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Fri Aug 26, 2022 8:48 pm
Meeting the grandstudent [Yuujin/Yoruichi] HEADER_FILh0UMaIAsARBG

It was ....well....abundantly easy to find Yuujin. Honestly she was very familiar with the regulars around the Urahara Shoten, and so it came to pass that Yoruichi found herself snooping around for the fellow. Truth be told, she was a little surprised when she FOUND the lad. Especially when she noticed the faint scent of blood in the air. Did he Injure himself or something? She paused, standing outside his room and wondering just how hard WAS Shaoling pushing him? If she were to ask Shaoling she felt the reply would probably be somewhere along the lines of 'Not hard enough'. Maybe that was just old Sui Feng she was thinking of.

All the same, she gently knocked on the door to get his attention, waiting patiently outside for him to respond. Well....that or just open the door herself if there wasn't a response.
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Sun Aug 28, 2022 8:29 am
Meeting the grandstudent [Yuujin/Yoruichi] YrkEqFf


And who could be at his door at this time? Hopefully not another Shinigami bleeding out of a large hole in their stomach. He's still struggling with getting Erika's blood off the floor. The smell is starting to annoy him, and with that said, he's not all that appreciative of something interrupting him trying to get it clean. However, with a sigh, he put the mop to the side and headed over to his room's door, opening it.


Of course, he'd instantly recognize the woman. His family would have dogged him if he didn't know who this is. His surprise is pretty small though, maybe because he expected this to happen one day. Yoruichi was Shaoling's teacher at some point, so it simply made sense that he would run into her at some point. It just had to be when he's dressed like some weird hazard nurse: boots, gloves, an apron, mask, and one of those weird caps on his head.

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Sun Aug 28, 2022 10:04 am
Meeting the grandstudent [Yuujin/Yoruichi] HEADER_FILh0UMaIAsARBG

When the young man opened the door, she perked up! A little surprised when she noticed the little get-up he was dressed in. Aaaaaand he recognized her. She grinned, chuckling slightly. Spending so much time in the world of the living where basically nobody knew who the fuck she was. It was weird to be regocnized outside of the sereitei. "And you must be Yuujin." She chimed, canting her head to the side and glancing at the spot he had been trying to clean.

"This a bad time?" She ventured calmly enough, not particularly alarmed after all what with how injured Shaoling had been, it was a fair assumption that it was either Shaoling, or the woman she'd fought. Still, she also took a moment to survey the young man. Huh, not bad lookin.
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Tue Aug 30, 2022 5:30 pm
Meeting the grandstudent [Yuujin/Yoruichi] YrkEqFf


Him knowing her is a simple result of his life before being Shaoling's student. He is part of a Noble family, and she used to be the head of one. Anything related to Nobility would have clued him in to her existence and status, even if that status stated that she's missing. However, he can clearly see that she is not missing. Though, that could mean a many of things, things he doesn't care about learning. All he knows is that she's here right now, bothering him in the middle of his cleaning.

"I guess if you're allergic to blood or something. The room's off limits."

Erika did leave a bit of a mess. He cleaned her up, and now he has to clean his room up. Urahara was kind enough to lend him some special soap, which may have just been normal dish soap and bleach, but Yuujin will get this smell out of his room no matter what.

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Tue Aug 30, 2022 5:45 pm
Meeting the grandstudent [Yuujin/Yoruichi] HEADER_FILh0UMaIAsARBG

Yoruichi smiled calmly at that and tilted her head to eye the mess on the floor. She had plenty of experience with that of course, not that she was inclined to grab a sponge or anything. It'd take a lot more than wanting to know Shaoling's student to get her on her knees building up a sweat.

"No blood allergies here." A pause as she studied the young man. "ACTUALLY I was looking to find some clothes. But it looks like Urahara doesn't keep my usual stashes around these days. If you have a spare shirt or something that's be cool, but honestly It's no big deal. It can wait till you're done cleaning." She noted calmly. Of course she'd mostly stayed with her head poking in from the side of the door frame, a pose she had somehow managed to make look rather natural. But if he poked his own head out of his room, he'd find that she was indeed a bit lacking in the clothes department. Perhaps some other individual she might have taken the time to bother and get dressed first, but frankly: It was Shaoling's student. She wasn't gonna sweat the small stuff like that.

"So are you working for Urahara as well? Since this seems a little more cluttered than just some guest room." She ventured, peeking in to eyeball the interior of the room a little. A curious cat indeed.
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Wed Aug 31, 2022 1:10 am
Meeting the grandstudent [Yuujin/Yoruichi] YrkEqFf


A spare what? Why does she need a spare shirt? Out of pure curiosity, he just had to look her way again, but he looked a bit harder this time. Is she naked? At his door? In Urahara's shop? For a second, he felt an urge to shut the door in her face.

"Go get one of Urahara's shirts, and yes; I am working for him."

He doesn't even care right now. He has more important things to worry about. The only thing he's annoyed by is the fact that two naked women have blessed him with their visage. He hates it.

