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[Spirit Class 8] Miyashiro Hiroe Empty [Spirit Class 8] Miyashiro Hiroe

Wed Dec 01, 2021 8:43 pm
[Spirit Class 8] Miyashiro Hiroe 0XzVZDg


Basic Information
○ Name: Hiroe Miyashiro
○ Alias: Dream Girl, Elegant Princess (Self-Titled), Rookie.
○ Age: 28
○ Birthday: December 25
○ Gender: Female
○ Race: Shinigami

○ Affiliation: Gotei United, 8th Division, Unseated.
○ Marital Status: Single
○ Nationality: Soul Society
○ Ideal Mate: Handsome.
○ Sexual Orientation: Multiple flavors of Men.

○ Height: 5'4
○ Hair Color: Black
○ Eye Color: Hazel

[Spirit Class 8] Miyashiro Hiroe ANK90it

Psychological Analysis

Dancing between feigned elegance and energetic enthusiasm, Hiroe is a woman whose personality can often be described as multilayered, humorously unpredictable to the people who share her presence. The young Shinigami adores being at the center of attention, coveting the wandering eyes of handsome men who may glance in her direction or the jealous eyes of women she views as her competition.

There is never a dull moment when she is around precisely because she is never afraid to speak her mind. She is playfully flirtatious and will tease the female peers she views as friends about their love life, falling into the classic gossip girl archetype, especially if she senses chemistry between two people who she'd consider her friends. In her own words, variety is the spice of life, and experiencing every morsel life has to offer is well within her various set of principles and edicts that she lives by.

Although she is stubborn to a fault, Hiroe maintains a sense of humility, always reminding herself of why she chose to enter Shino Academy in the first place. Eccentric though she may be, Hiroe will always uphold a serious air about her whenever the situation demands it and when one can truly gaze upon the way she wields and dances with her blade on the battlefield, they will often find themselves stunned by the sudden shift in her personality,

Compelled by her indomitable will to reach for the stars and achieve her dreams, she rarely loses sight of what's important and reminds her peers of the glory they can reach together. To her, the dream of being a seated member, a vice-captain, or by some measure of skill and chance, reaching the illustrious position of captaincy in the Gotei—is nothing short of divine honor, an achievement she would take pride in until the end of her days.


Born in a peaceful, though still somewhat hectic district in the Rukongai, Hiroe's story seemed as though it were destined to turn out relatively uneventful. Dull and listless, void of any adventure outside of inheriting her family's humble fortune. Born to a family who owned a tailor shop and ofttimes repaired damaged shihakusho for members of the Gotei among other various outfits and robes, Hiroe experienced a normal childhood. She was raised well, encouraged to fulfill any dream she desired.

Whereas other parents seemed to hold lofty aspirations and visions for their children, Hiroe's parents never placed any weight on Hiroe's shoulders outside of teaching her how to conduct herself and what it meant to be a well-meaning person to those around her. Blessed with an inheritance, Hiroe had no reason to yearn for anything beyond her station. She could grow to be a fine woman, marry a fine man, and run her family's business.

However, as Hiroe continued to grow, she began to develop a sense of "self." She would observe others, wandering around the districts whenever her parents slept. Ever curious to explore life, Hiroe would wander out farther than she was allowed which brought her to the more lawless district of the rukongai - Kushin. The moment she stepped in, she was met with a local group of vagabonds with ruthless intent.

As a teenage woman who had barely experienced any form of training, Hiroe hardly possessed any means of protection. The group of men would approach her, with the leader of the pack pointing his sword toward her face. She closed her eyes, expecting a grim fate to befall her, only to hear a cacophony of chaos as the men were quickly subdued by a seated member of the Gotei who was surveying the district for any crime. Opening her eyes, she gazed at a smiling woman who approached her and ruffled her hair.

"You lost, kid? This district is no place to be wandering out at night. You could have died tonight."

Awed by the woman's appearance, Hiroe smiled and wrapped her arms around the woman's waist. Introducing herself as Rindou, the woman offered to let her sleep in her home tonight. By morning, she would take her home and go her separate way.

Of course, Hiroe, captivated by the woman's appearance and the blade she held at her side, mischievously pretended that she had no home and although Rindou would see through her ruse in the coming months, she welcomed her into her home. Hiroe was welcomed into a family of former and current members of the Gotei. Each of them treated her as if she were Rindou's sister and no one questioned the validity of Hiroe's claim of homelessness. Even if they did, they welcomed the bond the woman would share over the next few weeks. This would ultimately come to be the catalyst for Hiroe's dream - that is, to become a member of the Gotei United.

