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Joined : 2016-02-15
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Age : 24
Location : Good Question.

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Inanna (Twinkle Vanilla) [Approved, 5-1; Hybrid] [Hazard Rank F] Left_bar_bleue999999/999999Inanna (Twinkle Vanilla) [Approved, 5-1; Hybrid] [Hazard Rank F] Empty_bar_bleue  (999999/999999)

Inanna (Twinkle Vanilla) [Approved, 5-1; Hybrid] [Hazard Rank F] Empty Inanna (Twinkle Vanilla) [Approved, 5-1; Hybrid] [Hazard Rank F]

Tue Mar 30, 2021 8:43 am
Inanna (Twinkle Vanilla) [Approved, 5-1; Hybrid] [Hazard Rank F] Header2


Basic Information
○ Name: Inanna.
○ Alias':
Twinkle Vanilla
○ Age: Secret~!
○ Birthday: August 6.
○ Gender: I'm a girl, duh.
○ Race: Human, but also Demon.

○ Affiliation:
Vegas - Partner!
Zzzz. - Mother!

○ Alignment: Good, duh.
○ Marital Status: Mum language.
○ Nationality: Magical Girl.
○ Religious Standing: What's that?
○ Sexual Orientation: What's sex?

○ Height: 142cm Wrong.
○ Weight: Don't ask a girl that!
○ Hair Colour: Silver? Grey?
○ Eye Colour: Red.

Inanna (Twinkle Vanilla) [Approved, 5-1; Hybrid] [Hazard Rank F] Appearance-Recovered

Psychological Analysis

Excuse Me, I'm not a kid.
Inanna is a girl that insists she is not a kid despite the fact she most certainly is. The world is large but she's invulnerable, especially because she's a magical girl as far as she is concerned. Therefore, calling her a kid or implying as much because she's short, lacking in womanly features or just stating the fact that she is a kid is really annoying and she'll get really angry at you. You don't want to get her grudge, do you? Yeah. Twinkle Vanilla will mess you up.

Was it mentioned she doesn't want to ever grow up? She thinks being an adult will make her like her mother and that's not something she wants. Mum's nice but she's too rigid and business orientated with no time for her. It's not fair!

Don't call me that, I'm not selfish!
She is very selfish and obnoxious about it, she did run away from her mother because she didn't like listening to her all her rules and everything that felt suffociating. No, she did not think about how it would affect her mother by doing so. Inanna doesn't like being called selfish, especially because she likes to share if she's prompted or trying to look good for a crowd because magical girls are meant to be adored and the centre of attention.

Basically, the spotlight is her's and she's very self-obsessed. She doesn't mean it though. Inanna has the best intentions at heart.

You Don't Believe in Friendship Power?
Friends are important, Inanna is super outgoing and always willing to engage with people. That's because magical girls get their power from friendship and so she thinks she needs to be adored and loved by everyone to be at her max power. This is why she's a total people pleaser and always tries to garner good graces with people despite how annoying she gets.

Hey! You actually don't like magical girls and think they smell? Well, you're just wrong. Stupidhead.

Wait! I don't know how I got here..
Inanna has awful sense of direction, hence why she wandered a lot. She goes where the people need her, watching the television for signs of danger and catastrophe that can only be solved by a magical girl. Because of her medium and that she's not the fastest or most clever when it comes to travel, she will often arrive way after something terrible occurs and relies on chance encounters that hand themselves to her on a platter.

Also is super reckless and headstrong. Always ready to get herself in some trouble but the bad guys never win against the power of friendship! Playing it safe and being boring is for adults anyway, that's what Mum would do.


Nanna was born from a pretty casual thing, a single night to a woman who was pretty rigid and business orientated where one such outing proved to have a little bit of fun. The result was falling pregnant and giving birth to a little girl, who was affectionately called Inanna.

The mother and daughter though couldn't be called the same, Nanna's origin lied in being as free as a bird while her mother enjoyed the greater realm found in pushing pens on paper. She should've been a politician that woman, really. By no fault of her own though, Nanna did grow up wanting more attention than she got. She didn't like watching her mother work so much and be chained to that desk.

