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A Path Illuminated Towards The Future(Freyja/Al'in) - Page 3 Empty Re: A Path Illuminated Towards The Future(Freyja/Al'in)

Sun Aug 28, 2022 2:15 pm


The moment Al'in had chosen to leave his feet, Freyja felt as if an opportunity had presented itself. However, he was an incredibly skilled combatant, possessing as much dexterity as he had charisma. She did not expect to avoid him for long. Confirming her belief in that conjecture, the man of the desert performed an acrobatic flip through the air, aiming to land an overhead strike where she was charging towards her fallen weapon.

Even if an opening of sorts had presented itself, time remained a limiting factor on what choice she ought to follow. His reaction time was truly impressive... Strike at him at the air or retrieve her weapon and engage him again? As she had already surrendered her desires onto retrieving that blade, Freyja charged onward, retrieving the weapon from the ground as she soared forward, avoiding the overhead strike from above by a hair's breadth.

Freyja acknowledged that this might well be another gamble leading her down a winless path, but she wouldn't know that until she saw it through. Focusing a wave of reishi around her feet, Freyja would employ the Hirenkyaku technique once more, to soar towards Al'in, her intent to apply pressure before he could balance himself properly on the ground to meet her again.

This time, Freyja would employ a strategy of staying low, executing strikes with her blade aimed towards his midsection, maintaining a flexible crouching position on the ground as she aimed her legs towards his own, aiming to force him into a stumble that could present an opening for her to strike at.

Perhaps shifting between levels would be enough to make some form of progress in this fight, or perhaps Al'in might well employ his ingenuity and make her regret choosing not to attack him during that opening in the air? Time would tell, no doubt.


Last edited by Iori on Mon Mar 06, 2023 3:59 pm; edited 3 times in total
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A Path Illuminated Towards The Future(Freyja/Al'in) - Page 3 Empty Re: A Path Illuminated Towards The Future(Freyja/Al'in)

Wed Sep 07, 2022 11:49 am
A Path Illuminated Towards The Future(Freyja/Al'in) - Page 3 TBIsH4w

Al'in mir Azizi | The Winds Blow

Slamming into the ground just behind Freyja, Al'in was impressed that she had dodged his blow again but he was slowly closing the position. It was only a matter of time before she was forced back into close quarters with him. Admittedly, she was now armed again and certainly a little more composed than when the second bout had begun so it was unlikely that he would catch her with another cheap trick. But that would not stop him from trying.

She surged forwards next, seeking to perhaps utilise his weakened stance against him, and Al'in had to admire again how well she adapted. Her own posture was tight, her body low and well guarded as she shot out some testing jabs towards his own exposed midriff as he rose back to his feet. There was a moment where he could have disengaged, sprung backwards and waited for fairer footing, but the rogue tumbled forwards instead. His blade flashed before him, expertly diverting her own strike as he rotated around her and looked for that opening. But there was an element that he had not gauged, her feet. As he completed his agile roll and once again found himself above her, a leg swept into his own and Al'in found himself turned sideways.

He hit the deck, and not too gently, skidding a little distance away with the last of his momentum before managing to stop himself. If she wanted an opportunity of her own to pounce then there was no greater opportunity than this, and Al'in certainly appeared to be stunned by the outcome of her attack. But appearances could be deceiving, as his hand was still tightly gripping his dagger in the hopes that his performance might earn him a chance at snatching victory from the jaws of defeat.

Hear Them Sing | END POST
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A Path Illuminated Towards The Future(Freyja/Al'in) - Page 3 Empty Re: A Path Illuminated Towards The Future(Freyja/Al'in)

Fri Sep 16, 2022 11:00 pm


An opportunity to secure a victory in their clash seemed to present itself, azure eyes noting the visible imbalance she had created in Al'in's stance, her leg striking at his own in that moment he aimed to perform an agile roll, aiming to strike from during her lower position at the ground.

As the crafty warrior roughly rolled a minor distance away, it seemed as if she had forced Al'in into a disadvantageous position , as if she had seized the momentum in their bout. Of course, appearances were undoubtedly deceptive, and what might well have seemed to be favorable now, could certainly shift in the space of a single moment, a minute second even.

As such, rather than pouncing at him from the front, where she might risk suffering a devasting counter, Freyja sped forward, guided by the light reishi around her feet, feinting towards him as if she had intended to strike at him in a direct line, only to flip behind the eastern warrior, lightly pressing - or aiming to, in theory at least - to press the hilt of her spirit weapon against his neck.

