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In the Open Field [Elyss, Makoto, Others] - Page 5 Empty Re: In the Open Field [Elyss, Makoto, Others]

Sat Nov 27, 2021 5:26 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

This is surreal. Is Makoto really doing this? Here's a chance they could handle this situation without spilling anymore blood, but all she can feel from her partner is a desire to kill this man for no apparent reason. Somehow she's the diplomat now, but her nerves are getting ran dry. She can feel her head pulsing a bit. She just had to run a hand over her hair just to take a breather and keep her cool.

"You're right. I don't know all about Abalia, but I'd like to believe she's been like this because she's been missing a piece of herself. Apparently, she lacks emotions, and everyone believes that this missing piece of her soul could return the missing humanity inside of her. She never smiles, you know, never understands how everyone else is feeling. I don't know what'll happen, but is this the life that little girl deserves? Never being completed? Being hunted down for the rest of her life. I don't think anyone wants that. I don't. My partner just wants to get this mission complete, no matter what, and, even though I want to too, I'd rather it be through cooperation and not through a bloodbath."

Yeah. No one knows what's going to happen, but they won't know unless they try. Maybe that's the problem. She's afraid it could turn Abalia worse, but she's also hopeful it'd help the woman relate better to everyone.



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In the Open Field [Elyss, Makoto, Others] - Page 5 Empty Re: In the Open Field [Elyss, Makoto, Others]

Sat Nov 27, 2021 5:38 am
In the Open Field [Elyss, Makoto, Others] - Page 5 Header2


She's grinding her teeth in frustration at the scene before her. Why was the stupid violence monger like Elyss suddenly being so diplomatic? She was so eager to fight that old man for no reason and here, against a genuine enemy and target she was pulling back. She'd never say to be this way towards another human being was something to take pride in but at the same time her perception of Elyss was feeling weaker by this strange antithetical attitude she was presenting with.


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God of Love
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In the Open Field [Elyss, Makoto, Others] - Page 5 Empty Re: In the Open Field [Elyss, Makoto, Others]

Sat Nov 27, 2021 6:13 am
In the Open Field [Elyss, Makoto, Others] - Page 5 5ZB9kYu


Frowning all the more at that, Roman simply watched the woman with empty eyes. Yet despite that, there was something almost haunting to him about the idea of an Abalia that never smiled. She'd always smiled. He couldn't deny that there was some faint part of him that wanted her to be complete again. But he didn't exactly want to let it all be for nothing.

"And what happens if it doesn't turn out that way? You turn that little girl to nothing, and your Abalia doesn't change? Doesn't feel? Do you think I'd let her die a second time?"

Roman didn't really care much whether or not things became violent. He didn't care about bloodshed, about moral rights and wrongs. He had seen too much for that. All that mattered to him was the little girl that traveled with him.

"I think you'd hate that outcome too."

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In the Open Field [Elyss, Makoto, Others] - Page 5 Empty Re: In the Open Field [Elyss, Makoto, Others]

Sat Nov 27, 2021 6:22 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

"I was always the hopeful type, always trying to do what I thought right. This situation sucks ass, but it's just one out of many we all have to make. If I had to choose saving your life and fixing Abalia, I would, but if I fail here today, then all that's left for you and her is nothing but misery. Makoto's not gonna let you go, even if I do. They'll send more people, stronger people, people that will get the job done. I know youre ready to fight until the end. We all are, bit this crazy world decided that I should be the voice of reason."

She put her hand on her side, the leaking blood proving annoying. She doesn't want to kill an innocent man. She's done enough unreasonable things, her whole life is filled with uncalled for violence. The face of that one man, that dream. It came back. It all felt too real, and she couldn't help but close her eyes and sweat a bit as she fought back those invasive thoughts.

"You're still doing your job, I know. Even as the family came to hate you, you're still trying your best to protect Abalia. I can respect that, and it makes me want to clear your name. It'd be easier if you came with us, but if we must, I would rather it be by my hand than by anyone elses."



God of Love
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In the Open Field [Elyss, Makoto, Others] - Page 5 Empty Re: In the Open Field [Elyss, Makoto, Others]

Sat Nov 27, 2021 6:43 am
In the Open Field [Elyss, Makoto, Others] - Page 5 5ZB9kYu


"Doing my job. Is that all this is to you? All you can think about? Fuck my job. The Cossacks can burn, for all I care. This isn't about duty, it's about her. She can't protect herself. That's why I do it. That's why I'm still here."

The stalemate here was becoming more damning by the minute. Primarily because, above all else, Roman wanted to let her have something better. He always had. But this sort of uncertainty wasn't the fate he'd consign her to.

"I don't care about my name. The day that girl died, I may as well have too. I've killed thousands to get here. To put the man who killed her six feet under. And now that all the loose ends are tied up, you think I'll just give up the one thing that still matters? Just for some woman who shares her face? Her name? Do you think she even wants to go with you? Or does this Abalia not matter?"

