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Joined : 2016-01-20
Posts : 5037
Age : 24

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[Spirit Class 9] Kaito Tomoyuki Left_bar_bleue419100/999999[Spirit Class 9] Kaito Tomoyuki Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

[Spirit Class 9] Kaito Tomoyuki Empty [Spirit Class 9] Kaito Tomoyuki

Tue Dec 21, 2021 1:54 am
[Spirit Class 9] Kaito Tomoyuki V8RYgXH


Basic Information

○ Name: Kaito Tomoyuki
○ Alias: Ghost of the Rukongai
○ Age: 27
○ Birthday: April 11
○ Gender: Male
○ Race: Shinigami

○ Affiliation: Rukongai, Gotei United
○ Marital Status: Single
○ Ideal Mate: Unsure
○ Nationality: Soul Society/Rukongai
○ Special Skill: Whittling
○ Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

○ Height: 5'10
○ Hair Color: Black
○ Eye Color: Hazel

[Spirit Class 9] Kaito Tomoyuki UOmBh6A

Psychological Analysis

Quiet, reserved, yet benevolent, Kaito seeks to try and do the best he can for the benefit of others, caring little about his own safety in the process. He cares deeply for the people of the Rukongai, the friends he made, and his family for putting a roof over his head despite their poor status, often seeking to repay them in anyway that he can. Despite his quiet nature, Kaito lets his actions speak for him, adopting a mantle of bravery, to give hope to others around him and to make a positive change in the world. He seeks to be a good person, above all else, and to set an example for not just himself, but for those around him.

While he doesn't speak his mind often, Kaito is still deeply emotional and holds a deep sense of passion towards his goals. He can occasionally be hot-headed and let his emotions get the better of him, but he always tries to make sure that his mind is in the right place. He will throw himself into studies and practice to ensure that he is doing his best to achieve his goals, as well as to reach his own personal standards. He is constantly trying to improve himself, learn from his mistakes, and become knowledgeable of the world as a whole. In combat, he is quick and decisive, even if said decision ends up coming back to bite him.

While he is by no means perfect, Kaito is always trying his best, not just for his own sake, but for the people he hopes to eventually come back to.


Born in the outer districts of the Rukongai, Kaito Tomoyuki was like many in the outer, poverty-ridden districts of the Rukongai. He had little else aside from the clothes on his back, barely lucky enough to have a home for him and his family. Nevertheless, he tried to make the best of his life. The environment he was in gave great headway and coercion for a child to explore, and explore he often did. He made friends, met others in the community, and often times with those friends, explored and journeyed to the far reaches of their district.

They quickly learned that the further they went out, the more trouble they got themselves into. Like many of the outer districts, crime was rampant, whether it be in the form of local bullies and wannabe criminals, to those with genuine malicious intent. There were many times when he tried to stand up to them, only to receive a merciless beating as a result. As he grew up, he continued to try and stand against them, with the same relentless treatment every time, left for dead, but managing to survive.

Again and again, he got back up, healed, and tried again. He was stubborn, wishing to change his district, to give back and help those that were good to him, and hopefully, give them a better life. Eventually, he visited a friend in his district, a humble, elderly woodworker who spent his time crafting toys and items to try and improve the quality of life of those around him. Kaito came to him with a simple request: a wooden sword. It took him less than a day, and Kaito held his first weapon in his hands.

While he was no master, and there weren't many, if any people to properly and formally teach him, Kaito used his newly made weapon well, able to scare the bullies and win against the criminals that had given him and his friends hell. Even with the desire to change the district, Kaito was not one to shy away from shady, conventionally dishonorable tactics in a fight. He would hide and strike from the shadows, kick dirt into an enemy's eyes. Anything and everything that he could do to deter his opponent and defeat him, Kaito would use.

Over time, he began to develop a name for himself in his community, "Ghost of the Rukongai," a title that both deterred and inspired criminals and bullies to test Kaito's mettle and call the bluffs of those who used it. But, Kaito was quickly realizing the limit of his current ability. He couldn't continue to help and defend the Rukongai as he was now. With this realization, Kaito applied and was accepted into Shin'o Academy, spending a year devoting himself to his studies, visiting his home when he could, and using whatever time he had left to try and continue living up to his given moniker.