In that moment, Freyja could only wonder when she charged forward and gave the entirety of her momentum unto these precise movements, could only estimate if her momentary advantage had reaped the victory she wholeheartedly sought. Had she emerged victorious this round or had this elusively deceptive man of the desert turned the tables yet again...?


Last edited by Iori on Sun Sep 25, 2022 1:49 pm; edited 1 time in total
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A Path Illuminated Towards The Future(Freyja/Al'in) - Page 3 Empty Re: A Path Illuminated Towards The Future(Freyja/Al'in)

Fri Sep 23, 2022 12:09 am
A Path Illuminated Towards The Future(Freyja/Al'in) - Page 3 TBIsH4w

Al'in mir Azizi | The Winds Blow

Al'in could tell that Freyja wanted to pounce upon him, to bring her weapon to bear, so he held true to his bluff and waited patiently. But, once again, she was adapting to his technique already. There was a minuscule pause, enough that most might have missed it as they lay prone on the ground, but he saw it plain as day. The realisation on her face. And all he could do was smile.

She surged forwards, keeping her wits about her, and he knew that she had seen through this little trick. He leapt backwards, what force he could muster spent in trying to lift him to his feet, but it was already too late. As Freyja stepped behind him, he stepped back unknowingly into her and launched them both backwards. They did not travel far, though, for the man of the Wastes soon put a stop to his movement. Her blade was pressed against his throat and, though he might have been able to slam her into a wall and dislodge her, there was no guarantee that she could not open his throat. He had been bested this time.

"Hah! Very sharp, astute too. I think you have me quite well beaten, this time."

It was not lost on him that he was pressed tightly up against her, the flat of his back against her chest. It was an interesting place for one to find oneself, even in a combat environment, but Al'in was not one to complain.

Hear Them Sing | END POST
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A Path Illuminated Towards The Future(Freyja/Al'in) - Page 3 Empty Re: A Path Illuminated Towards The Future(Freyja/Al'in)

Sun Sep 25, 2022 2:26 pm


Freyja had certainly expected Al'in to employ a last-minute effort, even with her decision to leap behind him and strike at the rear. His deception was admirable, and for a moment, she almost doubted that victory had been secured, as their bodies launched forward. Was his aim to use her momentum to create a distance between them? Letting that happen would be less than ideal, were it to be the case.

Freyja aimed to wrap her free hand around him to keep a firm grip, and then his movement simply paused. Where were they located right now? Would he aim to slam her body against the wall in an attempt to dislodge her? Her spirit weapon was poised at his neck, but there was no intent of pushing the blade any further if she could avoid it. She was confident in her victory.

His voice was confirmation enough that he had conceded this round, complimenting her on her sharp wit in battle. Freyja was thankful to emerge victorious this round, even if there was light hint of doubt at the end. This man was truly unpredictable. It could have gone either way in her opinion. Sighing softly, she leaned forward.

"I consider that welcome praise, Al'in, though it proved quite difficult. I must admit I nearly doubted my victory for a moment there. This form of combat was truly exhilarating. To gain even a round on someone so at home in his element is certainly a victory to take in stride."

Of course, as she spoke, Freyja paid no particular heed to the position they were in, his back pressed against her chest, her arm around his frame. Her thoughts were clearly elsewhere, offering a compliment of her own as she reflected on their second engagement. Even if she recognized it, she wouldn't have particularly found herself coiling back in embarrassment.

An interesting position indeed.


Last edited by Iori on Sun Sep 25, 2022 4:22 pm; edited 2 times in total
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A Path Illuminated Towards The Future(Freyja/Al'in) - Page 3 Empty Re: A Path Illuminated Towards The Future(Freyja/Al'in)

Sun Sep 25, 2022 2:56 pm
A Path Illuminated Towards The Future(Freyja/Al'in) - Page 3 TBIsH4w

Al'in mir Azizi | The Winds Blow

With Freyja’s arm still wrapped around him, pinning his own to his body, Al’in had found his movement restricted. He could have thrust back with his free arm, perhaps, and done some damage before she finished him off but there was no move at his disposal that evaded the blade at his neck. That was as far as their friendly competition needed to go.

He tipped his head a little further backwards, coming a little closer to meeting her own as she leaned in. That playful grin slowly returned to his face after it had disappeared during a few moments of intense exertion at the end of their bout. Her compliments were not lost on him, though he had little response for them beyond a typically light laugh.

