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Gotei United

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Gotei United Empty Gotei United

Sun Feb 06, 2022 5:04 pm


» Name: The Gotei United.
» Alignment: Lawful Good.
» Base of Operations: Seireitei, Soul Society.

» Summary: The Gotei United was formed in the Year 2117 and is considered the next step in evolution for the Gotei Thirteen. The Gotei United has formed out of a desire to unite, strengthen and give a home to all shinigami across various realms. It is designed and meant to be a central hub for the shinigami race and Soul Society to make their people great again. They've been through hardships up until this point, but now is the turning point and the Gotei United is taking the steps needed to make the Gotei a powerhouse of an organization day by day.

» Requirements: The Gotei still maintains the requirement of being a Shinigami however due to considerable losses during the many conflicts, post-reformation into the Gotei United the organisation also accepts Vizard, Hybrids & Ziamichi w/ Shinigami base.

Aligned Factions: Below are factions which are associated to the Gotei United, either serving underneath the Gotei as a part of it or having good connections.


» Enforcing Soul Cycle: When a shinigami kills they are able to reincarnate a spirit and reform them on the soul cycle. They are also able to purge and absolve the sins of more sinister souls akin to hollows and demons. While, in other cases, they can potentially send a spirit to hell. So, with that in mind, they are also focused on branching out into different realms and enforcing this creed to help maintain the balance with other races outside of the Soul Society and Living Realm.

» Serving People: Unlike the former incarnations of the Gotei, The Gotei United is primarily designed to serve the people. They want to help make the Soul Society a well-guarded place, invest in its place and serve them as best as they possibly can. So one can consider this organization designed out of a need to protect society at large and maintain its place in this ever-changing world.


Captain: Captains are the essential leaders of their divisions. They control the flow of how they operate, and where people go and they have full control over how they manage things outside of input/oversight from The Captain Commander. They often must have a Bankai, a power equal to a Captain (1-5 at least) or some type of leverage they can use to fight against Captain-Level threats.

Vice Captain: Vice Captains are considered to be the second in command of the Gotei United's Divisions. One of the first requirements for becoming a Vice Captain is that they must possess some form of Shikai OR a scale of power equal to one. There may be exceptions, but these are taken on a case-by-case basis.

Vice Captains are often in charge of supervising the division they are a part of if the Captain is not around. There can also be multiple Vice Captains assigned to a division, but this is rare and is done at the command of the Captain.

Seated Officer: Most divisions will have at least one seated officer but up to twenty can exist, eighteen omitting the Captain and Vice-Captain. These officers are often in charge of keeping up the maintenance within their divisions, directing people to where they need to go, handling missions and being an active face of the division.

Unseated Member: General Members who do not apply for any of the specialized positions fall under non-specific members of the Gotei United. They are often the common soldier you see and are in mass in most of the Gotei's divisions. Anyone can apply for them.


The first division of the Gotei United, formally known as the Administrative Office, handles matters which influence the rest of the Gotei at large. This often includes matters as mundane as bureaucratic support, pay, and other logistical support, but the division does still maintain a suitable combative force. This is not only to maintain security for the realm and for the Captain Commander but to protect any of the non-combatants in potentially dangerous situations.

» Captain Commander: Kagayaku no Murasaki [Class 1].
» Vice-Captain: Erika Masamune [Class 3].

» Seated Officers:
3rd Seat (Probationary): Kei Saionji [Class 6]
3rd Seat (Probationary): Igendai Gyakusuma [Class 7]
5th Seat: Komugi Yadou [Class 5]

» Unseated Members:
Junko Takeuchi [Class 9]
Lyza [Class 6]


The second division alternatively known as the Kido Corps, they are one of the primary fighting forces of the Gotei United and liaison with others when necessary. This is where most Shinigami who have a strong knowledge of magic are often placed. They need a high level of supernatural understanding, and a good grasp of kido to make it in this division; its duties involve managing restrictions and laws surrounding kido, developing new kido and classifying it, supporting other divisions with kido needs as required and being deployed as healers due to having a high number of Kaido users.

» Captain: Rukia Kuchiki [Class 2].
» Vice-Captain: Morikawa Mizu [Class 5]

» Seated Officers:
3rd Seat: Yumichika Ayasegawa [Class 5]
4th Seat: Kaminari Hatakeyama [Class 6]
5th Seat: Mai Fujino [Class 7]
13th Seat: Katori Nobuko [Class 9]

» Unseated Members:
Izumi Kamishiro [Class 9]
Chihiro Sano [Class 7]
Kikoto Tsurata [Class 9]
Erica Tolvan [Class 8]
Kokoko Koisumi [Class 8-]
Junichiro Kitagawa [Class 9]


The third division of the Gotei United, also known as the Shinigami Research and Development Institute. They are in charge of inventing new equipment for the Gotei United, researching different types of ailments and threats, experimenting on volunteer subjects to improve the limitations of their race and performing anything that can be remotely considered scientific, engineering or research which can improve the Shinigami, Gotei United or Soul Society. They have a reputation of being filled with peculiar individuals of strange appearance and eccentric personalities.