From battle strategy to swordsmanship, Hiroe studied and learned under Rindou. Her proficiency with a blade was poor at first but as time went on, she developed to a point where she exhibited enough potential with the blade that Rindou would put in a good word at Shino Academy.

Of course, the eventual revelation that Hiroe had parents who missed her dearly had upset the woman at first and Hiroe feared that she would take her home and never speak to her again.

Fortunately, at the behest of Rindou's family, Rindou would eventually forgive Hiroe, returning the woman to her true home. She reminded her that this was her true home and to deprive her parents of their precious child was far too cruel. Even so, Hiroe was free to visit her and her family as much as she liked. As a present to solidify their bond, Rindou presented Hiroe with an Asauchi as a gift. From thereon, Hiroe made up for lost time with her parents, growing into a commendable woman as she trained with her blade. After inheriting her family's shop, Hiroe decided to finally set her sights on her dream - to join the Gotei United.

But first... she would need to go through the academy.


» Mystical Tailor: Living under the roof of a pair of tailors, Hiroe has cultivated and mastered the fine art of sewing and weaving together outfits to a point where the mere act of creating cloth is as natural as breathing to her. Even though it is hardly a useful skill on the battlefield - for now - HIroe can sew a series of clothes that allows her to hide from the eyes of her opponent or trap them if the cloth is strong enough to keep them down. Naturally, Hiroe uses her skill as a tailor to make neat creations of clothing for her and her peers. One must always be as fashionable as they are skilled, after all.

» Swordsmanship Proficiency: Though far from the level she desires to reach, Hiroe is a skilled swordsman who clearly shows an affinity and grace for the blade. Her coordination - especially for her young age - speaks to her potential to achieve great feats in the realm of Zanjutsu. She never seeks to rush and strike at her enemies without forethought. She will read and discern the enemy's movements and strategy, choosing the opportunistic moment wherein she perceives a flaw in their technique, seizing the opportunity without hesitation. She is naturally skilled in Kenjutsu and has even studied Iaido to continuously cultivate her sword techniques.


» Zanpakutô Name: Denkōsekka [ 電光 雪花, Lightning Snowflake].

» Zanpakutô Spirit Summary: The zanpakuto spirit of Denkōsekka is a young woman that looks like an onnamusha. Her personality is stern and to the point, while she isn't arrogant she is rigid and unwilling to concede easily which can make her a bother to interact with. She values her principles and integrity but has a bit of youthful naivety to her.

Upon entering bankai her look changes to look middle-aged and dressed like a noblewoman who has put away her sword, developing a more thoughtful and experienced attitude which is self-reflective. As though an older woman looking back at her younger days and been humbled.

» Inner World: A dreamlike courtyard set against heavenly, free-flowing clouds, Denkōsekka’s Inner World is one that shifts between peaceful tranquility at one moment, and thunderous solemnity the next. Peaceful tranquility is the realm when it is undisturbed, while thunderous solemnity indicates a shift in Denkōsekka’s mood whenever she desires to impose her will and get a point across to her wielder.

» Zanpakutô Appearance: The sealed form of Denkōsekka takes the form of a standard katana with a cerulean wrapping on the hilt and sheathe. Dangling from the hilt is a white rope tassel. The tsuba is a brilliant gold with a hexagonal shape and lines connecting from the points down towards the handle.

» Sealed Zanpakutô Power: N/A.


» Shikai Release Phrase: Vanish, Denkōsekka.

» Shikai Release Action: From a composed stance, Hiroe runs a hand over the length of the blade and the tsuba.

» Shikai Appearance: The appearance of Denkōsekka takes on the form of a transparent sword giving it the illusion of being made of glass and difficult to see as its swung. The sword's blade becomes straighter and the tsuba extends out in the shape of a snowflake.

» Shikai Ability: Denkōsekka is a lightning-type zanpakuto which is quite simple in ability. By clashing blades Denkōsekka builds up charge and then utilizes it to shoot off bolts of lightning. Additionally, it can be sheathed and drawn out again—making it suitable for one who uses iajutsu—to charge it by rubbing along the sheathe.