“There are always times to be confident and times to be cautious. When doubt saves you from destruction or dooms you with inaction. I live for that thrill.”

She hadn’t released him yet, though, that was quite novel. So, as she continued to hold him - both at knifepoint and in her arm, he was left to wonder if this was intentional or innocent. Were he to guess, the latter seemed the natural choice, but perhaps this was another moment for her to be confident. He could have told her as such, of course, but where was the fun in that?

Hear Them Sing | END POST
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A Path Illuminated Towards The Future(Freyja/Al'in) - Page 3 Empty Re: A Path Illuminated Towards The Future(Freyja/Al'in)

Mon Sep 26, 2022 3:27 pm


"I do wonder if I was caught within the ambience of that thrill. I cast away my doubts so that I might match you as an equal in close quarter combat. Even when I lost my knife, I chose to retrieve it so that this victory wouldn't feel empty..."

When their heads met, the culminative result of them leaning their heads in alternate directions - hers leaning forward, his lean backwards, Freyja finally seemed to recognize, with acute awareness, the intimacy of their current position. The coordinator's weapon was still poised at his neck, while her arm still remained neatly around his waist.

When she wrapped her arm around his waist, her intent was to hold him in place, to genuinely avoid letting him go in fear that he might execute a counter and turn the tables. That was the initial purpose. Therefore, there was no longer any reason to keep him here. She was abundantly aware of where they were, of how this appeared... and found herself hesitant to let go.

On one hand, Freyja realized that she ought to remove her arm, to free him, allow him to rise from the space he currently occupied in her arm. On the other, she wondered about the enigmatic nature of this man who wore his charisma on his sleeves.

What was the level of intention on his part to remain here? No, she was familiar with this. He was a man. Men enjoyed this level of contact with the fairer sex, no? Therefore, a more appropriate question, perhaps, lied with her. What held her back from releasing him at once?

A degree of comfort in his presence? A degree of fondness for his playful charm? His charismatic disposition? The perception that they shared a common thread in their pursuits of making their people proud? He had certainly seized a measure of her interest from the moment they met.

To be so bold as to hold him here, however... that certainly went against the rules of one who oft aimed to carry themselves with utmost propriety in mind. Thus, the next act, an orchestration of her own make, would symbolize something that strayed even further from those noble ethics. The knife would disperse within light particles of azure, allowing her free hand to occupy a similar position around his waist. She did not wish to let him go just yet. Curious...

"Excuse me for how bold this admission may come across, Al'in. I am currently finding it difficult to let you go," she remarked with no real measure of hesitation in her tone. Were he to turn his head any further, he would perhaps become mindful of the shade of red coloring her pale cheeks. Physically capable as he was, he could certainly pull away with no real degree of difficulty on his part. To free her from whatever this seemed to be... if he was so merciful, of course.


Last edited by Iori on Tue Sep 27, 2022 5:06 pm; edited 2 times in total
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A Path Illuminated Towards The Future(Freyja/Al'in) - Page 3 Empty Re: A Path Illuminated Towards The Future(Freyja/Al'in)

Mon Sep 26, 2022 6:29 pm
A Path Illuminated Towards The Future(Freyja/Al'in) - Page 3 TBIsH4w

Al'in mir Azizi | The Winds Blow

Al'in did continue to enjoy her little ignorance, remaining to hold onto him as she was, as she explained her strategy. He did not need to express his satisfaction with the fact that she had chosen to limit herself to one weapon, he had shown that already with his mutual respect for her decision. But then he saw the realisation creep into her face, it was not an obvious thing, but he was particularly astute and equally was also looking for such a sign.

"That's the danger isn't it? You can easily find yourself lost in the moment."

The dagger dissipated, her hands did not. That was enough of an invitation for him, as Al'in did not break free from her hold but instead shifted within it. He was graceful, of course, as it would be rather challenging if he was not. But, in the blink of an eye, he was no longer glancing over his shoulder at her. Instead, he was still pulled up tight against her but now face-to-face. There was still little room between their bodies, as tight a grip as she held upon him with the addition of her second hand.

"Oh? I must say that I had noticed." It was his turn to lean in now, edging closer to Freyja bit by bit, "But I didn't exactly push you away now did I?"

His own weapon had long since dispersed, so he let that now-vacant hand drift up to hold the side of her face. Not a firm pinch or anything, just the lightest of touches as he gazed down at her with those emerald eyes.

