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Joined : 2017-03-31
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Location : Wandering The Wastes

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Katori Nobuko [APPROVED, 5-2; Shinigami] [Hazard Rating E] Left_bar_bleue42100/16000Katori Nobuko [APPROVED, 5-2; Shinigami] [Hazard Rating E] Empty_bar_bleue  (42100/16000)

Katori Nobuko [APPROVED, 5-2; Shinigami] [Hazard Rating E] Empty Katori Nobuko [APPROVED, 5-2; Shinigami] [Hazard Rating E]

Wed Aug 24, 2022 4:58 pm
Katori Nobuko [APPROVED, 5-2; Shinigami] [Hazard Rating E] FAXoYCj


Basic Information

○ Name: Katori Nobuko
○ Alias: N/A
○ Age: 24
○ Gender: Female
○ Race: Shinigami

○ Affiliation: Gotei United, 2nd Division

○ Alignment: Lawful Good
○ Marital Status: Single
○ Nationality: Soul Society
○ Sexual Orientation: Demisexual

○ Height: 5'1
○ Weight: Healthy
○ Hair Colour: White
○ Eye Colour: Pale blue

Katori Nobuko [APPROVED, 5-2; Shinigami] [Hazard Rating E] T2RHAPQ

Psychological Analysis

A gentle and tender presence, Katori interacts with her peers and patients alike with respect and dignity. Those who know of her would much quickly think of her kind smile and cool attitude first, keeping a level head even in frustrating or angering situations, a moment where she so much as raises her voice known to be an extreme rarity. She looks to others with the intent of care and support, even if she has to get rough with another.

She has full intent on herself and anyone around her appearing proper, often gently scolding occurrences of disrespect or a lacking attempt to present well. To her, appearances mean a lot and faltering in this respect is to open the door to a lack of dignity and respect for one’s self and surroundings.

Katori isn’t some delicate little flower, however, presenting with immense bravery and tact in dangerous situations. She isn’t shy of fighting or resorting to violence, merely feeling such things should be a last resort rather than the first move.


A pale bloom in the further districts of the Rukongai, a child was born to an impoverished home. Her snow white hair and pale complexion were rare beauties in her home, such traits giving value to an otherwise downtrodden family. Unfortunately, envious eyes and desperation led to the small child being sold, the final words of her mother speaking through her life - “No matter what, smile through the pain.”

Treated more like pretty decor than a developing person, the child known as Meri had only known a hard life of service to others, put to work entertaining the likes of others, often being worked to the bone. It was an exhaustive, controlling existence, reared a certain way to maintain the beauty that others valued so, made to perform, made to please.

Though despite how hard they wore at her, Meri would not break. She always had that yearning for freedom, that spirit in her eyes, no matter how much they sought to extinguish it. The older she got, the more keen and aware of things she became, the closer she became to formulating a way to escape, and such a chance would come in her teenage years, the closest to the richer districts she had ever been, and they would never expect her to run like the other girls tried.

None would expect a girl in such a poor state physically could run so hard and so long, that determination to be free higher than the groans of the flesh. All faded except the need to get as far from her captors as possible, as far into the Rukongai as possible, the only guide for her journey being the towering white walls of the Seireitei in the distance.

She hadn’t any concept of how long she was running before collapsing, apart from it being daybreak when she crumbled. That moment was her first stroke of luck after a lifetime of misfortune; an older man had come across her, hailing from a minor noble family.

He turned out to have a kind yet sad heart, taking her to be cared for and later adopting her. He had lost his family and ultimately was alone in his home, but the girl had kept him good company even in her poor state. She accepted becoming his daughter, forming a good relationship with the man she would know as Father, though desired to fully leave her old life behind.

She would no longer be Meri, considering her dead as of collapsing, but now was Katori Nobuko, taking her father’s family name and using a name she desired for herself. She would live her new life healthy and happy, her Father ensuring all of her needs were fulfilled, doting on her a bit too much at times. He had advised her of the Gotei, and that she had the capability to become a Shinigami if she so desired, in which she insisted on doing. She was highly interested in studying Kido, especially that of Kaido. She wanted to see to alleviating the suffering of others to the best of her ability, none would suffer as she did in her care if she could help it.

She proved excellent in her studies and time in class, graduating and becoming a member of the Kido Corps and serving in a healer role.



Being subject to the most study, Katori has considerable skill in Kaido, as any healer should. She is known to be very efficient when it comes to healing, being able to control and channel her Reiatsu so that she can both speedily heal others and not waste any energy whilst doing so. Coupled with remarkable stamina and focus, Katori can attend to a fair amount of wounded before tiring out if not busy with other things.

