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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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[Spirit Class 5 | Hazard C] Naomi Etzel [Adopted by Iori] Left_bar_bleue74095/100000[Spirit Class 5 | Hazard C] Naomi Etzel [Adopted by Iori] Empty_bar_bleue  (74095/100000)

[Spirit Class 5 | Hazard C] Naomi Etzel [Adopted by Iori] Empty [Spirit Class 5 | Hazard C] Naomi Etzel [Adopted by Iori]

Tue Oct 05, 2021 12:34 am



» Name: Naomi Etzel
» Titles: Callsign: Sigma Echo, Pathfinder
» Age: 36
» Gender: Female
» Sexuality: Heterosexual
» Affiliation/Rank: Albedochiffren Personnel / Vandenreich

» Height: 5'7 ft / 175 cm
» Weight: 131lbs / 59kg
» Face Claim: Saint Louis from Azur Lane


To those unfamiliar with her, Naomi is a distant woman. She wasn't always this way, and if you got to know her better then that wouldn't be the case, but over the years she's created a lot of physical and emotional distance to other people. It's just a better rule of thumb to not be too attached. It hurts less to do that, as life is fragile and fleeting. You never really know when everything comes crashing down on you.

That isn't to say she's apathetic. There are plenty of things she cares deeply for, especially her friends and family, but the Vandenreich as a whole is her home. Naomi's soul burns with fierce loyalty, less so to the organisation admittedly, and instead towards her people. Where the Quincy go, she is committed to going. Even if what they're doing isn't quite right in her book.

Naomi's pretty upfront about that sentiment, too. She's upfront about a lot of her sentiments. She's blunt, callous even, and happens to say things totally unasked. She speaks her thoughts openly, but it's not to be antagonistic. It's just to be honest, respectful even. Although, the things she has to say might not always come across as respectful.

One of the things she respects deeply is the idea of personal property, because she really likes having her own personal property. What's yours is yours, and admittedly Naomi likes to have a lot. It's not very apparent, but Naomi loves materialistic things. Hell, despite her field of work, she can't help but have her Spirit Weapon at least be a little shiny given the circumstance. Not to say she's especially flashy, but jewelry, golden adornments, varieties of sapphire, and high class parties are some of her favourite things.

Parties, and in general being a socialite, is a wonderful past time of hers. She's not one to spread rumours, but Naomi's ears can't help but perk up when she hears one floating around. Provided it's all in good fun and non-harmful, typically on subjects within her circles of friends. She's a sociable person, but that mostly comes out to those she's familiar with. Admittedly, Naomi is a bit preferential in her treatment of people, tending to favour Quincies, but she tries to stay conscious of this fact. Just that, sometimes she can't really help it. It's like a sense of innate camaraderie to her on some genetic level.

To these peoples, Quincies and friends, Naomi has been commented as almost maternal. A caring woman who puts others before herself, even willing to do mundane tasks for people without them asking. She'll cook you up something nice if she thought you were hungry, check to make sure you brought all the things you needed on a casual trip, to take an umbrella before going, out, those sorts of small things. Don't mistake her care and concern for being soft, however. She's still the callous Naomi that speaks her mind, and she's by default a firm woman. If you fucked up, you fucked up. Own up to it, say sorry, and commit to the idea of not doing it again. If she sees it happen, Naomi will call you out on it, right on the spot.

Towards people who purposely antagonise her, people she generally doesn't like, or even just plain out enemies, Naomi is a lot more than just firm and callous. She is completely unconcerned with them. They get no time in her day,and essentially do not exist as a person. Opponents on the field are afforded no more than the absolute bare minimum of attention. She dispatches them remorselessly and quickly before moving on to the next objective. When someone annoys her, persistently and intentionally, there existence is wiped from her senses, truly like they don't exist.


Naomi's family was of noble lineage, both as a Quincy and a Human. Not that it meant much; class difference and ancestry didn't mean much at this point in time,when Quincy consistently endangered themselves as a race. The family's roots were in Germania, but after WW3, the safest place on Earth was Japan. The last three generations of their family, Naomi included, grew up in Japan, with a progressively expansive Quincy community in Karakura as a safe haven.

The family practiced Quincy skills ritualistically and traditionally, as a cultural recognition of their background, secondarily as a means of self-defense in a tumultuous Post-WW3 landscape. The Etzels were a family proud of their heritage, and in turn were dedicated towards altruistic efforts of helping their kin. Naomi, an only child, inherited this sentiment. She was enthusiastic about learning the bow, mastering the energy around her, and embodying a sort of noblesse oblige as her parents taught her.