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In the Open Field [Elyss, Makoto, Others] - Page 5 Empty Re: In the Open Field [Elyss, Makoto, Others]

Sat Nov 27, 2021 6:53 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

"Nothing's certain in this world. We both know that. I always wondered how many bodies in willing to bury to do what's right. I don'teven know if what you've done is right. Were they all bad men? I don't know. Would I have cared either? I don't know. Speaking for myself, I've been blinded by my meaning of justice a lot of times, hurting anyone in my way. I don't even want to fight anymore, if I'm to be honest. I hate technicalities and shit like this where my morals conflict."

Frowning a bit, she turned her head to Makoto, knowing the woman hates this. Ah. Makoto's the type who just wants the job done. She doesn't care who gets hurt. She's doesn't even care if this is right or wrong. Maybe Elyss should just lose care as well and get the job done. Roman's made his choice, yeah?

"...More than just a job, huh, Roman? Damn everyone else, right? Sorry, Makoto, but I think I'm sitting this one out. I need to get my thought a together. Give me a second."


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In the Open Field [Elyss, Makoto, Others] - Page 5 Empty Re: In the Open Field [Elyss, Makoto, Others]

Sat Nov 27, 2021 7:05 am
In the Open Field [Elyss, Makoto, Others] - Page 5 Header2


It was pure spite, it was one thing to have moral concerns but she actually just had the audacity to tell her to fight this captain-tier opponent by herself for a bit while she worked out her own little ethical worries. Regardless she was livid, fuming which almost made her reiatsu try and paint the environment the same bleak crimson. It infuriated her more than their stupid attempt at negotiating this circumstance which was doomed from the get-go.

Words did not simply convey the amount of hatred she felt towards her right then. If it wasn't for the fact that Roman had what her friend needed then she might've just walked away there on principle but she wouldn't. She couldn't.

"You're a stupid moron;"

It was said to the both of them really but she didn't answer the question, it was very simple really. This Abalia really didn't matter to her, she was a piece of her friend and if she got sick or died from future complications due to the fission of her soul then Makoto would be crushed. She knew it was awful but she'd sacrifice this child a thousand times over if it meant it guaranteed the wellbeing of the one she cared about.


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God of Love
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In the Open Field [Elyss, Makoto, Others] - Page 5 Empty Re: In the Open Field [Elyss, Makoto, Others]

Sat Nov 27, 2021 7:18 am
In the Open Field [Elyss, Makoto, Others] - Page 5 5ZB9kYu


"What I've done isn't right. I won't ever say otherwise. But I've done it all for her. I guess you and I aren't that different on that end, eh?"

He should have just shot then. Should have put them both into the ground and called it a day. But he couldn't. The simple fact that their aim was the same as his own weighed on him far more than he would ever openly show. The thought of Abalia, of his little girl, living a life with no emotions, no joy, nothing--

"Hey. Come here."

It was quiet, for a moment or two, until the little girl once more reappeared by his side. Despite the tense situation, there was confidence in her eyes, and Roman glanced down at her only for the briefest of moments.

"What do you want?"

He already knew the answer. But this was all for her sake. It always had been.

God of Love
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In the Open Field [Elyss, Makoto, Others] - Page 5 Empty Re: In the Open Field [Elyss, Makoto, Others]

Sat Nov 27, 2021 7:18 am
In the Open Field [Elyss, Makoto, Others] - Page 5 Sv7udRw


"I'll go."

The youthful tone of her voice didn't change the firmness with which those words were spoken. Even if her appearance had not given it away, the will she conveyed surely did. This was, beyond any shadow of a doubt, Abalia.

"It'll be better if you don't fight, papa. You've done enough fighting. Right?"

Of course, she stayed by his side even as she looked at the two women before her. Her gaze, compared to the one she gave to Roman, was cold, dispassionate, enough to likely send lesser animals away in fear. Not an unfamiliar expression on that particular face.

"He'll come with me. If that's okay."

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In the Open Field [Elyss, Makoto, Others] - Page 5 Empty Re: In the Open Field [Elyss, Makoto, Others]

Sat Nov 27, 2021 7:30 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始


Well, she turned her eyes to Makoto feeling that bloodlust and such, but she didn't seem to budge much. With her red eyes, she could only sigh and then her gaze slightly to Roman and the girl. Well, that wasn't expected. It wasn't expected at all. Though, guess that means she should probablycall off her Zanpakuto.

"Tenmarin, cut it out," She said as a giant chakram simply rolled out from behind a building. Her red eyes flashed a bit before returning to their black coloring as the giant circular saw came over to her, the thing shifting back into a sword and falling into her hand.

That's when Elyss turned her eyes to Makoto again and shrugged. She then looked back and Roman and nodded her head, knowing she just kind of almost did something rather cruel.

"As if I was gonna let my partner fight alone,but I'm glad we're not going down that route, yeah? I thought about it, and... Well... If you're coming with us, I'd rather talk in a better place."


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