Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira] - Page 5 Empty Re: Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira]

Mon Jan 31, 2022 6:07 pm
Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira] - Page 5 HEADER_CXaN6XIUEAA7QPb

Ah....Oh! She ....she didn't know what she expected. But she was still startled when she felt him starting to kiss her back. It was so ...wet and warm. The slow glide of tongue, lips, and sounds as she made such a mess of this entire visit, were she not so hungover she would doubtlessly be feeling another hard pang of guilt for the fact that she still seemed incapable of just.....settling. Letting things be. So when she finally parted and found herself having no idea if this was....what she thought it was.... she frowned. She didn't get it, it felt so.....different. Everything was sensitive, and she was in a daze, staring off into nothing before her eyes darted back down.

"Not enough." She panted, eyes locking with Ira's own pretty hues. He had pretty eyes, she liked looking at them. They had been so....light and cute...but also a little strange before. But the change in Ira's face definitely added to them. Or maybe it was just what she was doing to him. But EVEN in a state like this, she could feel that line she was toeing..... and she relaxed her grip on Ira's wrists for just a moment. "I'm sorry. I....shoulda asked..... but.... I need to know...." She swallowed, still a bit out of breath.

"Ira........tell me you want me to stop. IF you don't......I'm not gonna." She noted quietly, staring down at him as she did, not an ounce of uncertainty in her eyes as she waited for him to respond.
God of Love
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Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira] - Page 5 Left_bar_bleue16000/1Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira] - Page 5 Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira] - Page 5 Empty Re: Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira]

Mon Jan 31, 2022 6:50 pm
Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira] - Page 5 SgHGbAG


There was just so much about her that Ira found really, genuinely, truly charming. He called her cute, but that was an understatement if ever there was one. She was goddamn beautiful, and as their eyes met, he felt himself shaken right down to his core. He didn't want to stop. What he wanted was to strip her down and take her right here and now.

But the splitting headache, at this moment, was nothing short of a gift from God, because it was enough to really hammer home just how bad of an idea it would be.

"I... Nah, don't apologize for that."

This wasn't exactly an easy thing to be honest about, and focusing on it only made his headache much worse. That was to say nothing about all the haze still clouding everything going on in his head. He shouldn't have had so much to drink, but it was way too late for regrets now.

"I don't want you to stop. Just...don't... God, damn it, I'm crazy about you, Ehefra, but I can't do everything I wanna do with you-- do to you! This body isn't even mine, how'm I supposed to react when I feel like this?"

There was desperation, confusion, a lot of emotion in his eyes. This was a lot to deal with for him, and he was pretty sure he didn't know how to handle it right now.

"And I just...heh, I don't think this headache's gonna help one bit..."

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Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira] - Page 5 Empty Re: Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira]

Mon Jan 31, 2022 7:01 pm
Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira] - Page 5 HEADER_CXaN6XIUEAA7QPb

He was being kind again. But there was ....then something different. She saw that emotion start to bubble up on his face. That sudden....duress as she began to struggle. When he started to SAY the things that he said. In that very instant, her eyes suddenly went wide, and she felt a flutter in her heart. He was....crazy about her? She stared down at him, now completely limp in her grip, staring as Ira .....made it so very abundantly clear what these issues were. And she felt another sharp stab of guilt in her chest as she....remembered whose body this was. And she winced. Her hangover was .....still there. But that sure was a sobering confession to hear. And ....she blinked. Unaware that she had a big goofy smile on her face as she stared off into the distance. Her chest growing so warm and tingly. He was crazy about her. He wanted to DO stuff to her. It really was that second part that sold it. She believed him, of course, but some little part of her would have .....probably imagined that he was still being nice.

And....strangely enough....that lurid groan of ...'boy I wish I could go to town on you' she could hear in his voice sure did make her giddy.

But then there was that soul crushing sadness of the situation. A part of her didn't fucking care. That same, bad, dark, twisted little evil thing that hated foreigners, and hated herself, and made her put on those outfits infront of the mirror, and now, it REALLY wanted to just fuck the shit out of Ira and try to just MAKE him forget about all that other stuff. And this time it wasn't strong enough to tell the rest of her to shut up. She ....dismounted from Ira's hips and ....promptly peeled her...him......him off of the couch, holding him in her arms. She could have just let him fucking walk. But ....she ...she didn't know. She wanted to do this.

"nh....You're right. Let's ....get some....water and food." She murmured, and began to carry him off to the kitchen, aiming to set him onto the counter, and then go about starting to make breakfast. Thank goodness she knew how to cook. She had Malaysia to thank for that.
God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
Posts : 7383
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Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira] - Page 5 Empty Re: Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira]

Mon Jan 31, 2022 7:33 pm
Unfamiliar Familiar [Ehefra/Ira] - Page 5 SgHGbAG


Well, it was all out on the table now, and honestly, Ira was pretty glad about that. He hated trying to hide stuff, hated dancing around all the issues, so this...this was nice. And it was honestly even nicer as Ehefra picked him up. He wasn't some submissive little baby boy, but he sure liked a girl who was strong and assertive.

"Sounds good to me."

Hey, he liked getting set on the counter like this. Made it feel like...well, like home, honestly. Did he want something like that? A home life with Ehefra? Ah, he was getting real ahead of himself now, not a chance in hell was he getting that caught up. He was old enough to know that was a recipe for disaster. Maybe this'd work out, maybe it wouldn't, he didn't know. But he was happy with how it was right now.

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