The family, Naomi included, immersed themselves in programs and groups of Quincies, so after the turn of the century when talks of a formalised organisation on a global scale surfaced, they were more than happy to join up. Of course, when it was Hulderic who resurfaced, the family, alongside many other Quincy, were more than hesitant. Nevertheless, the group had the resources to support itself and the Quincy who'd join. Amongst their kin, under a common banner and goal, if at least to stand in solidarity, the family remained. Things turned for the worse when the organisation clearly seemed more combative than simply a reunion of their people, militaristic even, and the old name "Vandenreich" cemented this idea.

By this point, the Etzel parents were keen on leaving the Vandenreich, as history proved that the path they were soon to tread would only be one of grief; however, the amount of Quincies in the org, especially the youth, had a resurgence of racial pride. Naomi was no exception, and her investment into the organisation had the rest of the family remain. Unforutnately, the Vandenreich poked a sleeping beast, and just as her parents imagined, only grief came about.

Antarctica, as the Vandenreich base of operations, was decimated and occupied by K-World. Naomi's parents and many more were lost in what was essentially a genocide. Those that survived tried to pick up the pieces. At first, instead of being dissuaded, this only caused a fury that vilified K-World in their hearts; it made Naomi only more loyal and aggressively supportive to the cause. Contrary to her desires, theVandenreich rebuilt as a less combative group, initially at least, under Ghislain's leadership. As a result, she took the work that allowed her to vent her rage.

Naomi became a sternritter, P for Pathfinder: the vanguard beyond the frontline, the trailblazer that clears the path for others to follow. It was a dangerous but necessary task, and although she was a sociable woman, the solitude was a comfort of its own. It allowed her the space to reflect on things, process her feelings, and think individually rather than being contained in the echo chamber of Quincy pride and wrath. So when the second incident occurred, and under new leadership K-World was once more provoked and a second cataclysmic event for the race occurred, Naomi realised her parents' sentiment.

Many lives were once more lost, and the Vandenreich's actions leading up to the Quincy yet again being wiped out was something she vehemently disagreed with. Nevertheless, her years, talents, and thoughts, were dedicated to the organisation by now. Her life was here, her friends, her new family, and her aspirations. She remained with the Vandenreich, once more helping to pick up the pieces under Niflheim's leadership. The Vandenreich properly became a neutral, peaceful organisation. Naomi remained a pathfinder of sorts, though now for less militaristic purposes. Instead, she worked as forward relief, rescue, and reconnaissance. Disbanding Quincy sleeper cells instated under Hulderic's rule, bringing Quincies in dangerous situations to the Vandenreich, operating in Shadow Fall and Monsuta territories primarily; this was the most agreeable state of the Vandenreich she could be in.

As time passed, things changed once more. With Niflheim gone, the Sternritter Grandmaster Cyrus assumed leadership. Naomi was far more than merely hesitant on his leadership, and things continued to go awry as global tension progressively increased. Amidst his tenure, Cyrus dynamically changed as a person, and the shadows of their past crept back up, as they were once more making enemies. From the nature of her work, Naomi could tell the world was on the cusp of breaking its power balance. She was once more redeployed as a pathfinder in a militant sense, and by the time WW4 started, Naomi was already behind enemies lines working from the rear.
Again, the Vandenreich's base of operations in the City of Lights was attacked. Thankfully, this time around, they were standing on the right side of history. With SF dispatched and leaving the world, the tension between Vastime and the Gotei placed the Vandenreich as the ones to manage the United States. Naomi, with plenty of experience operating in the US under SF control, was deployed to aid in the infrastructural development and aid. The world, relatively speaking, progressed towards a fragile sort of peace, and this fragility has kept Naomi in an anxious patience.


» Minimal Bow Proficiency: As the product of a long legacy of practicing Quincy, Naomi came to master the bow. However, in practice she found more of an affinity for close quarters. It worked better for her profession as well, and back in the day, a bow made it a little to easy to be a live target. Since dedicating more time to the polearm, though she understands the fundamentals and form, Naomi has lost a lot of her skill.

» Swirling Reishi: Initially a training technique and habitual practice. When she's not actively using the reishi around her for other means, Naomi is constantly cycling ambient reishi through her networks in a 1 metre bubble.
Quincy and people with honed senses can see reishi swirl around her like a vortex. It's nothing volatile, and her friends just get desensitised to it. Being next to her at most feels like standing under an air vent.

» Passive Blut: From her experiences in the field, particularly as a solo operative in danger zones, its just good sense to maintain blut at all times. As a result, she favours using Blut Vein, though she's more than skilled enough with the offensive variant.

» Blut Kapillar:A technique for blut that enables Naomi to extend the effects of her blut, depending on whichever variation she's using at the time, to a target. Either to make them stronger, or to improve their defenses. Naomi must maintain an active and persistent contact with the target. The transferred blut scales according to Naomi's own blut level, and sustained damage that would inhibit Naomi's ability to use blut naturally extends to this technique. Naomi can use this on a up to two persons.