Swordsmanship: Having only received a semblance of formal training recently, Kaito is still inexperienced with a sword compared to actual Shinigami. However, he is still capable of, at the very least, holding his own in a fight, particularly against those with equal or less skill than him. He's still learning, and frequently gives his all into this specific skill, but it is a mountain that he is still climbing, desperate to reach the peak.


» Zanpakutō Name: Reishiki [霊史記, Historical Account of Spirits]

» Zanpakutō Spirit: Reishiki, fitting to its powers and name, is a figure with pale, porcelain skin and long, black hair. A Noh mask hides its face, keeping a mystery of whether it is man or woman. It has wisp-like tendrils at the hem of its clothes, deftly hiding its bare feet.

It wears a kimono of mixed white and black, along with a set of prayer beads around its wrists and neck, further blurring the line of identity. It is also often accompanied by various spirits, ghosts, and familiars, from both Rukon and the Living World.

A mystery, a trickster, and oddly playful, Reishiki is an enigma, even to its wielder. It teases him, often speaks cryptically, and helps only when it feels necessary. However, it still cares for Kaito, aware of his motivations, and how dangerous the road ahead is for him. It is wise in the ways of the dead, knowing and understanding funeral rites, ghost stories, and urban legends of any culture, including the Konsō Reisai of the Shinigami.

» Inner World: Kaito's Inner World takes the form of an abandoned version of his home in the Rukongai. Unique to it, though, is that the world looks as if it were from a traditional Japanese painting. A dense fog surrounds the large, empty village.

Stepping through causes someone to either move to another area of the district, or be sent back to the entrance at random. If one were to explore the district, they would find no living beings there, only ghosts and shades, spirits yet to be unlocked by the wielder.

» Sealed Zanpakutō Appearance: Kaito's Zanpakuto takes the form of a simple katana with white wrappings around the hilt, a circular tsuba, and a gold pommel with a rather ornate design. The sheath has a black color with a charcoal-like design, and an illustration of clouds along the end of the scabbard.

Sealed Zanpakuto Power:

Yonakamon [夜中門, Midnight Gate]
A derivative of the Oumagatoki, the hour where the worlds of living and dead overlap, Yonakamon is a twofold ability. The first is comparatively simple, allowing Kaito to store and retrieve things from his shadow, such as his Zanpakuto, or other inanimate objects, with a total storage space equal to his own size.


» Shikai Release Phrase: "Recount the tales, Reishiki."

» Shikai Release Action: Kaito lifts his sword next to his head, as if whispering to the spirit.

» Shikai Appearance: Upon release, the blade of Kaito’s sword peels away, a scattering mist flowing from the steel as the shards of the blade turn into a flurry of talismans and book pages, revealing a glass-like, ethereal weapon. The tsuba turns into a distinctly rectangular shape akin to an omamori, a type of protective amulet or charm, and a small ring manifests at the end of the pommel with an ofuda attached to it.

» Shikai Abilities: The power of Reishiki is to bring into reality the ghosts and ghost stories of the Rukongai via techniques of the base power Shinchōkage, many of which originally being variations and derivatives from those in the Living World. His Shikai contains several base traits, the first of which being the potential for an increase in power.

Should Kaito release his Zanpakuto at night or within the Rukongai, he will receive a 25% boost in power in addition to his Shikai’s natural boost, with an additional 25% if he’s in his home district. Furthermore, should someone be in a state of fear, his powers gain another 25% boost. All of these buffs can be stacked, should the respective requirements be met.

○ Shinchōkage [伸張影, The Stretching Shadow]
A derivative of the Living World’s “Nobiagari” according to Reishiki and the primary representation of his Zanpakuto's power, The Stretching Shadow is an old story in the Rukongai, taking the form of a sentient, featureless worm-shaped creature the same height as Kaito, and the representation of manifesting ghost stories.

It can exist within any non-living shadow within a fifty meter radius around him, with Kaito's own being the one exception, though it commonly stays in Kaito’s sheath or his own aforementioned shadow. It is able to shape itself into simple things such as protrusions or spikes to attack within that fifty meter radius, though it makes rather obvious noise when it does this.

Some other examples are the ability to store things inside it, as well as solidifying to wrap around Kaito’s sword as an extension of the blade, doubling its length. This application of itself only can last two posts, though. In any other circumstance, it is rather easily "destroyed," able to be cut by any spiritually enhanced weapon and would subsequently dissipate. However, it can quickly reform moments after, allowing it to provide as a form of distraction, as well as a restraint tool.

