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Lord of the Understream
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Mon Oct 25, 2021 2:21 pm

C.E.L. | Aureate Templar

Neither Vandenreich nor the Iramasha Union asked anything of Charlotte since her time as an ambassador. If she had any suspicions, the woman would've figured that Laplace sent her here to get rid of her. Then again, the councilor was an Angel Iramasha, and the two of them were advocating for the same things. So, really, it just seemed like a fortunate circumstance of relative peace and tranquility on Earth, or at least in a state that didn't require much communication between the two organisations.

The downside to this was the sheer level of boredom Charlotte was under. She mediated, focused, and tempered herself as was appropriate of a knight, but the scale of the City of Lights sure did serve to inhibit the actions she could take. At least in the Iramasha Realm, there were means to practice with virtually unlimited space, whether through aether magic or just an actually vast expanse of land. In a way, at least this time was used to temper the control of herself, and small-scale combat. Maybe this was a time to test herself in self-reflection and mindfulness. To strengthen her will.

Thankfully, the Vandenreich had training grounds in the area, albeit small for Charlotte's taste. Outdoors, under the warmth of the sun, as was her preference For the past 14 Earth-hours, the Leonhardt practiced a single downward swing, focusing her aether and filling her body with the presence of the natural Earth. It didn't break her concentration, though to the side she noticed someone watching her.

Since coming to the City of Lights, she felt many eyes on her--maybe in curiosity of an Iramasha, or just to take note of her regimen in training, but Charlotte could recognise who it was in her presence. The aether could tell her just as much.

With one last swing, this one with an ethereal power imbued to it that seemed to rift the space beneath it, Charlotte's session ended. She heaved out a sigh of satisfaction, moved to a nearby bench, and immediately went to cleaning her sword of any sweat and dust that covered it. Though, in the midst of her process, she turned her head up to look in the direction of the person watching her from earlier. It was someone who she never really met before, but... they looked kind of familiar?

You Must Be From Black World [Charlotte/Helle] 8Bvy1N8


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Wed Oct 27, 2021 3:51 pm

You Must Be From Black World [Charlotte/Helle] ZnehDGG

Helle Armstrong

It is but a routine to check up on the training of those underneath from time to time. As the one who commands the Vandenreich’s army, making sure that they have adequate recruits comes with the job. However, she knows, herself, that it is not only the title that drags her presence to this area constantly. Her thoughts, young and fresh, carry her back to the days of her training. The ruthless regime left her with little chance for personal hobbies. Everyday was but another day to better herself, up until it almost ruined her.

Her rumination was cut short however, by the sensation of energy foriegn to Quincy-kind. The way it seeped from the very Earth itself. The Reishi in the air shied away, incapable of incorporating itself with this, oh so natural, energy. Natural? Yes. Unlike the natural sensation of Reishi, this felt something even more? Her emerald could not help but train themselves on the individual who channeled such power.

Her gaze lingered on a woman of commanding height, their body entirely focused on their handiwork: a measly blade. It is obvious the woman had been there for hours, uncountable without context. Helle’s gaze could not help but stay, for it felt bizarre to see one who’s features widely matched her own. Be it a coincidence? Could it be that she has found her twin? It is said that there is someone in this world that matches you. Though, this other woman lacked assets that Helle boasted. Still, rather uncanny.

The noise of another training pulled her attention away, and her voice rung out as she began to reprimand and properly instruct those responsible. It was but a few minutes of her acting her position before she felt eyes on her. In the next seconds, she now finds herself in a staring contest with her mirror image. Be it simple courtesy or her sudden nervousness, she smiled. One final act to leave her underlings with better understanding, and she finds her feet carrying her near this beauty of a woman. Eyes here and there, she took note of much: their similarities and differences.

“Hello… Have I perhaps seen you somewhere before? Maybe in a mirror?”

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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Fri Oct 29, 2021 4:13 pm

C.E.L. | Aureate Templar

What the woman said felt spot on. It was liking looking into a mirror, except a little smaller--but also, a little bigger? Either way, uncanny was the perfect descriptor. Charlotte stood up and offered a short bow, with her left arm crossed on her chess. It was a semi-formal greeting in her parts of the Iramasha Realm, something you might offer to a co-worker, maybe a bit more polite.

"Oh, excuse me."

Charlotte extended her arm out to offer a handshake. From what she understood according to her studies, many cultures on Earth instead greeted one another by shaking hands--an odd practice considering humans could be susceptible to illnesses to easily contracted through hand-contact. It seemed backwards, maybe even a little barbaric, but it was Charlotte's responsibility to try and be understanding and observant of these cultures.

"Probably a mirror? Hahaha, I don't believe we've yet to cross paths before. I am Charlotte Emilia Leonhardt, an ambassador to the Vandenreich for the Iramasha Union. Might I know your name, Miss?"