» Camouflage: Being in her field of work necessarily means finding ways to stay stealthy. Naomi can feel the motions, density, and general properties of the reishi around her and sync her own spiritual energy and signature to match. Her energy just seems like ambient spiritual energy. This only works when there is latent reishi around. Any use of reishi and spiritual energy externally will break this camouflage, but internal uses of spiritual energy are manageable enough to keep hidden: i.e., using Blut Vein or Blut Arterie. Blut Kapillar will break the camo.


» Spirit Weapon Name: Einze Lanze

» Appearance: Not really a lance but a ridiculously shaped spear. Naomi formed the shape of her Spirit Weapon when she was young and made it flamboyant as can be. Though she's largely mellowed out as a person, the form has become something ingrained into her habits. The base and blade of the spear are pitch black, purposely so as to not be reflective to the utmost. A blue cloth wraps around the arm of the spear, a golden ornament at the end of the cloth which extends off the spear's body. Gold plating decorates the blade, also matted to be non-reflective unless she channels reishi through the weapon, in which case the golden decor shines brilliantly. Purely a stylistic choice that Naomi remains attached to.

Beacon: There comes a time where her own skills are not sufficient, and breaking away from her stealth is necessary. In those moments, Naomi extends Einze Lanze to the sky, illuminating the spear with a blinding incandescence. The golden patterns on her spear don't simply shine, but all light reflecting off of it bounces through the ambient reishi, as if they were water particles, magnifying and spreading the light to illuminate the whole region of where she's at, up to 300 metres.

Stagger and Stun: If Naomi manages to make contact with an opponent, she can time the blow to sync with a quick and sudden manipulation of the reishi, creating a sort of vacuum around the target and quickly re-filling it at blinding speeds. The sudden adjustment is extremely disorienting to the spiritual senses, like a loud noise assaulting the ear drum and throwing someone's balance out of whack. Paired with the physical confrontation, the stun works both from within and without the opponent.

Verloren Trupp: A two-part combo. On the target location or opponent(s), reishi is swirled into a location up to 100 metres away (it must be a visible location), sweeping along anything in its vicinity to a singular, condensed point. The pull of the vacuum is enough to make mere resistance a non-option, as even the ground caves to the pressure. For the airborne folk, the wind is swept into the nexus point as well, and the atmospheric vacuum serves adds to the consuming force. The reishi continues to be sucked into the point for as long as reishi around is available up until the edge of the expanding "vacuum" reaches just before Naomi herself. Or, whenever she decides to pull the trigger. If not already there, Naomi takes to the sky above the nexus point, and falls downward with Unstoppable Charge, further amplified in momentum by the pull of the vacuum. When the tip of her spear reaches the nexus, all the energy built up until then is released cataclysmically. The destructive force leaves the latent reishi in absolute chaos. Sensory skills are practically useless in the vicinity. Even for a Quincy--Naomi herself included, it would take someone with an Elite level of Reishi Absorption to put the state of energy in order.


» Letzt Stil Name: Entsagen Hoffnung

» Letzt Stil Appearance/Effect: From a spiritual perspective, Naomi looks like a total black body, any detail to her spiritual signature indistinct from the torrentially dense energy coagulating in her Reishi Networks. It's like every pore in her body opened to absorb reishi around her, such that reishi absorption itself becomes a useless skill. The area in a 60 metres radius from her becomes completely spiritually devoid, all the energy instead consumed by her. As she moves, the 60 metre radius moves with her, continuing to soak up all the energy. This serves to enhance all her skills according to her Reishi Absorption, making her quicker, stronger, her blut reaches the peak possible level she could manage.

Pretty much any outward expenditure of the absorbed reishi is done through Naomi's spirit weapon, and in the process an inverse effect occurs wherein which the reishi absorbed is entirely destroyed, rather than dispersed back into the world. In theory if Naomi was somehow operable after engaging in the form even once, she could use it again. Since all the spiritual energy around her would be consumed and destroyed, however, any reactivation of her Letzt Stil would have to be in a differently location.

Unstoppable Charge: Only sustainable during the massive powerup of being in Letzt Stil, Naomi moves forward with the intention of one hardcore, absolute skill check between herself and whatever is before her. Anything in her way is either obliterated, or strong enough to completely stop all her momentum and power--there is no middle ground. Something capable of stopping her must be capable of breaking straight through her blut, shatter her Spirit Weapon, and negate her Reishi Absorption all at once. It's a bit of an all or nothing, but that's her style--to make things quick and simple. The speed is nothing to scoff at either; this movement is sustainable enough and more than sufficient in speed, that in the midst of combat Naomi would rather maneuver with this skill than use hierenkyaku. Spellcraft was never her strong suit anyways.