She filled her days with shows, mostly cute cartoons and anime that introduced her to a mighty fine trope. The magical girl. From that day, she wanted to be a magical girl. Everyone would pay attention to her and adore seeing her! It looked like so much fun and that's where her resolve came in.

Nanna would be a magical girl.

Getting her mother to support it, Nanna was overjoyed when she received the power to be a magical girl and off she went. Yeah, a couple days later she ran off and set out into the world to be a magical girl. Don't worry, she left a really basic letter to her Mum explaining the situation. A nice, short and sweet one.

"I'm off to be a magical girl. Byeeeeeeee~! Hugs and kisses here. Mwah."

She wandered about a bit, a fair bit actually. A couple of years before she heard about a tragedy in Vastime. That's when she met her... Sparkle Cayenne!


Power of Friendship - When fighting for the sake of others, Nanna gets an aura of charisma that cleanses them of mental debuffs. This effect only occurs once every four posts but the cooldown resets if her partner (Sparkle Cayenne-Vegas) needs help (1 time). It is limited to the thread she is in and scales off her Willpower.

Free like a Bird - Her one power as a Danava, nothing can restrain her. Attempts to use binding magic or physically restrain her will cause the attempt to fall apart. Ropes will magically come undone if they tie her up, shackles will click open, chains will break and magical spells will dissipate into energy.

This power does only work against bindings that is on her body though, if you locked her in a room it is much harder since she has some freedom. If said box/room had no doors or windows, she would be trapped. If there was a vulnerability like a window or door then she might be able to work it open!


Summary: Twinkle Vanilla is the Magical Girl form of Nanna. It's potency is based off her tier, to activate it she doesn't appear to need anything except for a cute necklace her Mum gave her. If she doesn't have it then she cannot bust out this cool transformation.

In order to transform she grabs the necklace and holds it up in the sky, calling out "Twinkle Twinkle Vanilla Star!" With a bright flash she appears in a new and much older form with a cute pose for added effect to show off her transformation. Knocking her out will end the transformation or if she runs out of power.

Inanna (Twinkle Vanilla) [Approved, 5-1; Hybrid] [Hazard Rank F] 480px-Npc_zoom_3040280000_01

Spunky Star - She gathers up some sparkle power and launches it in the form of a blast of energy. When it hits it explodes into a big shower of glitter and deals damage obviously. She can create and kick them like one would a ball, form it in her hand and throw it, even create it in front of her forehead and headbutt it.

If she doesn't touch it though the spunky star will just remain stationary, it will still explode if someone else except her touches it however. Damage-wise, it scales like a standard energy blast and is done off her Power Control skill.

One spunky star can be created for every sub-tier she has, destruction of a spunky star can let her create mini-spunks and they do the exact same thing except deal a third of the damage!

Sparkle Barrier - Creating a spunky star, she is able to turn it into a barrier which causes it to blast outwards and counteract the flow of energy coming towards her or an ally. No one gets hurt when there's a magical girl on duty. Hehe.


General Skills
  • Durability: Beginner
  • General Speed: Adept
  • Strength: Beginner
  • Marital Skill: Untrained

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Advanced
  • Mental Deduction: Beginner
  • Focus: Beginner

Human Skills
  • Power Control: Adept
  • Energy Resistance: Adept
  • Energy Regeneration: Adept
  • Physical Augmentation: Adept

Demon Skills
  • Za Koa Core: Untrained
  • Posessive Augment: Untrained
  • Possessive Magic: Untrained
  • Possessive Influence: Untrained

Last edited by Gamma on Thu Apr 01, 2021 4:33 am; edited 2 times in total

Inanna (Twinkle Vanilla) [Approved, 5-1; Hybrid] [Hazard Rank F] Gamma_Signature
Inanna (Twinkle Vanilla) [Approved, 5-1; Hybrid] [Hazard Rank F] CHARACTER_LISTInanna (Twinkle Vanilla) [Approved, 5-1; Hybrid] [Hazard Rank F] GRAPHICS_THREADInanna (Twinkle Vanilla) [Approved, 5-1; Hybrid] [Hazard Rank F] TIMELINE_THREAD
Veteran Member
Joined : 2016-02-15
Posts : 5844
Age : 24
Location : Good Question.

