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One Step At A Time - Page 3 Empty Re: One Step At A Time

Sat Oct 30, 2021 1:59 am

One Step At A Time - Page 3 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 120

"Yeah, yeah. Thanks, Missy! Now I'm gonna go take another beauty nap!"

The spirit let out another chuckle. As its voice went quiet, it seemed it really was going off. She really did have some things in common with her master huh?

Hono spotted that her Zapakuto was being returned, quickly placing her hand around the hilt she placed it back on her hip. Looking towards Murasaki.

Gentle... Wait... Hono was being rough? Yikes, she really didn't mean to! Quickly nodding she spoke up.

"Right... Sorry I don't mean to, sometimes when I'm frustrated I get a little rowdy!"

Her face lit up, placing a hand on her head before letting out an embarrassed sigh.

"So... what was my spirit like?"

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God of Love
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One Step At A Time - Page 3 Empty Re: One Step At A Time

Sat Oct 30, 2021 5:34 pm
One Step At A Time - Page 3 NsOqTkn


"Oh, no I totally understand. No need to apologize to me, though you might wanna consider apologizing to your zan some time. As for what she's like, well..."

How exactly did Murasaki put this? Hono certainly seemed friendly enough, and it's not like Murasaki was the type to be rude just for the sake of it anyway. But that whole experience had been...unique?

"She reminds me of you, honestly. Spunky's a good word for it, she's got a lot of will and all that. I think she probably wants to go places as much as you do. The two of you get on the same page and I'm willing to bet you'll probably go super far."

Yeah, that sounded good. Look at you, Murasaki, killin' it.


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One Step At A Time - Page 3 Empty Re: One Step At A Time

Tue Nov 16, 2021 2:00 am

One Step At A Time - Page 3 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 104

Apologize to her zanpakuto? Yeah, that would probably be for the best. The Shinigami folded her arms, nodding her head in response. "Right! I'll apologize to her... soon." When was soon...?

Hono though was dying to learn what her spirit was like! Spunky? That was... a word. So they were similar? Good job Murasaki, that was good news for Hono.

"Well then, I guess me and her are gonna have to rise up~" The Shinigami seemed to have her spirits lifted! Now her goal was to bond with her sword spirit so they could rise through the ranks and be an ass kickin combo!

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God of Love
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One Step At A Time - Page 3 Empty Re: One Step At A Time

Tue Nov 23, 2021 9:14 pm
One Step At A Time - Page 3 NsOqTkn


"Good good. Long as you do your best to patch things up, I think that'll help ya a lot in the long run. I think people forget that your zanpakuto's a reflection of yourself, so as long as you're doin' your best to mend that bridge it should work out."

Murasaki found Hono's energy and optimism refreshing, for lack of any better word. After all, it seemed like the majority of people here in the Gotei were pretty quick to get sad about even the most mundane stuff. This sort of energy about improving was the kind of thing that reminded Murasaki of herself, at least when she was younger.

"Rise up, huh? That's a good outlook. Keep that up and you'll make it far, I bet."


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