Verloren Trupp 2: Because of the lack of latent reishi available to create the vacuum effect and gradual build up, Naomi can forgo the charge time altogether and immediately drop down to a target location. All the energy built up until then is similarly released, along with a great deal of her own energy. The release is severely more violent, as the energy does not release back into latent--albeit unruly--reishi, but is destroyed in the process, as all the energy is released through her Spirit Weapon rather than the reishi already existing outside of it. As this is a full energy dump, Using this technique immediately takes her out of Letzt Stil.


Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Advanced
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Focus: Advanced

General Skills
  • Durability: Advanced
  • General Speed: Adept
  • Strength: Adept
  • Martial Skill: Advanced

Quincy Racial Skills
  • Blut: Elite
  • Quincy Spellcraft: Adept
  • Reishi Absorption: Advanced
  • Spirit Weapon: Adept

Last edited by Sage on Fri Oct 08, 2021 1:16 am; edited 3 times in total

[Spirit Class 5 | Hazard C] Naomi Etzel [Adopted by Iori] 8Bvy1N8


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God of Love
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[Spirit Class 5 | Hazard C] Naomi Etzel [Adopted by Iori] Left_bar_bleue16000/1[Spirit Class 5 | Hazard C] Naomi Etzel [Adopted by Iori] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

[Spirit Class 5 | Hazard C] Naomi Etzel [Adopted by Iori] Empty Re: [Spirit Class 5 | Hazard C] Naomi Etzel [Adopted by Iori]

Thu Oct 07, 2021 7:54 pm
Blut Kapillar:
External blut of this caliber would certainly be within the realm of Grand Master, as even canon Yhwach's ability to externalize blut was nowhere near this advanced. At Elite level, any externalization is generally considered to be incredibly taxing, and 5 people all being influenced by Blut of her own level is far too strong. The ability to apply this should be pared back rather substantially, requiring an actual touch, and the number of targets should be cut dramatically.

Unstoppable Charge:
This honestly just seems more like a vollstandig than a basic ability. It's pretty tremendously strong for a constant passive effect.

Verloren Trupp:
This is mostly fine, but the destructive force being so great as to leave the reishi in the area in total chaos without the intervention of Master-level Reishi Absorption is too much.

Generally speaking these are much too high, as while she has operated well, she has not operated in what one might call a tremendously outstanding way. As far as General Skills, Elite Durability in particular stands out as being far too high for the character's nature or history, as does Advanced Strength. Your skill sheet notes the racial skills as being for Shinigami, though of the skills themselves, I would say that the Elite in Spirit Weapon ought to be dropped to Advanced, if not Adept, as she doesn't seem to have much reason to have it higher.[/adm]
Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
s_e stuff
Joined : 2013-11-04
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[Spirit Class 5 | Hazard C] Naomi Etzel [Adopted by Iori] Left_bar_bleue74095/100000[Spirit Class 5 | Hazard C] Naomi Etzel [Adopted by Iori] Empty_bar_bleue  (74095/100000)

[Spirit Class 5 | Hazard C] Naomi Etzel [Adopted by Iori] Empty Re: [Spirit Class 5 | Hazard C] Naomi Etzel [Adopted by Iori]

Fri Oct 08, 2021 12:18 am
Made the changes:

Blut Kapillar: Requires physical contact to maintain, and can be applied to two people max.

Unstoppable Charge: moved to being a skill only sustainable for the duration of her Letzt Stil.

Verloren Trupp: Elite reishi absorption can manipulate the reishi post-technique use.

Verloren Trupp 2: this was supposed to be the case to begin with, but i made it explicit that using this technique automatically takes her out of letzt stil.

  • Focus: Elite » Advanced
  • Durability: Elite » Advanced
  • Strength: Advanced » Adept
  • Martial Skill: Elite » Advanced
  • Spirit Weapon: Elite » Adept

[Spirit Class 5 | Hazard C] Naomi Etzel [Adopted by Iori] 8Bvy1N8


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God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
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[Spirit Class 5 | Hazard C] Naomi Etzel [Adopted by Iori] Left_bar_bleue16000/1[Spirit Class 5 | Hazard C] Naomi Etzel [Adopted by Iori] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

[Spirit Class 5 | Hazard C] Naomi Etzel [Adopted by Iori] Empty Re: [Spirit Class 5 | Hazard C] Naomi Etzel [Adopted by Iori]

Fri Oct 08, 2021 1:13 am
Application Checklist
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Comments/Notes: This place is turning into a fucking tacofest.
Tier: 2-5
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[Spirit Class 5 | Hazard C] Naomi Etzel [Adopted by Iori] Empty Re: [Spirit Class 5 | Hazard C] Naomi Etzel [Adopted by Iori]

Fri Mar 10, 2023 11:45 pm
Hazard Ranks
Power: C
Influence: C
Resources: C

Comments/Notes: Reapproved for use by Iori.

Spirit Class: 5
Hazard Rating: C
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