» Captain: Kisuke Urahara [Class 2+]
» Vice-Captain: Julian St. Vendemiaire [Class 3].

» Seated Officers:

» Unseated Members:
Ryouko Amou [Class 9+]
Patel Kuzunoha [Class 7]


The fourth division of the Gotei United, also known as the Combat Operations Brigade. This is considered the central fighting force of the Gotei United, they are heavily focused on being available for major offensive and defensive operations. They have some of the highest expectations for skill and conditioning compared to the other divisions, oftentimes they are the muscle required to execute major and minor Gotei operations. The division is somewhat at odds with itself at times, with many members of the former Eleventh Division making up its ranks and being at odds with those who practice the shinigami arts wholistically rather than a might is right approach.

It has since been colloquially referred to as the death division since its most recent captain took her position.

» Captain: Kanae Nagoshi [Class 2].
» Vice-Captain: Rio Shihoin [Class 3]

» Seated Officers:
3rd Seat: Shura Kurata [Class 5]
4th Seat: Armina Willsaam [Class 5]
5th Seat: Tento Zefa [Class 6]
9th Seat: Yuuki Koizumi [Class 7]
15th Seat: Saera Kirin [Class 7]
20th Seat: Nanashi Gombei [Class 7]

» Unseated Members:
Moe Machihara [Class 6 ]
Quinn Varilos [Class 9]
Leona Sheridan [Class 8]


The fifth division of the Gotei United, known alternatively as the Secret Tactics Unit. The fifth division handles most types of recon missions in other dimensions, assassinations, secret missions and works alongside the first division in order to make sure the integrity of the Gotei United is not compromised through internal affairs. So they often look for individuals who are quick-witted, nimble and can perform in an efficient manner and understand how to commit to the art of covert operations.

» Captain: Yuuto Hisakawa [Class 1]
» Vice-Captain: OPEN.

» Seated Officers:
3rd Seat: Mirai Takamatsu [Class 6]
4th Seat: Shuten Suika [Class 3]
5th Seat: Asami Furukawa [Class 5]
6th Seat: Heisuke Tsuchimikado [Class 7]

» Unseated Members:
Ajora [Class 8]


Formerly the First Division under the prior Captain Commander, the Sixth Division - or Realm Enforcement Bureau - is focused primarily on the Soul Society. This means that most of their active forces remain within the Soul Society more often than not. They are tasked with keeping the peace, ensuring the laws of the Gotei United are upheld and to serve the people of the Soul Society. These duties can also range from imprisoning others who are a threat to this peace, doing recon to ensure everything is stable and there are no active threats in the realm, being on standby to deal with any invading forces and so on.

» Captain: Hakuyou Shiba [Class 2 NPC].
» Vice-Captain: Makoto Arima [Class 4].

» Seated Officers:
3rd Seat: Kokoro Zendan [Class 5]
4th Seat: J Saionji [Class 4]
8th Seat: Hinamori Toki [Class 6]
9th Seat: Hono Kaen [Class 8]
10th Seat: Kaito Tomoyuki [Class 9]

» Unseated Members:


The seventh official unit of the Gotei United, also known as Living Relations Branch. Its responsibilities include both diplomatic emissaries and general information upkeep, and of course enforcing the balance and general natural order when it comes to spiritual affairs. It is a very specific job of the Shinigami which they are fully intended to be performing, and while normally it could be assumed that all Shinigami who are on Earth handle this work in passing. They can be expected to spend long periods of time on patrols and stationed on Earth.

» Captain: Elyss Kishimoto [Class 3]
» Vice-Captain: Koizumi Shishiyuki [Class 2]

» Seated Officers:
4th Seat: Lerna[Class 6 ]
6th Seat: Hisana [Class 4]
9th Seat: Joshua Jehanna [Class 7]

» Unseated Members:
Alastor de Maris [Class 4].
Fuuen [Class 9].
Himiko Shikimura [Class 9].
Saiko Mori [Class ? ].
Nao Sawachika [Class 6]
Hana Aoyama [Class 9]
Shiro [Class 8]


The eighth division of the Gotei United was established by Captain-Commander Kagayaku no Murasaki as part of her initiative to decentralise responsibility within the organisation and hand more control back to Division Captains. Unlike the previous divisions, the eighth was created to have no specific role and instead focuses on versatility and adaptability. Offering support to other divisions where they might be lacking and shoring up weaknesses.