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Platinum Points:
Inanna (Twinkle Vanilla) [Approved, 5-1; Hybrid] [Hazard Rank F] Left_bar_bleue999999/999999Inanna (Twinkle Vanilla) [Approved, 5-1; Hybrid] [Hazard Rank F] Empty_bar_bleue  (999999/999999)

Inanna (Twinkle Vanilla) [Approved, 5-1; Hybrid] [Hazard Rank F] Empty Re: Inanna (Twinkle Vanilla) [Approved, 5-1; Hybrid] [Hazard Rank F]

Tue Mar 30, 2021 8:44 am
Reserved post and also using 4000 credits to get a Hybrid character slot.

Inanna (Twinkle Vanilla) [Approved, 5-1; Hybrid] [Hazard Rank F] Gamma_Signature
Inanna (Twinkle Vanilla) [Approved, 5-1; Hybrid] [Hazard Rank F] CHARACTER_LISTInanna (Twinkle Vanilla) [Approved, 5-1; Hybrid] [Hazard Rank F] GRAPHICS_THREADInanna (Twinkle Vanilla) [Approved, 5-1; Hybrid] [Hazard Rank F] TIMELINE_THREAD
Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
s_e stuff
Joined : 2013-11-04
Posts : 2340

Member Info
Platinum Points:
Inanna (Twinkle Vanilla) [Approved, 5-1; Hybrid] [Hazard Rank F] Left_bar_bleue74095/100000Inanna (Twinkle Vanilla) [Approved, 5-1; Hybrid] [Hazard Rank F] Empty_bar_bleue  (74095/100000)

Inanna (Twinkle Vanilla) [Approved, 5-1; Hybrid] [Hazard Rank F] Empty Re: Inanna (Twinkle Vanilla) [Approved, 5-1; Hybrid] [Hazard Rank F]

Thu Apr 01, 2021 4:29 am
[mod]Power of Friendship: So the aura's debuff cleanse applies to anyone she's fighting for? Presuming whoever she's fighting for extending only to those in the thread. As is, the ability would scale off of Focus, and so mental afflictions greater than what she can overcome would persist.


Free Like a Bird: Not denying, but this one's really iffy. It reaches into being an absolute, though you do provide specifications and alternatives on how to functionally achieve the same effect of restraining her. Just gonna say that by its nature this one will be on watch.


Spunky Star: What kind of damage? Just a brief comparison will do so there's some measure to go off of, as well as what "1/3rd" constitutes.



Inanna (Twinkle Vanilla) [Approved, 5-1; Hybrid] [Hazard Rank F] 8Bvy1N8


casual post:
Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
s_e stuff
Joined : 2013-11-04
Posts : 2340

Member Info
Platinum Points:
Inanna (Twinkle Vanilla) [Approved, 5-1; Hybrid] [Hazard Rank F] Left_bar_bleue74095/100000Inanna (Twinkle Vanilla) [Approved, 5-1; Hybrid] [Hazard Rank F] Empty_bar_bleue  (74095/100000)

Inanna (Twinkle Vanilla) [Approved, 5-1; Hybrid] [Hazard Rank F] Empty Re: Inanna (Twinkle Vanilla) [Approved, 5-1; Hybrid] [Hazard Rank F]

Thu Apr 01, 2021 4:34 am
Application Checklist
  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
  • Gender [X]
  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in [X]
  • RP Sample Present [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

Hazard Ranks
  • Overall: F
    Power: E
  • Influence: F
  • Resources: F

Comments/Notes: fuckin' kid.
Tier: 5-1[/mod]

Inanna (Twinkle Vanilla) [Approved, 5-1; Hybrid] [Hazard Rank F] 8Bvy1N8


casual post:
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Inanna (Twinkle Vanilla) [Approved, 5-1; Hybrid] [Hazard Rank F] Empty Re: Inanna (Twinkle Vanilla) [Approved, 5-1; Hybrid] [Hazard Rank F]

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