The Iramasha couldn't help but study the woman's face. So similar in features, maybe sight differences of demeanor, but it was all so subtle. Even their eyes were the same piercing emerald hue, though the effects of aether made Charlotte's incandescent. That, and her eyes innately being a channel directly into her powers. Piercing eyes, for Charlotte, was nearly literal, the essence of the sword translated to it. The sword, and a sense of conviction that bled from her eyesight like a contagion.

Last edited by Sage on Fri Jan 28, 2022 7:36 am; edited 1 time in total

You Must Be From Black World [Charlotte/Helle] 8Bvy1N8


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Tue Nov 02, 2021 10:52 pm

You Must Be From Black World [Charlotte/Helle] ZnehDGG

Helle Armstrong

“Ambassador? Ah. That’s it. Miss Leonhardt. I do recall reading about you in one of my reports. That explains much. I have rarely come in contact with active Aether besides one particularly troublesome Iramasha.”

Yes. It’s all coming to her. Though, the report was devoid of any images for Helle to relate the woman to. Seeing her now made her feel extremely out of place. It’s almost like she stole some older being’s appearance. It is also comical how tall Miss Leonhardt is, considering their shapely differences. Matching eyes and all, huh? Miss Leonhardt’s gaze is different, sharp, powerful. Helle’s eyes are simply warm and inviting. Interesting. Interesting indeed.

“Helle Armstrong, Director of the Sternritter. It is nice to meet you, Miss Leonhardt.”

Uhm… The bow was, of course, something Helle is familiar with. She did not expect a handshake of all things. Feeling like she should, she did, taking the other woman’s hand in her own. Normally, she would have simply bowed back, but this isn’t exactly a normal situation.

“Has your trip in The City of Lights proven adequate? I see you are accustomed to our training grounds.”

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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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You Must Be From Black World [Charlotte/Helle] Empty Re: You Must Be From Black World [Charlotte/Helle]

Mon Jan 03, 2022 7:37 pm

C.E.L. | Aureate Templar

While Charlotte's eyes were sharp, Helle's eyes warm, but both pairs carried a sense of discipline with them all the same. Maybe it was just the pair on Helle's chest instead, but Charlotte felt that she was a matured woman. The Leonhardt was young by Iramasha standards, and human maturation periods were different, so even though Charlotte might've been the elder of the two, this sense of "experience" would be justified. But, as far as she could tell through the whispers of the aether, even by human standards, Helle should be just as young in her own society. Yet another detail that made the culture differences all the harder to understand.

"The City of Lights has been very welcoming and accommodating, yes. I get some stares here and there, but I feel no malice in them."

Charlotte was about to leave things at that. Curt and polite. But, she couldn't help but feel that honesty, and the management of expectations here, was important. Not just to fulfill her mission as an ambassador, but infinitely more importantly, because it felt proper to her.

"I get it, though. Iramasha aren't too common on Earth anymore. Because of that, I hope to be a good representative of the Union and give the denizens a good impression, and if there's anything I can do to live up to that, please let me know. I've been here for a decent while already, but to be frank, I feel like there hasn't been many opportunities to fulfill my duties, or to assist the Vandenreich on behalf of the Iramasha Union."

You Must Be From Black World [Charlotte/Helle] 8Bvy1N8


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Wed Jan 05, 2022 6:57 pm

You Must Be From Black World [Charlotte/Helle] ZnehDGG

Helle Armstrong

“I must agree with you there. Iramasha have become a more rare experience. Though, I am not well versed with other parts of the world.”

Hmm… Pondering how exactly to assist, Helle’s eyes darkened as her expression grew taunt. It is rather difficult for her to accurately assess the situation. Charlotte is not a member of the Sternritter, so it’s not like Helle could simply send her off on an assignment. In truth, Helle is not that versed with the Reich’s alliances. She is not entirely sure what she is allowed to entrust to Charlotte without another’s opinion. Oh, wait. There is something actually…

“I suppose, if you wish to contribute more, I am lacking in instructors to help train new Sternritters. Though, you may have no aptitude for helping a Quincy be a Quincy, from the small experience I gained from watching your training, I have no doubts that you would prove adequate in teaching basic combat practices.”

Why, it is a rather simple idea, but one that could very well fill that void in Charlotte’s mind. It may not be much, but it would surely help push trainees further along at a more expedient pace. Helle’s a genius. The blonde couldn’t help but let a small proud smile loosen her cheeks while also stretching them.

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Lord of the Understream
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Mon Jan 24, 2022 2:11 am

C.E.L. | Aureate Templar

"Fair. Naturally, I'm hoping to change that, with whatever efforts it should take on my own end."