While her studies in Hadō can’t be compared to her investment in Kaido, she still has put considerable time learning and practicing the more destructive arts as a way to make up for her lack of strength and give her an edge in combat. Her efficiency carries over to these spells as well.

The most lacking in her studies, more to preference than an inability to learn, her knowledge of Bakudo is mostly limited to binding spells than any of the more protective ones.

Dancer’s Aptitude
Though her hard life was riddled with misfortune, one of the few things it gave her was a body capable of moving quickly, gracefully, and with considerable energy. She has great focus and skill in her movements, surprising for someone who hadn’t any formal physical combat training. Though she’s much better when it comes to evasion and speed, exploiting her opponent’s weaknesses than muscling through it.


Zanpakuto Name | Yokudansui (欲貪酔, "Drunk On Gluttony")

Yokudansui takes the appearance of a Katana with a dark blue grip. Nothing else special.

Inner World
Takes the appearance of a traditional bathhouse, overrun by orchid plants and thorny vines. On a far end, there's a performer's stage where the plants appear to be thickest.


Release Phrase | "Feed, Yokudansui."

Katori’s blade takes the appearance of a shattered sword, the only visible remains being a sharpened tip that protrudes a mere few inches from the hilt.

Shikai Ability
Though initially unassuming, it’s true power is revealed when it has been fed blood, be it of the user or an enemy, stealing the blood that makes contact with it to construct a glowing red extension to the blade, increasing it’s length and power the most blood it consumes.
(Length gradually increases per successful strike, it's full length reaching to 2-3 feet. Ability to pierce defenses grows with her Zanjutsu skill, being able to easily pierce enemies or constructs if they possess the same level in Durability, or being able to do so with less ease if the skill level is one higher than her Zanjutsu, this effect not applying if the skill difference is any greater. Though, if she collects 4 strikes worth of blood, the level above her becomes just as easy to cut into as the equivalent level.)

Though there is a duality to the blade; as much as it takes, it is able to give. If Katori wishes, she can give the stolen blood to an ally by stabbing them with the blade once enough has been collected, painlessly giving them energy in order to restore their bodies and energy while sacrificing the blade’s construction progress.
(Needs to have collected at least 3 strikes worth)


Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Adept
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Focus: Adept

General Skills
  • Durability: Beginner
  • General Speed: Adept
  • Strength: Beginner
  • Martial Skill: Adept

Shinigami Skills
  • Zanjutsu: Adept
  • Kido: Advanced
  • Hoho: Beginner
  • Hakuda: Untrained

Last edited by Lillian on Tue Jan 03, 2023 10:32 pm; edited 4 times in total
Veteran Member
Joined : 2019-02-28
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Age : 25

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Platinum Points:
Katori Nobuko [APPROVED, 5-2; Shinigami] [Hazard Rating E] Left_bar_bleue0/0Katori Nobuko [APPROVED, 5-2; Shinigami] [Hazard Rating E] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Katori Nobuko [APPROVED, 5-2; Shinigami] [Hazard Rating E] Empty Re: Katori Nobuko [APPROVED, 5-2; Shinigami] [Hazard Rating E]

Wed Aug 31, 2022 9:30 am
Initial Check:

Final Check:

Last edited by Siegharty on Wed Aug 31, 2022 10:13 am; edited 1 time in total
Veteran Member
Joined : 2017-03-31
Posts : 3596
Age : 24
Location : Wandering The Wastes

Member Info
Platinum Points:
Katori Nobuko [APPROVED, 5-2; Shinigami] [Hazard Rating E] Left_bar_bleue42100/16000Katori Nobuko [APPROVED, 5-2; Shinigami] [Hazard Rating E] Empty_bar_bleue  (42100/16000)

Katori Nobuko [APPROVED, 5-2; Shinigami] [Hazard Rating E] Empty Re: Katori Nobuko [APPROVED, 5-2; Shinigami] [Hazard Rating E]

Wed Aug 31, 2022 9:53 am
Changes have been made.

(Length gradually increases per successful strike, it's full length reaching to 2-3 feet. Ability to pierce defenses grows with her Zanjutsu skill, being able to easily pierce enemies or constructs if they possess the same level in Durability, or being able to do so with less ease if the skill level is one higher than her Zanjutsu, this effect not applying if the skill difference is any greater.)

(Though, if she collects 4 strikes worth of blood, the level above her becomes just as easy to cut into as the equivalent level.)
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Katori Nobuko [APPROVED, 5-2; Shinigami] [Hazard Rating E] Empty Re: Katori Nobuko [APPROVED, 5-2; Shinigami] [Hazard Rating E]

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