» Captain: Rose Otoribashi [Class 2]
» Vice-Captain: Rangiku Matsumoto [Class 4]

» Seated Officers:
3rd Seat: Noharu Asahina [Class 4]
6th Seat: Yuri Alban [Class 4]
10th Seat: Kalara Suika [Class 8]
13th Seat: Ranma Gekiretsu [Class 7]
20th Seat: Kyo Sawachika [Class 6]

» Unseated Members:
Koizumi Kasha [Class 7]
Beetle Yuudeshi [Class 6]
Hiroe Miyashiro [Class 8]
Rei Hara [Class 8]
Koga Habaki [Class 6]


Zero Division or the Royal Guard. The group that protects the Soul King, as their primary purpose. Their overall firepower is said to be enough to decimate the entirety of the Gotei United if it came down to it. Despite their overwhelming presence and since their resources are not focused on the Soul King the members of this group are rarely seen or deployed making most not able to recognise them or their insignia.

Note: Must meet specific qualifications to be given an invite to Zero Division. These are done on a case-by-case basis and are very rare.

» Leader: Ichibē Hyōsube.

» Officers:
1st Officer: Tenjirō Kirinji.
2nd Officer: Kirio Hikifune.
3rd Officer: Ōetsu Nimaiya.
4th Officer: Senjumaru Shutara.
5th Officer: Erenyata Nobumitsuki.
6th Officer: Midori Koizumi.
7th Officer: Magnolia Everfrost.


Just use this template and post it below.
[b]Character Name:[/b] [This.]
[b]Application Link:[/b] [Here.]
[b]Position Requested:[/b] [Squad and rank.]
[b]Feats & Qualifications:[/b] [Any feats you want to mention.]
[b]Extra Notes:[/b] [Got anything else you want to add?]

Last edited by Gamma on Mon Sep 30, 2024 9:51 pm; edited 26 times in total
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Gotei United Empty Re: Gotei United

Sun Feb 06, 2022 7:32 pm
Gotei United Sign up Sheet
Character Name: Tentō Zefā
Character App:
Gotei Position: Four Division; Combat. Seated if possible and makes sense. If not im happy with general!
Reasoning: Been building up to this in backstory with Hanako's help. Getting closer to getting it done so posting request now for when it happens IC.
Extra: Looking forward to it

Gotei United Tentos10
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Gotei United Empty Re: Gotei United

Mon Feb 07, 2022 12:59 am
Character Name: Tatsuki Arisawa
Application Link:
Position Requested: Squad 5, 3rd Seat
Feats & Qualifications: Model squadmember throughout her several hundred years of service. Very Physically capable. A strong sense of duty and understanding of Squad Duties.
Extra Notes: A warm body
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Gotei United Empty Re: Gotei United

Tue Feb 08, 2022 12:24 am
[mod]Approved & Added.[/mod]

Gotei United Gamma_Signature
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Gotei United Empty Re: Gotei United

Tue Feb 08, 2022 10:03 am
Character Name: Erika Masamune.
Application Link: Here.
Position Requested: First Division; Vice-Captain.
Feats & Qualifications:
-Seated Officer under Sosuke Aizen.
-Fought in Winter War.
-Promoted to Fifth Division Vice-Captain post-Winter War.
-Mentored by former Captain-Commander turned Zero Division Member.
-Fought in Ender's Invasion.
-Fought during WW3.
End of Serious Points.

-Unlimited Blade Works lol.
-Super duper strong.
-As cool as she is cute (very cute btw).
-Small tits but fat ass, score??
-Murasaki asked her really nicely so nya nya.
Extra Notes: Not to be confused for her blackface counterpart; Yugiri who I also play.

Last edited by Gamma on Tue Feb 08, 2022 10:06 am; edited 1 time in total

Gotei United Gamma_Signature
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Gotei United Empty Re: Gotei United

Tue Feb 08, 2022 10:05 am
[mod]Approved & Added.[/mod]
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Gotei United Empty Re: Gotei United

Tue Mar 01, 2022 1:31 am
Character Name: Makoto Arima.
Application Link: You know it.
Position Requested: Sixth Division; Vice-Captain.
Feats & Qualifications:
Been around the block a couple of times. Fourth Seat for a couple of years now.
Pretty good at her shinigami stuff, on that Tetsuzaemon grindset, has her shikai.
Did top-secret mission for former Captain Commander, hunted the black man.
Choice for the new captain when Murasaki asked Hakuyou who he wanted.
Extra Notes: Kinda gay...

Gotei United Gamma_Signature
Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Gotei United Empty Re: Gotei United

Tue Mar 01, 2022 1:32 am

Gotei United 8Bvy1N8


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Gotei United Empty Re: Gotei United

Tue Mar 01, 2022 4:05 am
Character Name: Hakuyou Shiba
Application Link:
Position Requested: Captain of sixth.
Feats & Qualifications: Old af.
Extra Notes: Asked by Murasaki.

Gotei United JfH75kA
Gotei United H8Tyk70
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Gotei United Empty Re: Gotei United

Tue Mar 01, 2022 4:11 am
Character Name: Arkin The Immortal
Application Link:
Position Requested: Captain of Fourth
Feats & Qualifications: Pretty old yo.
Extra Notes: He's for the boys.

Gotei United JfH75kA
Gotei United H8Tyk70
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