It was a work in progress, which to her own standard's based on an Iramasha sense of time, could take several decades to centuries. She was an impatient person, but that impatience was relative.

Charlotte's eyes lit up to the mention of collaboration and training. Every experience with cooperative training, whether leading or participating, has generally been enjoyable or beneficial. Whether with the Iramasha Union or the Gotei. Surely, doing so with the Vandenreich would find itself in the same vein.

Charlotte forgot herself for a moment and reached out to grab ahold of Helle's hands in appreciation; though, that excitement and physical expression was one of the things that helped her in connecting and forming camaraderie.

"I would be absolutely honoured to take lead in training Vandenreich Sternritters. When would that take place? I'm in all honesty a bit apprehensive, because I'm sure each individual has their own pride, and if they're to be trained by a less experienced and younger, or less skilled person."

This, too, was relative in time. Charlotte was likely older by the year than the majority of Vandenreich members, though maturity was a different subject.

You Must Be From Black World [Charlotte/Helle] 8Bvy1N8


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Tue Jan 25, 2022 5:29 pm

You Must Be From Black World [Charlotte/Helle] ZnehDGG

Helle Armstrong

Oh? One hoping for Iramasha to rise again? Helle must admit, she knows not of the race's history outside of their role in the multiple conflicts on Earth. Why many of them have left the limelight is beyond her, but such things are unimportant to her at the moment. It is not because she lacks any care, but she simply must focus on her own people. There is much going on around her that is already proving difficult to adequately handle. More stress is not good for her. Maybe that's why she has found herself keen on asking Charlotte for her assistance.

"I believe we could work that out right now. All I would require is a date that would like to begin. We have many who wait for official training, and it would be helpful to push them along as quickly as possible. Of course, I must also ask if you wish to teach differing levels of classes: from beginner to expert. We have a far range of people looking to learn, and I am certain many of them are simply in need of a sparring partner. It would greatly benefit you in your own training as well."

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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Wed Jan 26, 2022 11:45 pm

C.E.L. | Aureate Templar

"Well, I'd have to first have an idea of what the varying skill levels are for the Vandenreich. I've watched some of your units training, but I don't know what skill level you'd regard them at. For example, that group right now:"

Charlotte pointed towards what she assumed was a unit of Vandenreich members performing sparring drills. They were split into groups of four, two versus two in bare-handed combat. Though the fundamentals looked decent, by Charlotte's opinion and standard, on a scale of one to ten she would rate them a three. From what she'd seen before, probably on par with the Hakuda of senior students in Shino Academy.

"Before coming here, I was the Vice-Captain of a unit of the Iramasha Guard in the Union: the Flying Bisons Squadron. Beneath me were the Senior Knights, beneath them the Junior Knights. Then, the Apprentice Knights, and aides to the Apprentice Knights who competed for an opportunity to be considered for Knighting courses were the Squires. That group would be on par with my squires."

Charlotte considered this a valuable opportunity, not just for herself but for each organisation. She could give them an idea of what combative forces in the Union were like, and establish an understanding of the Vandenreich's as well.

"If what would help was an instructor that could spar with them, it would be best if I taught people who could find sparring with me be valuable; I probably won't be able to offer much instructive help to those more skilled than myself, but if they were too green to fightimg, I'm afraid my ideas of training could differ too much from the Vandenreich's, and their foundations would be too different for their more advanced training in the future."

You Must Be From Black World [Charlotte/Helle] 8Bvy1N8


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You Must Be From Black World [Charlotte/Helle] Empty Re: You Must Be From Black World [Charlotte/Helle]

Sun Jan 30, 2022 5:46 pm

You Must Be From Black World [Charlotte/Helle] ZnehDGG

Helle Armstrong

“Then, if that is your concern, maybe it is time your core evolves. If our views differ to such a degree that it proves conflicting, we must simply learn of each other as best we can. No doubt there are things Iramasha know that Quincy do not, and things Quincy know that Iramasha do not. Trial and error seems the best option here. You can learn all you desire and pass your knowledge on to all that’ll listen. Even expert fighters should learn skill sets outside of their training, and it’s impossible to simply paint things black and white when it comes to this. Everyone has their own temperaments.”

Her eyes fluttered, seconds spent watching the training around her. The skills vary greatly: from those trying to learn the basics to those who have become excellent examples of Quincy ability. It is rather impossible to know who would benefit from Charlotte’s teachings. That can only be solved by opening up the class and allowing those who believe it’ll help to decide. Then, they would have to work through topics they may understand easily or struggle with. Charlotte would probably have to grow herself to better teach those under her, but Helle has a feeling the fairy knows her way around fresh prairies.

“Yes. I think something could work. I can see it…”

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