Hear Them Sing | END POST
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A Path Illuminated Towards The Future(Freyja/Al'in) - Page 3 Empty Re: A Path Illuminated Towards The Future(Freyja/Al'in)

Wed Sep 28, 2022 12:40 am


Freyja was rendered speechless the moment Al'in shifted within her embrace. He had defied her expectation with flawless precision. From the moment she wrapped her other arm around his waist, Freyja had acknowledged, almost wholeheartedly, that she was playing with a fire that could burn her if she chose to approach it. Face-to-Face with that flame, Freyja found herself dispossessed of the sacred composure she held so piously. Cast into this unfamiliar element, she could only gaze into those emerald eyes as that vacant hand gently graced her face.

There was little distance between their bodies. It was almost as if those words he uttered a moment ago were echoing through her mind. To find oneself lost in the moment... was that her current predicament? No... at least not entirely. There was a sense of comfort in his arms, a familiar chemistry she struggled to pinpoint with no degree of accuracy. His hand was warm, his emerald hue, equally so. Was it wrong to be lost in the moment with a man of his ilk? Could she truly claim she was lost? He was certainly someone to be admired.

Strong, unflinching, determined, charming, playful... he could light up an entire room with his charisma. There was a possibility he could be teasing her, toying with her in a moment of weakness against his charms. She had considered it but Freyja viewed him in a light fond enough to keep that possibility squarely at the back of her mind. Even so, this was unfamiliar territory. She had never stepped foot into this realm. What was it? What was this?

A gentle hand found itself wrapped around the one held against her face as azure eyes peered into his own. The shade of red in her delicate features burned brighter still. There was nothing separating her from closing the minute distance between them, and yet, Freyja found herself wondering would happen if she stepped across that threshold. She drew ever closer, hesitating for a moment. They were close enough that she could practically feel the warmth emanating from his features.

"Al'in... I find you to be quite charming. I... admire you, and the ideals you've built on such a brave path. There is nothing but the lightest distance between us right now... but before I progress any further, even if it comes at the cost of denying myself of affection, I must know... am I crossing a line? There is nothing stopping you from pulling away now, if that were to be the case..."

She stuttered through those words as she gazed up at him, revealing her innermost feelings. To be certain, she could have closed the distance entirely and swept past the point of no return, but she would never go against her sense of honor. As she said, she admired this man and all that he stood for. He was a rare gem in her isolated world, and to treat him as a mere indulgence would go against her principles. He had allowed her to go so far, and perhaps to deny herself was foolish in the grand scheme.

Of course, that was up for him to decide, wasn't it?


Last edited by Iori on Fri Sep 30, 2022 12:47 pm; edited 4 times in total
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A Path Illuminated Towards The Future(Freyja/Al'in) - Page 3 Empty Re: A Path Illuminated Towards The Future(Freyja/Al'in)

Wed Sep 28, 2022 9:35 pm
A Path Illuminated Towards The Future(Freyja/Al'in) - Page 3 TBIsH4w

Al'in mir Azizi | The Winds Blow

Al’in was certainly surprised that her hand rose to meet his, pressing them against the flat of her cheek, before pushing herself further onwards still. Her porcelain features now highlighted in pink, it was hardly a secret that this was far from her comfort zone, but he enjoyed it all the same. It suited her, a little colour against her pale skin, though she was more than pleasing upon the eyes without the assistance.

But he had teased and taunted her for long enough. Given her ample opportunity to disengage or doubt, and little indication of what he wanted beyond her own imagination. If she wanted to see where this went, then he was honour bound to oblige her. He did not do it for honour’s sake though, that would be to deny that he had any stake in this. It was just as personal for him, for it was not an everyday occurrence that someone came along and wrapped him up in their arms. Not to say that he would do this to everyone that did so, but now he was losing his own point.

Freyja was still mumbling her way through those feelings of attraction when Al’in simply cut in and planted his lips upon her own. There wasn’t really any need to be fancy about it, this was what made raw attraction so enticing after all. He held her there for a few seconds, lips locked together as he savoured her unique taste, before coming up for air.

“You have caught my interest too, Freyja, I won’t deny that. So if you want to cross lines then I think we can safely move our training elsewhere.”

He did not stutter, nor blink or falter. Al’in was perfectly comfortable with how this had all developed, and they so rarely earned enjoyment in this harsh existence. He knew when he wanted to indulge but, and perhaps it was bold of him to assume, it did seem like she wanted to indulge too.

Hear Them Sing | END POST
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