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Wed Aug 31, 2022 9:27 am
Meeting the grandstudent [Yuujin/Yoruichi] HEADER_FILh0UMaIAsARBG

Yoruichi didn't really make any fuss when Yuujin poked his head out to double check. His reaction was, disappointingly, what she expected from Shaoling's pupil. But well, she came in with that being the assumption. Though she WAS a little intrigued at what she was learning about the young man. She hadn't really done any research on the young man, hell she didn't even know his last name. But she was a bit intrigued at his .....flavor.

"Hmmm, you seem a bit upset. Is this a bit more comfortable for you?" She ventured, poking out from behind the door frame, having seamlessly transitioned from her human form into her feline form. Of course keeping outside of the threshold and settling as she took a moment to eye his work. Under normal circumstances, she would have simply pushed her luck. However it had been .... a long night. And a bit of a stressful one, even if she wouldn't admit as much. And well, getting to see Shaoling as she was. She was pretty fine without having to be a gremlin for her kicks.

"From what I understand, his own employment is shifting toward the Gotei. You were a part of the Gotei at some point, weren't you?" She ventured. After all, she at least had some bits and pieces, as out of the loop as she was these days.
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Mon Sep 05, 2022 9:35 am
Meeting the grandstudent [Yuujin/Yoruichi] YrkEqFf


Great. Now she's a cat. That's what Shihoins do, yeah? He knows about that thanks to his Noble background, but the change doesn't interest him much at all. He's still busy, and he's still being disturbed from his work. Now she's bringing up more stuff to annoy him with. Yuujin knows about Urahara's shift in what's important and all that. If the man wants to join the Gotei, so be it, but that leaves Yuujin in a prickly spot. He's been wondering what Shaoling would do now that their boss is working for the Gotei again. He's left to wonder if she'll follow suit or not, and that leaves him to also wonder about his own future.

"I wasn't. I've never been, and I don't think I want to start now."

He hasn't even experienced Earth yet, and he may have to do it alone now. It is what it is though. He'll see what everyone's planning to do and make it his move once he has the necessary information. He can't help but wonder though...

"Why do you care about the Gotei?"

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Mon Sep 05, 2022 10:00 am
Meeting the grandstudent [Yuujin/Yoruichi] HEADER_0085-017

She canted her head a bit to the side, further intrigued. Ahhhh, so he was some noble brat, but he wasn't the type to have known Shaoling during her Captaincy. That indeed explained a lot. Perhaps even why Shaoling was so fond of the boy. The feline's yellow eyes peered piercingly up at the young man, the air about her far less....casual, almost judgemental as she watched him working. What an interesting thing, that the young man would not wind up in the gotei, and yet have such dedication.

But, then again, that dedication may simply be contingent on Shaoling being his mentor. He did not seem to have any real DUTY here. There was no sense of pride in the work he was doing. And she indeed wondered if he had been asked to clean this up, or if it was simply a matter of the blood offending his environment.

"You don't think you want to. I see." She murmured, head tilting ever so slightly. She didn't know enough about the young man to make any ...comments in that response. But it certainly didn't seem very definite. Then again, the young man probably didn't know much about the Gotei directly. And given Shaoling's initial departure....and now being asked to return, and her CONSIDERING that. It stood to reason he was a bit uncertain on his feelings.

"I don't recall establishing that I did. Is there any particular reason you think I do?" She ventured casually enough. Side-stepping the question/projection of his own uncertainties about the subject.


She gave him ample time to respond before she decided to answer the question regardless. "That's a complicated question. The 'Gotei' is not so much simply an organization as it is a manner in which the worlds function. It's not as simple as seeing it as 'Some entity crawling around the realms' so much as it is a foundation for those realms. While it may have struggled in doing it's job from time to time, It is still more .... of a principle than a simple organization. No doubt that is why the Nobility has tolerated the ...errant actions of the Gotei for so long. Among other reasons..." Her voice soured for just an instant. Unfortunately the Noble Families had atrophied as much as the Gotei had.

"My 'care' in regard to the Gotei is connected to that principle. I was once the head of the Shihoin family. I was once a Captain. With those titles came a responsibility. And even if I no longer hold those titles, I will never shake the mantles of responsibility that came with them."
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Tue Sep 06, 2022 4:07 pm
Meeting the grandstudent [Yuujin/Yoruichi] YrkEqFf


If he had answered, he would have simply brought up the points she had. She used to be a Captain. She used to be the head of the Shihoin. For someone who had long since parted ways, her even asking him about the Gotei seemed to be a gateway to more questioning. Surely, she knows about Urahara and Shaoling. It's as simple as that. Some part of her cares about what everyone else around her is doing, and that includes the Gotei. Now, for actually opening his mouth.

"Sounding a bit pretentious, aren't we? The world wouldn't function without the Gotei, huh? And who decided that? The Gotei? I'm unsure what world we live in today, but the Gotei sure doesn't care about the Nobility today, and it probably could have done away with us a long time ago. Just because tradition kept Nobility powerful, it's the idea that we're some immovable fact of life that has left everything we once touched nothing but dirt and dust. Keep talking about responsibility all you want, but you're actually the last person I'd ever take such words from with heart."

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