handle hollows myself without issue." She murmured. Making clear the real root of this line of questioning.
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Wed Oct 12, 2022 3:42 pm

hisana - Arrancan you Help? [Hisana | Urahara] UiUIw9T

Kisuke Urahara | Research Captain

"Oh, you'd be surprised."

It was an innocent little comment, concerning his knowledge of zanpakutos and their makeup. He had tried to steer the conversation in the direction that Hisana might find easier to rationalise but it seemed like that would not sate her. She wanted solutions not answers, the difference between the two was crystal clear, but he had offered to help.

"If it were a simple matter of the fundamental components of the blade, then it would be far easier to produce a zanpakuto than it is. There are the spells, the enchantments and enhancements, of course, but there is more beyond that which makes them the weapon of the Shinigami. So do you want to wield one?"

The innocent expression remained, as his eyes narrowed just a touch in her direction. It was intense, a sudden change of pace, but Kisuke was genuinely interested. Was that what she wanted, or was there something else she had in mind? Objectively, it would make her time on earth easier, but it was also a weapon to be used against her own kind in a twisted way. Perhaps it was one more indication of where her loyalties lay.

Saw that coming | END POST
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Wed Oct 12, 2022 3:52 pm
hisana - Arrancan you Help? [Hisana | Urahara] HEADER_32596747_p9

She couldn't help but smile ruefully a bit as he went through the process. Or well, the general myriad of things that seemed to be a part of the Zanpaku'to process. She should have presumed it was a complicated process. Though... she couldn't help but wonder. If so much went into these things, why was it that every single student received one? IT was an incredible investment, she had even sorted memories she'd collected about some even being stolen from dead shinigami. It was a paradox of effort and supply, at least from her perspective.

However, as he asked her that question, she glanced up and stared a little. The tone behind that question certainly seemed leading. And for a moemnt she considered, but it was a very brief one. Her answer came without much hesitation at all. "Yes." She murmured, and glanced at her own palm, that thin vine slowly snaking up from her sleeve to gently rest around her wrist.

"I can do many things with my current abilities. In truth, I wonder sometimes if it would be better off were I simply cleansed. But ...." She grasped her hand together, her mind wandering back to Lord Kuchiki's words. And so many other memories surrounding him, and her eyes stung for just a moment. "But I can't risk these precious memories I have. I very much would like to be able to cleanse my brethren. However, I can't risk losing what I have now. That....admittedly. Is why I've been so curious about these details." She sighed before giving a sheepish smile.

"I suppose when you hear it aloud, it sounds a little greedy of me."
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Sun Oct 16, 2022 5:00 pm

hisana - Arrancan you Help? [Hisana | Urahara] UiUIw9T

Kisuke Urahara | Research Captain

"You are quite the specimen, aren't you?"

Kisuke laughed innocently, playing off his entirely truthful remark as a little more than a joke. Hisana did indeed interest him, her mentality was quite altogether unique compared to most any Hollow or Arrancar he had encountered thus far. Some had been repentant, but she was the first to wish to take action against her own kind for the betterment of the cycle—such a shame.

"I kindly appreciate your desire to wield the weapon of the Shinigami, your plight is understandable and most certainly unenviable, but even I cannot fix a fundamental difference in your biology and my own. Would that there was a better solution, a cleaner one, but my hands are as tied as your own. Was I to give you an Asauchi right now, it would be akin to holding a mundane blade. I can make such arrangements if you would like to see so for yourself, but this is a field in which I have previously dabbled. There is simply no spark of ignition."

He sighed softly, a wistful haze passing over his eyes. There was always time for more research, study, and innovation, but at this moment even he had no tool to aid her directly. Another fun little challenge for the future.

"Are there any other questions you might have for me? I can promise to be generally more helpful with those."

Saw that coming | END POST
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