It's trump card is that instead of spending the charge to shoot bolts of electricity, the user is able to spend the charge by uttering its release command again to make the blade flash in a blinding light. Upon execution, the wielder is momentarily fueled with the power of the zanpakuto which increases the speed of their next action by 300% which gives the impression that the user has vanished by the speed at which they attack. This has a cool-down of four posts but reduces by one for every level above adept the user has capping at two: Advanced; three posts and Elite; two posts.

Shikai Weaknesses: Besides the bolts of lightning, the shikai has little utility and is very straightforward in using the charge to initiate a trump card. Due to the fact the user is not invisible the spirit expects some knowledge of Hoho to make full use of its ability. A person who is blind will not be affected by the blinding flash and those with high reikaku and/or focus will probably be able to see through its trump card.

As Hiroe grows she could potentially expand on the scope of what she can do with the lightning but, until then, the ability is pretty simple and straightforward as it is.


» Bankai Release Phrase: Bankai. Denkōsekka Zusetsu [電光雪花 図説, Lightning Snowflake Diagram].

» Bankai Release Action: To activate Denkōsekka Zusetsu the user drops the sword into the ground where it will sink until it reaches the hilt and remain there which activates the bankai.

» Bankai Appearance: Upon activation and sinking into the ground Denkōsekka Zusetsu will form a translucent snowflake like structure in the sky which is in the same shape as the zanpakuto's tsuba. This stretches for about twenty metres before it shatters into a swarm of smaller snowflakes that the user can command and control as an extension of themselves. Sadly these are dulled and not easily used as bladed weapons.

» Bankai Ability: The power of Denkōsekka Zusetsu is to absorb charge from the Earth through the sword and empower the snowflakes that the user has under their command. By using the electricity they are able to fire it as lightning attacks or create a number of effects ie. entrapping a target by setting up snowflakes around them and creating a net of electricity, attacking someone with the snowflakes and zapping them or empowering the snowflakes to actually be able to cut and burn a target due to the lightning empowering their edges.

Vanish. Denkōsekka Zusetsu: By using the snowflakes the user is able to replicate the same effect as the shikai which causes some or all of the snowflakes to execute a blinding flash and boost its user's speed by 300% percent - which while the same amount as the shikai - but with the addition of having two charges to utilize instead of just one.

Bankai Weaknesses Denkōsekka Zusetsu is limited by range, the snowflakes cannot travel beyond a hundred meters of where the sword was placed upon activation. It's empowered trump card is still limited by a target's potential to be able to overwhelm the boost, counteract the blinding flash etc.

If the sword is removed from the ground then it will stop gaining charge and prevent the user from using the lightning abilities—ultimately leaving them with a bunch of dull snowflakes until the sword is inserted back into the ground. Additionally, the user is unarmed so if they don't know Hakuda then you're probably going to wish you did if you wanna fight up close.


» Outfits: Simply put, Hiroe loves to be fashionable in every sense of the word. Along with tools to fix her clothing if it ends up ripped, Hiroe always seems to have an outfit or accessories on hand to accentuate a certain feature in her appearance.

» Training Sword: Self-Explanatory.

» Sowing Needles: Clothing will end up compromised in one way or another. Hiroe usually tries to avoid that by bringing along a set of needles at any given time. They’re structured in such a way that she can infuse them with some of her reiryoku to accelerate the process of restructuring or creating outfits on the fly. These are the same needles she uses to create outfits for both herself and the peers she considers close friends.


General Skills
  • Durability: Adept
  • General Speed: Adept
  • Strength: Adept
  • Martial Skill: Adept

Racial Skills
  • Hoho: Adept
  • Kidō: Beginner
  • Zanjutsu:Adept
  • Hakuda: Adept

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Advanced
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Focus: Adept

Last edited by Iori on Tue Jul 30, 2024 12:41 am; edited 15 times in total
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[Spirit Class 8] Miyashiro Hiroe Empty Re: [Spirit Class 8] Miyashiro Hiroe

Sat Dec 04, 2021 4:29 pm

« Application Checklist »
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  • Appropriate Age [X]
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  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]
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  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

« Final Verdict »

  • Comments/Notes:
  • Tier: 5-5

« Final Final Verdict, Hazard »
Looks fine to me.

  • Overall: F
  • Power: E
  • Influence: F
  • Resources: F

[Spirit Class 8] Miyashiro Hiroe Sumera-character-list
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Mon Oct 10, 2022 3:53 am
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Thu Dec 15, 2022 9:18 pm
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Wed Mar 08, 2023 3:40 am
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Tue May 30, 2023 1:26 pm
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