The overall purpose of Shinchōkage is versatility, though it is limited, unable to do much with the scope Kaito is able to wield. It is not particularly strong, nor particularly weak, it is both mischievous and malicious, a duality obtained through a long game of telephone of conflicting stories.


○ Asuachi: Kaito's Asuachi is simple, if not unassuming. It takes the form of a simple katana with white wrappings around the hilt, a circular tsuba, and a gold pommel with a rather ornate design. The sheath has a black color with a charcoal-like design, and an illustration of clouds along the end of the scabbard.

○ Bokken: A relic from his before his time in Shin'o Academy, and most would call it hardly anything special, now that he has a real weapon, his Asauchi. Simply, it's a wooden sword, the "blade" being roughly three feet in length, with an extra half foot to act as a hilt, with a small bump at the end of the "hilt" to signify the different between the two.




General Skills
  • Durability: D
  • General Speed: D
  • Strength: D
  • Soul: D

Shinigami Skills
  • Hoho: Beginner
  • Kidō: Beginner
  • Zanjutsu: Adept
  • Hakuda: Beginner

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Adept
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Focus: Adept

Last edited by Henrex on Tue Sep 10, 2024 8:58 pm; edited 9 times in total
Joined : 2016-01-20
Posts : 5037
Age : 24

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Platinum Points:
[Spirit Class 9] Kaito Tomoyuki Left_bar_bleue419100/999999[Spirit Class 9] Kaito Tomoyuki Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

[Spirit Class 9] Kaito Tomoyuki Empty Re: [Spirit Class 9] Kaito Tomoyuki

Tue Dec 21, 2021 1:54 am
5-5 slot, please
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[Spirit Class 9] Kaito Tomoyuki Empty Re: [Spirit Class 9] Kaito Tomoyuki

Wed Dec 22, 2021 2:07 pm
Application Checklist
  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
  • Gender [X]
  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are filled in [X]
  • RP Sample Present [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

Hazard Ranks
  • Power: E
  • Influence: F
  • Resources: E

Comments/Notes: Smol baby boi with no milk.
Tier: 5-4
Hazard Rating: E
Joined : 2016-01-20
Posts : 5037
Age : 24

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Platinum Points:
[Spirit Class 9] Kaito Tomoyuki Left_bar_bleue419100/999999[Spirit Class 9] Kaito Tomoyuki Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

[Spirit Class 9] Kaito Tomoyuki Empty Re: [Spirit Class 9] Kaito Tomoyuki

Thu Feb 09, 2023 11:37 am

Tier: 5-1

Hakuda: Untrained -> Adept
Zanjutsu: Untrained -> Beginner
Kido: Untrained -> Beginner
Hoho: Untrained -> Adept
Joined : 2016-01-20
Posts : 5037
Age : 24

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Platinum Points:
[Spirit Class 9] Kaito Tomoyuki Left_bar_bleue419100/999999[Spirit Class 9] Kaito Tomoyuki Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

[Spirit Class 9] Kaito Tomoyuki Empty Re: [Spirit Class 9] Kaito Tomoyuki

Mon May 22, 2023 7:27 pm
Joined : 2016-01-20
Posts : 5037
Age : 24

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[Spirit Class 9] Kaito Tomoyuki Left_bar_bleue419100/999999[Spirit Class 9] Kaito Tomoyuki Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

[Spirit Class 9] Kaito Tomoyuki Empty Re: [Spirit Class 9] Kaito Tomoyuki

Thu May 25, 2023 10:17 pm

General Speed: Beginner -> Adept
Strength: Beginner -> Adept
Kido: Beginner -> Adept
Zanjutsu: Beginner -> Adept
Joined : 2016-01-20
Posts : 5037
Age : 24

Member Info
Platinum Points:
[Spirit Class 9] Kaito Tomoyuki Left_bar_bleue419100/999999[Spirit Class 9] Kaito Tomoyuki Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

[Spirit Class 9] Kaito Tomoyuki Empty Re: [Spirit Class 9] Kaito Tomoyuki

Sat Aug 17, 2024 11:15 pm

Zanpakuto added, General Skills rewritten due to skill system changes.
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[Spirit Class 9] Kaito Tomoyuki Empty Re: [Spirit Class 9] Kaito Tomoyuki

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